
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

512GB Optane DIMMs Cost $7816, More AMD Staff Go To Intel - Awesome Hardware #0184-A

all to their feelings or vegan food terrible it's crazy look we should just about be live now hi everyone good evening good evening everyone it's Tuesday so it's time we're awesome hardware a little ooh awesome hardware a live show Kyle and I stream every Tuesday evening at 5:30 p.m. Pacific time so if you're watching live it's actually 5:40 we're slightly late but that's as per tradition yeah also per tradition we occasionally use adult language on the show so please plug your gears and don't listen to the rest of this the rest of the time or just mute you can mute and watch it on mute then you won't hear any of that they're much more attractive that way also drink a beverage a saucy beverage on the show we're having some beer right now this is this is a classic Samuel Adams Boston lager right now mm-hmm Kyle I already killed the pale ale from Sierra Nevadas and penalties so I'm thinking what you're drinking cheers thanks for joining us today guys thank you we're gonna talk about some tech news and this is the first half of episode number 184 streaming of my channel Paul start where the second half will be streamed to Kyle's channel bit wit yeah and that link is in the description after party will be on his channel - groovy looks like we're streaming and things are good okay so thanks to all of you guys for joining us today we love you a quick pitch and a plug for our stores - Paul's Harbor Nets we got the Robo love back in stock you guys you guys were all about the Robo love and that has been restocked this is the mousepad but yeah you know this is a fantasy bit of design it's a great design there so feel free to purchase that if you buy awesome hardware merch from either of our stores we split the proceeds so don't worry about which store you buy it from also a bit with that text slash store for cow store mm-hmm real good stuff it all comes from the same place also if you want to order from both stores place both orders at the same time they will ship together you'll get a little bit of a refund for the shipping difference so yeah that works yeah pretty much it let's move into some technology news we got we got some to talk about this week I'm gonna be up in the and enterprise space though sort of some follow-ups to some of the stuff we talked about last week in cell had an event they they have a bunch of like really high-end enterprise-grade stuff and it's it's fun to talk about it is insanely priced for the most part if you even can tell what the price is but the the big headliner last week was the 56 korzy on platinum 9200 series of CPUs the highest end of which will have a 56 course pardon me that's by way of dual 28 core dies on a single package and they're holding the package with the sort of a Randy look upon his face I might say is Ian dr. Ian Contras he seems quite chuffed I believe as they say quite shift right to be actually holding those young platinum 9200 processor in his hand but yeah first off it's BGA only so these are only gonna only gonna sell to system integrators here's a side comparison to a business situs comparison to a business card by the way so nobody nobody can actually buy one of these you can buy a system that it's based on if you work in IT or you have insane amounts of money but the package itself as shown there by you is 76 by 72 point five millimeters Intel's largest CPU base package ever compared to the Pentium Pro at sixty seven point six by sixty two point five that's that's laughable Andy's seventy five point four by 58.5 also pathetic now weak inside you got two xcc enabled Xeon dies which are pictured here to die for those are also quite substantially sized 694 square millimeters each and the socket itself which we kind of speculated about last week many many contacts there on the socket if you can compare it to like an LG a pin count this is BGA not LGA but still has many many contact points the official socket name is FC BGA five 903 which is really 59 obviously they spent a lot of time with the marketing department coming up with that flip chip ball grid array flip chip ball grid array which is what is what FC BGA flip chip is what they've been calling LGA for quite some time to write ball grid array processors have a bunch of little solder balls that go in there and that's what provides the contact between the chip and the motherboard but you know it's soldered on there so you can't remove it or anything can't pull it off at least not without knowing what you're doing with the soldering which it's not a reflow which is what can be hard so part of the reason why it's got so many contacts like that is because it supports 12 memory channels there's a side view of it too you can see some of the layers it's got like 18 layers at 18 layers which is a lot more than typical CPUs out of 8 to 12 and there's 4 different versions of it the 9221 is the entry-level I like the pricing that they listed here head shoulders knees and toes those are your options highest and the one that we're talking about is fifty-six quarter and twelve twelve thread ten Pentium I'm sorry Zia and Platinum 9282 for two watt TDP seventy-seven mix of l3 cache 3.8 gigahertz turbo and we don't know how much it will cost it will cost your head the comparison in the article is to the price we currently know of which is for the Intel Xeon Platinum 8000 series the 80 to 80 L which is the 28 core with