
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

We told Nvidia NO! - WAN Show August 17, 2018

YouTube gives us a Community Guidelines strike if we make a video saying the wind show is live what do you mean I don't know what was going on with that I mean it can't be any worse than my hair anyone who skips through the time stamps it's just gonna be like what is that that was one of the big takeaways actually from the whole controversy around tampon gate you know about tampon gate right yeah with the Amazon go store where I was holding up a pad and I'm like I stole tampons from the store that was that was so disruptive that on my Twitter stream we had I had to like address what was going on and I watched your video but couldn't have the audio on because the levels were weird so it was like blowing people's ears out so I was like I'm pretty sure he's just saying all this stuff and then I watched it the next day and I was right I was like yeah and I'd never even seen the video this is like pretty sure this is about what's going on so one of the things that came out of that was that I am a tech bro okay so I had never heard before I had never heard the term tech remember that either but yeah kind of tech bros are there they're there like dubrow's you know like bro bro yeah bro there are those but they're tech and and they exclude everyone because they're like Tech Bros think we exclude everyone actually it has more to do with us just not really knowing how to talk to anyone yes if you want the stereotypical tech tech person if social awkwardness is exclusion then like yeah yes the most exclusionary group we love each other though so we just don't know how to tell each other Luke and I know how to tell each other we're special like that yeah special bond but then I I have I have grown to accept that I have bad hair okay so I I'm okay with it I'm just gonna you know what they're I'm not making it worse I'm not making it better it's just bad what they mostly feel though I just go like that a whole bunch and then apparently it's fine so okay yeah sure whatever get rekt don't you try it gotta love it so what do I do just like sweep it to one side like finger rake to one oh it's gelled yeah well that's not work we're gonna hope for the best today how's that Oh seriously there's one little bit up in the back but the rest of it it looks less gel then it looks like it's just kind of sweeping over yeah the back screwed up cuz the gels whole so I'm using like hand oils that bit about our exclusionary maybe this is why brought to you by people who don't look very credible yeah so in video leaks and pictures motorola under fire for copying and copying the iPhone 10 day oh I'm just doing this okay Thunder Phoenix issued with tech quickie and the core I 999 hundred K confirmed to be soldered rumor I can't get the chat on twitch intro just like I'd why didn't you have mid xn7 24 just subscribe which bride Linux fans 7:24 subscribe to the wrong channel I think you were thinking of - not going to our sponsors all right so we've got a great show for you guys today I think we already ran through some of the topic wonderful but Joe actually we first we're gonna go for it we're gonna talk about other stuff oh I was actually just gonna go totally totally off oh hey off script and I don't know I don't know how to spell it which is really unfortunate why can't I find this no that's definitely not it let me help no one has any idea what we're looking for no one has any idea what we're looking for we'll find it there we go so guess who we have here in the studio today dude I found it first three right you know what well I hate you so we have conflicts and he doesn't actually know that I was planning to have him come say hi on the LAN show but basically he does like robot stuff and like stem sedov and this video right here is an unboxing and let's play with the super Anthony ultimate battle humanoid robot with 45 kilograms servo punch and come on over here let's talk about let's talk about what we shot today so this is his video which you're not gonna copyright strike me over this no no no no please no copyright strike no copyright okay no copyrights right good you heard it from you heard it from him say say hi everyone hey guys I don't know I don't know how many people are like spazzing out right now conflicts but flies says who what else we got some and Ritu says cornflakes cornflakes I think they're just messing with you guys because good old good old twitchchat they are all about being well twitch chat yeah um so basically what we were doing today here I'm just gonna throw your thing up here actually yeah do you want to run them through what we did today this is pretty cool get a little closer to drink so let me actually change all right no problem that's why that really hadn't so we went ahead and made a video showcasing super Anthony now super Nathan is a robot that's actually been out for some time but they're finally launching it on Kickstarter where that you can actually go ahead and buy it it's a fighting robot now the unique thing about this robot is it's really really strong it's got a 45 kilogram punch force and both lioness and I actually fought against each other and did a few different things so definitely do stay tuned for that video once it comes out yeah we've completed some challenges if you want to learn more about the robot in the meantime you can check out conflicts this video here it's a present Leo Joe oh yeah definitely oh yeah no definitely and it's controlled with like a knock off PlayStation controller so it's actually very intuitive there it is punching are you gonna show us the uppercut or is that the uppercut punch job how many servos does this thing have like twelve fourteen something like sixteen or eighteen sixteen or eighteen yes so it can do some pretty crazy stuff it can pick itself up off the floor both from the front and the back I think he's probably gonna demo that in a second here and without spoiling too much I will say that the video we shot together today involves breaking eggs and definitely also involves a custom-built battle robot arena that ed and James spent the better part of the last two days building yeah so I mean really the reason that this collab came about was that what are they called again limitless limitless IQ limitless IQ so limitless IQ the makers of the super Anthony actually sent robots to both conflicts and me and then when both of us followed up and said hey you know what would be great if we could get a couple of super Anthony's and battle them their response was sorry we only have a limited number of samples you can only have one - which I believe we both replied look I don't need you to send another one for me to keep or whatever we just really think it would enhance the video a lot if we could fight them can you just lend me one to which they responded no we can't do that we only have a limited number of samples now we went one step further actually before we reached out to Conn here this is this is great before we reached