Windows 8 Tip - Adding a Secondary Touch Screen Monitor Linus Tech Tips
Windows 8 Tip - Adding a Secondary Touch Screen Monitor Linus Tech Tips
and it's time for an impromptu and
unexpected blog video so I actually had
someone send me a really interesting
question and so you know because someone
sent me an interesting question I
figured I'd better do something with it
they asked me if I'm running Windows 8
and I have one touchscreen monitor and
one non touchscreen monitor what happens
if I want to have something like a game
running in full screen on my non
touchscreen monitor and I'd only be
doing something like say for example
browsing the internet on my oh whoops
habit right just sec on my touchscreen
monitor how does that work can I have a
full screen application running over
here while I'm you know browsing the
entertainment news about Liam being
caught flirting with a mysterious woman
or whatever else is going on so what
happened was I set up the touch screen
monitor and I ran into a very strange
problem check this out guys I take my
hdmi cable do-do-do-do-do when I plug it
into my touchscreen monitor all right
normal things happen you got your sort
of your monitors and your whatnots and
your all that good stuff so watch this
stuff oh okay that worked
right right right okay I'm about to show
you what's what sort of weird about it
so if I pressed Internet Explorer and it
worked then what happens is I try to
it's working shoot funny story now that
I fixed it I actually can't replicate
the problem because I've fixed it
already but I'm going to explain what
happened so I had my test bench running
right here I added a touch screen
monitor to use as a secondary monitor to
test what that's what that Twitter
follower had asked me about okay so I
plugged in my HDMI connector on wood
okay cool now I'm ready to go so I
immediately started using the left
monitor as a touch screen
okay I'll launch I'll launch Internet
Explorer and then I learned okay now
close Internet Explorer what would
actually happen was because the BenQ
monitor was my primary
monitor my touch inputs here we're
registering over here so even though
these icons are in the left corner of
the BenQ if I went like this in the
corner of the Acer would open up this
folder right here so I kind of like oh
this is stupid so then by going into
display options and back here I can show
you guys what I'm doing because I've got
my fancy dual camera set up here so by
going into display options I was able to
change the Acer to my main display this
immediately fix the problem because what
it did was it made it so that now I
could touch on here it would work so I
was like okay now it's all fixed so no
big deal so I'll just go back and I'll
change to the van cubing my main display
because this is my gaming display this
is my 120 Hertz panel that did not fix
the problem the problem ended up being
caused by some weird setting within the
control house so I'll show you guys
where that is all you got to do is open
up your control panel and then search or
tablet go to tablet PC settings then
you're going to want to change the
I've actually you click setup and then
you end up with a little thing that
looks like this touch the screen to
identify it as the touch screen done now
if you actually go through and do things
like calibrating it or whatever else you
want to do this fixed it so permanently
that I'm not even able to demo the issue
for you so there you have it thank you
for checking out this impromptu - tech
tips episode on how to configure a
secondary monitor as a touchscreen this
will be most useful for notebook users
because they might not have a
touchscreen notebook and they might want
to add a secondary touchscreen or
desktop users who have a primary display
that they're already quite pleased with
and I'm sorry for the technical
difficulties on my switcher here but
I'll get banging on this at some point
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