a single die and supports 4.5 terabytes of memory and that is just shy of $18,000 for a single chip so take two of those and put them together so 25 to 50 thousand dollars for one of them usually when Intel combine this two dies together they don't double the price that they're like well that's where it's even more than double because of how we did that or know what they're the engineering costs of cramming it all together again we're talking enterprise level stuff for servers and everything so I'm sure they I'm sure they've got customers for these who will spend that much money you can actually make money off of I don't know somehow make enough ROI out of investment in this type of hardware that's gonna be crazy to be to work in IT at that level yeah also like you know we can build the highest of any computers that we ever dabble with and be Ike Wow that cost as much as a car right this is like wow I caught as much as a house yeah it's a whole other level essence that's kind of insane the insurance on that PC well that's that I missed so memory channels pricing that disclosed yeah that's that's pretty much it articles link in the description if you guys want to check it out a few more details in there then I'm not going to mention right now but why is he eating it don't eat the CPU you sure don't eat it in just taking a bite I feel like that CPU have must have cell regenerative properties cuz he looks so young in these pictures nanotechnology it looks like he looks five years younger than he usually does it's clearly the it's clearly a 56 course at work he's not that old I don't know I know he's not but he just he looks like he could pass for like high school in these pictures okay maybe it's the poor resolution or something or maybe maybe my eyes are going baby he drinks the blood of young people I'm just speculating by the way I don't have no proof at all that was oddly specific I feel like you know things that we don't I just you know I think of ways to artificially retain your your youth you know as you become an old person and that's just makes sense to me okay Paul is a vampire confirmed okay moving on sort of in a in a related story this was also about last week but we didn't really talk about it and there's a little bit more information also about the pricing here this is Intel obtained dims some memory modules that use Intel obtain storage which is based on the 3d crosspoint stuff that they were developing for quite some time there I believe that's a picture of one it's nothing crazy to look at it's just you know green PCB and apparently they put a heat spreader on it but obtained memory right you guys may be familiar with a little m dot two drives that you can get that kind of work as a cache an extra cash in your zoo them that's been something that I don't know are people using that I'm using one to boot off of in my free Nash I used one in our server build and they've really good like longevity and stuff like that so that's cool I don't know if people are actually using the EM the acceleration steps again but this is different this is implementing that implementing that into actual memory didn't so they they look just like ddr4 they slot into the same slots as ddr4 and now they are going to be available this will sit sort of between system memory and storage to provide a very fast extra bit of storage that sort of acts like system memory but it's not quite as fast but it's also persistent so tired if it powers off the data still stays there but it also acts as system is so it does both right like you said it I believe the way this is describing it it's just it's just acting a system memory so I stain here's the pricing it's available in three different sizes hundred twenty eight gigs 256 gig and 512 gig and if you think about that when you're comparing it's like storage it's like well that's not that much right paired to memory and like well that's a lot done yeah and that's what it's going in and replacing so if you compare it to the price of memory it's a great deal if you compare it to looking at like a single a single module of 512 gigs is seven thousand eight hundred and sixteen dollars at shop BLT pricing by the way is not coming directly from Intel I guess they have system pricing guidance these are the these are the actual prices that counselors shop BLT and colfax direct shop BLT sounds like a sandwich shot it sounds delicious I would love the no wonder it's so expensive they don't specialize in computer memory at all so yeah this is this is this is only for servers and for people who run servers with like a whatever my server does eats up lots of memory you can have lots more for relatively cheaper of course there are some requirements like you need an Intel cascade like Xeon processor but if you have that you can have up to six point five terabytes of octane memory six point high or bytes of memory kumano that's a lot of just just like hard drive storage for some people having that all in memory is pretty insane and that is of course for the well that would be enabled it by those 12 slot Intel platforms that we talked about the previous thing but if you bought twelve of the hundred and twenty eight eating sticks at eight hundred ninety two or six hundred ninety five dollars each I guess is the cheapest that would be six thousand nine hundred and twenty-four dollars - good luck relate all those twelve of the 512 geek sticks $81,000 81 thousand dollars how much did you spend on memory for your computer eighty-one thousand