hey everyone its Marcus brownie and
welcome to another HD tutorial and in
this video I'll be showing you the easy
way that I use to make call-outs in
Camtasia Studio 6 so I'll be going over
a number of the Camtasia Studio 6
features here but first of all I'm going
to open up contageous video and this is
the interface itself here we go in order
to add a call-out first of all you need
to have some media here so I'm just
going to inter drag in two Clips here
just to make sure videos that I've done
nothing special and I'm going to take
them and drag them onto the timeline
dragging down here they'll be added now
you're going to have to choose a preset
and I do I put all my videos in HD so if
you want to know how exactly I get my HD
preset go ahead and watch that video so
I'm gonna hit OK and these two clips are
officially on the timeline and I can go
and preview them or edit them at my will
now if I'm if I come to a certain point
where I want to add an annotation or
sorry a call-out which is basically a
campaign you're studio 6 version of an
annotation or learning to do is go over
here to the edit button and go over it
hit be sorry go however it hit the
call-outs button and the co-op's button
is basically the call-outs are basically
little text boxes or different things
that you can put over a video they won't
slant with your video but they'll
they'll work very very well and make
your video look professional and you
have very good video editing so first of
all you have to choose the type of
annotation and there are entrusting a
lot of types of annotations that you can
add here first of all there's the arrow
and you will always see by the way the
annotation that you're doing in the top
in the preview window so you can see you
editing your own call-out here adjust
the dimensions of it and you can always
put text in it so you could say look
look here so there it'll show up in your
preview window live as you type it so
what I like to do you can also do I'll
just go through these a two-sided arrow
just basically looks like that and our
books lights and indented arrow a
blurred colon can be used for like
blurring personal information so if I
don't want you to see something you can
put several layers of a blur call-out on
top of something you don't want to see I
do use that occasionally in my tutorials
but no big deal
next I'll show you it be highlighter
call-out is actually what you can use to
highlight text now won't work very well
with this with this particular clip here
because there's no text in it but if I
was doing the screencast and I didn't
want to use an arrow or a spotlight
which I'll show you in a second and I'll
use a little a little yellow highlighter
just to show you guys the exact text I
want to show you so next oh and you can
also choose the fill color of the
highlighter next you can choose a
highlight rectangle which doesn't do
much just kind of brightens the
brightens what you have there you can
change the color obviously the fill
color of a lot of these different
highlighters and just hit OK to actually
change it now we're going to keep going
down to a transparent hotspot I never
really use because it doesn't work in
YouTube okay this just works for
PowerPoint presentations so if you want
to see the PowerPoint presentations
video go ahead and look at that there's
a little integration with Camtasia
Studio 6 and powerpoints you can do a
notepad one which gets looks like this I
have used this one for a while
partly I have used this once in a while
you can choose what side the note tab is
on not a very big deal on me to change
obviously the fill color and the opacity
of it and I do use these all pretty much
all these call-outs won't allow and I'll
show you samples obviously as I go
through these here next is a bubble
call-out explainer call-out which is a I
think I believe transparent then the
spotlight call-out which I do use kind
of often it Gray's out everything in the
photo except for what you put the
spotlight over so if I want to spotlight
certain thing I just drag it and I hit
the finish button and it is it is
actually spotlighting it for that
particular length on the timeline let's
keep going down here you can have a
filled rectangle around and rectangle a
little speech bubble rectangle and it
text call-out now the text column is
what I use the most it's just a simple
text overlay you can obviously change
the font here I'll change it to Calibri
favorite font and change the size to be
a little bigger and there you see I'm
going out in the preview window it says
look here and there's the text so I do
use these coops quite a bit in my videos
I don't know you guys have asked so
there you go that's how you use the text
color now custom calls this is really
fun you can add or edit a custom color
now I'm going to remove these custom
but on basically if I want to show you
guys say a picture of something I would
go onto the internet and find a picture
and use that as a custom color or maybe
just a straight job so let's go ahead
and open up the snip tool in Windows
Vista and just take a little snip of
what we want to show everyone in our
video we want to show everyone this
little time this little toolbar up here
I'm just going to snip that and there is
my file I'm going to hit save and I'm
gonna save it as a call-out file in my
picture so it's my pictures pala file
save it and you can just exit out if
this is a JPEG image so now when we say
we want a custom call-out we're going to
go to add / edit custom and again remove
these customs and we're going to select
a new custom call-out which is where we
actually go into our pictures here and
whether we've saved one from the
internet or we've created a screenshot
or whatever we're going to find that
picture and here is the call-out file
I'll just hit open and here it is in the
preview window that's exactly what we're
looking for you can change the
dimensions we can also obviously do that
in a preview window so I'm just gonna
okay and then we're going to actually
have to select it so just go to select
that custom column and there it is now
there's still text overlay so I'll just
delete that text and here is what we
wanted to show people there it is we can
obviously uh we can make it bigger so
people can see it better we can make it
smaller so people don't doesn't draw too
much attention but what I like to do if
I hit finish here and I go to zoom and
pan I like to tail the video to one side
and have the call-out on the other side
so I talk to the video to that side I'll
have a call-out drag it over here to the
other side it's an extreme example it
doesn't obviously fit very well that's
that's what I like to do
so yeah that's how I add call-outs you
can obviously add text to any to any
call-out you'd like it does you can
change the font I obviously showed you
guys where you get fonts anywhere you
like and a down the timeline you can
obviously change how long the color
lasts so if it's a spotlight and you
happen to zoom away you don't have to uh
you don't have to have the spotlight
still on while you send away from what
you wanted to highlight so that's very
good so yeah that's basically the
general introduction of call-outs in
Camtasia Studio six I will have more a
lot more Camtasia Studio six what's the
call tutorials coming outside whether it
has to do with audio with video editing
and I'm trying to make a music video so
I can check me that's very but anyway
that is how you do cause in Camtasia
Studio six I hope you found this video
helpful and if you do have any other
video tutorials or requests just PM me
or send me a message and in here are
subscribe building requests video I'll
show you guys exactly how I do is kind
of stuff and I'll put your link in the
description some people gonna check out
your channel so thanks for watching this
video subscribe for more and I hope you
like this tutorial and all the rest to
come so thanks for watching peace
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