
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Windows Now Comes with Linux - WAN Show May 10, 2019

I was clicked it again then I think we're live now yep hey welcome to the wine show were a little late I was busy rebuilding my dream PC from when I was a teenager did you know that that's what we were working on no so when did you get into computer hardware I'm trying to remember what was what was the shiz like what did you lust after when you first got into it when I first got into computer hardware there was no like I don't know how to say this I was so my family aggressively did not have money and I definitely didn't have very good methods of making my own I had some I started working when I was like 11 or 12 or something right but the kind of work you're doing at that age you're not raising large funds to buy sweet things so I purposefully even at that age was like I'm just gonna not look so like I don't actually know what the like fatty items were when I first jumped into it but I dealt with a lot of scrapping people's computers and working with other people's stuff and looking online on how I could make those things work but I like purposefully didn't look at the new things that were out there cuz I didn't want to see like oh this reasonably-priced new computer has four times the RAM you have I'm just like okay that's soul-crushing so like I don't actually really know God by the time I was buying stuff like actually we have the wrong title I updated it yeah did I do it in the wrong thing oh well the computer's been restarted Oh No what's the title supposed to be oh no is everything wrong Linux is in Windows that's what I said of that Windows now comes with it's on twitch Linux when show May 5th 2019 May 10th mate Oh oh wow yeah it's the 10th when ok neat I don't I don't know if that updates now it how does this work also are these the sponsors must have done it to the old vaad probably gone no that would be on floatplane if you just did it over there that and copy those though no those are those are the wrong ones oh wow cuz that was okay why don't we jump into it yeah intro [Laughter] there's cool topics and stuff and get to it in a moment I must update the fathers oh boy oh that that's bad team yeah okay or it just didn't say if the computers been restarted some nothing good twilit honey the font changes between your things madrina is thank you this is terrific this is terrific welcome my friends to the LAN show because this this is what it's really about isn't it pure quality hanging out on a Friday no idea what's going on 44 minutes late you literally copied copy pasted the part of the instruction that says sponsor video description block in brackets copy paste the below text heck yeah I'm just gonna I'm just gonna share that with our friends on my screen sharing even works I mean does not watching they can see it okay it did before the computer is restarted and I was not the one that we started the computer everything was fine why did we restart the computer the audio wasn't working uh there was a very legitimate reason I don't even I don't even I can't even go to switch seats for insects why we know it's fine I just I thought there was a I thought there was a thing Adam show stream is the most well refined stream where I think you want a properties thing yeah I don't see it there though I don't see the stop-and-start thing it's not there it's not there I don't know the black magic stuff I only know the okay trying to do again I'm trying to over talking about Microsoft oh all the news we got us Microsoft stuff I do also have some links to Google i/o there's no notes for it sure but make it talk of a week we can still talk about it so probably fine this might be another one of those just like you know talking about stuff land shares so yeah Microsoft Microsoft will be apparently shipping a full Linux kernel within Windows 10 this is supposed to be Nowak on the forum see how quickly I regained my composure good job and basically in a nutshell they're planning to ship a full Linux kernel directly in Windows and that's the first time that the Linux kernel will be included as part of Windows this is basically starting with the windows insider builds that are coming this summer so it's not like you're just like running Linux immediately and to be clued to be clear it's not gonna be like a like I don't know I don't know what I would have even like if someone told me Linux is gonna be in Windows I don't even know what I would have expected like a weird virtual machine environment or like I like yeah I don't know what I would have expected but basically it's an in-house custom built Linux kernel that are gonna underpin the newest version of windows subsystem for Linux it's gonna be initially based on version 4.1 9 which is the latest long-term stable release of Linux and it will be rebased at the designation at the designation of new long-term stable releases to ensure that the wsl kernel always has the latest linux goodness so what does this mean like what does this mean like I can I can install Linux software I know those like what honestly I wish I was more informed I have no idea oh well that's awkward yeah awkward thank you in advance YouTube chat who I'm sure is going to be jumping in and and telling us all about this well apparently the thumbnail is still from the earlier video - I'm assuming yeah I see some cons about this - here I'm assuming this size into our next topic which is new Windows terminal which has you can select your command line app of choice of command from PowerShell Ubuntu or W on WS L or Raspberry Pi via SSH etc that sounds like it ties in quite directly I think its new terminal stuff I don't think there's gonna be a lot of like hey my Windows is running Linux I think it's just gonna give you more more access to more tools which is really cool but I don't think it's actually gonna change pretty much anything for the vast majority of users which is fine we're at the point where most operating systems are kind of like that but yeah this seems to fall in line in my opinion with Satya Nadella is like each department should do the best thing they possibly can for their department instead of needing to force Microsoft stuff only and nothing else ever into everything they possibly can so that's cool in other big news the latest word on the street and this this is a I have no idea how credible it is but it's being reported pretty broadly so take it for what it is it's rumor mill nonsense but word on the street is that AMD's Rison 3000 series is going to include - 16 core mainstream desktop CPUs now I don't even know if with a straight face you can really call that mainstream but I guess the definitions changing yeah so at the same time like I was thinking about this the other day yeah and I'm super happy this is really cool news yeah I'm happy hardware's pushing forward yeah my roommate still runs on a 3000 series processor and plays whatever games he wants just fine Oh like a 3000 series Intel processor right so like a 3770k or 35 70 K or something yeah yep and like he plays apex