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LG 77" Wallpaper TV Unboxing [LIVE]

all right beginning livestream and I do want to tweet it so soon as I can get have a link yeah I found it oh we are alive sweet three people watching now what's up all right boom hello alright yes we are alive this chat is moving now so now there's definitely more than three people watching cuz I can see the chat how's it gone guys hello hey hey that that's a thing so I'll wait for always people to join but basically I'll explain like what this is what we're doing with it and the whole wallpaper thing the whole situation how's it going what's up what's up hi how's gone people are joining this is good hello it's been about a minute so that this you probably already know but this we did a video about the LG wallpaper LG what's the full name LG signature OLED TV W W stands for wallpaper so we call it the wallpaper TV did a whole video about it but I never really in that video got to show you like the well the behind the scenes of like the whole thing like people still ask to this day like so how does it how exactly does it connect to the wall because I never showed it off the wall so that's kind of the purpose of this livestream basketball emoji what's up we streaming yeah it should be pretty good should be 1080p at least I think it's 1080p 60 yeah we're good you saw the snap yeah snap chatted it I put it on Instagram story it's the hype is real is what I'm trying to say there's so many warnings all over the box too like this is the clean front of the box with it on the side it's like alright two people to lift this side up like fragile don't knock it over don't bend it don't pinch the corners don't stab it there's all kinds of all kinds of warnings but yeah okay this is I have a tape measure feel like me as a sense of scale is pretty good for how big the box and the TV are but this all right this is 65 inch you can probably see that right now I'm gonna go BAM that's 65 inches you turn them 65 inch diagonal ready and now this thing is I said that the second the only other size I linked it below the 77 inch version so we go out an extra 12 inches yeah it's huge it's very tall it will be taller than I am or it will be bigger diagonally than I am tall which I haven't seen that many nearly 80 inch TVs what is good how much for that thing so I linked it below they have like a promotion pricing for it at this point which is like I think it's either 14 or 15 grand for this one and then like six or seven grand for the 65 inch so it's still not a normal buy this is definitely a dope text like really high-end probably not gonna buy this everyday type of thing what is good LGB 30 review yeah that's probably gonna happen when they give us like final review units and a release date that's another thing LG should think of thinking doing soon hello from Egypt what's up are you using a chromecast or the built-in smart service I use both but I do have a chromecast plugged into it which is what you're looking at but I will also be using the LG smart services because they're pretty good the OS the webOS on TVs is pretty good I'm I kind of give away the old one says James from the super chat mmm probably not I'm gonna probably find another home for it either somewhere in here or in Studio B or something like that so should we open it up I just want to talk about it or just want to say we're we're watching from hello do I like pizza yeah daily driver right now is so I've I've said before I always carry two phones my main SIM card is in a Galaxy Note 8 and my iPhone SIM card is in a gala and iPhone 8 so i phone e+ in its blush blush gold it's gold but it's like the the color I showed in the video that I unboxed it's that but it's a lot hello open it open it open it open it open it this ain't open it self concept creator I'm doing well I'm excited I'm gonna yeah I'll probably need help but I'll just start to see how much I can get into this I can't really see the way I can see the framing all right let's do it world's longest tape cut incoming now okay there's like a little welcome thing on top but then on the back it's all the instructions that we followed last time which is how to set this up so basically how it works in case you're not familiar is there's these little hooks and also a bunch of magnets so the easiest way to explain it is like when you you know how when you hang up a picture frame like you hang like the little hooks over the side and you just hang it on the wall that's basically what we did with this but with a much larger frame and then there's also magnets in this sheet of metal and you bolt the sheet of metal to the wall and then you hook and magnetize the TV to the sheet of metal maybe that's I think this is just all my cables and i/o and stuff I'll take four please so this is the extension cable gotta love that this is a good cable here it's a good cable still having Tesla problems no I'm not having any Tesla problems I've I feel like I get that question like every time even though the last few videos I've made about the car have been pretty positive the most common or most viewed video about it is the one where I had problems but it's good now all right this box I think this is gonna be the remote control and some cables I would be willing to bet it is the installation guide and some cables and the installation guide has like a bunch of drywall screws and metal screws cuz you have to use them to get them in the wall I wonder if it's heavier like a lot heavier the actual panel it was pretty light but you'll see it's a different remote that's two remotes I'm not sure this is the one we had before the LG remote but it also comes with a slim remote did we get this before I remember this at all all right here I'll show it to you what video lighting do you suggest for tech youtubers I suggest LEDs cuz they run cool cool I'll get it thank you I suggest LEDs because they run cool and like fluorescents are hot so I don't want them to like bake all your electronics ever feel stuck or lost was just too much stuff I see what you're trying to do there but no I am NOT in that position right now alright this is the first remote so fast yes the chat is moving very fast hello from Connecticut hello can you read the comments I try get a little mic for screens please it's hard to hear yeah I'll probably end up doing that because this is a lot well here yeah she definitely get there I can walk around and just random clear accessories all right cool piece of styrofoam they definitely thought about this pull this out this is like the biggest piece of styrofoam alright that's the sound bar right here and I'm the panel I think I can literally this is a huge TV oh my gosh yes Oklahoma City Thunder is deep did they get weighed yet I don't think they got weighed yet but they're still pretty deep right now all right I'm gonna this is literally just a huge piece of cardboard that says LG's signature but it's not part of the TV at all so yeah god I can't show you how thin it is really but this is more cardboard and this oh this has the sheet of metal in it well it's not that heavy we're almost at the moment of truth guys where are you planning to hang it I'm planning to hang it right there I'm trying to take this one down and replace it with this one oh I don't even want to touch it all right you're looking at the back of this I'm gonna slowly this is insane cuz it's literally flexing in my hands right now not touching the screen okay so you know that moment of truth when you take like this