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Wrist Mounted Smartphone - A BAD Idea - KICKFARTED ep1

welcome to kick farted kick farted is a new series that we're going to be doing based on crowd funded projects through Kickstarter IndieGoGo or whatever other platform that ship but don't exactly hit the mark episode one will be about the Neptune pine the Neptune pine is a fully featured smartphone that goes on your wrist yeah intel brings ddr4 to the mainstream with their new core i7 6700 K and Core i5 6600 K processors check out the link in the video description to learn more the Neptune pine Kickstarter was legendary made waves as a Canadian product were Canadians here at Linus Media Group and it was in the local news and stuff this thing made over $800,000 on Kickstarter in the relatively early days and in Canada that's a big deal our population is less than the state of California so having a new company that does something like this is cool and a lot of people were excited and so were the backers because they were making big claims they're saying that smartwatches at the time were just notification engines and fitness trackers they were saying that they weren't living up to the hype they were saying that they wanted a fully fledged standalone device on your wrist and that was awesome and I was so hyped and it was sweet there you can saying that you're gonna have full app support for everything you wanted you're gonna be able have video chats with a front-facing camera and you can take high resolution to HD videos that pictures the back facing camera awesome so naturally we bought one we backed the kickstarter in november of 2013 with the intention of getting a unit linus specifically wanted to review it like we do here on Linus tech tips but a problem which is not unique to this particular Kickstarter it didn't exactly show up and naturally when working on many other things we forgot about it then we got an email about the Neptune duo a new fancy SmartWatch from Neptune with enhanced features and all this new fun stuff slight problem we didn't have the Neptune pine yet Linus emailed them maybe were eight teeth asked them what was up what's going on guys they responded shipping notification coming soon sorry for the inconvenience and you must not have seen the Kickstarter updates interesting wouldn't be too surprised as Linus you gets tons of emails he might not have seen it I believed this full heartedly at the beginning but then he showed me his inbox and he didn't receive any correspondence from them between July of 2014 and March of 2015 Linus responds within two minutes saying guys I don't want it anymore please cancel my shipments please give me a refund etc at this point he doesn't really want the device it's been too long no point doing a real full formal review he's over it they don't respond for a long time he sends a bunch of emails in the interim finally he's like hey guys I kind of can flex my muscles on social media and make this a lot worse for everybody they respond saying yeah we informed our Kickstarter backers there's no more refunds signing off team Neptune Neptune pine calm is now dead it sparked by some random website it's been replaced by get Neptune calm but when you google Neptune pine having the first result be a park website is kind of odd and the original repository is just kind of gone the Kickstarter page isn't better it hasn't received an update since August there was shipping notifications apparently from May 2nd of 2014 to February 11th of 2015 that's a pretty big shipping window and apparently it wasn't even that successful because you go to the comment section it's just unfortunate there's still an ocean of people that haven't received their shipments at least we got ours eventually so deliverability wise not great so far but Linus did decide to eventually do a review on it and even carried it around in his bag for about a month but just decided there was more important things to do and eventually shelve that anyways we have now decided that it would be a perfect candidate for kick farted episode 1 so I guess now it's time to check it out it's uncomfortable made with very stiff materials and things like the band that are very not forgiving as a lot of plastic construction it's very large and unwieldy I don't want to wear it all day there's certain large watches that are very wearable all day this thing is not in my opinion the viewing angles of the screen are crap Brandon took this nice photo of me but if you tilt it to the side you can see that it starts looking really bad and speaking of the nice photo the color depth murders it the lighting is very smooth on the real photo it doesn't look very smooth on this screen now we talked about the camera earlier on if we switch Instagram to camera mode you'll see another problem that's how that looks that's how my phone makes it look which one you choose I'm gonna go with the phone basically every time but I guess let me know in the comments down below you might have noticed too that I was running Instagram on here you can't even do that off the start why because you don't have the Google Play Store Neptune ninja calm has a great guide on how to route this thing and then get the Play Store installed it's really easy