out to him we kind of said well we don't really think there's a video in here if we don't have two of them to fight so do you want it back then and they went no and we went okay so on the one hand your story is you don't have enough samples to send out enough of them but the flip side of it is you don't want it back so we were like okay well we want to make a video about this because this is cool so we're just gonna find someone else who has it fly them out with the robot which was a breeze to get through TSA right no it was not I had three TSA agents literally investigate me and to the full extent like they almost like thought I was gonna like even like hijack the plane or something with your 18-inch robot I guess now in the future I mean it was six foot that's a different situation narrator but you know that's crazy yeah so yeah we had a lot of we had a lot of fun today though I think we the final video is not going to be particularly informative but it'll definitely be fun if you want the informative spin on super Anthony go check out complexes Channel all right oh yeah we had we had a lot of fun today yeah we have no other way to get past that I saw the arena and I saw Maggie James messing around with the robot yeah just by itself yet he had it like roll over which was insane yeah yeah and he showed it like crouching and jumping and punching it actually has a special move where it can do like a head level sidekick geez yeah but you have to have be really nimble you have to have the friction on the floor just right when you think we're back to like you know some of the viral robot videos out there when there's that like soccer game and they just keep falling over no I don't I'm Robot soccers probably all you need to actually look up each twk robot SPL finals that sound familiar at all that does so does the one below that one on the search be human versus htw just like jump into it yeah here hold on a second guys I'm gonna just screen share here real quick you haven't seen this I have not seen this there's a few of these okay but like just you can just jump into it and they like they like try to dive to stop the ball but it's like okay like you see what I mean like when this is what most people have seen being able to see the super Anthony like jump around and kick and punch and dodge and roll and all this kind of stuff was like pretty impressive one thing I think about this is I'm not sure that they're actually controlled no I don't think so yeah I think they're like sensors and stuff so that's a totally different field but I know is he gonna get it come on kick head the goal is just like completely checked out but yeah when like when like I think most of what people have seen in terms of robots it's like this the the robot falling off the stage in Japan and like all this other kind of stuff yeah yeah 2016 it's like it's fall over all the time and like this is not the experience that you have with the super Anthony you know at least not that I saw yeah no he fault he falls over a fair bit especially because his traction on the floor is not super right amazing yeah he just sounds like metal paddles and remember - we're fighting so part of the goal of fighting is making something fun yeah a lot of the fighting ended up being less like like Rock'em Sock'em robots like clear punch clear contact and you know he falls away well okay but then it ended up being a lot of like punching kind of getting hooked on the other robot on the withdrawal and then pulling him over and ripping and then and then like rolling on the floor like ground fighting lots of fighting going on the floor maybe they're trying to make it more realistic and you know okay I you know how someone in twitch chat tried to say cornflakes or whatever yes I thought he might have been legitimately trying to do a play on words with conflicts like conflict so we asked him that today and then oh he was like oh yeah sure I like it had never occurred to him when I first heard the channel name I thought it was conflicts because there's robot fighting it start out with robot fighting okay he actually started out with with these like effects videos where he was like minions in real life that got like 20 million views or something stupid like that and then DreamWorks or whoever owns the minions copyright struck him George oh yeah took it down and so now he's doing mostly like robots and stem stuff and tech stuff yeah cool all right should we should we do a tech news topic no I guess should we respond to Thunderfoot sure okay or we can do a tech news I do shall we do the Nvidia thing give people what they want real quick sure sure so Nvidia leaks Wow so surprised after SIGGRAPH we all kind of knew this was coming we not have leaked specs about what this is a ridiculous sentence but our TX 280 is more or less confirmed I don't know if it's actually been confirmed but there was like very very obvious hints in the Nvidia video if you kind of picked through the chat conversations that were happening on screen it was super obvious they're calling it RT X and it's 20 series not 11 series so cuz sure there we go why not I guess the GeForce r-tx 2080 Ti that's gonna take a little bit - guys you're gonna mess with me yeah for a very long time RTX isn't why would they why would they have letters that could have BRE v8 from Radeon technologies oh geez I didn't think about that but I'm astonished that they didn't while you're sitting around thinking of a name like you'd have to break it down what is it supposed to bring great racing oh come oh okay sort of good we should do a tech working on that by the way yeah probably yeah yeah but like G has been invidious thing for a very long time r has been a TI slash AMD's thing for a very long time so what's happening - g-force then I don't know so the reserve a horse so the rumor ray Romano's Lau is that there will be RT x and gtx cards but i don't know that that has been confirmed at all and within videos big push towards ray tracing i don't really foresee that being a thing yeah so it'll have 11 gigs of ram GD dr 6 memory that is on a 352 bit bus that doesn't sound right but i thought it would be 348 okay I mean I'm the GDD r6 memory is apparently gonna be clocked at 14 gigabit per second okay and also there will be an RT X let me have a look 2080 and that'll have 2944 CUDA cores not 3072 as previously speculated and they'll have eight gigs on a 256 bit bus now what would really 11 really interesting about this would be that if Nvidia launches their TI card with the 50 percent wider memory bus and their non TI card at the same time this will be the first time in a while that we've seen them actually launch a big core do you think it's gonna happen right when they bring out a new architecture I mean if there are rumors circulating at this point when we are a week from when they are less than a week from when they're rumored to be launching it yeah if there are rumors circulating the their smoke there's fire at this point I've yet to see a Oh card that's rumored to be launching next week