a year's salary like a high-ranking official or manager or something yeah yeah that's why it's fun to talk about this because it's so over the heads of most people and price range and stuff but okay it's out there now um if you're wondering just how much slower obtained is then memory it's it's slower but it's not like that much slower so DRAM latency for reads sequential reads and random reads it is in the 75 to 80 nanosecond range obtained dims 172 320 nanoseconds so you know more than twice is slow but we're talking still talking nanoseconds which it's still very fast the RAM is typically the only type of system memory that you measure in nanoseconds and the price difference doesn't seem to justify how much faster the opt-in tips are uh James how much faster no but how much capacity is capacity capacity is the selling point there right and that's wait did I already scroll past that oh here no everybody there's another chart further down I wonder what without flying a stupid video Tom's Hardware I don't want to watch your stupid video it's not even related to this stupid article now I can't get rid of it it's stuck there you can't close that no there's no X oh my god it's just there now Tom's Hardware why oh I gotta I gotta choose the no not that doesn't even do it that's just the stupid quality resolution menu I hate I hate it oh my god sorry some somewhere in this article there was a that also should if you stretch the window down more it'll probably go out of screen that's right I'll get at least people on stream I'll do that okay good for you Chad I accept I scroll down to forget it we're gonna go I'm probably just making people sick scrolling up and down on this page over again anyway read and write speeds are you know they vary we got about 15 gigabytes per second for DRAM and it varies from 0.5 gigabytes per second all the way up to 7.62 bytes per second depending whether you're talking about sequential or random and read or write where does the other what are you looking for there was a there was a real simple chart on here that showed oh gosh it's right there I've been scrolling pressed the whole time I'm really stupid sorry guys conventional DRAM is right there so four hundred twenty eight gigs of conventional DRAM you'll pay around $4,500 so at that price you can see that 128 gig dim that's you know 700 to 900 dollars based on this pricing so that's a lot better price per gig sure that's that's the selling point right there make sense anyway so that's thing now everyone go buy it and try it out yeah to other real quick notes about this comparing the two DRAM has unlimited endurance asterisk but mostly unlimited endurance octane games are warrantied by Intel for five years that is based on like maximum full-time usage of them but you know still limited lifespan compared to DRAM obtain the DIMM will also consume about three times the power of a standard ddr4 dimm but 32 times the capacity in exchange for three times the power so there you go all right that's my cool DSM C has made some progress on their 5 nanometer manufacturing process now to be clear we're not talking about a tsmc making x86 CPUs like they do for AMD with this 5 nanometer process the stuff that they're actually going to be producing here is different SOC designs 5g mobile applications a high-performance computing so we're talking about the ARM Cortex processors and stuff like that but five nanometer I have no idea if any of this will translate over to helping them make make stuff on a five nanometer process for margin for x86 designs but they are in risk production like what's risk production mitotically pasted a definition here so I could read it to you guys perfect to be very specific that means that a particular silicon wafer fabrication process has established baseline in terms of process recipes device models and Design kits and has passed standard wafer level right reliability tests okay it's it's a key point along the road to shipping something like this in mass quantities TSMC previously targeted at five nanometer volume production for 2020 with three nanometers set for 2022 this process node uses second-gen extreme ultraviolet and deep ultraviolet lithography that's EUV and D UV which you guys might have heard of before already mentioned what the chips are going to be all about but one of those the ARM Cortex 8:27 which is based on five nanometer which is one that I actually have a few numbers for will deliver 1.8 times the density and a 15 percent gain in clock speeds compared to seven nanometer based on process refinements alone tsmc also completed it's 5 nanometer design rule manual spice model s'en spice model which is a simulation program with integrated circuit emphasis and process design kits which are available for TSMC customers via TSMC online the chips are in risk production with alpha customers which indicates volume production could ramp in 2020 so basically they're on grounds hidden cool and we'll probably start to see these processors pop up in like smartphones and tablets and other mobile devices perhaps yes yes and Ken's and it's worth keeping keeping an eye on the developments of these ARM based CPUs because there is fair amount of movements on the software side because there's a there's a big sort of correlation and balance between the software and the hardware it runs on and like right now you have Windows which primarily is there they have an ARM version of Windows that they've been developing but it's you know that's gonna run on x86 