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9900K Review & Benchmarks vs 2700X and 8700K!

the enter max liquid tech tr4 - all-in-one liquid CPU cooler has a massive contact plate made just for thread Ripper and is rated for 500 watts of heat dissipation high pressure pwm fans mount two rubber channels on the radiator to absorb vibration and the sexy logo and edge lighting on the block is addressable for syncing with your motherboard it comes with an RGB control box - so click the spots or link in the description for more what's up guys hello and welcome to my launch review video on Intel's newest CPU the core high 990 900k the CPU has been up for presale for about a week and a half already but aside from some dubious numbers that were posted by principal technologies independent reviews such as mine today haven't been able to weigh in TL DR though this cpu is clearly the fastest one that you can buy for gaming performance right now it is also no slouch when it comes to compute intensive tasks either and that is thanks to it being the first eight core 16 thread CPU available on intel's mainstream platform socket LGA 1151 and of course we got these new motherboards to go along with it with the zi 390 chipset I am sure this is going to become the go-to CPU for the highest end gaming systems that people put together for the next few months at least but on the flip side it is selling for five hundred and thirty dollars and up and AMD has a very compelling and much more cost-effective option to the 99 hundred K in their 2700 X which also sports eight cores and sixteen threads and can be purchased today with no waiting on back orders or anything like that for three hundred and five dollars at least as of the prices I looked at earlier but answering the most important questions about the 99 hundred K is my goal today so here's how I'm going to arrange things first we got some benchmarks of course where I will compare the eight core eleven thread ninety-nine hundred K to the six core twelve thread eighty seven hundred K which costs three hundred seventy dollars right now and is also a coffee leak 14 nanometer + + + base CPU it's just got one less + than 9900 K and then of course the best mainstream CPU that AMD has to offer the 8 core 16 thread rise in 720 700 X which is based on the 12 nanometers n + architecture second I will be answering the important question of which processor is the fastest both for gaming and for CPU compute work and finally I will talk value because that is a very important part of choosing B twist these processors before anything else till I ran all these benchmarks within the past 48 hours or so so let's take a look at my test bed at configurations now the graphics card is one of the important parts here and I wanted to maintain consistency across all testing platforms so for the graphics card i have a gtx 1080 TI i didn't want to throw in the 20 80 or 20 80 TI quite yet this is the 11g version though not the zero 11g of the asus strix GTX 10 80 TI which is an aftermarket design with a custom PCB basically this is an overclock as much as the O version so the frequencies are 1493 base clock 1607 boost 1895 for the maximum frequency and then on average it was hitting about 1820 for a CPU cooler I have a 240 millimeter all-in-one liquid cool that's the cooler master master liquid ML 240 R and then for a thermal paste in case you're wondering I'm using the Arctic mx4 which is a very popular paste my 8700 K is still running on this little tiny motherboard which is an asus strix Z 370 - I gaming it is a mini ITX motherboard but I'm only running the CPUs at stock frequencies for my tests today so I wasn't too concerned about power delivery for memory for all the systems I'm using the exact same kit which is a G scale flare X kit just designed for AMD but also works just fine for Intel ddr4 3200 cast latency 14 and I'm using the XMP settings for all of the configurations for the 9900 K to max frequency is going to be 5 gigahertz on a single core and then it will ramp it down from that depending on how many cores are being used and the Maximus 11 hero was a nice solid motherboard for the testing and finally for our AMD testbed we have another asus motherboard this is the Asus crosshair 7 hero another rog board that's got the x4 70 chipset same memory kits and again just XMP settings other than that everything's running at stock and now let's check out some benchmarks starting off with Cinebench this is the multi thread test and remember of course the eight core 16 thread CPUs are gonna have an advantage in multi-threaded tests the 9900 K scored over 2,000 points 24 T with a 2,700 X coming in about 11 or 12 percent behind with score of 1805 moving over to the single threaded test and this is where the 8700 K previously and now the 9900 K have had an advantage even more of a single core advantage now for the 9900 K thanks to that 5 gigahertz single core clock speed 8700 K is gonna max out at 4 points gigahertz on a single core at stock and then the 2700 X will go up to four point two to four point three five gigahertz on one or two cores with X at bar 2.0 ultimately though the 2,700 X is still about 19% behind here for CPU mark overall score for the 9900 K of 20,000 394 which beats out the 2,700 X by about 2500 points or about 14% and if we move over to the single-threaded test we can see the 9900 K breaking 3000 with a score of 3000 24 and here coming in at a little over 25 percent faster single-threaded than the 2700 X next up is blender this is the fishy cat render and here the 8700 K in 2700 X pretty much Thai with pretty much equivalent scores and that puts them both about 23% behind the 9900 K score of 23 points remember lower is better here this is time in seconds here's another blender test the BMW 27 test which takes a bit longer the 9900 case still had an impressive score of 216 overall seconds 8700 K came in last year with the lower core and thread count that eventually will lead to lower scores so the 2,700 X surpassed it it's still about 20% behind the 9900 K whereas the 8700 K was about 30% behind here's my final CPU compute test for this round this is pov-ray which is a simulated ray tracing software although not a not available with RT X on yet and here the 9900 K wins again with a time of sixty point three seconds 2,700 X comes in second with seventy one point nine seconds or about 16% behind and then the 8700 K trailing in last place with 91 point eight seconds and that is about 35% behind the 9900 K let's move into some gaming tests although 3d mark is kind of a hybrid test because we have an overall score that combines multiple tests graphics as well as physics so physics score here is the CPU compute performance graphics will show you how well the graphics card is performing when paired with the specific CPU and remember there's all the same graphics card we're seeing here here the graphics tests are pretty much the same the 2700 X is trailing but it's really only by a negligible amount but we do see a big advantage for the 9900 K in the physics test scoring just shy of 25,000 points whereas the 2,700 X comes in with 20,000 681 and next we have 3d mark times pi which is a DirectX test here