and pretty much whatever else he really feels like and it's it's totally okay I'd really uh I was watching a video recently talking about how like oh we haven't had like a new crisis experience in a while we're like a game comes out and it's just like holy crap that's amazing it looks great absolutely incredible but it's really hard on hardware you've seen a lot of demos like Nvidia did that incredible ray-tracing demo with the stormtroopers and the elevator there's been some really great racing demos in general there's been a few of them but we haven't had that one game that comes out and it's like at least lighting wise which is a massive portion of it indiscernible from reality which we're getting really really really close and some demos have been amazing have you seen minecraft with ray-tracing no it's actually incredible do you have like a Microsoft actually produced no it was um digital foundry oh of course okay it minecraft with ray-tracing so what exactly did they do hold on yeah I'm gonna go ahead my stream I'm gonna see if your screen your screen share doesn't work either okay it was it was before the before the restart we fixed audio and it broke everything else it's fantastic do we even know that the audio is fixed I mean I haven't gotten a whole bunch of text messages so I'm assuming yes we didn't touch it laptop captures not working and I don't know how to reset these yeah like wow you can't see it you guys can't see it but yeah great we show you guys this amazing digital foundry minecraft racing live play it's uh it's pretty fantastic that would be your first problem well I want them to go outside though alright Luke you're coming up you're coming in hot oh wait no you're not you're coming too not there you go Hey alright yeah you just have to switch it from SDI to HDMI that's the way to reverse the reverse yeah I know and the other ones used to be able to deactivate and activate them which is why I got confused because I assumed there would be a way to deactivate and activate these ones but there isn't that's what happens when you let Jake build your thing so Wow isn't that crazy that actually looks it's so much nice better yeah then regular minecraft yeah there's a there's some other cool scenarios that they go through this using like Nvidia's ray tracing tech is this arty axe or is this just it's minecraft so it's just brute force honestly I didn't think we were going this direction on the way on show so I don't have this information ready but but yeah it's it's all I know is it's ray tracing right there look at the water oh wait hold on I switched away from you the light reflections on the water is oh no I know oh yeah there we go Wow super cool and like I'm sure there's other mods going on here yeah but the ray tracing itself just makes the game look completely different I have to confess I have still never played Minecraft apparently it's getting like more popular again now oh really who knows it'll just never die it'll keep going well I don't see why it would because it's in the same way that like why would Lego ever die yeah you're always gonna want it let me go build something yeah yeah you've never played it I've okay so to be clear I've opened the program and I've like wandered around for three minutes and gotten confused because I just okay I don't I don't really get it yeah but like I I there wasn't a tutorial or anything so I was just like okay now I have some grass and a dead cow I like I thought I built some amazing thing and then I like went on YouTube and was like nope nope I'm terrible I'm the worst and then I decided that I would never be able to build anything actually cool so I just built a treehouse and then quit okay that's my mind Minecraft that's your entire Minecraft jewelry but looks beautiful with ray-tracing I just I don't know I I think maybe I have a little bit of hardware fatigue right okay just because I don't see it getting utilized super well so I mean you can always find use cases absolutely so okay let's say so let's go back to let's go back to that rumor which I can actually show you guys now on the employer net here there's like some typos in this article and stuff but we're just gonna hit on the main beats yeah so they are they are saying that they believe the rise in 3,800 X and 3850 X will be at the top of the processor line up they'll both be 16 core 32 I'm sure they mean threads here and they'll be among the eight CPUs that they'll be launching this month so this is a tweet from APUs AK sayings n2 so remember guys risin 3000 series is reportedly going to be Zen - not Zen + like Zen improved like we got the rise in 2000 series so it was a little confusing because you had rise in with the number one and then the rest of the model number and then you had rise in two and stuff but that wasn't rise in two so rise in two has to be based on the Zen - architects for not just like fine-tuned for better memory compatibility and like slightly better clock speeds so what we're looking at apparently and this is based on an engineering sample that allegedly turned up is a base clock of 3.3 gigahertz a boost of 4.2 just sound and pretty darn good and this was running on an x5 70 motherboard so frankly it actually sounds reasonably plausible and this is allegedly again what the full lineup might look like and if this is true wait what is this this is kind of conflicting with it someone else said this is an early sample there's room for improvement last December this apparently surfaced but we don't know how much truth there is to it I would be very surprised to see a 16 core processor with a base of 4.3 and a boost to 5.1 I think that might be a fanboy fever dream but if AMD does pull this off then boy is Intel ever gonna have something to react to and the bizarre thing from Intel side especially right now is that because they're currently experiencing a shortage on all of their 14 nanometer plus plus products they aren't even really in a position to drop pricing no so the thing about that is that even if this processor launched from AMD doesn't affect Intel sales because they can effectively sell everything they can make at the price that they've already set what it could at the very least do is affect Intel's perception among enthusiasts because if Intel doesn't drop their price that does the kind of damage to your brand over the longer term that's really hard to get away from Oh Intel is overpriced Intel's a ripoff AMD gives you better performance at the same price or it gives you the same performance for a lower price like that's the kind of perception that sticks with you and it's easy for especially people who pay really close attention to technology news to go will know because you know Intel might Conroe the market again and completely you know turn AMD on its head but here's the thing I still get people you know just talking to me in casual conversation like oh I didn't get Andy because AMD runs hot it's like well though AMD made processors at one point that did run pretty hot old pipe news dies hard exactly so it can take you years it has been over two