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We Built a CPU Water Cooler!

now you guys might have seen the video we did recently where we disassembled an 8k red camera with the intention of water cooling it and well we do intend to do that eventually but you know baby steps right so the first step is making any water block and that is exactly what we have in store for you guys today the first-ever linus Media Group water block except those ones they main scrapped yours Mack Weldon wants you to be more comfortable so if you don't love your first pair of underwear you can keep it and get a full refund with their Tryon guarantee use code tech tips 20 to get 20% off at the link below so we have we have no we have no script and no structure for this whatsoever then is that do I understand this correctly yes okay so step one drawing inspiration you want to come over here David we actually did a video a little while ago where we bought a bunch of cheap water blocks off like Aliexpress and some of them actually are were so simple that we looked at them and went well we could do that with like you know half an hour in SolidWorks and then you know a couple hours of CNC time and that's exactly what we did pretty much yeah so this right here is even simpler than what we did it's kind of smart how they did it and like it's really smart how cheap it is to make this so if we look this is just acrylic and it would just be like six holes you're done so six holes and then you tap to G 1/4 threads and bippity Boppity finished okay and then they don't even bother with doing anything besides holes in the copper because machining copper is a huge pain in the butt so they just have another piece of acrylic that's the right size for this o-ring and don't even bother with anything on the inside either wow this is like actually less than a dollar worth of materials pretty much yeah and so we kind of took some inspiration from that but it's it's too like easy even for us like because we're going to need to figure out how to properly machine copper to do some of the stuff we're doing later right so what have we done for okay so this is the other end of the spectrum yeah this is like pretty good where would you say that lands so by contrast this is a much more advanced design so starting with the base it requires machining on both the top and bottom so you can see they've countered the holes for these screws right here so that you're not gonna even on a large died CPU you're not going to just have like screw raising the block away from it so it can't transfer heat and then it's actually got also much much finer work than we see on our very very basic just piece of copper here with these little fine fins that kind of guide the fluid as it goes across where the CPU die would be underneath and then away furthermore it's got a metal mid plate so this is to add rigidity and allow firm mountains ability across various sockets and then it's got again double sided machining work on the top here that not only just sort of allows it to be attached to the base but actually has guides for the fluid flow to help make it more efficient we're not really aspiring to this at this point are we no we're kind of getting half the way there so they do have the o-ring groove and those are actually really hard to machine because you need super high tolerances you mean in the groove low tolerances yes you need super low tolerances within this group because otherwise I mean to put some perspective on how important that is if your own ring doesn't fit correctly you leak water on your you know thousand dollar computer or thirty thousand dollar camera as it were we aren't going to be able to get these kind of things unfortunately could we have done any kind of fins I could have potentially got like so the bit that we used this is our actual block here it was an eighth of an inch and that's getting it in like this groove right here is just a bit over an eighth of an inch got it so that's kind of like we could have like two fins we do have finer bits but running them in copper it isn't really working at the moment so I don't know I'm actually really stoked that we can just simply a machine copper I wasn't expecting us to get this far I was thinking that we would start this and the fit would get like half way in and then gum up and explode like we already have three more in the mail because I thought that we're just going to ruin a bunch so it might be surprising but this is a huge success for us okay a flat piece of copper with an o-ring in it do you want a medal like is it here okay so have you tried this yet no so we have a couple more things that we need to do we need to tap the holes in here okay and in here so that the fittings go in and the bolt can go down and secure the whole thing together okay and then we're pretty much good to go okay so peter-patter let's get out of it yeah which one do you want to go up I want to do the plexi first because that seems a lot easier to replace if I hung it up this is really ugly acrylic that's just the machining marks there we could why did we machine the top of it to make sure that it's nice and flat when you get a piece of acrylic you don't necessarily know so we can't come okay but we aren't are we well we are if it leaves so here we go friends oh crap I'm not putting enough pressure it's kind of hard you okay oh I am shredding this okay and you just needed more pressure and the great news is that this is just the first one yeah oh we're getting pretty close yeah actually really close we were gonna go into the table if we went another half turn how straight did we go actually not bad oh why are you doing that so again yeah number two Tom Petty was wrong the starting is the hardest part can I take this off now oh yeah see this sides much worse but we can probably work with that right yeah should be fine flip it over we need some fluid go straight really definitely not trying it wow I just poked myself in the hand why don't you just ask for better tools instead of just making me use crappy ones I don't think you need okay let's put it on the table okay like every every half Turner so go back and break that chip that's probably good all right times three more no that was a good idea lubing it I take back what I said before look at that it's like a threaded hole and everything up in this biz like trying to make this with an angle grinder would have been a much more interesting video or the sawzall wasn't that like your entire like second day of work like Freud you think everyone got so annoyed it was so loud outside so now we have to do what's kind of the make or break for this so we've got this over in here it's um a pinch yep oh my god it's like natto continuous piece no in fact didn't Jake show both of us a site where you can just order any o-ring you want it any size you want why the hell did we do this because for a lot of the custom stuff we're gonna have to do later for like the red thing crap we're going to have to be able to make our own o-rings this is like way smaller than the groove that is not a tight fit oh it's it's not supposed to be a tight fit just let's just think about this one for a second yeah you mush it down a bit but not that much oh this is the actual specification we have the Parker oring handbook you go in there and you're like Parker oh yes it's like the Bible for like opening engineer's and stuff like so what are we gonna do like they get the you know the fair where they take the special glue and they stick the two pieces of rope together and the like oh look one piece of rope it's cyanoacrylate it's amazing yep really yep I'm so unhappy right now that's really what we're using oh my god that's actually what we're