with names and specs and many different sources being reported by different news organizations and everyone pretty much being on the same page about it I've yet to see that not turn into a real product launch so there you go if you're waiting for a graphics card then quick go sell yours now so the people who aren't paying attention to the tech news will see it and buy it yeah and then and then you can get your new graphics card that presumably will be faster but then maybe only in rate racing applications wouldn't that be horrible well they're probably gonna do the same kind of thing in terms of honestly I didn't watch the SIGGRAPH stuff whoops but they might have already but they are probably gonna do the same kind of thing they did with the last launch with Pascal weather like it's three times faster in this specific application vr related applications yeah so what I what I kind of am picking up here is if you look at the 1080 TI and you look at the 1080 I think there's what about a thirty percent performance Delta give or take twenty to forty somewhere in that range and what they had done the last couple generations was they had launched the step-down GPU at a performance level that was competitive or a little bit better than last gen so 980 for example was a little bit faster than 780ti 1080 was a little bit faster than 980ti even though this was the step-down chip competing with the big chip from the last gen yeah if they're launching both twenty eighty and twenty atti does that tell us that twenty eighty wasn't fast enough to be an upgrade for 1080 TI owners and they couldn't wait another six to eight months which has been the typical gap possibly very true I would honestly line up a little bit more with like I know they do marketing stuff all the time and people want to sell cards so they never really want you to think something's coming until like super close to before it's coming yeah I mean why didn't you just say there's no new cards oh you think that no no there's no way they're just Pascal with Rachel into the net why not it would not be the first time yeah it would be the first time for that it would not be the first time that they essentially rebadged this would be like a rebadge with an upgrade that's even better there's no way that's all they've been working on for the last two years no but I might need it might be all they need to release see the problem can be wrong and okay the problem here is that I I haven't seen any benchmarks for the Turing based the Turing based I think are the quadros or Tesla's the Quadros so I haven't seen anything for the new cards they just launched it's SIGGRAPH so I have no way of knowing how how similar those are to the Pascal ones there's no way that's right it's probably maybe someone in twitch chat is it's fun being helpful here there's ones people then a second they said Turing is Volta iterated and ray-tracing is enabled by tensor cores so Volta versus Pascal I actually don't know clock for clock CUDA for for cuda core for kuduk or how much that improved holy crap you don't think the new ones are just basically the old ones it's been a while since we've had that you know with ray-tracing bolted to them it might it might be time oh boy that would actually be very disappointing okay well on that you have much faster memory the memory is real fast yeah okay so good job miners isn't mining like kind of dead right now I mean it's it's lower than it has been in the past but I know people that are still profitable really it's just you have to be in the right location because if right all right and you're only profitable if you catch out if you cash out that's the right time yeah and that's okay that's one of the ways that people have made a lot of money is there actually might and who knows do not do this because I'm saying yeah we're not recommending it to be very clear very clear about that yeah there have been people not you unless it is you I don't know what you there has been people that's mind we're in it's very not profitable right and gathered a bunch of coins and not sold and then it's gone up and then they've sold so it cuz like mining while it's profitable is only actually better if you're selling like every day right right because it only actually matters when you sell sure except it's been down for like a while now except it often goes down at the beginning of the year and then doesn't do very well in the middle of the year and then comes up near the rest of the like the latter half of the year so hmm the heck knows man alright then I kind of hate mining but whatever I'm speaking of things that that we hate I don't hate motorola but this was posted by roar and roars NZ on the forum and this is pretty brutal so hit me with your best shot Luke Mining tips know which one of these is an iPhone 10 and which one of them is Motorola's new phone no no you don't get to look anymore no what what which one was which what which one was which I have no idea okay hold on hold on hold on get ready get ready I didn't see it that much okay you can see it again go ahead and it's gone which one's an iPhone 10 yeah I can't I can't say with like an educated guess I don't know they're so similar I'm gonna read which one well okay the right one is the iPhone 10 yeah yeah yeah okay because you can cheat now I was trying to ignore this yeah that's pretty clear so I was just being like okay well they could have swapped that onto the thing but outside of this which is like hello I'm Android yeah and especially the icons below it outside of that I can't tell at all isn't that brutal did they cheat is it literally the same frame oh look at the back wow yeah I know right like what are you doing there bud like is this the same panel from Samsung that's what I want to know because the curvature B looks identical I haven't seen them they advertise it with that color splash on it right did they cuz this is where at the top one of my biggest points of confusion was like did they just swap over the clock just to trick people that's why I was like what I don't know no no this is a different phone so they even put the flash between the two rear cameras here and like so on the one hand I am far from the world's biggest Apple apologist but that's it's nude neither am i you're currently making a video about tricking trying to fix their stupid iMac yeah but like that's brutal that's design your own phone guys and I'm not necessarily on Apple side with the whole lawsuit going on between them and Samsung that's been going for about what seven years now or whatever over the original Galaxy S and all the similarities it boarded the iPhone or whatever Samsung has for the most part tried to do their own thing separate from Apple colors very long time colors recently - they've really departed their this is brutal is very brief this is a brazen and blatant ripoff brazen indeed I like that um thank you thank you I worked hard on that $40 word so I don't know the argument that's raging right now is are these are these unique design elements the knotch the camera