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Why NOT to buy Radeon 5700 XT… Yet – Our Review

oh right sorry it's been a long couple of weeks first AMD announced their new Radeon and Verizon products would have released yesterday and then Nvidia decided they were going to announce super around the second and well let's just say I've been putting in some extra hours but it was well worth it the new Radeon rx 5700 series is nearly as interesting as the new third gen rise of processors a ridge wallet is a sleek way to keep wallet bulge down thanks to its compact frame and RFID blocking inner plates use the offer code in the video description to save 10% on your Ridge wallet and get free worldwide shipping first the cards themselves we've got three SKUs available at launch the mid-range rx 5700 is positioned to compete directly against team greens our TX 2060 while the higher-end rx 5700 XT with four extra compute units was being pitted against the RT X 2070 but now that card is out of the picture so the real rival there ends up being the RT X 2060 super finally there is a limited edition 50th anniversary rx 5700 XT with a gold-trimmed shroud and an 80 megahertz clock boost for an extra $50 a personally I'd buy an extra game but everyone has different priorities powering the rx 5700 series is a new 7 nanometre core design AMD is calling our DNA compared to the previous generation GCN based cards like Vega our DNA features native PCI Express 4.0 support along with G DDR 6 is standard not HB m2 as a result of the latter point availability should improve over Vega and the financial breakeven point for AMD should be far lower giving them more mobility in terms of pricing an important point we'll get to later on for now I want to nerd out a little bit the new compute units are core to the performance and efficiency gains AMD claims with the RX 5700 series and ultimately may be a point of contention for AMD fans because of what it implies about the AMD fine wine technology see a GPU typically does its work in batches to make a long story short each of AMD's older GCN compute units can work on up to four batches at a time and wouldn't you know it each batch is sized to be evenly divisible by four thanks to the magic of parallel processing that means it can complete one batch per cycle if 4qs are active simultaneously which is where AMD's traditional strength and compute comes from the problem with this approach comes about when there's fewer than four batches to work on simultaneously which frequently occurs in games as processing the band's rise and fall depending on what's on the screen so if you end up having one batch getting process at a time it can take up to four times longer to complete than it otherwise would and even worse it's not because the GPU is overworked but rather because there's so much of its sitting idle optimizing games and drivers to help prevent this is somewhat complex and also where many of those fine wine improvements come from our DNA compute units on the other hand use two queues each capable of handling batches at twice the rate of GCN in a single cycle which means each compute unit in the new architecture can handle the same amount of work as before but with only half the potential for performance loss in an optimized scenario all while being easier optimized for AMD capitalized on this new design by combining it with a few other tweaks that help smooth out the rough edges which altogether makes for a far more streamlined and optimized rendering engine for games with the obvious downside for AMD fans being that fine wine as we know it and may be a thing of the past along with the hardware AMD is launching a host of new features some of which are novel and while others are well let's get into it radians multimedia capabilities got a substantial boost this generation with support for the new visually lossless display stream compression technique that enables the new cards to output up to 8k 60 off of a single connector with no chroma subsampling that's pretty sick a less cool sick and more sick is the new Radeon media engine that combines encoding and decoding into one place on paper you've got the ingredients for a really versatile card but our test recordings were disappointing at the same CPU usage and bitrate and vank completely wipes the floor with it with many of the smaller details of our recording just completely getting lost on AMD ouch perhaps the most interesting of the new features is what AMD is calling anti-lag it's a little difficult to explain exactly the TLDR is that you can think of it kind of like a vsync for your CPU but unlike vsync it actually lowers input lag it achieves this by having the CPU only tell the GPU to work on frames as soon as they're needed meaning that while frame rates might drop by a few percentage points with it on the time taken to display each frame and thus the input lag is reduced Linus has caught the high-speed camera bugs so let us though in the comments if you want to see this put to the test and I'll pass the feedback along I'm sure he'll be down for any excuse to play with the fandom again finally there's the feature that's interesting for all the wrong reasons the new open source fidelity FX framework you can think of this a bit like graphics tweaking packages like re shade or sweet effects but virtually for free contrast adaptive sharpening is what AMD chose to show off for now and really I could take or leave it some things look decent like the road and motion example at f1 2019 but others look really tacky like their Borderlands example the good news is that it comes without a performance penalties so if you do like it you can toggle it on for all DX 912 and vulcan titles via the Radeon image sharpening feature bringing us finally to benchmarks since I've been on such a time crunch for this release I'm reusing the GPU bench I built up for the Nvidia super video which thankfully means I can also reuse some of those numbers that's the one benefit the product launches this close together there's no time for driver updates hamdi's off to a good start in gaming though the RX 5700 performance has it competing well against even the RT X 2060 super and at times it's bigger brother rx 5700 XT overtakes even the far more expensive RT X 2070 super titles with hair works like Metro Exodus gave us lower performance on Radeon but the new lineup still remained competitive against its direct competitors typically sitting above their overall performance levels not a great look for Nvidia right now considering super was supposed to be a giant middle finger to AMD as for productivity AMD is still strong but a bit more of a mixed bag than usual for instance for longer renders in blender both new cards beat out the RT X 2070 but then in shorter ones both of them lost even to the non super RT X 2060 we thought that was pretty weird SOI to interrupt future Anthony here you might have noticed something strange about this blender result look at the 2070 super way out of line well I reran at a bunch of times on all the cards and even though the 2070 super isn't that far ahead of the 2017 other tests here we are still investigating this one okay on to the video then Lux Marquez team red and team green trading blows again depending on the workload that both AMD cards steal the show in CATIA and SolidWorks even from the RT X 2070 super and as for the rest of spec view perf we've got another mishmash of wins and losses for team red and team green with the deltas being high enough that depending on your workload you might opt for one over the other one last bit of performance testing PCI Express 4.0 we weren't expecting much in terms of performance uplift here and that's exactly what we got at least with these workloads I mean some games see a couple of extra frames and these spec view perf numbers are a little bit higher but that's about it as for thermals well the good news is it could be worse but the bad news is that it's only true because it hasn't caught fire yet the RX 5700 seems fine but it looks like there are some early teething issues with the RX 5700 XT that caused our unit to boost itself into oblivion and overheat eventually shutting down under certain conditions like sitting in a game menu for too long these kinds of lapses in QA testing are exactly why we get upset when manufacturers like AMD rush things to market rather than waiting until they're fully cooked pardon the pun light us maybe say that anyway assuming they can squish this bug and tame the beast the value proposition is an interesting one on the one hand and videos RTX 2017 on super is probably going to be a pretty good deal in the near future as stores get rid of stock to make room for a super but the RT x 2060 super being a slower card plays into AMD's hand here they targeted their rx 5700 XT at the 2070 and it's now priced like a 2060 super it may not win on all fronts and if Nvidia's objectively better software and features sweet mean nothing to you then the RX 5700 series often manages superior performance per dollar in gaming and for productivity it trades blows enough that it'll be worth it for many especially Linux and Apple users who enjoy superior driver support from AMD so early adopter issues aside it's not the groundbreaking industry Shaker upper that rise in 3rd gen is where AMD dismantled intel's entire consumer product lineup but it's worth buying and which is honestly more than we expected given how much of AMD's GPU division has defected to Intel in the last couple of quarters one thing that concerns us though is where do they go from here it's tough to see how AMD will release a higher-end card with this architecture without resorting to liquid cooling and 5 nanometers is unlikely to tame the inferno but today's a happy day let's deal with that problem tomorrow and today can be your happy day thanks to mass drop and the Sennheiser PC 37 X gaming headset it's open back design gives you a wide stereo image from drivers that come from the venerable HD 598 and HD 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