years since AMD launched Rison think about that for a minute that's actually kind of spooky right I feels like it was so recent right it's been over two years makes sense though and you still get people saying things like Oh AMD runs really hot well no Rison doesn't like anything runs hot if you overclock it or whatever but no Rison has very reasonable thermals and you mean you ran into the same thing like back in the until Prescott days so there was a time back in like I don't know mm mm 6 whenever it was 2007 I don't know when when Intel's processors ran so hot that those systems if you if you can get your hands on something like an intel prescott 3.4 3.6 gigahertz or something like that that's still running today i guarantee you the motherboard is like darkened i was gonna say the still running today part it would be surprising yeah like the chip might work there's no way that motherboard works those things suck so much power they ran so freakin hot and that plagued intel again for years oh I'm gonna get AMD because because Intel CPUs run hot so this has the potential if any of this is even remotely true to do long-term damage to Intel's perception among enthusiasts and the thing about enthusiasts is that they're frankly aren't that many of them I think that sometimes the like the high-end gaming community and the enthusiast in overclocking communities get all you know up in their own self-importance thinking that they actually matter when the reality of it is in a given quarter one major OAM like a Dell or an HP is probably moving more CPUs than your entire market segment over like a year or more like bats the cold hard truth and yes the enthusiast segment does by higher margin like K unlocks chips and all that kind of stuff but manat you're not gonna make her break a brand like Intel or even AMD at this point now that they're finally winning some OEM contracts but what you do have the power to do is you have the power to influence this around you you know if you talking like that I would say I think there's quite a bit of exactly yeah so talking to you the viewer right now each one of you I'm sure sometime in the last month someone be they friend or family has come to you with tech advice exactly the family tech exactly sometimes it's like totally irrelevant like my in-laws the other day I was over there for dinner and they pull out this they're like yeah we got this this thing from Costco and we'd we don't know how to use it and I'm like lordy what is it this time and they pull it out and it's a solar-powered like motion sensing light for their porch okay and I'm like it's part of my electricity though man you know how it works like I've never set one of these up before like it I think my superpower must be that I can just read a manual yeah honestly a lot of the time isn't that just all it is a lot of the time like how to use a piece of software like clicking things seeing what they do and they break everything no okay that's good control-z yeah it's probably undoable mousing over reading the little text that pops up so anyway I'm looking at this thing I'm like okay so it's got a it's got a light all right it's got a little thing in the front that's your motion sensor and then there's this wire and it's got a solar panel so this probably goes where you want light when it detects a thing and then this probably goes where the Sun is will do they need to go together well there's a very long wire on it so anyway sometimes so sometimes it's totally off world's greatest detective yeah but other times you're really influencing key decisions like hey you know what laptop should I get and non-techie people if we're being honest they actually don't care no they just want to make sure that they're not doing something notably stupid so if you're like that one you're coming from at least somewhat informed position and they're like okay cool like my aunt for example I always end up picking on my poor aunt just very nice person didn't know the difference between an iPhone and an Android phone okay so I was like what kind of phone do you want she's like well I have an iPhone main well it's a 5c and this is like four months ago I really should have just upgraded her earlier it doesn't matter the point is she's like I've got an iPhone I just want something that I don't have to relearn and I'm like okay you're gonna be relearning so here's the thing Apple get away you know that one button one button you still had it's gone with that said I could give you an older Android device that still has a button so functionally it's actually more similar to your old iPhone than a new iPhone is to your old iPhone and she kind of looked at both of them didn't understand either of them when I showed her the new ones and I was like okay so you had a picture of a phone you still got a picture of a phone you just touched the phone right but this one where's the dialpad and I'm like but it's fine the dial pads here but the iPhone it brings up the contacts first I'm like right but they both got both options it's okay anyway at the end of the day she wanted the iPhone because she knew the iPhone but she could have just as easily learned an Android phone it actually didn't matter and I think a lot of the time especially the people that have both techie families and techie social circles can totally lose track of how normal people operate because you get so caught up in these little details like oh well the MacBook Pro Thermal throttles to 15 percent of the time so at the most people are probably only ever gonna like browse Facebook regardless of whether they get a Mac or a Windows PC so it comes down to just getting whatever like makes them happy so you you the tech influencer have a lot of power here because at the end of the day they're just probably gonna get whatever you say or they're not gonna get what you say at some point they'll probably regret it maybe they'll get what you say next time I'm trying to find this two rabbis going with that this is this is pretty someone off-topic but I'm sure I find this thread where I've I want to throw the forum under the bus pretty hard we don't get the end I mean we wouldn't have anyways because there's no real reason to you but we don't really get rid of stuff on the forum unless it's like like we don't get rid of stuff that attacks us and this was attacking other people right sometimes we would get rid of but it was all anonymous who it was okay but it's I don't were the exact thread name but it was in general discussion years ago and I'm sure it's still alive because it was surviving many years after the point where his posted but it was like tails from tech support the name wasn't exactly that yeah I don't know your experience with non-techies yeah yeah super legendary massive threat on the forum and I've hated it I have thought about killing actually here it is experiences with non-techies it's got like one thousand two hundred and thirty eight pages and I think this is sort of an example of okay well this one from one of our moderators actually pretty fair people putting stuff on top of an