placement the wallpaper or is this just now standard building blocks of a phone and we shouldn't care about this kind of thing who are you laughs on this one I'm with Apple on this one to be completely honest that's brutal there's like there's there's even little things that they could have done make it a you know just marginally different yeah the knotch both sides having the knotch I don't necessarily see that being a huge deal personally um way to go you copied Apple doing something literally no one asked for yeah hooray but like everything it's the it's the fact that everything is the same like if they had the knotch but the back was different if they didn't have the notch in the back was the same like it at least like a little bit even then I'd be like oh they trying to make it so that everyone else thinks that you haven't yeah you could make it you could make it's still not great but the fact that it's all that way it's just released you could make an argument that way and like at least put a notably different wallpaper what well you can I mean when they do something like that something completely blatant like the wallpaper you didn't tell that they're not they're clearly not targeting us they're not targeting the tech I think it's intentional confusion to a certain degree yeah yeah yeah I think they're I think they're targeting I saw ads for this one that looks like that one with me I think so I think it's I think it's I think it's going that way that's not cool I don't know if Lenovo which is Motorola's parent company now they own the brand I don't know if they have responded to this but I would be interested to hear what they have to say for themselves if they're smart they'll probably just say nothing and hope the whole thing blows over but someone in the circuit it's not helpful because Apple makes a lot of noise about getting copied or people ripping off their design or you know it being frustrating to be you know the one who's pushing design forward and what's frustrating for me is when things like this happen it adds a lot of weight to apples whining yeah whereas if Apple was just constantly whining which they probably would anyway if Apple was just constantly whining about this stuff but they could never back it up then it would actually be damaging to themselves but as it is if companies like Motorola are running out and actually copying the iPhone it means that every time Apple gets to cry about this we have to take it more seriously I believe yo I absolutely do but but maybe it was intentional maybe Motorola knew this was gonna happen they wanted it to happen people want us to show the p20 Pro that's another now we're actually talking about a Motorola phone on the land show that's true we normally would not have done that so here's the p20 Pro it's not the same it's not quite the same I actually would say it's a notable depart the notch is way smaller camera setup on the back is different I know it's similar but there's another camera the logo is not in the same spot in the center there's branding here there's only so much you can do with a phone these days this is clearly a different phone yeah as that Motorola phone was not clearly a different phone and that's like if I was if I was super ignorant to phones I wouldn't necessarily know which one of those was the iPhone which one wasn't but I would know that there were different phones like when you originally showed me that thing if the time wasn't there it felt like Android clock thing yeah isn't there I would have legitimately thought that they were actually identical phones and even then I thought they might have been and someone just photoshopped it over someone in the chat was like you're Keisel straight was dead because we don't have as many viewers as we normally do do you want - there's like reasons why oh we can't promote the stream on YouTube it yeah we can't we can't like normally we would do a video we would upload it to YouTube saying hey we're live over on Twitch click the link in the video description yeah but YouTube gave us a Community Guidelines strike for doing that before so this is more like our organic live streaming bearish absolute which honestly if we wanted more views on land show we would just stream it to YouTube yeah our typical YouTube stream viewership is over 10,000 concurrence we've had as high as I think 2030 like big big numbers compared to what we do over here but honestly when show at this point is not really about lots of viewers know it's actually probably even better having a slightly slower chat yep it's not about lots of viewers it's not about lots of money we could get a lot more sponsorship dollars for wine show if we managed it differently like if we published it properly as a podcast we know oh yeah apparently we've been doing double uploads one of which is usually corrupted for like some period of time oh I know yeah anyway yeah Colton's upload is corrupted well why does he upload I just told him this I don't know okay yeah I thought he stopped okay anyway there are definitely things we could do to make LAN show better but for us when show is just about sort of tradition at this point more than anything else like Luke has better things to do now that he's CEO of floatplane media quite frankly well this is my like I work more hours than normal anyways so my weekend essentially starts like right before when Justin in like in how I calculate everything this is like this is I'm time off essentially right now so yeah we're just we're just kind of chillin doing our thing yeah telling you about our sponsors right spectrum oh I got some blast for you yeah which ones you want that one alright let's see you've probably got the lady ones actually I like these ones staring at a monitor all day can be hard on your eyes and make it tougher to fall asleep spectrum is an affordable long-term solution to staring at a computer screen where you still get to stare at the computer screen using a software solution like flux and Twilight doesn't give you the same type of filtering that these do and spectrums lineup includes many stylish frames high high quality products with a one-year warranty low color distortion so even though you're filtering blue light you're still not looking at just the entire world as though it has a big yellow like sheet of you know Cinna foil on it and the highest rated among their competitors on Amazon so they are primarily focused around Canadian and US customers but they are expanding to Europe and they offer shipping internationally next up this is interesting well now that you did I think you did it better did I yeah I think so hold on let's try it let's try again okay you go first we'll let the audience judge okay hold on the time okay well that will let twitch chat just spin it and tell us who did it better okay okay ready three two one okay I think you won I cracked up okay okay thank you I'll bite my cheek I'll buy my cheek all shout is getting timed out automatically by the bot right now so there's that okay Kel look that's my weakest one