to follow it's a great guide very good write-up good job Neptune ninja but let's admit that shouldn't have to exist and just because it's good doesn't mean it should ok ok crappy rhyme aside let's address the direct claims they said that it had a high resolution rear-facing camera okay let's benchmark it there's a cool looking bomb over there that I built a computer in not that long ago you can check out that video up here let's see how it did with that photo maybe we should retire the term high resolution I guess they're not technically incorrect here but come on guys that looks like crap and I don't want to post that anywhere let alone Instagram which is what I just took the photo with and it's almost dead it's a 14% battery doesn't even make it through a workday they also claimed that it's the only SmartWatch that can video chat and while that's true they probably shouldn't want it to be true you saw how bad the camera was earlier they also said that it's compatible with tons of apps and yeah as we discussed earlier if you root the phone and force Google Play onto it you can download a bunch of apps and they will work but the usability isn't there and usability is extremely important check out Instagram if you look at Instagram you kind of have to scroll through a single photo to see the entire photo which is not ideal you should be able to see at least one full photo on your screen at a time I don't think that's too much to ask and last but definitely not least on this list of points is that this is a standalone device and while that is true it is unfortunately true it's unfortunate that they tried this shouldn't be a standalone device it has a SIM card slot that's great for theory but I took the SIM card out of my cellphone this is not a point I'm trying to make please note I know you can get like a five dollar adder on your cellphone plans for most carriers to add a SIM card and share your plan across so it's not a big deal but that meant that while I was using both of these devices I found it actually considerably easier better and more convenient to bind somehow a free Wi-Fi hotspot jump through all the hoops to connect to it and then do what I was trying to do on my phone instead of on this thing because doing it on this thing was legitimately worse there was then other problems like battery life filming this right now I charged this thing like five hours ago you can see the battery in the top corner is in red not that long ago during this filming it gave me the warning that it was below 14 percent battery life this is not an all-day device I didn't even use it that hard today I am a power user but I wasn't on it for that long so while it can be a standalone device I wouldn't want it to be so what's next for Neptune what's their future that would be the Neptune duo and the Neptune hub the duo of which we mentioned earlier the inspiration behind the Neptune duo and Neptune hub was the idea that sometimes you know you might just want a bigger screen which makes sense considering they probably use the pine for any amount of time at all the way that they're going to do this is by having a screen with a battery behind it that's it in the form factor of a cell phone and a tablet the idea would be that your storage and your central compute would be on your wrist as your watch and these devices would just be essentially battery banks for your watch considering this thing died so fast that would probably be helpful and would allow you to have a bigger screen for bigger applications they would even have an HDMI dongle which would be able to do this to something like a TV or a monitor so that you could control everything on your watch on a bigger screen an improvement that's very cool in theory Linus and I have talked about this even on the LAN show way in the past with nothing to do with the Neptune pine what we were talking about was just a central computing like disk or puck that you might carry around in your pocket which do the compute and storage for all of your other devices an interesting concept and I think wired summed it up pretty well about the Neptune hub they said a glimpse of what computing should be in 2025 and I can see that and that's an interesting idea but for 20-25 it's currently 2016 that's a ways away and I'm into emerging technologies as much as pretty much anyone I know and this isn't for me it's so unusable and unwieldly that I don't want it and that is unfortunately a consistent problem their videos look awesome the hype is huge but consistently the comments on their backers pages are depressing we know this guy's a little dated but also thought that it still might be applicable considering some people are still awaiting their shipments and people are dealing with the aftershocks of their second crowdfunding campaign still if you dislike the video dislike it if you like the video like it consider getting subscribed consider supporting us through our affiliate codes and stuff like that buy an Amazon buy a cool t-shirt from the description down below or becoming a contributor on the forum liesecke tips com if you want to see another video from us check out this video of another Kickstarter product it was actually kind of interesting
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