electric baseboard seriously why do people do that that's not even well it is kind of tacky electric baseboard it's is it technology or not okay but a wheels technology okay a string is technology some people sewing is technology so she'll probably never watching this I think I'm pretty safe ecology pretty but we had a nanny at what sir technology that couldn't manage to put like the forks in the fork tray and the spoons in the spoon tray I'm not talking like the big forks in the small ports I'm talking like forks and spoons I think you know sort of how much respect I have it's something I don't talk about much on the land show by Ed like the best part too is I know you have a particular thing about dishwasher organization I and and I'm very fussy when it comes it's one of my ass be things so I can totally believe that that just drove you wild it's the kind of thing where like I will open the drawer to get a thing and it's not like it's kind of it's bad enough that I have to like dig through it in order to find the thing I need but then I have to reorganize the hole yeah yeah but a fork is technology but to change gears a little bit here's also techno to change gears a little bit here I think that we all need to reflect once in a while and try to imagine something that that we don't know anything we know a laughably small amount about but that someone else who frankly doesn't know or care about the difference between a Mac and a Windows PC might be an expert in like if you were to get dumped onto a farm would you do any like I'm talking a real one would you be able to operate the equipment or deal with the animals any better than that let's say farmer would be able to sit down and and describe the nuances of iOS versus engine like I'd be honest I'm sure there's crossover in both those directions of course what I was just using it as an example of something that you might not know anything I was just pointing it so people don't freak out of course there's plenty of tech literate farmers in fact farming is more technology heavy than it's ever been there's actually a lot of very high tech stuff in farming but I know a definition technology everything's technology but so yeah I don't know i I've always hated that thread because it's like oh come on give it a break Gandhi asks if Linus really has autism so my family has a lot of autism in it the way that I would describe myself is to say I have a touch of the ass beat now Asperger's is no longer considered by the w-h-o a real disorder because - oh yeah I was a while back because to say that feeling socially awkward and like you are made I'm come about certain things is like I mean there's a reason they call it autism spectrum disorder like that's everybody as far as who's not on it yeah that's what I want to know okay so yeah I do have some ticki behaviors I do have some things that make me irrational like irrationally frustrated like like I just like I can't handle it but no I would I have never been diagnosed with autism it's it's just something that like I said runs in my family pretty strongly and we all sit somewhere on there for sure just to varying degrees so they're right my t-shirt is technology according to YouTube chat yep noise bombs farming the most underrated technology by a long shot there's actually okay you know what if you want to go down a weird youtube rabbit hole there's some pretty wild farming tech okay just you know you can you can go down the rabbit hole if you want we should probably do maybe a wild oh man that timing this wallet is technology it's technology yeah stop carrying pointless items around in your pocket like receipts old hotel room keys or spent gift I wonder how many of those things I legitimately have in my wallet right now like a week ago I pitched a old hotel room receipt you know what I was actually pretty sure I had an old hotel room key I must have gotten rid of it because I accidentally kept one from my last try my mine was legit like last week or something I don't have any spent gift cards I actually keep mine Wow like actually keep pretty clean these days do you want to play what do you have in your wallet spend gift card nice yeah so I've receipts in Spain gift card I don't have old hotel room because I got rid of it last week okay I would have been three for three though so I've got my my health insurance benefits card yeah I've got my BCAA membership this one expired I don't think it actually matters I don't think your number changes I've got my driver's license I've got my Costco card okay so far we're exactly tired executive member nice thing of beauty I've got my access card for for work yep for one so far okay now I lose two three three debit cards those are all debit those are all debit yeah oh so the reason is that I've got my my joint account with the wife ooh okay I've got my my work debit card and then I've also got my just in case we ever get divorced I still need to have a bank account never cut no I'm just kidding I've just been a customer at TD since I was like six and I think having a very very long standing account can have advantages if you ever go to negotiate with them unlike something it's a free account so it cost me nothing to have it I just have to have a balance of like greater than ten dollars or something like that so I just hold on to it just in case like the other thing too is because Yvonne handles all of our money it's really hard for me to do simple things like buy her a birthday present without right because she'd see it's showing up on the credit card and yeah and so like I've had to resort to stupid things like hey hon don't look at the credit card statement for a bit and don't log into Amazon and she's like I'm actually your accountant I actually need to do okay so uh you're gonna see the line item before you see the item itself yeah so I so I have three debit cards and then I have four credit cards I have well personal and business Canadian cards and then personal and business USD cards yeah you've got me there I also have some cash retro I have some cash you got some cash vielen rat chow yep and then I did I had one receipt so I actually I actually run a fairly tight ship but I do think I need to get change no no change so my system for change is actually pretty straightforward I downgraded to a smaller wallet so I actually fully support the smaller wallet assuming you don't have too many cards for it I actually downgraded to a smaller wallet a number of you well you can see how many years ago it was I really need probably you've pretty much had that wallet the whole time I've known you I think oh definitely yeah oh yeah for sure yeah so so I downgraded because I had resolved to not carry around change or too many receipts anymore okay and so I devised a new system for change so the only thing I really use change for is to pay an exact change for a Monday night badminton okay and for like hot lunch day for my son school and like stuff like that like when I need to send money to school sure so I do need change but I don't need it on me sorry okay change goes along with my