I want to see what twitch ad says I saw a lot of me yeah James James apparently James win good job James thank you ladies and gentlemen we have a sponsor that has been gone for a while but is back now synergy if you're an IT professional or power user who uses two or more computers at the same time they're run a different operating system on each like Windows Linux or Mac OS you could have a severe keyboard and mouse problem you probably have a bunch of them strewn across your desk and it's hard to remember which one goes to which one that's annoying synergy helps you fix that problem it's a software download that combines your desktop computers into one cohesive experience so you can run a single keyboard and mouse across multiple computers seamlessly including being able to just move the mouse across them and being able to copy paste files drag and drop files all that kind of cool stuff so check out the link below the video that's seamless concise synergy / at Linus tech tips to learn more and then finally we've got moss it was hard to tell the difference I'm actually using one of their backpacks right now I quite like this one so this is the MAS organizer does yours have the orange inside I think I rave about this like every time yes but I love that and you use it every day so do you notice it when I'm looking for something in the bottom of my bag yes it's just I can't now let's see if the one that is on the show actually has I'm sure it does I think they all do oh really yeah I think that's kind of a thing because their logos or injury so it's got an expansion zipper so you can increase the capacity or decrease it yeah personally I don't find that that useful because I want my maximum capacity all the time I do the same stuff but it's slightly wider and thinner oh it's got a wider and thinner quick access pocket so is that this one I don't know what the quick access pocket is but there you go this opens up a lot this is some of the thread used to make the black pack I think they meant backpack no that's the name of this oh oh the black pack oh cool yeah so it's apparently really strong this is a handwritten note in here some of our sponsors are hilarious I love that kind of stuff hello yeah that's super cool okay whoever wrote that note ten out of ten okay now don't sandbag this okay well I want to try first okay don't sandbag it break it if you can okay he's been doing him a lot of working out lately yes you got it no no no no that came off I need more tips your hands or small oh I think I can it did you break it yeah okay so you managed to break it yeah can you do it again oh wow it cuts into you before it breaks I'll tell you that much yeah yeah I need more okay okay all right not bad terms of other features so they've got a sunglass holder in the top that's been really handy on mine I have that same thing as well this one doesn't have quite as many pockets as mine frankly I don't end up using them a lot of the time anyway oh and this one has their built-in power strip thing so you cable manage that through there's a hole somewhere around here can't remember exactly where it is but there's a cable management hole and then it's got a regular outlet and it's got a couple of USB ports so the idea is you can actually have all your devices and stuff like cable managing to your bag so you can charge the whole thing by just Oh am i holding it out of frame free by just plugging in this one plug and then it just sits there and all your junk inside charges including your laptop because it does have a full AC power I'm sorry for doing that to you that's got a tablet holder as well as a laptop pouch and it's got a five-year warranty it's got a removable chest strap and uh yeah that's pretty much it basically good stuff really comfortable um I was using another bag for a little bit before this one and I don't remember what this one's called and I don't think there's a label anywhere that says what it's called that I'm sure you know I'm sure you'll find it on their website so that but see it's got a few more little like management things and especially this pocket the second pocket I think this one's bigger it's got a few more little things that I can put stuff in but I end up just kind of checking everything into the bottom I believe that's just called the moss pack so the pack I guess so I did I did I busted it twice okay by brick the amount of effort that went into busting one thread was was quite high try again it kind of hurts I know but I want to do it now now that you did it I wouldn't have felt that if you couldn't do it oh yeah like it doesn't feel like it's not comfortable yeah I think I almost cut myself how like a few times got it there you go okay okay so there you go moss challenges but it's a single threat Wow so like yeah I know it doesn't feel like I'm good yeah yeah I've got this thing that's not a hand to wrinkle that only hurts yeah why alright so let's talk about under puts things so Thunder back at it again with another myth busted the three million dollar food scanner busted so basically overall I watched part of the video and a lot of good points in here about these guys look how credible she looks that's awesome um just feels like an infomercial showing off their molecular scanner that they claim will allow you to see the the chemical breakdown of the food that you point to that or point their scanner at and use something something infrared something something something something something anyway the reason we're bringing this up is because footage from tech quickie was taken out of context in such a way that it appeared as though we had been sponsored by one of these molecular scanner companies and hadn't disclosed it and now we're not entirely not at fault here what we didn't do was validate that these particular molecular scanners because we did bring up at least one of them in the video we hadn't validated that they actually worked because the video was about the technology in general which does work and we mentioned in the video at the end of the video we mentioned that these handheld ones were ok so actually midway through the video we mentioned these handheld ones are not going to replace the much more expensive versions of this technology that are for lab use we do mention that and we also say at the end of the video that we can't speak to the efficacy of these particular devices at this time but we say you know we're excited to see where this technology heads unfortunately the way that it was presented in this video it made it look as though we were endorsing the technology and the product in particular and that we hadn't disclosed some kind of sponsorship another note that we have here I haven't seen our version of this video to be completely clear but I know how we make things we could have done a better job of saying that we hadn't validated it fair but apparently we do say the company's claims we don't say that it absolutely works this way we say that it they claim that they work this way so basically I just wanted to pull I just wanted