hey what's up I'm gonna start off this
video by saying this hi my name is
marques and I'm on Google+ and that link
is down in the description and you can
circle me there it's an awesome social
network so as you've probably seen by
now Google has rolled out a major UI
refresh or redesigned for the new Google
Plus well a lot of people kind of tend
to reject change a lot of people
actually really like this update it's
turned into more of a column to view the
way a lot of more useful sites tend to
be over on the left hand side are some
neat looking icons right down the middle
is a pretty sweet general timeline look
at what you're following and the posts
of the people who you're looking at
everything looks really clean there's
that chat bottom down at the bottom
right-hand side kind of looks like a
Facebook feature but honestly if you use
chat a lot this could be a really useful
feature for you but it's overall like I
said a very clean overview a very very
clean redesign and I really like it and
then there's this one feature that
people seem to be having a ball with and
that's the gigantic white space right in
the middle website okay not in the
middle a little bit to the right-hand
side turns out this is a feature you can
get pretty creative with it let's look
at some uses for that white space you
can use it for stickies or post-it notes
you can use it for other mini notes like
TextEdit you can use it for a little
mini Facebook window or you can use it
to keep your house green or you can use
it to brace yourself or even the dreaded
Clippy thing that we all hate from
Microsoft Office you can use it as Vanna
White or a Betty White space or you can
use it for another Google Plus window
I think it's pretty funny that people
have found great ways to use this thing
you probably have too and you can leave
those in the comment below but honestly
I didn't really notice this for a while
because I don't use my browser maximized
so I didn't even really notice there was
a white space until I saw screenshots of
it and I was told to maximize my browser
in fact plenty of websites have a white
space issue when you run them in a full
maximized web browser on a high
resolution screen like Facebook or my
what's a call but honestly guys I'm a
really big fan of the Google+ redesign
I've spent some time on my cover photo
which is also kind of a Facebook feature
but I think it fits in really nicely so
you can check out my profile down on the
link below how I have personalized it
and you can check out some awesome uses
for the white space also
in the links below thanks for watching
this video and I'll talk to you guys in
the next one
it's gonna be ad space in like six
months I give it six months
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