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Siri vs the Ads: Does It Hold Up?

okay what's up guys I'm kitty HD here and you might have seen earlier today I tweeted Apple released this adventure video with the rock featuring series I'm actually that got me to click it I mean it's a movie featuring Siri what could possibly go wrong so I click that I watched it it was actually pretty well done it was interesting I'll link it below if you want to watch the whole thing and of course it also got me thinking Siri did a lot in that video and it made me wonder if Siri can actually do all of the things that the rock asked it to do in that adventure so iOS 11 latest update build number three I've decided to see if this can actually do everything that they asked of it I also realize that's probably exactly what Apple wants you to do after watching this because it's basically an ad for Siri but I will pack let's try it AC read my schedule you had 25 appointments at 7:15 1:20 you're on the selling hey Siri read my schedule there's nothing to read okay so I don't use Apple calendar quite as much as apparently the rock does but if I did they would all show up there just like that Siri certainly my life goes away I found 10 reminders thank you very much hey Siri show me my life goals list I found five reminders the first one is drivable Getty then take a 50 megapixel self okay so this shows reminders specifically from Apple's reminders app so if you use the reminders app and you go in and you create a new list with a certain name then Siri can recall anything from that list and show it to you at any time so yeah I made one called life goals and I asked it to show it and it worked oh you're serious give me a lift ride to LAX this can get you a list of 60 seconds okay so I don't have lift but I you can get it to do the exact same thing with the uber app this is actually one of the more recent improvements to Siri actually reaching inside supported apps and taking action within them Oprah can get you a VIP in three minutes do you want to request it yes okay what's the temperature in Rome today the high temperature for today in Rome will be 80 degrees and the low will be 59 degrees totems pretty straightforward weather card is like a standard demo question of course that works also the rock you're literally hijacking a plane at this point during your adventure so maybe reconsider maybe put like a disclaimer like don't try this at home or something like that hey Siri Ruby in my last email at 9:30 a.m. this one sent you an email about mr. Nakamura can discuss your fashion line so this series command will not work for you if you use Gmail or a yahoo mail or any other mail service or third-party app or anything like that you have to use Apple Mail if you do then it will work apparently the rock also uses Apple Mail hey Siri show me photos of my fashion line huzzah what do you think it doesn't really matter well I think do you think so if I ask Siri for pictures of something it's just going to google it here are some images of German shepherds I found on the way I like that actually it dings it it Bing searches for your photos but if I say show me photos of my fashion line it just shows the first Bing search results for my fashion line which is just random clothes but when the rock shows the phone to mr. whatever his name was it clearly is not Syria anymore it's this all white background so that looks like it's in his gallery if he did all that with Siri he'd have to say something like show me my photos of clothes or something like that to trigger shiri to open the gallery so the language he uses in that clip isn't quite fair Siri texts Chef Ludo I want to cook hey Siri text Duane nice commercial bro your message to Dwayne Johnson says nice commercial bro ready to send it yes so yes you can send text messages with Siri but also not shown is you do have to do a follow-up to make sure you actually want to send it hey Siri how many Ounces in extensive losses 1 centiliter is 0.34 fluid ounces the sausages movie shot ok first time I heard this I thought he was asking how many ounces in a centimeter which obviously that's not a thing but what he's asking is how many ounces in a centimeter that's a pretty standard conversion question Siri handles that just fine no problem hey Siri play my practice playlist so this again only works with Apple music so you can have all the Spotify and SoundCloud and title playlists you want but if you ask Siri to play music it will look in Apple music so technically this is possible again assuming the rock uses Apple music along with all the rest of those Apple services it's very addictive selfie open our cars on Eclipse so this command actually triggers Siri opening the front-facing camera which is pretty cool but it doesn't actually press the shutter button and take a selfie though that actually has to be done with the on-screen button which is impossible when you're in space wearing gloves or I'm assuming what he does here is squeeze the volume button to trigger the shutter and that actually does take a picture the bigger problem is the case lists iPhone they put over all at the end of the day Siri scored pretty well actually against its ad and at the end of the day that's exactly what that is this is a Serie A die think that main takeaway here is it's pretty similar to those shot on iphone commercials technically yes most of this will work but that sequences shortened little blurb at the end is pretty important pretty much everything in the commercial happens instantly and realized with Siri even on the latest version of iOS 11 you're going to have to wait a little bit and you're also going to have to use pretty much all Apple services for Siri to talk to it but for the most part it works I think people might be surprised how much better Syria's gotten in the past couple months I'm looking forward to comparing it again with like pretty much the rest of voice assistance Google assistant in its latest form maybe Alexa maybe throw in Dixie Voice for fun that could be its own separate video in the meantime though that's pretty much it thank you for watching the rock if you're watching this if you're one of those people watching I heard you have a YouTube channel now that's pretty cool maybe if you want to collab on some tech related stuff that could be fun just let me know hit me up on FaceTime that's pretty much it talk to guys the next one base hey Siri seriously I want your best joke oh the past present and future walk into the bar it was tense you
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