so yeah arm has to come a lot of a long way and there are those who believe that if something doesn't happen when it comes to what Intel's been working on and there's they'll make some steps forward since its stagnated for a while that there might be some sort of overtake in the desktop space as well for these lower power or like arm-based processors so right anyway I wanna dive too much into that because I'm still learning more about it myself let's let's move on cool Intel we talked last week about them hiring tap dad Tom Peterson yep they've scooped up yet another marketing marketing person and from AMD just to go over there hire so far Rajic Dury scooped up from Hamdi and as those early on he designed GPUs over there now this is all by the way for Intel's GPU push the the X key Intel I could see GPU they're working on mm-hmm we got Chris hook who has been at AMD we're doing PR for quite some time as well he's Wiley he's crafty Chris Nick you gotta watch out for anything and it's all tumblr and Damian T Damian edit I don't know how to pronounce Damian's last name try let trial it is that trio light if it's friendship might beat wale but I'm not sure I don't know mi sorry trio sorry Damien but yeah they're from technical marketing Ryan shrout and Cal Bennett both coming from the review space PC perspective and hard OCP from Nvidia Mark Taylor as well as tom peterson who he talked about last week and now from AMD we have Heather Lennon you've met her before right yeah oh yeah Heather yep she's leave we've known Heather we've been to some AMD events for her she does the RTG technical marketing and now do you do until murky she is there she is just just treat her written written large what a benefit like no so maybe try I just just further evidence that in cell it appears to be fairly serious about the development of G fused and given the people that they've that they're hiring you know it seems like they're they're definitely having a name at the mainstream market because that's what a little bit specialty of a lot of people that they have hired it's got to be kind of interesting to have a bunch of Nvidia and AMD employees who used to be fighting each other for so long now under the same roof where sporting the same colors and fighting against the companies that they were previously you know fighting for yep it's kind of we she'll be doing digital marketing and graphics and as Kyle mentioned she'll be working with Mark Taylor formerly from Nvidia should mark et I'll probably hate each other yeah it's cuz you know loyalty it's a company and run these former companies friends deep do you still bleed red we all played red one last thing here just a video if you guys want to check it out we I don't know if you've seen any of this minecraft rate racing I took a peek at this it's officially the best looking game of twenty I know it's so so beautiful minecraft just continually dropping jobs with its graphics and everything this looks like a fastens Creed right here this is what water effects anytime you take water effects like that right the rest of it could just look like really realistic the rest of it can be blocks and yeah it's fascinating blockiness of everything fades away this is technically path traced shaders which is similar to but not exactly retracing it is like a ray tracer on steroids instead of sending out one ray it sends out tens hundreds or even thousands of them have no idea what's a sort of system impact this has if you need a twenty atti in order to run it the minimum requirements for Minecraft just shot through the roof oh yeah this is this is an add-on mod it's a mod pack called seuss SE US sonic ethers unbelievable shaders works in conjunction conjunction with Optifine or GLSL shaders mod so yeah any of you guys who want to rekindle your love of Minecraft and make it look way prettier the water effects in this do it pretty nice too anyway I'll pause this so you know I'm sure the whole thing it's like the description if you guys want to check it out I hear the zombies now look like the ones from the Resident Evil 2 remake oh yeah they've got that much texture neato and one with the long tongue and everything as well now yep the licorice they're all just a bunch of liquors liquors I should have known the least original name for that zombie okay okay we have one more segment here which is ask the audience apparently we don't have a lower third suppress the audience at least not here so I've changed it so what's the deal but it's fine we're still doing ask the I'll snag all the updated lower thirds from your place next week no worries ask the audience is we ask you do you the audience questions and you answer them honestly Cal and I will do our best to guess the strata of your answers strata so to speak so I'm gonna post some links and chat right now good cells cells already helping out with that cuz he's since he's honest thank you so on the ball barrier he's a great love you daddy great person inside and out alright so first thing we're gonna talk about is your iPhone as your phone's because according to Apple Insider they did a survey 86 percent of US teens plan to choose an iPhone as an x-mark phone what I know we have lots of teenagers who watch our show so I thought we would pull you guys is your next phone going to be an iPhone is it maybe I mean this girl's is she looks very very skeptical though she looks kind of disappointed with your iPhone she's were getting a decision do you plan to get an iPhone next time you upgrade