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Youtube Insight 2.0 [2009]

hey what's up guys it's Marcus brown here from mkbhd and welcome to another HD tutorial and this one will be an overview of YouTube insight 2.0 and I'll go ahead and post this as a video response to my original YouTube insight video because this in fact has changed actually in the past few hours a YouTube had tweeted about it but anyway you guys can now view a myriad of statistics for an individual video as long as you allow that so we're gonna go ahead and search my uploads for Safari 4 and I'm going to go ahead and go to my Safari for video video which has a large number of views and open that in a new tab and what we're gonna do is view the statistics for this video now normally when you would go under to statistics and data right here it would show you know a small amount of statistics it'll give you what sites we're linking to it how many comments favorites you got etc let's go ahead and hit statistics and data in now and we scroll down and we'll see this huge amount of data very very nice so you'll see first of all the honors of this video I don't we scroll up cuz honors you know they've been there for a while you will see a whole lot of stuff now you can share these statistics with the video as long as you want or you could make these private if you don't want everyone to see this I'm going to let this let all my videos have all these you know open so this is this is really cool first of all you have a graph up here of the total video views' and this is a something Google has thrown in where each one of these little letters here corresponds to a date and an event which is really cool so right here you can see there are 274 comments and has a graph of how the comments have been increasing it shows how the ferret's have gone up how the ratings have slowly climbed the number of ratings and the average rating has stayed at about 4.4 now if you go down here this is what I think is the coolest thing it shows a number of use you get from certain things some from certain events that are happening on YouTube so this is right here first embedded on this website got 1182 views from being embedded there some people Google Search Safari for 4,400 people clicked on my video from google searching Safari for first referral from YouTube and browsing 1000 and betta dat video referral from these three Google Google and YouTube searches so people search these different terms and we're actually able to find my video by searching these terms and people searching Safari for got a large number of views on this video and others / viral which is just you know other ways people found your video so I think this is this is really awesome that by the way that last sorry about that noise in the background that last event that happened got me a large number of views so I really like this this tutorial in this insight right here it really is a deep insight in your video statistics now you can go down here and see their video is most popular with ages and genders so males ages 13 to 17 most popular and then 45 to 54 and 35 to 44 and you can also see its most popular in these countries so you can definitely go go to a ridiculously viewed video such as I don't know Susan Boyle Susan Boyles video was is pretty much everywhere look at that 71 million views and you can go down and as long as the user has not disabled it if we go ahead to statistics and data up know they have disabled it but if you go down to the statistics and data of someone's video you'll be able to see all of that now if we go ahead and want to delete if we want to hide this and we don't want anyone to see it go ahead and hit that account button on the top right hand side go to sharing and privacy and go do statistics and data down here and just uncheck make statistics and data for my videos publicly visible by default and Save Changes you can also uncheck that for individual videos if you don't like the statistics that are being shown on individual videos anyway thanks for watching guys I hope you enjoyed this YouTube 2.0 or sorry about that background noise and please rate this video five stars get it get it spreaded around and go ahead and check out the YouTube insight on this video for yourself if it you know if it's exciting enough for you anyway thank you for watching and please subscribe if you haven't already and I'll see you in the next video peace
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