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Oppo Find 7 Rant!

hey what is up guys my PhD here remember Oppo that company Oppo remember them they posted a bit of a teaser a couple of days ago on Twitter that I retweeted that reads hashtag fine 5 was the first smartphone with a 5-inch 1080p display hashtag fine 7 is taking it one step further hashtag always improve and then it shows this image that shows the Oppo find 5 has a 1080p display obviously and that the Oppo find 7 its successor is going to have a 2k display so many things about this just get to me so first of all only Oppo like only Oppo would tweet the next-gen specs of the successor to their current device that they're currently working on that no other company has ever introduced yet they're the only Oppo would tweet and tease something like this second of all what exactly is a 2k display if you watched my 4k explained video you know that the K is a shortening moniker for the horizontal resolution of the image of roughly 4000 by 2,000 pixels so doesn't that mean 1920 by 1080 is already 2k roughly I guess the hashtag always improve would suggest that Oppo has a slightly higher resolution in mind I'm thinking 2560 by 1440 or something like that but then again is that 2.5 k which where does that fall either way it doesn't really matter all we know is it's higher than 1080p and I'm glad to see Oppo as a company pushing the limits yet again here now I know what a lot of you guys are thinking because I've seen it in the tweets I've seen it in the comments and other videos it's why would I want a 2k display in my smartphone if I already have a 1080p display I already can't see the pixels it already looks super sharp why would I want extra resolution that's just going to kill battery life that's just going to hinder graphics performance just going to make the phone less enjoyable to use why would anyone want a 2k display and it's so easy to just ignore that tweet and agree with that it's so easy to just not care basically uh but if you've rewind to September 2012 I made a video in September 2012 called the super Retina display smartphone about a company called Oppo who is preparing to release a revolutionary 1080p smartphone if you look back at a lot of those older comments a lot of the comments on that old video remind me exactly of the reactions to oppas tweet where people are saying 1080p on a smartphone are you kidding me why would I want that I can already not see the pixels on my iPhone it already has a Retina display why would I want a 1080p smartphone that's just going to wreck my performance that's just gonna hinder my battery life and at first it really did they were right the first 1080p smartphones like the Oppo find 5 and the Droid DNA they were really not the best performance they needed like top-end specs and massive batteries to keep up with the phones that didn't have 1080p displays and their sales showed they weren't the best selling phones they weren't the best experience even though they had those amazing new bright beautiful looking panels but slowly the big guns came on the HTC ones the galaxy s4 is the Sony Xperia Z's the Nexus fives suddenly we have all these massive 1080p phones and it's sort of a standard by now we kind of expect a new high-end smartphone to have a 1080p display by the end of 2013 and actually something funny happened a Moto X came out that was supposed to be a flagship for Motorola and it had a 720p display and there were comments from people who said why doesn't this have a 1080p display how is this supposed to be a flagship without a 1080p display so it's clear that 1080p has become a standard it's become what we expect out of every new phone and it's obvious that a 1080p phone nowadays compared to last generation 720p phones the 1080p phone looks a lot better and even more obvious when you put a 1080p phone next to an iPhone no offense of the iPhone but it has a 640 P display and you can definitely tell which one is the 1080p display when you put them side-by-side the phone with a 1080p display is going to look a lot better than a phone with a 640 P display even though you already can't see the pixels on that 640 P display because it's about so much more than just raw pixels now it's almost like the megapixel count in cameras it's way more than just pixels now that's so much more than just that if I sat you down 10 feet away from 250 inch TVs one of them is a 1080p TV and the other one is a 4k TV and ask you which one looks better 10 times out of 10 you're going to say that the 4k TV looks better even though you can't see the pixels on either one of them from 10 feet away you can still tell that that 4k TV looks immensely better and I've done this test for myself I went to CES 2013 I will be at CES 2014 again to see way more 4k TVs but you can tell that a 4k TV of the same size as a 1080p TV looks way better even though you can't see the pixels on any of them so this same philosophy is being applied here by Oppo to smart phones you can make a display that looks better than a 1080p display even though you already can't see the pixels on the 1080p display so I'm ready to see that I'm ready and it looks like oppo is going to be the one to do it either their first or their one of the first now will it impact battery life at first probably will it negatively hurt your graphics performance at first probably but Oppo is willing to take that risk again and you know I admire them for that they're willing to be the Icebreaker just dive in headfirst be the number one and push that boundary and that's that's impressive of setting standards is not easy but I can kind of see that same trend as we saw before happening with this 2k resolution over the next few months the big guns started getting into it you know big players the new Galaxy s5 comes out with a 2k display galaxy note 4 HTC - Nexus 6 and then maybe we'll see a Motorola phone that comes out with this 1080p display that makes everyone scratch their heads why is it only 1080p you know what I mean crazy it might happen it might just happen it's all about framing really and I guess basically what I'm trying to say with this whole video is that that no one should really be complaining when it comes to the when it comes to the future of technologies like this like the really high tech stuff when we're seeing like for example really high resolutions and smart phones there's no real reason to complain unless you know maybe you buy a smartphone with a 2k display and you battery life sucks then complain please complain because that's that's going to make the technology better but there's always going to be the naysayers in the infancy of any new technology growing pains as I like to call it but I don't complain unless it's actually hurting you like the this let it happen let Oppo take the bold steps like let whoever wants to follow in their foot take the next bold steps I guess I'm probably just rambling at this point I wrote this really quickly and I wanted to tell you guys it but anyway that's basically it yeah if you enjoy this video give it a thumbs up I'm excited like I said to see the fine 7 by the way I hope this isn't a gigantic phone op oh I you could say it's 2560 by 1600 but if it's a 7-inch phone not working out but yeah I'm excited because the rest of the fine 7 specs that have leaked have been along the lines of like 15 megapixel camera four thousand milliamp power battery Snapdragon 805 or 803 next generation chip like 3 or 4 gigs of ram just crazy stuff so I'm excited for the future of mobile phones and it's the end of 2013 the beginning of 2014 is going to bring more awesome stuff I'm rambling again thanks for watching subscribe if you haven't already I'll talk to you guys in the next video peace
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