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Google Pixel 2 Rumor Roundup!

hey what is up guys angka PhD here and we have some Google pixel - rumors and at the risk of looking like a rumors channel at least because like in the last three videos there have been two round ups but these are really good so hear me out let's dive into them so there's a couple big releases every year that generate a lot of hype one of them is the iPhone boom you can watch my iPhone eight rumor roundup video right there that's everything we know so far about the next iPhone and also number two is the Google pixel the flagship from Google that spearheads Android previously Nexus now pixel and is what we're hearing about so last year's pixel or specifically the pixel XL was one of my favorite phones released last year possibly the best phone released in 2016 I kind of set it in the title stock Android fast updates to Android great performance great battery life and possibly the best camera in any smartphone even still right now but now the rumors are swirling for Google pixel - how does Google follow up a super solid phone like that and the first pixel ever with an even better one and actually kind of said in one of my rific uni videos on my wish list for pixel - it would be mostly just better more modern hardware the software experience is already great stock Android going to do its thing and it's going to get stock Android but you could use a little bit more modern pretty hardware well the leaks are starting to pour in now and from Android police Android police has a great track record as far as Android leaks and smartphones go over the past couple years so I'll link the full post below but this is what they say we're getting with the new pixel to excel made by LG also keep in mind that logo the Android police logo as good as it looks is not part of the design of the phone it's just a watermark so yeah that's what we're looking at pretty hot looking phone looks like it'll have a pretty similar overall look and feel to the first pixel which is fine it obviously has those characteristics but there are some key differences so first thing we're noticing here is that display it's of course much bigger much thinner bezels on the sides and top and bottom and they're saying it's a six inch full AMOLED display so that's dope and they're saying we're also going to get according to Android police a two by one aspect ratio to enable that so the same aspect ratio as the LG G 6 display same rounded corners as the LG G 6 display and of course some amoled but I want to throw caveat into this a 2x1 display here it looks great and it looks super clean and modern but I don't know if a 2x1 aspect ratio on the pixel the flagship Android development phone is a good idea I could be overreacting about scaling or about development and maybe it's not a big deal but it seems like they could definitely still do here a sixteen by nine high-resolution display as well sort of a toss-up for me there but of course still an AMOLED still really thin bezels still really hot it also has those rounded corners like we said like the g6 and you know not a big deal there but a lot of people like that and then the edges of the glass will also be curved into the body which is always a nice touch not quite full Samsung with the display glass like melting over the sides but I'm pretty happy about this new display that's kind of what I was asking for and then the second big change you'll notice is the camera on the back or just the whole back in general this is a much bigger camera cutout than the previous pixel remember how small that was it was completely flush in the pixel and pixel XL looks like pixel to has a camera looking a lot like the Nexus 7 when that came out so really interesting I don't know if that translates in any way to the camera quality and there's still no rumors about what sensor they may be using but I am very optimistic for the camera quality in the pixel too considering the pixel now still has probably the best camera in any smartphone I don't think they could put the same exact camera in and still get the same praise but if it's an upgrade in any way it's going to be an excellent camera something we've seen on a lot of new smartphones with the snapdragon 835 chip they can all afford to do auto HDR on all the time because that chip can handle multiple exposures at once so HDR was great on the pixel if it's on full time every shots going to look great and then the head-turning rumor from that Android police leak is that the pixel 2 will have a squeezable frame just like the HTC u 11 now again I don't know if that's a feature that they're adding just for buyers or if that's something that they really expect to see in a bunch of Android phones like from here on out when I first saw it in the u 11 and I said this in my video I didn't really expect it to catch on much at all but that kind of throws a wrench into it now that this is LG not HTC and I'm planning on doing the same thing so maybe it is catching on let's just go with it let's say they make it just as sensitive to multiple pressure levels as the u11 maybe they'll let us remap it to launch different things like possibly launching the camera and taking photos with it or launching the Google assistant kind of makes sense but if you don't want to use it at all if you bought this phone for other reasons they should also allow you to disable it and never have anything react to you squeezing but yeah it'll be really interesting to see how Google handles the whole squeeze thing in the software ideally I think they'd let us remap it to whatever we want they seem like the type to let us do that and not lock it down to one function conviction but yeah now it'll be interesting to see now something else to keep an eye on is the speakers the speaker grille you can see on this leaked render looked super wide and I've heard rumors of a very important front-facing dual stereo speaker system on the pixel to this year which would be great because the speakers on last year pixel were probably its weakest component and then a headphone jack yet crossing my fingers to that hoping they'd do that USB type-c is probably a given that'll be there too and then the fingerprint reader it's on the back again so no fingerprint reader under the glass like we're assuming may happen with the next iPhone again it's in that video but that technology is super new so they are going with the fingerprint reader on the back again but you may have noticed it's now outside of the glass like it was inside the glass on the original pixel so it's a little bit higher up and that also means that glass window is a little bit smaller which also kind of guarantees again with a metal body no wireless charging that's something I've always noticed like wireless charging and water resistance those two things seem to be the most polarizing features about new phones some people really just couldn't care less like yeah you know I never even uses wireless charging it's like a bonus to have water resistance but other people are like super adamant like I will not buy a phone that doesn't have waterproofing and I just need wireless charging I don't really feel that same way but let me know where you stand on that also keep in mind these are all pixel to XL rumors so this is for the bigger version of the phone it appears that the smaller pixel 2 will be much more in line with like a speck bump of what we have now might have the thicker bezels as well it'll have the updated speakers it'll have the updated camera but don't expect that edge to edge display but either way I am looking forward to pixel to XL I mentioned on Twitter that pixel was one of my most used phones of last year and we will be looking forward to this for a while because the pixel didn't actually come out until October 4th of last year it's July now so there's going to be much more time much more rumors between now and when we actually see the new pixel but I think pixel 2xl will probably earn its spot in my pocket for at least a little while what do you think would you pick up this phone if it turns out to be accurate these leaks are true let me know what you think thanks for watching I thought you guys very soon in the next one face
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