screwdriver in my back right pocket okay and then deposited every night at the end of the day I put it in my change bucket okay and then anytime I need change I get it from there so I never actually spend change I only a choir change and then when I specifically need it so we did a staycation because one of the things that one of my daughter's asked to do on our vacation was to ride the bus and I was like well that's a cheap date cool so we needed to go ride the bus as a family I had somewhere to go for change because you can't not have any change mm-hmm that's inconvenient I when I travel I like to have some cash on me and deal with cash sometimes just because everyone smile your cards will freak out and I like to just have some amount of local cash and then I also really like collecting relatively small denominations but still have a little bit of the change and a little bit of the cash from different countries that I go to just because I find it really interesting how they keep their stuff so then I often have like some weird mix of change from multiple different countries in the pocket until I deposit at home which I constantly forget to do but yeah this is actually pretty sick actually a number of people internally a switch to we should probably do the actual talking points here that would program helps you carry less it uses two metal RFID blocking plates that are bound by a strong elastic band that keeps your cards tightly together but still accessible you just pop them out like that and then they just kind of look like in like that looks and feels slick comes in different materials like aluminum carbon fiber and titanium and makes a great gift for Father's Day which is June 16th by the way guys more importantly Mother's Day this Sunday don't forget PSA PSA Mother's Day this Sunday at least send her a text message all right bare minimum and and learn this the hard way your wife of your children your mother of your to also a mother make sure you acknowledge her too don't miss that one that was that there was this one Mother's Day when like are you setting a reminder for yourself and I'm sending a tweet generally I do tweet reminders for everybody to try to help I know maybe our community isn't the greatest at remembering these types of things remember the like experience with non-techies thing our community is not necessarily great at certain other stuff so I try to help other people because I have problems remembering these things as well so when I get reminded I tweet it out and help other people are funny and then them responding to the tweet constantly reminds me that it's coming so it's actually helpful for me as well I try not to generalize but the thing is like within the techie community community I would say that consideration for things like special occasions is generally on the low end yeah with a general population the likelihood of a data let's say in a company okay in a company of mostly techie people like this one versus a company of like my wife's old job as a pharmacist so a pharmacy where it's predominantly female with technology the likelihood of someone showing up at our office with cupcakes to celebrate someone's birthday or like or a handcrafted gift to celebrate someone having a baby that everyone signs and like hand delivers to them much less likely here much more likely there I'm not gonna I'm not to generalize I'm just saying guys I'm horrible with this stuff I'm absolutely terrible about it it's always been kind of helpful for me because I am terrible about it and traditionally my boss man doesn't give two craps at all yeah forget my birthday 365 times a year my birthday even though time's it I do remember usually just like okay cool see it and the great thing is you'll usually be right yeah I get it yeah like a very high percentage of the time yeah higher than 99 you saw it it'll have more uptime than floatplane whoa footprints actually had pretty good actually it's not very good I was just thinking about my head I was like wait maybe not next Yeah right oh right wow it's taking us a while before our sponsors yeah sorry about that I also brought to you but well I don't know we ended up talking about other things that's also brought to you by honey so when you buy something online and find out later you could have got it for less that sucks unfortunately online coupon codes can be a total pain in the arse like honestly who hasn't done this Google like cuz you'll you'll be in the checkout and there it is it's tantalizing the coupon code field or the voucher field someone's probably got one of those someone probably has gonna have that too so you google it come at me and you come up with like all these results and there's all these even like large websites that are dedicated to compiling all of these coupon codes and you enter the ball in and none of them forget work so honey does all of that for it's a free browser extension that saves you money when you shop online honey scans the internet for coupon codes and other discounts then like magic it automatically applies them to your cart at checkout it knows a lot of coupon codes sale or discount codes at over 37,000 sites like Amazon Newegg Best Buy Gamestop Walmart eBay and more it takes just two clicks to install so head over to honeycomb forward slash Linus and install honey for free today well it's people in the office use it including me it's pretty sweet also brought to you by madrenas coffee oh man so uh madrenas they sponsored the roast yes as you know yep and we had a bit of a snafu with the the youtube version of the roast which by the way ladies and gentlemen will be going live on which one is it oh wow tomorrow I was just gonna say Leeds tomorrow oh so be going live on Saturday tomorrow at around noon we had a bit of a snafu with it today where we uploaded it and we didn't make it public but we accidentally added it to a playlist so a handful of people happened across it and I think this is going to be a fairly polarizing piece of content yeah not everyone is gonna like it hopefully you don't judge me or madrenas based on the things that are said by some of the people in the roast which i think might have been happening but just remember guys as you're watching it it was all in good fun and we're still friends and it's all good people we're more people worried about us so they wrote a lot of comments but the like/dislike ratio was one to two whoa okay how many people saw it though not many it only had about 50 views okay but it had eight dislikes yeah that's that's kind of weird pretty strong yeah the weird thing is almost everyone absolutely loved it on Flo plain yeah who where we'll find kind of our super I think super supporters I think you're gonna get more people there that understand because they know the people that are on stage more more likely because you're you're cutting out I know there's definitely gonna be people that watch on YouTube that just like yeah either don't want to or don't have the cash to watch on flow plane that are super hardcore fans that's totally cool yeah but you're also gonna have a higher