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What is it like to work for Linus? - Honest Answers Ep. 4

what's it like to work at Linus Media Group well I think it's great I've seen my name's on the building yeah how that feels locking up in like yeah my name is on the building but if you want the real answer you'll probably have to ask the poor Schmucks who do the actual grunt work around here so we made a deal they said if you agree not to watch the video we will give the viewers the real honest answer and I kind of went okay the be quiet pure bass 600 features a versatile design noise insulation and optimization for different liquid cooled radiator configurations learn more at the link below I remember thinking this guy is so quirky psychotic petite hyperactive insanity yeah somewhat like insane slightly insane like how much insane I mean we're not we're not dead in the water yet so I got their 501 no answer and my first thoughts are holy crap this guy is so intent that I'm a minute late for my interview he walks up shot leaves doesn't even consider me he's coming at you with all this energy and all this Drive and you just kind of have to match that like has no semblance of personal time and is more than willing to like spend every hour of his life working - as a leader I think has always been specifically good at inspiring drastic action and he transforms that once you're already here to inspire gratuitous amounts of overtime that may or may not be Linus had this idea to make videos about building computers to level that no one else had ever tried to make so this is our first build guide it took us like 18 hours close down the retention arm a little bit of strength required here I think we finished at like 4 a.m. I have never regretted anything more than taking the job at lattice Media Group for the first two weeks and after that things got a lot better we had so much work to do Linus is very decisive but he was very vague in his decisiveness he doesn't really know how you're going to do something just what you're going to do when Linus tells you that something will be done in two hours I always double the amount of time in I had and more often than not I am correct quite a bit of fun to work for in like a constantly disorganized and a bit wacky kind of way so I've never used a reciprocating saw and it's plugged in I had kind of weird Manta - like I said not working with my much I get demands I can paint my face can you find this can you that so that's a leader I think it's very random and interesting so I never heard one of my bosses like fart audibly from across the office before but if you're wondering at any point if we're actually as unorganized and incompetent as we seem on camera it's it's actually like that we're not faking that and actually - for a mistake I mean everything about - was a mistake but this in particular filling was last I was a mistake he had like the Genki of setup and as I walk away the test bench fell and probably the scariest Nilla my life - comes back everything's on the floor we lost the footage of something that had been shot earlier where Linus was installing something his attic lives was definitely yelling and swearing like I've broke him some stuff accident before and he was mad but that's like really short you know short bursts of anger it's very rare where you're freaking out and I'm not I only freaked out when it's really really bad whenever he's like no no it's okay and then he walked through eight what that's the GPS antenna yes oh okay everything is fine everything is fine and I am calm and once he gets to a certain boiling point you can just you can feel it the kind of mad where he gets really high-pitched and does I was doing the land dock and I messed up one of the topics and he came upstairs and he just said you're fired and I didn't know if he was joking or not so I just continued working and everything went fine and then about a week later I accidentally copyright strike tower Channel and then Linus said you're fired and I thought that time maybe he was serious because you know I looked down the whole channel single-handedly I've had some terrible terrible bosses sometimes you know I've been able to get one either like a boss who knew what they were doing or like a boss who like cares about people but getting both of those together has been a new experience he's really professional like an efficient like he doesn't like to waste time nothing is not willing to do things entirely the wrong way for the sake of finishing this video right now after 30 minutes of me sitting out front of the door just waiting for somebody to like answer the door he calls me and he goes oh I completely forgot about her interview in lines like this questions is stupid this one's dumb I don't want to ask this one and they puts it puts down the paper and goes all right are you into bestiality do you watch bestiality I was like the 25th person to get interviewed a lot of time he got to me and I was last I think he had a real shred regimen of what he wanted to get through and he probably didn't have any time or energy to waste on any bullsh excuse me he's like yeah you heard me I'm like ah no and he's like ah just messing with you he found my Twitter and read all of my tweets ask me why tweeted that what that meant who I follow I follow them so that was a little bit aside for me it was fine but a little bit strange the first interaction I had with Linus actually on the phone was my first interview it was at an Indian restaurant with his children it was kind of like a first date but someone brought along a baby the whole thing was full of really bad jokes so a lot of nervous laugh and stuff like that yeah it was like an interview but I didn't know it was an interview I was just literally there to have lunch with him one of the things that I actually liked about the relationship that lion I have is I can no filter and he can no filter and everyone's fine when we're done when I started he didn't really know what he was doing I didn't really know what I was doing and we both kind of grew into figuring that out under this stupid thing and then undo this others do a ridiculous thing they are using I'm sure there's stuff that comes up that catches him off-guard or whatever but he seems to be pretty on top of everything at all times very well prepared for everything that comes up I hate when he's right he hates when I'm right what we're both often right about the things that were respectively working on and that balance is fun and also frustrating I'm pretty sure I've only probably talked to him one-on-one for maybe about I want to say 15 minutes been here for two years because he's just so busy just back and forth it's kind of like hide and seek I always need to find him on the car ride to or from somewhere is when we can actually talk about whatever so that's when you actually get to know him as a person whereas when we're all at work there's really time for nothing else but working certainly years I kind of saw Linus as like the crazy maniac and I was just trying to help them do whatever it was trying to achieve but recently because I've taken on managerial roles he's more of a teacher than before and I don't want to turn into him but I'd like to to steal some of his skills it's a lot more structured here than I think a lot of people would assume compared to the beginning things are a lot more corporate it seems like we're a lot less mobile or agile to just change directions there's intense meetings then there's deep statistical analysis all this kind of stuff which doesn't make it feel as like fun it's actually really refreshing to have a working relationship with somebody who's well the CEO of the company but you know we're working together side by side he understands the value of spending good money on employees and equipment so that's the product that we make which is videos in this case is good a hundred and thirty-eight thousand US dollars for two red cameras and the Bulls accessories that they make you buy $60,000 in hard drives to store all this crap on another $20,000 in nvme SSD so that all of our editors can edit red footage off of arnav's at the same time you know he cares you know he cares about all of us that work here he cares about you guys watching and he's just he's just a loving father I don't know I mean he said he's not going to watch it I suppose everyone knows I was gonna watch this and then he's going to come around be like so heard you think I say it's final retirement of that I always felt that a leader should ride a horse and I've never seen him on horseback so I guess if I were going to say one thing that Linus could do to improve himself as a leader in my eyes is I'd like to see him on a horse more it would make me feel a lot more at ease we have got a huge giveaway for everybody today we've got 25 of tessaro's new tuned in ear Pro headphones featuring nine point three millimeter dynamic drivers presented in a solid durable metal enclosure it features an inline microphone with a magnetic earbuds storage system to keep them tangle free and you basically just grip near the ear buds so you can automatically feel which ear they're supposed to go into comes with a carry bag and interchangeable tips and they only cost 35 bucks if you aren't lucky and you don't win the giveaway so check out the giveaway now at the link in the video description
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