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We Overclocked EVERYTHING - Even the FANS!

today we are gonna take this PC and overclock over volt or otherwise run beyond the manufacturer specifications every single part of it that we can some of the stuff we're gonna do will seriously improve performance and some of it definitely won't big shout out to see sonic by the way for sponsoring this craziness let's get started so it shouldn't be news to most of you that the first thing you need when you're overclocking is a solid power supply inadequate or unstable power can adversely affect stability so we chose the C Sonic prime titanium fanless a seriously cool unit that is literally silent because it has no fan so it's the first thing that we're going to tune by plugging it into one of the 208 volt power outlets in the other unit so we're running on 120 volt right now sucking about 270 watts let's see what happens here alright so after a quick cable swap here for this beefy extension cord running out of the other room we're running at about a hundred and ninety volts so there was some voltage drop and our same stress test is now between 255 and 260 watts this doesn't make anything faster but it does improve your system's efficiency though probably not enough that I would if you're in North America like run out and get 200 volt power put into your house now before doing anything else you're gonna want your mother board's latest bios so you can see ours is so new that it has little animations in here you're also going to want the latest OS updates and a handful of tuning utilities then you want to get some baseline readings and your preferred performance tests so you can make sure that any efforts you're making any dials that you're turning are actually doing something and that what they're doing is positive now we've done more detailed CPU overclocking guides in the past so we're gonna skip over some details here but basically by adjusting our CPU multiplier to 51 and disabling s vid we were able to get our core i5 8600 K from 4.3 gigahertz on all course to 5.1 gigahertz with all cores active at one point two seven five bulbs so that's only a point zero zero five volt increase and it yields a 20% or higher improvement in our CPU tests so we are off to a very good start now this is usually where we stop tooling around with the processor because CPU cache overclocking doesn't really help much outside of very memory intensive applications but not today after getting your CPU core dialed in you can actually start upping the cache until it's at a similar frequency to the core or until it causes stability problems so ours was able to go from four to four point eight gigahertz with a little bit more CPU voltage which actually did manage to give us a measurable boost in Cinebench now when it comes to ram overclocking we generally recommend staying away from XMP or other auto memory overclocking since while sometimes it works so it can be worth a shot other times it can be questionably stable as for our kit well it's rated at 3200 megahertz and our overclocking result was 32 hundred megahertz even with extra voltage so we didn't technically overclock our ram but we did overclock our system past the j dec ddr4 spec so yeah we got an extra 27 points in Cinebench so we're gonna call that a success from there we did actually try fine-tuning the base clock of the system as well but especially given that we already had everything else like tuned to the redline it wasn't having any of it this whole thing is on the knife's edge of stability as it is so then with all the tuning we've done so far what do we get for our trouble how has this affected our gaming experience pool turns out we've netted a whopping 1.2 percent increase in 3dmark times by and a whole 2 fps in Far Cry 5 so it might be time to overclock our graphics my preferred strategy for this is MSI Afterburner in the foreground so we can make any adjustments that we'd like and some kind of stress test running in windowed mode in the background so we can monitor stability so you fire up afterburner grab that there power knob and work it all the way to the max in our case it's like a hundred and twelve percent who some older GPUs do let you go higher then you incremental II increase the core clock until the system becomes unstable so we landed on a hundred and fifty megahertz for our core for our memory clock we ended up with plus 275 so you do that right after your core and this gave us more than a ten frame per second increase in rise of the Tomb Raider although everything else hardly changed for some reason that's kind of weird why is that well as it turns out NVIDIA GPU boost three was already troubling the card up close to two gigahertz without our adjustments that's much higher than the advertised 1683 that's because the cooling capabilities of this card are able to sustain it so that means that without overclocking you're actually getting close to the maximum performance you'd be able to out of a modern card like a 1070 which is great for most people but overclockers without BIOS modding and like physically modifying the card to apply more voltage to the GPU don't get a lot of performance gains to brag about so up until now everything has been like a Nanaimo bar just goodness but there has been one downside thermals so under full load our processor for instance is about 15 degrees Celsius hotter