percentage of people that aren't yeah and if you're not very familiar with everyone on stage and how friendly those people actually are some of those interactions might come across a little weird I'm not sure I don't know yeah I honestly like watch I've watched the entire thing through about four times now and it was entertaining every single time I think it's a fantastic piece of content I think the only thing that makes me sad about it yes the the audio tracks yeah the audience audio is not ideal yeah and I'm I come through everything yeah my laugh gets through everybody's mic so we didn't actually have for whatever reason the production company that helped us with it did not provide the multi-channel audio for the evening so we couldn't just turn you down when you weren't talking oh we only got a single audio track so with everything mixed that makes more sense I was like why I know my laugh is ridiculous but now this is a little mess so what I would recommend in order to have the best experience with it is to turn the volume up higher than you normally would Luke's gonna be super loud but you'll be able to hear the audience reacting to the jokes which adds a lot it's gonna add a lot because the the biggest problem is like something will be funny and the the presenter person will pause for laughter and you just like stare at them sitting there it's like okay it's really regrettable that we didn't have a we we were considering putting in a laugh track but we ended up opting to leave it o natural for better or worse yeah because the thing about a laugh track is there's so many different laughter reactions Oh like it's just it's so varied that weren't we weren't gonna be able to make it good so I would rather just leave it natural and then at least people can have you know nerf or worse I've lost showed a couple of times too though I I do find it quite funny but I can also yeah I don't know I can understand why some people it might not be their cup of tea I don't know some of the dislikes might have also been like hey this isn't what this playlist supposed no we've accidentally put stuff in playlists before that it's not really alright okay should we show a short like teaser sure is that a good idea sure okay it's going live anyways yeah yeah okay let's let's do it let's do a short teaser for anyone who hasn't seen it yet you just show it on floatplane so here you go ladies and gentlemen oh do they have this might show the URL right oh the unlisted URL what what a tremendous thought that I didn't think of hooray um Oh actually there's a floatplane exclusive I don't know if you saw this this one up dude that's cool the red all the red carpet interviews director's cut and I believe by director's cut we mean completely not cut no I don't think I can show the floatplane one all right yes I can answer this one okay all right so I'm gonna turn on audio I don't know how well that's gonna work but I mean we do have a warning on it in fairness to us man I love this intro wait for it wait for it wait for it after I think master yeah last day it's spelled right yeah I know we fixed that for the YouTube release just minor things and that weird interlacing issue we fixed that too I look so ridiculous in my my like grand theft auto intro screen thing yeah that stage was so cool I know it ended up looking so great in James's grandiose intro someone with a Chinese username says what's funny is people think they actually read this chat occasionally we do I don't know if they can actually hear this or no audio I haven't okay yeah that's no it's it's fine it's fine anyway it looks really good and yeah we're gonna have to figure out if we can get audio so thankfully check yeah thanks thanks guys oh man I hope people like it do we have any other main topics today or did it take us that oh wait I never did the madrenas talking points okay so good luck madrenas hopefully everyone doesn't hate you and us yeah you know if you guys liked the roast then you know please help keep madrenas afloat by ordering their coffee for fuel their organic cold brew coffee and convenient 16-ounce cans sixty knows they're 15 ounces them and they're rounding up they're like well everyone does it I'm like I don't care they're 15 ounce cans with a flavor for everyone and we're launching our second branded product the LTT vanilla cult brew with madrenas coffee that's on tomorrow's youtube release so be sure to watch that episode and also we have of course the Lambeau row so it's madrenas coffee calm slash lioness to get 40% off your order with code Linus I'm also really excited about the exclusive exclusive out in a limited edition because we're we we actually can't get enough shirts to print as many of these as we want but the limited edition ltte Roast commemorative t-shirt have you seen this have you got this check it out so oh yes y'all have seen that that's legit it's the this is fine meme sort of inspired we only have I think about 600 of them or something like that that's like all that we could get in this shirt color and I really really wanted the red one for this so I am not expecting these to last past about the first hour or two yeah now to be clear we don't normally sell that kind of volume of shirts but we also don't normally do limited edition shirts and when we do they tend to sell really well it's just it's kind of thing we try not to overdo like that Tech linked shirt with the tape I forget how many units of that we move but it was like so funny because the inspiration for it really was just like yeah I actually just like we didn't intend to make it a shirt yeah until we were it was like already created anyway well the designs done so by the way while you're at it if you want to grab the water bottle we have more shipments coming in three to four weeks I believe so there you go so I think that's pretty much it for wind chill for today unless there's anything else that you wanted to talk through the entire Google i/o at all oops hey at least we did our headline topic we did we did a few seconds I think we did a good third of the show on tech news today and and it was front-loaded do okay yeah yeah yeah yeah it's just mostly not in the dock yeah no that's good I guess good yeah no that's fair I think yeah the Google i/o happened Android q which some of this stuff like I think everyone knew pixel three a pixel 3/8 a Excel and Android Q we're coming yeah there was some other cool stuff one thing that I like is maps AR I've seen that No so like you'll be able to hold up your screen mm-hm and like see the city and it'll be like racing game style arrows you might go this way and stuff and that's pretty cool for when you're walking around sometimes in cities it is a little misleading because the I mean I don't have a lot of trouble just seeing the arrow but then again I'm not the kind of person who puts spoons in the fork tray so I can see why we need to simplify walking down the street eating in a dress number that's fair that's very coming with well I tend you know it's funny I tend to be kind of a hater about like new technology like I still