We Did it, YouTube! - Project Light Tether Pt2 (finale)
We Did it, YouTube! - Project Light Tether Pt2 (finale)
okay so part two we're ready to get back
at this actually we had never intended
to shoot a part two of this but it would
have been like a 40 minute long video so
yeah let's go
intel skull canyon nook features a 6th
generation Core i7 processor and
Thunderbolt 3 you can learn more at the
link in the video description we've got
through all the troubleshooting crap and
it looks like the way that it can work
because you have to understand that HDMI
/ DisplayPort is not quite the same
thing as native HDMI and that's what the
vive uses it uses HDMI / DP so the way
to handle that then was to feed my DP
signal all the way through the
Thunderbolt cable to my Elgato dock out
again through a display port cable into
DisplayPort here and we were able to do
the translation that way it didn't work
when we just tried to use a mini
DisplayPort to HDMI cable and go HDMI
into the box but that means the
proof-of-concept is running now so let's
assemble it I'd love for this to be able
to fit like right here so we'll call
that kind of good enough for a
proof-of-concept and then power to this
it's an output sneak
I also need this valves box that goes to
right Oh actually oh that's kind of
tricky this one needs cables going into
both sides of it I wish I could oh you
know what that would be a pretty freakin
cool place to put it yeah because
there's already there's already a velcro
strap here so I'll just grab some
double-sided okay I don't understand of
this bag would there we go
so that is theoretically the light
tether now I've just got to get the bag
attached to the headset
so I've done another round of cable
shaving which I'm hoping is going to
give us enough clearance here to close
the top of the bloody headset so first
is HDMI then USB although this is a very
short USB cable the three-and-a-half
millimeter audio extension I realized I
could just use the original one it's
already light and short and the last
thing we need is power I could have
grabbed an extra power adapter see they
all use the same for the cable breakout
box and for the headset itself they all
use the same 12 volt power and the same
sized connector but even if I did bring
one from home it wouldn't be right angle
and I really don't want to just try that
cable so I hit a bit of a roadblock
while I was able to strip down the HDMI
cable and the USB cable to make the
cover fit on the vive headset which is
more important than I thought because
the head strap doesn't go into place
without it I don't have a DC power plug
that I can use for it
because the only one that comes with the
vibe that's a reasonable length and
isn't attached to the tether is a
straight and B already needed for the
breakout box the good news is I found
this a USB to the same size DC plug
freaking wicked so all I have to do then
is take a 12 volt 1.5 amp power adapter
which I can power in the backpack and
splice it on to that plug Boop
oh my god how am I gonna do this it's
just ripping away one of the wires every
time I try and strip the outside but I'm
not going to be defeated by a wire not
do you need to shoot crap these are so
crappy like the sheathing is stronger
than the copper wires inside okay what
did I just do
Oh son of a bitch I just spliced the two
frickin ends together okay what's my
excuse this may work though hold on a
I could totally claim to have done that
on purpose I just created an adapter for
that other battery bank now I don't need
to use AC power for the vive headset
boom that's what I meant to do okay so
we're back in business and this is great
because carrying around this power brick
honestly isn't much worse than carrying
around all this copper cabling and now
we can power the vive with this instead
I just have to find a place to put it
actually that might work nicely
don't you love it when things just work
I probably would but I wouldn't know Oh
sick okay that's a beautiful thing that
I just witnessed right there
so now we can go HDMI in here oh this is
one other thing that I grabbed off
camera just a short USB extension
because by that USB cables really short
this is a fun discovery even though
these ports are all color coded blue
they're USB to ports I had no idea I was
running I'm looking high and low for USB
3 a to a cables and then I found the
original one included with the vibe I
didn't really want to destroy that why
don't I kind of what the hell these are
USB 2 cables anyway so anyway I've got a
short extension here it's kind of a
ghetto extension it's got this like the
stupid extra cable on it then power
which oh crap I hope that fits I
actually didn't if you're cutting
towards yourself is only dangerous if
you get impatient and press too hard
slip really not through yet okay got to
be through now
not area
come on the wires are basically just
soldered right to this connector and
here so effectively by just bending it I
think we can make it 90 degrees Hey
okay now let's see if it fits
and if I can put it in without damaging
it sort of fragile now well that is a
ghetto wiring job if I've ever seen one
the new and improved Linus tether
no that's why
all the wrong way I guess this look like
it's wrong it doesn't it'sit's weird
isn't it okay is it open or something
like sideways isn't it okay fine
ah okay so it's the other shoulder then
now I'm getting this all tangled up so
this shoulder yes this arm sir okay
clearly this backpack is not the one
that I would want to use because I can't
figure it to top that come on I mean
aside from it being a horrible piece of
okay let's back on my USB extension is
m.i.a there it is okay okay so I still
have to power the headset which
admittedly there isn't a super crazy
easy way to do right now so let's try it
oh okay my Thunderbolt doodad is not
showing up okay let's try the old reboot
see if that fixes it what I would do if
I were actually setting this up for real
as I would tie this in a knot like a
tension relief knot so that I don't pull
too hard on it because one that side
from the weight and size advantage these
Thunderbolt cables are very very strong
so you could also tie it like around the
leg of a chair at the bottom if you have
a bit of extra length and tie it here so
you don't risk ripping the connectors
out of it either and something I have
definitely done with my standard tether
at home okay everybody the headset it's
on okay uh what cable is that is that oh
I went off for a second what cable is
this can I get a little bit more length
for that one - no no frickin way
frickin away I think it worked I mean no
I worked okay hold on hold on I'll get a
game open oh my goodness I can't even
believe this look at that I mean that's
a better tether Hey
I mean yes I'm wearing a backpack now
but I can't even feel that okay let's
see if it's actually working seems like
it though oh shoot
right the this backpack is certainly not
during my benchmarking I noticed that if
I turn to the side quickly it loosened
also it actually has a bunch of other
random crap in it right now so it's much
heavier than it needs to be but
something like a body pack that has all
the appropriate pieces slotted into it
so it's nice and tight against the body
actually wouldn't add a lot of weight
and now that I've done the proof of
concept would work absolutely
fantastically there's still a lot of
question marks how long the battery life
would be for the vive headset as well as
for the thunderbolt dock as well as how
many actual customers would exist for a
product like this
I mean we're adding another $200 to the
cost with the cable alone we're adding
another hundred dollars for a
thunderbolt ii X card for and it only
works on a Zeus motherboards and it's
got to be Thunderbolt 2 because Corning
doesn't have Thunderbolt 3 optical
cables yet there's still some things to
work out you're adding another hundred
over dollars for the Thunderbolt dock
plus all of the batteries and all that
kind of stuff and we're looking at a
solution that would cost probably as
much or more than a vive in the first
though the way that I see it there are
only two kinds of people who shop for a
vive the kinds of people who just spent
all of their money or the kinds of
people to whom $600 is nothing so maybe
the potential customer base for this is
not as small as you might think
either way this was a lot of fun for me
I'm still not sure if I'm going to
convert my personal rig we'll see about
that because there's a lot of refinement
that would have to be done to the idea
but it's very cool to see it working in
practice and not have to worry about
stomping on a super heavy thick and
oh man it's awesome so thanks for
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maybe even consider checking out where
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