but what could we overclock to make the computer cooler what if we were to give more voltage to the fans so stashed in here where a hard drive would normally go is something pretty special this is a DC to DC converter so all we do is plug standard molex 12 volt into this side then alex is going to adjust this little potentiometer here before it nice whoa can you hear that now we've got 17 volts coming out the other side which is where we have our fans attached so in I 264 what kind of an improvement will we see bad CPU temps down to 69 degrees a 7 degree improvement and all we had to give up was sound since this guy went from like I don't know 20 decibels or so we're not sure since it was below the sound floor of our office thanks in part to the fanless power supply up to 55 decibels which is around a normal conversation or an air conditioner this also by the way won't help the lifetime of your fans our NOC to us actually might be fine but cheaper ones will likely end up letting out the magic blue smoke before long so I think pretty much everything inside the case is overclocked now but what about the things outside it like your mouse and your keyboard and your monitor can they be overclocked yes yes they can okay so for your mouse the polling rate in Windows is a hundred and twenty five Hertz meaning that there can be up to eight milliseconds of lag between moving your mouse and it registering which can lead to noticeable delays in fast paced games in Windows 7 it was possible to overclock the polling rate on your USB ports which be great if your mouse sensor could handle it but windows 8 and up have changed the way that USB drivers work and this is no longer possible fortunately a lot of gaming mouse manufacturers have found ways to solve this problem for you since most of them default to 500 Hertz and you can use Mouse rate to check yours for yourself so click and move your mouse around bippity Boppity this is gonna max out at 500 there you have it now with that said we can go higher this final Mouse right here has a firmware tool that you can grab we get one crack at this by the way so and run to flash it to a 1000 Hertz firmware and then other Mouse manufacturers like Corsair and razer have software tools that work similarly let's just let this finish up and then we'll see if it worked hey success I can't even I can't even move it fast enough to get all the way to a thousand ok whatever it's definitely over five hundred as for keyboards this is largely dependent on the manufacturer so this Corsair one can actually be adjusted with this switch that's right on the back of it bear in mind of course that the reason they make this so easy is that it can't affect compatibility with your system other keyboards may not be possible to overclock at all moving on to the monitor overclocking this is actually super easy if you've got an Nvidia card all you need to do is go in to change resolution right here then click customize tick enable resolutions not exposed by the display and create yourself a custom resolution accepting all of the terms and conditions and warnings that come along with it from here all you got to do is dial in a new refresh rate then click test even a small increase over 60 Hertz like going to 70 or 75 should make a very noticeable difference in games if you've got the GPU horsepower to drive it now there ended up being a few things that you can't overclock like your SSD or your hard drive like if you've got a 7200 rpm disc that's all she's got and the closest thing would be buying a faster Drive in the first place like a WD Velociraptor that spins at 10,000 rpm but like even that is much slower than an SSD also we tried pretty hard to get the webcam overclocked and while it's technically possible to increase the FPS while decreasing the resolution our logitech unit just wouldn't play ball now I was really on the fence about including this but Alex insisted that we include one last thing that you can overclock and it's probably the slowest thing about your computer you if you don't touch type learn to touch type also learn all of the keyboard shortcuts that you can and if you're doing the same operation often enough many modern keyboards allow you to program it as a macro key only have to press one button to execute it and there's a joke here it's terrible since although you can't stop AI and machines from taking over maybe you can use these tips and tricks to stay useful for a little bit longer so big things to see sonic for sponsoring this video it's pretty freaking cool that they were able to make a 600 watt power supply with literally zero noise and that they were cool with us then putting a super loud system around it thanks for watching you guys if this systems this video sucked know the system doesn't science system is cool if this video sucked you know what to do but if it was awesome get subscribed hit that like button or check out the link to where to buy the stuff we featured in the video description also down there is our merch store which has cool shirts like this one and our community forum which you should totally join all we've got to do you're in you're in you got it oh you're not in dangit Alex look close to end okay you got a cut you got to finesse it okay you just got to get the pins kind of in there and then you get a you know what you'll know when I'm in oh yeah
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