don't have a Google home or an Alexa or excuse me an echo free and I used it for a little bit and then unplugged it because it was just annoying when I was trying to use my phone's voice control stuff and I realized something I was like going to do something on my phone the other day I was like oh a lot of people would do this with voice control or something but for me it is literally faster to just do it myself but then I'm gonna pick on my poor aunt again I love my aunt dearly I was watching her use her phone the other day and she's like trying to key a destination into like Google Maps or something I'm just completes you don't even have to type the whole thing my dad uses voice commands really effectively and I use voice commands almost exclusively to set alarms yeah really fast yeah genuinely really fast and it works basically all the time setting reminders who knows what the reminders gonna be for you know what I hate about reminders it's such a gentle nudge yes it's like yep and a lot of the time the reminder won't even be the top of things yeah and if I'm standing next to it I wish you know how when you're sitting at a young reminder of some sort you can set like oh I want a notification I want an email there should be set an alarm off I believe you can do that okay Google sorry everyone set an alarm reminding me to rotate the wash in ten minutes no no more than 24 hours yeah nope I think there's a way to I don't think you can set an alarm for more than 24 hours from now oh you might be right I think there is a way to set an alarm with a text thing though I can't remember how to do it yeah but like I want every it's a reminder I need to know like Jamie yeah okay I had this thought the other day that okay first of all SIM card technology I wish was further than it is now you should be able to have maybe I'm totally off on this and just don't nobody should feel they have more than one phone number and I want a phone number that I can have in my phone that isn't my main phone number that's like four floatplane stuff and if something goes through that and I don't open that text message or respond to that call my phone needs to go nuclear just freak out I don't care flash the light do tons of noise vibrate like crazy and just don't stop that's three four four hours if anything that seems like the kind of thing you could do with like if this than that or something probably like I just got a call on sim to then but like I kind of went off the air there was a way that I could like give you right one of those phone numbers right so that you could call the like this needs to get frickin through phone number no is it still a thing that you can make an urgent call I don't know I know there was a way to prioritize whether it was text messages or calls I know there but there wouldn't used to be a way to like flag it I don't know if it was ever widely supported I just know I'd seen it on a couple of phones over the years yeah I don't know but yeah I just wish there was a way to like and I don't want it to be overused so I would want it to be a thing where like you have to give someone access to this right whether it's a phone number or whether it's whatever I wish there's a way that people as higher priority contacts but the only thing I think it affects is whether they can punch through do not disturb and but but that's and that's not enough that's yeah and like I and I and I need you're talking you want to wake up when you're sleeping yes right and that's very I'm a rather hard person to wake up and like my freaking phone I hate this so much you can't have your ringtone and your notification tones on separate volume levels really mine can don't quote me on that though is that Samsung yeah yeah so I believe Samson I can yeah and I think there's some way to do it on non Samsung devices but I don't I think there's way to do it stock I think you have to root or something right but that's just ridiculous and another part of the thing is most of the phone calls that I get are not important just to be completely honor half of the ones I get are span these days yeah exactly so I don't actually want it to be super annoying right but right if someone has the special like I don't know maybe call my phone and then while it's ringing if you put in a code be like nope this one's important go through everything max volume it go crazy it seems like the kind of thing that should be possible yeah speaking of possible so here's our update are you interested in learning about video creation think you can edit an LTT video better than our team in an hour we are actually doing this as a booth so you can come to the editing den booth show us your skills Taryn will be on site to show you the ropes and help answer your questions when you show up there will be somewhere between 6 & 8 editing workstations loaded up with Adobe Premiere and Photoshop yes you have to edit with Adobe sorry along with a roll footage and a combination of b-roll Clips sound files and templates will also be provided along with our ear this way animated intro and end screen and each station will have a timer you'll have exactly one hour to put together your wonderful creation will record your name and contact info store the video then review them about a week after LTX is over to pick our winner the winner will receive their very own video editing workstation that's the birth where I was like wow that's crazy our TBD like to be clear it's not gonna be like a Z on W 3175 X like so but we're talking like an eight-core risin you know 16 gives you like something respectable it'll be something respectable so that's gonna be pretty cool if you're not all right if you don't already have a ticket for LTX what are you waiting for we announced some new creators a snazzy Labs is coming now yeah so like we're spending more money fine we're selling we're actually selling enough tickets that it like actually might be fine but no please buy more tickets anyway yeah great it's a good time then I think there was also one more thing that I had wanted to alright super chats okay I felt so bad two weeks ago someone super chatted $100 we got it last week - and someone super chatted $100 again okay well I felt bad two weeks ago I felt bad last week well you were there two weeks I was there on both streams so I just wanted to jump in guys I did get in touch with that person oh and did answer their question okay even though I did not catch them on stream hi just eaten hi Robert Jr Nathan says there's something on my shirt haha JK you guys are just such a wonderful group so weird oasis hi Zack hi David Cook hi it's fake free Google money apparently thank you for that and you want to do super chats by the way if you don't have a floatplane subscription you should do that instead a higher percentage of it actually makes it to us just so you know well me not him but like because I technically own well have ownership stakes and both - Media Group and floatplane it's pretty great like it's it's better then you stripe cuz it's just eaten yeah should we have talked about PayPal being a bunch of