screen protector off of smartphone you like peel it back that's the cleanest it will ever be and then it's over this is the one the biggest version of that put gloves on oh I should've oh that's probably what the professional installers do they have like white gloves and I do this whole thing yeah you're right I should hide gloves on but yeah do that next so the sound bar is still in the box right there but I'm going to take the rest of the and then pick it up by the back leaning right here how's that reflection by the way I'm doing this but there it is there it is out the box oh my gosh yeah no it's not a graceful in boxing at all but it is super insane in person let me turn this sideways real quick does that give you an idea does that give you an idea I keep leaving the mic so it's kind of hard to talk how's the latency for gaming it's actually not bad I mean you don't want to do any serious PC gaming on it but console gaming on it is fine yeah yeah it's been okay look at it watch it wobble when I move it that's that's what was happening while I was unboxing it and will continue to happen until I stabilize it all right how's the reflections it's probably brutal right now oh man can't see like all the lights and whatever or should I move it down not bad all right perfect so now yeah you get the idea make a drop test of it who said that that is a terrible idea why would you put that in the super chat heard about the Nexus 6p early battery shut off controversy I have not heard that everyone seems to have a conspiracy about that every year about phones and planned obsolescence and I got iOS 11 on my old iPhone and it stopped working I hear that every year all right so does this sound for any different that's the question because here's the theory we have the soundbar from the current one you can see that right yeah you can see the soundbar from the current one connected by that cable this in theory uses the exact same sound bar the exact same cable but we'll just be bigger so we wouldn't have to install the sound bar again but we kind of also want to do in the future in the near future like a really good table hiding solution version of this Oh gonna show this the sheet of metal how do I show this yeah I'll just all right so so here's the idea behind how this goes up on the wall this sheet of metal I'm assuming it's aluminum but it's really thin this is what gets bolted to the wall this is what you put the drywall screws in the wall for and then this is what hooks the TV the TV hooks into these little circles then there's magnets throughout this and the TV has magnets in it and they all just connect via magnets so that's what's behind the TV on the wall behind me right now this is so much more precarious than any phone unboxing you will ever see appreciate this being live on YouTube I could break so many things in this video looks about the same it could be a little bigger but probably doesn't have to be the only thing is the power supply for the bigger display it might have to be bigger I might just replace it just to be safe because I don't know what the insides are sure the cable it looks dope and futuristic well this is the cable it connects to the back of this which you can't see but it's behind here and then it looks like that and I just velcro taped it to the wall so this is a super simple version of it velcro taped to the wall it's a white wall so it kind of blends in that way but I think the ideal version of it is cutting a little slot a little invisible slot right behind the bottom of the TV cable goes in there comes down and comes out the bottom of the wall with another slot so that's what this cables for that's the extension but both into the TV already is the short part of the cable try to bend it into a curved screen you totally could this would easily bend into a curved screen I just don't have a curved wall you know looks exactly the same to me well that is nuts that is a huge box if everyone then moves with me $1 I can pay tuition nice yeah I don't have a if it's a wall so whatever the shape of the wall is is the shape that you just put the TV on and is good most walls are straight so that's just how that worked out um drop test now I'm not about to do a drop test show how bendy it is I think I'll show it one more time the thinness of this panel will be very careful with it that is the wallpaper TV all right I guess from here it's just the setup process we're gonna we're gonna dig into the wall we're gonna get into this thing thank you thank you for I'm glad you like the live stream take your top off someone gave two dollars and said take your top off that's an actual comment in the super chat what TV stand is that oh this wow it's a great question where did I get it probably from was my waiver is between these two one of them's wafer and one of them is all right now they're both way fair yeah yeah they're way fair so if you go to wayfarer waa why f AI r they have all kinds of TV stands that are all made by all kinds of sweet manufacturers that is one of them get them mic to clip on your shirt yes definitely a hot tip for this live stream I'm glad you guys came and saw that tip and gave it to me well it's so fast keep live yeah we're up we're alive yeah you know that's like basically about it drought where you gonna install it we're gonna install it in the same place the current one is basically we're about to do is take this one down and put the new larger sheet of metal on the wall and then put this one up in the same space the question is what do we do with the old one which is like find a place to put it gosh it's super fast super fast Golden State blood I can't see you're right diamond picture isn't level diamond picture isn't level I don't know what that means tell a bad pun our fees give away dress yeah people everyone wants me to give it away but the problem is shipping this is probably probably literally impossible since you don't have a job I don't keep the boxes to these so shipping a wallpaper TV without it breaking is unless you like pay someone to put it in their trunk and drive it somewhere is probably impossible box of Cheerios do you think the sambar is the same but I'm so there places just stay safe because I feel like the power supply and it may be different and it may not be but just to be safe the larger panel will get the new sandbar anyone else noticed that back there anyway yeah that's about it we took it out the box I think if you stay tuned to Twitter you'll see the progress we make with it cuz obviously we made the whole video on the first set up and we have the the cable ties gone and it's pretty well cable managed but the whole idea is we want to find some furniture where we can we can keep a Nintendo switch plug into it we can keep the chromecast ultra plug into it the Apple TV 4k will be plug into it and the ps4 will be plugged into it ps4 pro so that's four things that will all be on this massive TV and then we'll be doing some some more fun live streams because this will be the centerpiece to anything we do gaming related like if I just want to play 2k and smacks Meeks some you guys in 2k like that will be on this TV so the faster and cleaner we can get it set up the better until then that's been a quick livestream just taking a giant flat screen panel out the box and sharing it with you guys but next up is the real work which is plugging it in stuff and hanging it on the wall so thanks for watching this one talk to you guys later in the next video peace
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