again the overall scores are pretty much similar to each other they're all within a couple percentage points graphics score the 8700 K and 2,700 X actually did a little bit better than the 9900 K although again just a couple percentage points so that's pretty much negligible CPU score was well over 10,000 actually just shy of 11,000 for the 9900 K and 8880 for the 2700 X so it wins there yet again moving on to an actual game this is rice at the Tomb Raider directx12 mode and Here I am testing at 1920 by 1080 I want to point out that I'm running these game tests at 1920 by 1080 specifically because that will actually take less of a strain off of the GPU and put it onto the CPU that will tease out differences between the CPU but you should also bear in mind that if you're using a 9900 Kay you're probably not going to be gaming at 1080 maybe you will but most people are going to be gaming at high resolutions in that and it's very important to keep in mind if you're just looking at the gaming scenario and you're gonna be playing at 1440 or 4k you won't see differences in your gaming performance like we're seeing here that said though for as the Tomb Raider though we can definitely see performance improvement that is gained by pairing the GPU with the 9900 K or the 8700 K for that matter so in this test specifically the single core performance of both of those chips is allowing the GPU to outperform what the 2,700 X is capable of we actually see a much lower score of hundred and twenty five point nine frames per second versus the hundred and sixty frames per second or so of the 8700 K and 9900 K that's about a 20% drop off but again this is a specific scenario that is teasing out more of a difference between the performance of the GPUs that we would normally see at high resolutions as you can see on our next game ashes of the singularity escalation also at 1920 by 1080 the margin is much much slimmer actually drops down to about 2.8 percent I with 2,700 X scoring eighty two point eight average frames per second than the 99 hundred K coming in with 85 points ooh again here the 8700 K is actually outperforming the 99 hundred K so this makes a point of if you don't need the extra cores for the 99 hundred K then maybe even the 8700 K might be a nice sort of split the difference between what you get with the 2,700 X and the 99 hundred K when it comes to terms of price one more game test here though and that is GTA 5 this is also running at 1920 by 1080 and here the 9900 K does the best with a score of hundred and sixty-four we can even see performing the 8700 k GTA 5 is a pretty well optimized game 2700 X is also scoring less here hundred and thirty-five frames per second that brings in at about seventeen point seven percent slower than the 99 hundred K still a decent drop-off here but again this is a scenario that is specifically designed to show differences in performance when it comes to games and if you're to play the same games high resolutions you wouldn't see a performance difference like this so now let's move to the second question which is basically going to be can we sum up these performance tests and give a more direct answer of which CPU is faster in which situation first off the CPU performance tests and here I'm taking all of my CPU performance tests blender and so forth as well as the physics tests from 3dmark then I'm taking all those numbers and doing math on them to give you guys a summation of the performance difference the 9900 K is the fastest in these tests so that's representing either percent of the performance and the 2,700 X comes in about 18.4% to slower than that's where as the 8700 K comes in about twenty two point seven percent slower than that so you can see the gradual drop-off or somewhat gradual drop off when it comes to CPU compute performance if I take just my gaming tests and again let me point out this is worst-case scenario gaming test because I'm mainly focusing on 1080 performance even with that taken into consideration we're about 11 percent behind the 9900 K with the 2,700 X 8700 K did much better here and here we're only about 2.5 percent behind so again if your main focus is gaming the 8700 K might be a better or more economical choice for you than the 9900 K of course if the CPU compute stuff makes more difference to you if you're gonna actually do some video editing or something like that then the 9900 K makes a little bit more sense but it's not just about performance and the third thing we got to figure out is value and for that of course we got to check out the prices of these I've already mentioned them but just to reiterate the 9900 K currently pre sailing on Amazon for five hundred and thirty bucks new he has it for 580 bucks because they're stupid I don't know why anyone would buy it for $50 more when it's clearly available at Amazon that said 8700 K right now is 370 and the 2700 X can be had for 305 that means that compared to the 2700 X's price you're paying a 21% more for the 87 order K for about five or six percent less performance it comes to the CPU side you're paying seventy three point eight percent more for about twenty two percent more performance so that's pretty decent gap there as well and then when it comes to graphics performance you're paying again seventy three point eight percent more for the ninety nine hundred K for twelve point three percent more performance or twenty one percent more performance for the 87 or DK for nine point five percent more performance so to kind of sum things up the ninety nine hundred K is a monstrously powerful CPU for someone who wants no compromises in a mixed use system it's got the best gaming performance you could want and it's got a lot of CPU compute horsepower - that's all in a ninety five watt TDP package that can slot into teeny tiny mini ITX boards which is also very nice much like the recently launched RT X xx atti though you must pay a price premium for this level of performance and that might not be justifiable given the very viable 2700 X option it's also worth noting that I can't currently speak to the core i7 9700 K or Core i5 9600 K performance and values yet as those are six and eight core CPUs that are not hyper threaded and they weren't sampled to press yet as far as I know so we'll have to wait and see on those but if you've got the money and you want the best and spending over $500 on a CPU doesn't faze you I can safely recommend the you 9900 K if you're on a budget at all though you could not pay 70 percent more for the 99 hundred K and instead settle for about 20 percent less CPU compute performance and at the very worst about 10 percent fewer frames per second in your games that's only if you're playing 1080 and in that case the 2700 X is definitely gonna be the better bet that's all for this video though guys thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed it hit the thumbs up button if you did and of course leave me comments in the comment section to let me know if you're gonna buy the 99 hundred K or wait for next year wait for Canon Laker now where the heck's 10 nanometre anyway I'm getting distracted oh thanks for watching guys we'll see you next time
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