your phone so guys click the link in the chat and vote on this I'd like to see you be here now it's very important who did this who did this survey Apple Insider yeah it's Apple Insider well aren't they a little biased Kyle you know we gotta ask the audience something and this seems important very important rig surveys rig I'm gonna go through all three questions right now and then we'll come back and survey you guys so the next article that the question is based on is from WC CF tech because Needham is do blocking activation codes that are found to be in breach of EU antitrust laws no yes so depending where you are if you try to activate a game on Steam they might geo lock you and geo block it's if it's obtained for from a different country they've singled out major publishers bandai namco focus Home Interactive Koch media ZeniMax media for making geo blocking arrangements with distributors so we got each we got the option between a digital single market and that the EU might be involved with and then we got what valve says which is they say these things here they said the five publishers internet agreements with their distributors and included geo block blocking provisions basically the same just three percent of games on Steam actually are affected by the by content region locks at all so I thought I would ask you guys just a more generic question rather than one specifically aimed at this do you think it's okay to buy software it's designated for sale and other regions using the Internet and this is this ties into like my Windows like Windows the Windows 10 thing that you can do if you go and buy it on kinguin or whatever it's kind of in the same thing right you can so they haven't for sale in some regions for less money and that might be because of people in that region have less money so if they want to buy it at all they're gonna be able to pay less right should you just buy it from another region and pay less money or should you not do that should you buy it in your own region you know go by the letter of the law those are the options there I know these are riveting questions Kyle I can tell you were super engaged here finally over a - tech tips on their forums they have a thread posted by good bytes which is all about the May date to Windows 10 also super exciting you may update you can mention Mac mix-and-match themes you have a light theme now look at that no light theme no dark dark mode is what we all want now well now we can battle between them dark mode you can decide you can mix and match Kyle no it's powerful and like oh no segregation and I vote for segregation I forget you're logged in over here because you have slow play don't take that out of condo and I go see what your oh no don't don't look at my flow plain history that's all you'll see all the dirty Linus videos I've been watching here's one thing I actually like you can uninstall a few more of the built-in apps including groove music ah you can uninstall this music yeah I bet had to interact with the music in so long so just pops up like it by default for things all the time and it constantly tries to reassign itself as default I haven't experienced that fortunately anyway there's a bunch of bunch of stuff here searching Cortana notepad improvements oh good good have you figured out the replacement for the snipping tool yet no what is it you know the snipping tool is going away right for what it's gone it's gonna be done you see it's in your taskbar no I want to hold on to it no it's gonna be gone no taking it away don't don't take it away I like the snipping tool what what are they replacing it with well something inferior obviously and what they're replacing it with this is perfectly good I was original I was initially like no don't take away my snipping tool you bastard it's now an extension in edge hit hit Windows shift s oh that's that's it it's just a hotkey now it's a different tool so now you can highlight whatever you want to highlight like that and then and then what happens and then it copies it to the clipboard I thought when I did it before when I did it before it is it a pop-up down here with me so there's no there's no actual window there's no UI for it you just there is a you enter anyway for it but apparently it's broken on my my research what we talking about razor blades in just a moment on my half so I thank you for that you've been hacked that's what that means so the question for you guys response to he or burn through these pretty quick links we get to the answers how do you handle Windows Update in 2019 I got three options here there's that there's a fourth option for all the other the final option probably speaking is on a damn little bit just try to update whenever it's possible so it doesn't do it at a bad time and you know security updates I pause updates pass through the major patches because you can do the positing now I'm like pause for 30 days or whatever in that way I talk to you after that or like third-party software some other option like that to get around it there you go okay so those are the questions we shall ask the audience first question if you guys remember from four or five minutes ago iPhones yep so it seems like so long ago now how much how many of our audience members are gonna are going to get an iPhone next time they have great all right you go first and and okay since I'm out of beer I don't have any more beer to chug so I'm just gonna try to I'm just gonna get ready to get all of them right consult that yeah I might