doing yep what it really it's cyanoacrylate I hate you all right here's your mark smart guy please don't slice my hand is this really a recommended way to do this you know what let's just see what happens okay you ever gotten the stuff on your hands before yes I have please don't that's a really bad time yeah I know please don't yeah that's good that's good less is more but less is less but less is good is what I was trying to say oh wow it's not that close pretty bad well in fairness to me I think the whole thing is a little short anyway so we might as well just put it in there and see what happens Oh actually no it's probably fine okay so I can just put it together no no no we need some petroleum do this this makes another appearance we need to get rid of this garbage this is a source petroleum jelly I've ever encountered you're responsible for this oh we got a grease up our overhang yeah okay it's disgusting it's like chunky I like my petroleum jelly like I like my peanut butter smooth okay so that's it which which screws are we using those ones oh it's the wrong way oh it matters no no I know I did that on purpose but there's no way the o-rings for the fittings are gonna seal on the other side when I took those chunks oh yeah so weird we're just gambling here I mean theoretically there's nothing like really climactic what's happening right now please catch we're good okay give me with another one too so that's it moment of truth yeah find out if it leaks dot in the center and then little dots on either corner all right so yeah I know why would we why would we drain the loop all we have to do we're gonna open up a side here and we're above the water level in the reservoir so what should happen cuz we should start to draw an air this open that's all totally open so as long as we don't lift this up too high see how the water level rises there we go then we can have the tops of our tubes drained this is it moment of truth ah there's only bit wait who even thread this correctly maybe we have to go from the other side we didn't tap it down from the other side oh that's gonna suck alright let's put it on the other way we'll do it the way you want this did actually come together pretty smoothly we're not done yet we can't be too happy at this moment oh this gives us a better look at the ring actually so you can see where we mushed it together there that might not leak so you were right the direction you thread it definitely matters either that or we didn't go through enough yeah we could just zip tie it good just not no no no no this is a very well worn okay you know what yes we can just not just a second okay this one goes on we can use this one oh yeah that's also a good plan yeah that was the problem with these fittings so what's gonna happen now is I'm gonna move this down here and it's gonna fill with water you can actually see some water in it oh no it's completely full of water now okay and then we can seal up the top of our reservoir here where'd that fitting go I feel so bad for the people out there that like know what they're doing it must be like watching monkeys like just when I hit this button we're gonna find out if it leaks or not seems to be fine now it could take a while for us to find out if it's gonna leak but yes it actually does seem to be fine how about that just can't stop looking at it just like so sure it's gonna leak why well you saw that o-ring yes look at it right now do you not trust Parker I mean is this like is this like restaurants like working at a restaurant where as soon as you do that you'd never eat the food like as soon as you like make anything you've just like net like you'd never drive in a car again like knowing what the tolerances are like well cars are pretty good it's airplanes that really scare me their safety factor is like under 10 percent like normally on a car you do at least 50 and they're just like nope any extra weights a bad thing so now what we just give her alright so well let's let's for say what we need to be about it's gonna take a while before we're gonna know so we should probably give her okay sure all right we're giving her boom all right so here comes the heat max of 82 degrees to beat the aliexpress and that's this one that we think is even more cheaply constructed than ours so correct netk is 64 so we're already up to 78 so oh wow really well on the hottest court on the hardest core yes oh also we never machined the bottom which they did yeah have you seen what Swift tech does with their skeeved thing or basically it like slices into the metal and then folds up a slice no yeah it's amazing can we get one of those machines nope no close all the tabs done and we're at 83 degrees damn it 84 actually it settled back into 81 I wonder if that was just for me like like pushing on it I mean obviously you can't design a product to have the user just like hold it down well but we can just tighten these a bit more Hey victory 80 degrees yay we beat Aliexpress for a higher cost so there are some other factors to consider here too like whether or not our base was made convex oops or concave by the mounting pressure of putting the top down on our O ring that might be part of the reason why these guys went with this plastic plate like we actually don't know why they went with an acrylic plate oh wow they didn't even take the fricking who leaves like the paper on a finished good that they ship to the customer so what was what was this ones a result or did we not test that one we didn't test this one okay we just did the ek I mean it doesn't really matter we got our asses kicked by everything yeah but but the really positive takeaway here is that it really is not leaking so what that means for our future projects is that given that we're not going to be trying to cool a 78 20x freaking 8 core CPU yeah we're gonna be like we're in good shape yeah we can make water blocks to fit on anything now they won't be the best water blocks no they won't I really want to do the network switch yeah never assume network switch next and then a challenge next look we only need to be this sucks look at it it's terrible it's terrible okay I'm feeling good yeah LG's hashtag scale-up contest goes along with the launch of the new LG gram 17 laptop which we will actually have a full review of coming out soon and you can win it three different ways method one watch a YouTube video and answer questions by leaving a comment method to watch an Instagram video and answer questions leave a comment with both the hashtags LG Graham and scale-up quiz and method three is the trick photo contest for Instagram post an image on your Instagram channel that relates to one of the key features of the grant like its weight screen size or battery life get all the details by clicking the link below and good luck everybody so thanks for watching guys if you disliked this video you can hit that button I guess but if you liked it hit like get subscribed or maybe consider checking out where to buy the stuff we featured at the link in the video description no lie we're gonna list this block on eBay it can be yours for the low price of whatever people bid for I'm just kidding don't worry we're not shipping this to anyone yeah I also linked in the video description is our merch store which has cool shirts like this one these are actually really nice look at look at the quality of the printing we're doing a much better job of merch now so you should definitely check that out and oh yeah our community forums which you should totally join this is going to be a royal pain in the ass yeah so did I tell you I want to put it back together first because we never actually like did tests on the thermals
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