hey everyone and welcome to another tech
related video this is gonna go under the
playlists for 2009 Mac releases because
today on March this is March 11th 2009
Apple has released and I'll show you
here the new iPod shuffle now it's kind
of hard to get a sense of the size of
the iPod shuffle but I'm probably gonna
play the guided tour because they might
remove this video but just to give you
comparison this is the this is the much
older iPod Nano here the second to last
generation iPod Nano okay it's not that
big then you have these iPod headphones
right here from what I've seen in these
videos the new iPod Nano is about the
size of these headphones on one end to
the other so it's a really really small
device and you can see the person
rolling it in their hand it's really
really small it's about the size smaller
than they say at double-a battery so if
you go to apple.com
slash iTunes you obviously have the new
iPod so you can click on iPod shuffle
and it comes in two colors they'll um
they advertise it in is silver but you
also can get it in black and I love the
pricing you can get a four gig iPod
shuffle for $79 so that's a great price
that's like you know they're trying to
slim down the price of the iPod shuffle
because for the people who don't want to
spend a lot of money on an iPod so you
can get up to four gigs which is a
thousand songs that's very good and they
ship they say they ship
I think they ship FedEx so we're gonna
get it to you in three to five business
days which is alright but you know now
the really cool part is that it talks to
you and I was watching the video on how
to exactly use this they are actually
you can see by the picture they removed
all the buttons from the iPod shuffle so
there's no buttons on it the only way to
actually manipulate your music you can
see number one on the top here there's a
here's a headphone port and then you
have three three notches so when all the
way on one side would be this shuffle
one or all the way on one side is to
play your songs in a direct straight
order the next one in
shuffle and all the way on the other
side is turning it off so you can have
it on shuffle but then you have this
little part here that's actually on your
headphones so it's kind of like the
iPhone headphones without a microphone
that you can actually change volume and
everything from those you can you hold
it down for a certain period of time
there's certain actions like that
Apple's built-in and if you do want to
buy this you can obviously watch the
video on that so um they're still
selling the old iPod shuffle for $49 for
one gig which is you know it's it's not
up against storage is cheap so you can
talk as many gigs as you want now while
looking to the price if you want but
using the complete specs specs so let me
say navigation you're gonna say
earphones with remote voice over now
what's over is that when you actually
hold down the middle of the headphones I
have a pair of iPod headphones here but
basically they're kind of tangled up if
you hold down the middle of the
headphones it'll like read out read out
the name of the song for you hold it
down a little longer let go and you can
go through playlists so this is the
first iPod shuffle with playlists built
in and obviously it's not available in
all the colors but that's pretty cool
now it says it includes earphones and a
USB with the old one the new iPod
shuffle comes with earphones with the
remote on them and the iPod shuffle USB
cables so it does still connect to your
Mac or PC with USB so you still get
laser engraving I mean they're really
the only thing they're changing is look
at that size look at the size comparison
it's not that much bigger than the
headphones themselves you can clip it to
have a little aluminum clip on the back
let me see if I can find the gallery for
you because I actually have like an
interactive 3d spin thing where you can
actually spin around the iPod shuffle
there it is so that's pretty cool you
can do that yeah that's pretty good so
they give you a whole bunch of um
there's a little there's a couple perks
so people might like to mess around with
the new iPod shuffle maybe some people
will be doing hands-on reviews of it I
honestly don't have one with me but if I
did I would love to show you guys just
how small this actually is but that's my
squid so if you're looking to me this is
the again this along the 2009 mackerel
is playlist and you can check it out at
apple.com slash itunes peace
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