not even need to drink any more beer if I get all these right I can I can read your minds viewers know what you but why do that when I have beer this is clearly the easier choice and superior one um all right so no resistance all right look at all these fans that beer first it's a it's insulated it's a burst here which is basically short for beer person it's a it's like guys who say so too it's not a man-purse it's a murse that's the same thing buddy satchel this is actual it's a beer stein Jill okay that's even lamer okay go back to back to man first all right I'm gonna say I'm gonna go with the obvious one no I'm gonna go yeah I'm gonna go with the obvious one this is just so obviously gonna be the answer no iPhone bad because if you're watching us right now you're probably on a PC and not an Apple device so you probably think the same you probably choose your phone the same way you choose your your desktop PC not a closed ecosystem more options more upgradability so you think no iPhone bad is gonna win correct alright so how we're percentages or we are doing percentage I didn't I didn't determine that at all so how by how much what by what percent do you think no iPhone bad will beat yes yellow back my love laughing probably by 79% really you think it's more no I just think that's a pretty massive spread especially given that there's a third option in there to mess with people but it's okay so minion was 79 hey I'll say 78% I think people will be so so convinced by the no iPhone bad they're all gonna want to do I phone but even more than your fun option hey that's how much they big it's bad Oh 67 I almost did 69 so technically it was 48 percent you were only off by 30% oh right dammit I was I was thinking okay I was looking overall percentage yeah I was thinking overall percentage all right yeah am I good sure that we clarified that no you did you did yeah okay the beers talking you have to the beers talking well now after drink your beer now I can't Matt horrible punishment oh crap I didn't even lose a nice I could have just said 69 69 s always the right answer sure it was very close same that's always the answer next question do you think it's okay to buy software designate for sale another reason is use it here but buying ad region will cost more sorry language was that I'm trying to get through this quickly what this is one of those things I set up earlier in the day and as I'm looking at it now I'm like this is I guess it's very long it's long what is this it feels very dry it feels dry let's let's move it up answer the damn thing let's move it up a bit alright I'm gonna say I'm gonna say yes why pay money less money for the same product and I think yes will be no by 20% okay I'm gonna say no prevent fair distribution country don't you think Noah's gonna win no I don't but I'm gonna say I'll just do the percentage then I think it's gonna beat it by forty percent forty percent thirty five thirty five percent thirty five percent twenty percent for me here we go oh yes Wow I wouldn't you win it was forty three percent yep take it in the ass it's good it's good one well done cap right in the cornhole you've bested me the burning Ring of Fire beautiful alright one more oona must how do you handle windows updates okay in 2019 I'm gonna say I pause updates or just get major patches is gonna win by 20 percent okay all right I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna make a random call here if I'm trying to lose okay I think I think we're going to have very close a very close battle between all four answers okay we're gonna have a 10% spread which we know everything is gonna be within a 10% okay Betsy here let's see that was totally wrong Wow apparently so many people are just resigned like look for windows there that was totally wrong to look for Windows Update yeah some people pausing Wow not many people trying to control with a third-party app I wouldn't even know what happened to recommend this for you know I haven't dabbled with that I have to imagine those exist but I don't have the time all right well maybe this means that Microsoft is right but how they've handled Windows updates because they have so many people getting them yeah getting the updates it is that as a reasonable there's a reasonable option there at the top one unless you're doing something at the time when it's requesting it which I usually am I usually always am doing right now always check for a pending Windows Update before I render a video mmm that way doesn't do it in the middle of it or no I've had because well there been several times in the past when rendering a video out fails mm-hmm and I can't figure out what the heck has happened why it's happening oh they're never going to head back knows update do that yeah yeah one of those one of those things anyway guys that wraps up for my half of awesome hard work don't worry we got lots more content coming at you Kyle oh and an absolutely blockbuster show it's the best one you've ever seen incredible probably slightly better than mine that's what I'm anticipating so click link the description and visit us there if you wanna do a thumbs up on your way out we greatly appreciate that as well your everyday tech has been doing timestamps for both of us when we are greatly appreciative of that and we'll pin them up for you when that happens too so thanks for watching guys on my channel if you're not in twitch stay where you're at we'll be right back thanks and
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