to talk to you guys and say hey no we were not sponsored yes we could have done a better job of making sure that a product that we're using as an example of a technology that we're talking about actually works and does not come across as endorsing and and we could do a better job of making sure it doesn't come across as endorsed but the fact of the matter is we were not sponsored we have nothing to do with that company we've never talked to them we've made no effort to get our hands on their molecular scanner and yeah it's probably BS based on what I've seen so far the other thing that I also don't know I actually I have not looked into this the other thing that I don't know is how the timing lines up so I don't know if these were actually available to try yet oh okay at the time that we made the video so in did we make yeah we're just gonna be a lot more cautious about any pieces we do on emerging technology but the thing that frustrated me was just that the way it was presented made us look like complete idiots well I think I'm kind of his goal right yeah I guess so pretty much ever that's his shtick yeah that's that's cool I guess all right so next up that's a bit of digging yeah that video is kind of old now yeah it's a couple years of nearing a year and a half always actually we've got other news so this was posted on the forum by NumLock 21 and the original article is from the video cards com so take that for what it is let's just be let's just be very clear I'll actually hold on before we move on ran machan 97 asks are you going to copyright trick them for using your content and properly no they haven't actually okay well we could make the argument that taking it out of context could be improperly but that's something that we would have to fight in court that's not something that is as simple as because you used our footage it has therefore been used improperly there could be a fair use defense there if the argument is made that one entity is reporting on something another one has done that's how you can get around having a whole lot of footage from a movie with just voiceover if you are using it in order to critique the movie so no honestly normally we wouldn't even bring up something like this it was just that some members of our community that I actually recognized were in the comments section on that video saying that they thought we were honest and they thought we disclosed our sponsors and I wanted to make sure that you guys know we do and never leave a contact with them and we have nothing to do with those guys aside from picking a topic that maybe was a little premature someone brought up tarnish is your brand image perhaps I don't think we're gonna we're gonna do it we're not really in the in the market of we're not really we're not really a drama channel I know you don't we don't really do that you know there's been there has been far worse things that people have said about us but given that they didn't raise the attempt grab the attention of our community we have just completely ignored them because what's the point of drawing attention to it yeah I mean all we've really done at this point is give Thunderfoot some more Adsense revenue and that's really the only thing that you accomplish typically through drama so I guess I'm gonna oh okay I guess I'm gonna go off on a tangent here I guess I'm gonna kind of ruin YouTube for a lot of the people that haven't like clued into this but the vast majority of the drama you see is manufactured not all of it but the vast majority would probably think it is mutually beneficial for two entities of some sort or another to be feuding you know I wonder if that's the game Samsung and Apple are playing like hold on a second hold on a second think about this on a much much hold on think about this on a much much better fighting and nothing else matters yes if Apple wants their message to be that their brand identity is unique and being copied even I bet it costs less to sue Samsung than it does to market that on TV and if Samsung wants their message to be that we we forged our own path but are they not better off biting Apple in court where it will be reported on by the same news outlets they would have to buy banner space and ad space on may be do they even care who wins maybe whoa now look normally I don't go all conspiracy theory' tinfoil hat but I do not yes we do we both do that's like part of this show well okay not not not okay not implausibly okay I think this is very plausible though so then you're not doing it implausibly right okay okay okay what entire twitch check mind blown collusion all the Illuminati eyes BAM Linus Jones oh no that's not that's not what I need no way ah don't say the full name apparently that can get you like ah what an interesting anyway so the vast majority of the drama that you see you know whether it's between actors or singers or I mean a great example of this would be like WWE wrestlers right that is just so that both people's names WWE wrestlers don't even remotely try to hide that though no fair but that's kind of its own thing no but the crazy thing is some people don't see it okay that's fair what like it is it is very directly communicated as I know what I'm saying is other people aren't doing that communication now BW is being fairly transparent it's a show fine whatever I I'm just saying I'm busting some bubbles out there it's not my fault that that bubble is entirely self-inflicted or that's like yeah okay but I'm still busting bubbles and I'm still sorry yep twitch chat twitch chats going nuts wrestling is real yes Olympic wrestling is real wrassling case I versus Logan Paul I don't even know who ksi is Logan Paul versus Jake Paul yeah that definitely Logan Paul versus X like a variable yeah one of them is like really sharply on the decline now I can't remember which one of the Paul's yeah one of them is kind of leveled off and the other one is like in a nosedive right now oh yeah that's I was talking to I was talking to conflicts about this earlier so he was saying that it was an advantage for me starting up on YouTube when I did like 11 years ago because the playing field was far smaller well all that but hold on so the playing field was far smaller and I said yes that is an advantage no explosive growth but it's also a double-edged sword yes because the audience was much smaller at that time so if you can make yourself heard above the noise above the vast number of creators that there are on YouTube you have the potential for far more growth than I did back then and far faster but if you can't make yourself heard above the noise then you're basically they're both getting like lots of subscribers every day this is Jake's his monthly views is going back up and his monthly subs is unlike the tiniest incline ever but technically an incline Logan's views is on a decline and his sobs is more or less flat there they're both not doing nearly as well as they were in July in July there are both fricking kings of the world and to put this in perspective this monthly sub count is