butt heads this week it's kind of a big topic I was I was considering if we had the old mixer here not the old mixer at the one mixer we had that one with the square button I was just gonna start the rant and then get you to hold it for like two or three minutes it has been a bad scene and we were looking at seriously de-emphasizing PayPal's presents interesting site guess who's human processor PayPal is now secondary for weight I was are you gonna guess eBay well I just couldn't remember who they work the most closest like it was one of those things on the tip my brain oh I wanted to get it right I'm sorry but maybe I'd have gotten it wrong anyway so thank you for at least saving me the embarrassment eBay though that's wow I didn't know that apparently this happened like a little while ago huh I think this is not actually super new news this was sometime in 2018 but yeah one I don't actually remember who sorry but one of my guys brought it up in the meeting today that never no BAE even deprioritize PayPal like it's not that it's still there but it's not their main payment processor interesting wild absolutely wild hi Jonathan Wade says tech tips on top yeah sure Ben says can you please talk about the point pentathlon yeah there's been a bunch of people talking about that in in the full plain chat I was gonna bring it up after the super chats but here yeah let's keep going I'll bring this up Landen says nice work you glorious Kanaka stands yeah thank you hi Jonathan Jung hi Jonathan Jung hi Jonathan young Jonathan Young says are y'all gonna make out or what Jake likes tech says hey about the new rise of CPUs I've had about three rise and chips in the last year and a half and all of them have had bad luck that's why I'm looking to go Intel because they're better chances I think you might mean with respect to overclocking and it's not bad luck and these current rise and chips don't really overclock much yeah like the lower tier ones will overclock to like the same level as the higher tier ones in a lot of cases but they don't really go much further they have kind of a hard wall intel has a hard wall to it's just at a higher frequency because that's intel's old got a little bit more experience making decent CPUs right now but Andy's catching up and bite more experience I mean that is kind of an underhanded jab at Intel to be very clear to you guys to those of you who put the forks in the spoon tray what I mean is Intel hasn't like made a new CPU architecture in four years so they've had lots of time to tune it yeah Bambi says fine this is thick that is gonna I that is gonna be like my on going every time I mentioned forks and spoons okay yeah the people who watched this wine show are gonna know what's up yeah Emily says I'm the family IT girl I have people I don't know coming to me to fix their stuff yeah I hear it Mikell says - you drink his technology heck yeah it is hey it's got a vacuum thing blah blah blah LTTE store comm job ever you set the alarm alarm I second okay Harold asks is there zap replay prepay plan for a year flow plane not yet we're working on it you know and McCallum the pipe just got the shirt nice alright Oh Thomas says want to buy floatplane forums again are we fixing that sometime yeah so I have actually posted that like you were aware like you know but just getting the site ready for other creators right now is a higher priority because we've been losing money for two and a half years yeah so it's true we don't want to be like motivated by money man you know like the corporation's man but being negative is also like that you have to get that sort of pay people yeah and things so it in don't worry it's fine that's there's still money thank you thanks man but also just like shit we should try to hire more people Adsense so we can do cool stuff anyways the new transcript system is in prod there's been some problems with it but there's problems with everything especially when it's something that's been worked on for so long and it's actually doing quite well and we're patching it as it goes and we're actually very happy with the new transferring system and uploading system in general so that's great that was one of the big blocks that there was for bringing on new creators a few things we want to get into place since one of the priorities that we have right now is finishing the app which is very close to completion like we've moved on to Apple testing and are finishing off notifications really we're kind of like done cool there's there's more stuff that's gonna be pretty high priority once it's released but it'll be pushed into a this is a much better experience in the mobile app kind of state the number one priority probably after it's released will be casting support but there was technically ways that you can force it yourself anyways yearly support a few other cool payments updates and 4k we'll all be things that are gonna be coming relatively soon we're ready to announce 4k okay okay floatplane will be able to do 4k that's where potentially having different tiers will be a thing get a different pricing tier to be honest with you guys the reality of it is that hosting video online is incredibly expensive there's a reason that you can count on one hand probably the profitable video platforms on the internet like there's really not many there's there's a lot more popping up more recently especially with the Disney thing and are they profitable maybe not right yeah I mean the thing with Disney is you could bacon would be just a market share play they could make the argument like its profitable because like Star Wars is profitable and we use some of that profits to make this online streaming thing but that division is it profitable yeah I have no idea but anyways profitable I actually don't know the last time I looked into it they were losing but who knows and that could be fun accounting anyways yes so netflix is profitable cool good but like I would wonder if Amazon Prime video is profitable it seems kind of hard for it to be given that it's just included with your Prime members you know they sent me physical mail telling me to watch it cuz I like have a prime account but I've never watched prime video so they sent me a physical piece of mail being like hey there's cool shows you should watch it really that's really weird guys lending you a DVD catalog yeah this is pretty awkward but anyways Columbia House anyway I think we're done for the wine show for today wait boink pentathlon 2019 I would recommend you guys Google Linus tech tips boink pentathlon 2019 it will bring you to the thread online to align electives forum there's a QuickStart guide there's how to install it all this other kind of stuff your I don't know what their goal is for this one I'm sorry but boink is generally used to help scientific advancement sometimes in terms of medical research sometimes in terms of other stuff so go check it out you can use your computers for a good or productive cause and yeah it's good it's helpful it's fun Iran thanks for sorting that out
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