
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

iJustine’s Unbelievably NERDY Studio House – EXPOSED!

all right the Linus exposes studio tour series continues we have infiltrated the secretive studio of Justine ezarik as Eric he's Eric is Eric her name's as much of a mystery as the place she makes her videos I don't think she's seen us yet I'm just doing some light reading did you really pay what is this thing like five hundred dollars it was only three hundred and I bought four of them for every room that I would be in I'll take that thank you Corsairs new HS 50 multi-platform three-and-a-half millimeter headset features 50 millimeter neodymium drivers and more check it out now through the link below I like you didn't even try to flip it and get rid of it when you were done blowing money do you actually own four of them well yeah and I also got two small ones and two big ones just because you no no no let's smell it smells so good I'm not gonna smell it okay this is something you have that I don't a Streamy award you go that's awesome on the surface this place is immaculate but if you actually dig under or beside anything that the head emoji there's two on the surface we've got posh dog bed that's emojis hiding behind the couch don't think I didn't see this Christmas wrapping supplies getting ready for the holidays aren't you who do you need this many iPhone cases for you're gonna be sitting here having a conversation going oh well whoever sitting over there probably a dog cuz it's a dog bed might not be liking the case I have on my phone right now I need to change a different color do you want my answer no giant TV is this 85-77 actually everything here looks kind of on the up-and-up we got a dog blanket you got a dog toy wireless charging for the new iPhone 10 wow this is quite the collection of amiibos you got yourself here I do have every one of them every one of them do you have to some no I just order this because I was looking to see ones I miss and I didn't think that I had oh my god oh my god how many more waluigi's do you have in here I think that's the only two yeah there are a few other duplicate you missed some these are mostly gazelle de amiibo because I had to separate them for one else playing brother the walls there's a secret bookcase speaking of duplicates why do you need two rock bands most bands have one drummer okay everything in here looks pretty on the up for you know YouTube celebrity we got some you know sparkles and glitter and Christmas decorations we got a charging set up with got some phones some battery bangs we got a gigantic Oh God oh yeah at the lightsaber that's fine this is cute is this just garbage or is this like a decoration it's for videos it's for videos except that it's you just throw garbage in it that's for cupcakes no you know what I don't buy it so I have to confess I cheated a little bit because I've been here shooting a video all day but I asked for some tools and as far as I can tell Justine doesn't own any tools that aren't pink I mean why would i if you were ever wondering what happens when a washed-up youtuber does a book or audiobook well they sent me all of those and I'm like you can use CDs what is it any wonder he thought you were creepy no it's not I deserved the restraining order her to be honest with you does YouTube know about this do you think they would even want to send you a play button if they knew it was gonna sit in the garage well I thought I would put it next to a picture of myself why not completely normal oh that's a sad story that fill in the 187's oh it's dead yeah water damage Oh Dropcam I'm not sure put it down okay so in here we've got some pretty normal stuff like oh I don't know a 150 terabyte storage server with a custom nameplate that we set up today so that's pretty cool we had Ethernet wiring for it here along with Ethernet wiring for it here recessed power Wow now it is one thing to organize this not feel like overkill label thing professional organizer they organized for me you know what I'm wearing this for the rest of the video oh my god there's more BMO's oh yeah I haven't opened those ones yet this this is where you keep a gaming PC of this caliber oh it has such a beautiful paint job it's actually incredible who is this from it's for origin look at this beer oh my god I missed this thing so much this is my first gaming PC oh wow this is like GTX 580 I think ax 1200 I power supply this is like the bee's knees from a few years back they even do the custom name thing on the back for you and this is how you repeat you know what I'm calling the guys at origin I'm getting you in trouble this is just labeled drone and it's empty so you're professional organizers didn't do a great job this thing is cool like fur coats yeah get more more gift wrap what is this what is that this gift wrap oh this is like an obsession you're like a hoarder me to open needed unbox well no I picked up on that you needed to open them but like what old tech okay what classifies as old tech Wow this is an iPad air this is old tech this is 2015 netbook I can't remember the password to it alright alright I've had enough punishment let's get this over with here oh hi I guess I should have knocked what the hell there's more wrapping paper in here this is like this is beyond weird dude okay to be fair every time I need wrapping paper I can't find it no I've already read on Amazon Prime now and it arrives in 15 minutes no I don't know buy this okay we've got another Xbox one and the guest room gigantic what is this 55 inch 55 inch TV this room 2 is wired up for you to do your wall mount TV here and your coax and your Ethernet maybe have it down there this house and it's down there too I'm surprised there's no wrapping paper in here thing you got your hand towels okay more TV mounts more Ethernet more coax another recessed wall mount this another gigantic TV yeah this is this is what I this is my nighttime TV this is your night so so far by my count yeah you've got ether yeah I guess this is kind of typical so many like I can never find a lightning cable in it the biggest Apple watch graveyard of all time what did you do to this one I dropped it so this is the og iPhone I forgot how thick it was I know it's crazy right yeah like wow if this thing was really thick like okay 11 iPhones okay you don't necessarily have like a huge hoarding problem you just have like a significant hoarding problem cool bathroom bro great shower you can sit down in the shower if you're tired why would you need an Ethernet coax in the bathroom what bag instead of moving into a place again with the intention of repurposing one of the bathrooms as a server room well why wouldn't you is the question I'll be honest with you I'm a bad guy me too I'm a bubble bath guy yeah so yeah but oh my god there's a dead bee in there is it really he's still alive yeah that's oh we're gonna have to put him out go oh gosh she's swimming about this oh he's not with us any longer wait you you knew this was there I'm not touching it more Xbox controller I have a problem it's this one here if I find wrapping paper this is my neck drawer many cute knives that's my tactical pen because you can't travel with knives so but you can travel with a stabber yeah is this another TV okay this is my office TV and what else do you have in here another Xbox one lease more Xbox controllers yeah another one wait wait look is this another Xbox box in here so this is it this is where I just seen videos are created see this is the dongle world that Joni I've envisioned these dongles this is this is the future my friends this is this is what Apple wanted this was actually the reason that I came down here we had to address this I saw a picture of this on Twitter this is Justine system for storing her archived data this is terrible literally all of this is making its way onto that white and pink server that I installed a little bit earlier and thank goodness for this which brings us to the last corner where we've got a Hello Kitty guitar do you actually play I used to Wow and more evidence of Justine's amiibo problem this video was brought to you by tunnel bear the easy to use VPN when people are shopping for a VPN one of the features they look for is a he'll switch because before you connect to a network your device actually starts to send information about itself and what it wants to do and it tries to establish connections with all sorts of things so kill switches keep this behavior from happening and before you connect to your VPN after you've connected to a network all of your traffic is actually unencrypted so in the few seconds it takes to connect your VPN you've probably already broadcast your IP maybe a few DNS requests vigilant bear from tunnel bear stops all this stuff from happening by blocking outbound and inbound traffic so nothing leaks out before you connect and if your connection goes down for some reason vigilant bear kicks back in and stops all the traffic till it comes back so try telling bear for free with no credit card required at Tunnel Bear comm /l tt we're gonna have that linked below guys if you just liked this video you know what to do but if you liked it hit the like button get subscribed maybe consider checking out where to buy the stuff we featured yeah that's part of my standard outro I don't think they could buy all this stuff like this stuff is like crazy stuff you know we'll just put a link to Justine's channel you can go check out her channel down there also linked in the video description is our merch store which has cool shirts like this one and our community forum which you should totally join I need a t-shirt
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