only marginally higher than ours on - tech tips so like yeah they're big or whatever but they're not like I I would consider us mid mid tier yeah we're not top-tier youtubers in the in the sense that like cuz everyone in the world that's like connected to the internet probably knows has heard of these guys name at some point they're on TV either in the news yeah Casey talked about them okay I guess almost every news thing on YouTube talked about them at one point for me when I divide into tears it's less how much of a household name you are because you know you could find you know X Hollywood actors who have like semi-retired but still make youtube videos or whatever just up there so okay when I divide into tears my point is that I don't take like the entire you got to see it as a pyramid not as like some kind of a linear scale because if we were to take all the youtubers in existence yeah we're probably in the top fraction of a percent yeah that doesn't in every category but that's not we're still mid tier because there's only so much room at the top and the guys that are at the top are on a very very different level in terms of the momentum that their channels have the number of views each of their videos get some guys so definitely I stepped down how is a five million plus subs channel mid tier because there's a good reason yeah there's far more to life than subscribers yes so here going back to these numbers social bleeds a great site I actually spend a fair bit of time creeping other creators on there it is a great site so Linus tech tips good job boys has never done four hundred million views in a month Linus tech tips has still done a mere one point I think it's about 1.5 billion views ever so to put that in perspective in a single month Logan Paul did a quarter as many views as Linus tech tips has ever done in its 10-year history that is a different tier yeah when you're talking an order of magnitude difference in viewership and or like like what do what do we do in a month they also what didn't they only join YouTube okay I think they had channels before them but they effectively join YouTube like two years ago or something so Linus tech tips is top month ever here let's have a look mind you our trajectory is looking a little bit nicer but its top month ever was 68 million views yeah it is pretty good it is but that is an order of magnitude difference and whenever someone is 10x well they get to sit in a higher level of the pyramid yeah and to be clear like I'm not like mad about it or anything it's just that you know if I was if I was about a different content sphere there's like a lot of things that are yeah it's not it's not about that it's just about like when we're when we're comparing something like our our viewership numbers to theirs and that's stuff that we'll do but not to you know see who has the biggest dick or whatever it's it's more to do with if we observe some kind of a change in our viewership yeah when we go okay is Google tweaking the algorithm what are they optimizing for we'll go and we'll look at other channels known quantities and we'll go okay so the big channel's the tier one channels we all see a little dip or we'll find some small channels that we like to use as a yardstick oh these guys are getting boosted okay so maybe YouTube is favoring or will look at people who upload very prolifically or will look at people who upload only once a week and will go oh interesting so they're favoring x' before frequent uploaders or we'll look at people who upload typically longer videos or shorter ones so we can use these metrics to have a look at how YouTube is tuning the algorithm that's one of the things that we spend a fair bit of time on because for better or for worse our our job is only partially to make videos our job is also to make people watch those videos on the YouTube platform which behaves like a bucking bronco on acid yeah it's pretty I like that descriptive yeah to be real though and another thing is in terms of sub count a lot of people who subscribe to a channel and then just slowly stop watching it especially when the content type changes and like the the content type from back when we're at NC X with the like zero editing unboxings yes that are five minutes long II to what we have now is a drastic change and there's people that might prefer the old unboxing there's people that might prefer now and there's probably a lot of people that don't necessarily watch anymore because all they wanted was unboxings but they're still subscribed because YouTube will just slowly hide our channel if you look at a channel like PewDiePie he has changed drastically and like a few times yeah so he has like huge buckets of users from differ and he's been huge every time he's changed so he has huge buckets of users from all these different segments that are all subscribed to him all the same time that doesn't mean they're all watching right now if you look at the subscriber count vs. the views it's yeah you know what this is a great example because it's as close to apples-to-apples as we can do both tech quickie and tech linked our tech channels so they exist within the tech vertical they are both being uploaded from the same IP there's some speculation that your geographical location does affect the way that your content gets propagated they are both hosted at least sometimes by the same people they are similar lengths they both have one baked-in sponsor spot so there's a lot of analogues that we can find between these two channels but what you're gonna see is that like what Luke was saying because tech quickie has a much older audience many of the subscribers from which have sort of died on the vine tech quickie is gonna do let's have a look here anywhere from two hundred and seventy five thousand three hundred and twenty thousand one hundred ninety thousand three hundred thousand so why don't we say anywhere from two hundred thousand to three hundred and fifty thousand on over the last couple of weeks there's some spiky ones but on 200 to 400 let me say that there we go this one just went up five hours ago so we're not counting that now let's go have that won't even updated properly tech linked which has not two point two million but only four hundred and eighty eight thousand subscribers and let's have a look at our viewership there 335 from a day ago 383 300 238 286 275 244 238 four hundred and forty-four thousand 276 another 400 another 400 thousand one so consider this back to the hole would someone like logan paul be in a different tier than us especially when he's doing you know 400 million views a month so yeah he might have only had 12 million subscribers at that time but given that they were all thresh and you look at tech linked which has 1/6 as many subscribers or so as tech quickie but does similar viewership because its subscribers are fresh and you consider how much bigger then his engaged audience probably was at that time given that it was a bigger and b much fresher that means it's probably more than just like a 10x difference i mean we're probably talking more like a 20 or 30 X difference in terms of the engaged audience you have glitter somewhere on your face and twitch chat literally will not stop I actually drive that car so yeah that there's glitter on my face is not surprising mice I'm just I've just one again day sometime I don't blame them it looks like it actually is like sick it looks like a sick car I just found out that I might be being sent down to San Francisco in the near future I am so surprised why I don't travel all the time some sponsored thing okay but no no the important thing about San Francisco oh boy is that oh boy that you should do a video on it is the location of lightening motorcycle shouldn't buy one what you should do a video on it you should contact them seriously or is it lightning bikes no is it yeah there we go so I actually have reached out to them good since we last talked about it and I have arranged for a test ride nice yep I want to buy one just like for a video yeah mm I told them I was considering buying one are you filming it ah maybe not I don't know really cool bike it's electric and stuff it's dad do you think I should film it I think so I don't know yeah they're just gonna say yes yeah they're the land show on yes like if we told them should we make a video of me and Luke just eating our boogers for like six minutes like seeing who can see who can harvest your most meager like they probably can't do it not that we're saying you guys don't have you know great taste but the most discerning viewers but no no no no no don't stop all that why not I want to show how to test our theory they're obviously gonna say yes okay just just put it just put it in the twitch chat just put it in the twitch chat here I'm screens your bike one is like screen sharing you it's gonna be no no question go back go back to your results a whole bunch of people in chat are saying boogers yes oh oh dude yes is that 80% right now 77 79 80 we're holding up okay so what we're gonna find out here cuz I'm about to post my poll okay is if people would prefer boogers more bikes boo curses hold on at 79% okay hold on I need I need a minute here okay that's cuz you're a bikes voter there's nothing wrong with being a bikes voter it's a good thing keep telling yourself that's disgusting we would watch that I mean like isn't like the popping pitbull niche like huge on YouTube what no yeah no like insists and pimples and stuff is like a huge the millions of you can you post that for me I'm not logged in you have got to be coded you send it to me oh I thought so I Drive you sure oh hold on you know what I think I'm fine I'm logged in hold on no I'm not logged in yet wait yes I'm logged in and you're sharing my screen yeah yeah I'm trying your screen don't worry 200 right right right right right okay well whatever I'm logged in there we go all right let's see the bike results boogers held steady at around 80% seven eight we're at 78 you've got a thousand votes you and right about a thousand all right let's just let me get to the results page here okay okay okay so the audience has spoken they prefer bikes to boogers yeah by a pretty significant margin I am so surprising yeah ninety four versus seventy eight percent is I would say a significant margin it's significant significant the word has a frickin omission I know but there's been no you're not definition no nobody put a why they're doing this right now okay okay think it's a letter grade difference probably caused by something other than mere chance statistically significant okay so it's significant it is all right yeah you know what else is significant the end of the wind show we have to go home can't happen by mere chance actually it's happened by chance a lot it has so thanks for watching guys we'll see you again next week same bat-time same bat-channel why there's a riot you guys doing a game pump I'm not gonna games come on go to pax West I don't think I'm working there so I was invited to gain some by Nvidia four days a ticket like a plane ride their plane ride back so there's a couple days because it's in Germany that's not exactly close there's no direct flight so it's like a day of travel each way plus you know actually being there and attending the event I'm at the point now I'm just like not gonna do that kind of thing anymore because well they for some insight they they briefed you on it immediately before the stream the like Nvidia stream yeah and they don't tell you as much as they say in the stream so and your embargo is after the stream so there's actually no point in being there you might as well be back in the studio you should probably just like be here and ready to go just like be on the tight cookie set yeah maybe I might just not even or who cares yeah I don't know like I don't know I'm getting kind of tired of its that but if it's that tweaked and a few things added Pascal mmm I'm getting kind of tired of manufacturers trying to control yeah cycle yeah I'm like I've talked about this off stream before but like this whole thing where there's an announcement embargo and an unboxing embargo and a reviews embargo and a frickin I don't know new color scheme embargo you know it to me what it smacks of is wanting wanting like because it's none of its they're trying to make you do a whole bunch of pieces of content yes and that's the problem we don't have a problem doing content we'll do content about all kinds of things we we left our thread Grif for WX up to a chiller like there's a commercial chiller you can just buy is for an aquarium it goes down to yeah four degrees yeah and it's like nicely self-contained I showed to you after it's not even that expensive when you consider what a custom water cooling loop can cost anyway so you know we hooked our thread Ripper WX up to that you know overclocked it as high as we could like yeah that's fine but the difference is that a lot of the kind of coverage that you are expected to be doing in this announced unboxings - the only information they give you is basically marketing bullet points so what they're effectively asking for is free advertising and I'm at the point now where I don't do advertising for free and you can kind of you can read into that whatever you want you know maybe it comes across maybe I come across like a prick I don't know I don't think so but at the end of the day if you expect me to advertise your product then I expect you to pay me so that I can pay my bills and pay my staff and disclose it to the audience and disclose it to the audience that's how advertising works and that's why I think you don't come across like a brick because that kind of stuff should be disclosed if you want advertising then fine but you have to pay for it it isn't free and it should wire transactions and if you are an objective coverage of the product the way that I want to cover it then just send the product and we'll do it on our terms yeah so that's kind of the way I see it now anyway that's it for the stream bye guys goodbye
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