
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Awesome Hardware #0135-A: Bitcoin Crashes, GPU Prices Skyrocket, Dogs and Cats etc.

like screw this yeah just being like next week guys weariness when ex week was setting in all right 1920 by 1080 we should be at 30 frames per second bit rate looks okay we should now be a streaming to YouTube as well hello YouTube and hello twitch and hello everyone who's watching this is awesome hardware it is a live show and we've been on hiatus for like a month we we had Christmas we whole Christmas break for the holidays I got sick and then it was C yes and now we're back we almost weren't back because technical difficulties to start off the show today xsplit sucks now and although it still remains our best option for dual streaming as we usually do every week the show to both twitch and YouTube so we seem to have it functional now if there's a delay or anything like that we're sorry we can't do anything about it we've we've we're already about a half an hour late starting the show today so we're doing the best we can kicking off 2018 on just a great notes as we watch with a late start and all that but we've just we've just recently returned from Las Vegas Nevada we did some CES coverage out there last may god available on both of our channels haven't already checked the death thank Audrey but I'm really glad to be back days in Vegas is - yeah it was a long time in Vegas and quick disclaimer to start the show we do drink some some beer occasionally we say bad words and foul language adult time it's only you really completely negate the purpose of doing of doing that's our it's setting them up to know what kind of show this really I don't do disclaim if they didn't believe us now they do that's true nothing has been proven also if you guys are interested please check out our stores and you can buy stuff Paul Sartre dotnet is my store I got some mouse pads some some hoodies some mugs bottle openers key caps all great stuff also over on councilor bit with tech slash store you can buy stuff there too it's all very nice very nice things stripped to you straight from Vermont if you get something from both of our stores during this show will yell Johnson at you TV well double Johnson actually continue yeah if you yeah you either if you buy it just from one of our stories gives single Johnson two stories double John's I forgotten how the show works it's been so long I downstream says I feel it feels kinda wide range though yeah it's new exact brand new show so so that we should have just started it back in episode 1 yeah welcome to Episode V CEQ this meaning a brand new show for reasons I'm not going to delve into I do not have a great amount of preparation for today's reasons reason no no we're not going into that but I mean I do have some tech news to talk about so we're gonna dive into that we're gonna talk a little bit about GPU prices although more of that on Kyle's half of the show I was going to talk about Bitcoin cuz man Bitcoin had a rough day today I've got the GTX 10 8 10 50 TI max Q whoo and then some jellyfish Ram cuz that's also very exciting jellyfish but let's get started with the first thing wait did we do everything we usually do in the show oh yeah we have you know what can i crack the bottle open of oh yeah yeah um I don't know how you guys enjoyed your holiday season and stuff last year but I enjoyed mine a lot and we saw big celebrate Christmas and stuff one of my cousins actually on whyphy sauce aside brews their own beer actually a couple my cousins do Oh they're brothers and they they brew their own beer with their dad and it's really good and this is actually their beer that they brewed Sinha gene mama Sinha mama I don't know sinha grandmama I'm not exactly sure what it's called bassy grandma yeah and it's a it's a sweet at the point they're trying to it's a sweet stout and I'm gonna drink it right now I've been dying to drink this beer for a very long time so it's also got the the actual wax like they dipped it in wax to seal it yeah really oh very is that gonna work yeah you just gonna I'm just gonna drags off we're gonna dig under the wax I'm I'm not very good at bottles all right yeah I'm nervous well good I'm better that's and much is I'm much the sharp edge yeah the guy can't handle I see the direction you're give the guy who can't handle bottles of razor sharp wait you got towards the body like towards my body at neck level I think is what I'm kidding no I'm see that's what I was thinking I was cutting it away from from my head but then it's also kind of towards you if I were just like wow yeah that's why wait so I don't know how I've never actually hold on I'm just gonna shave it off a little bit this is why we were late I was trying to open a bottle that's it's all here now yeah that's all I contributed but contributing no the brew the brew of it you got it the brew like kit the brew setup that they have is is pretty insane they have like the giant tank slightly converted an entire garage just further there their home brew system it looks like Breaking Bad in there so they know what they're doing for the most part all let's go ahead and pour some we'll give this a shot you can go ahead and keep rambling Paul while I see your bootleg your relatives yep all right let's start off with the story number one here a Bitcoin oh my gosh they just have a picture of a guy committing suicide is that what this is this so dark Danika we learned nothing from logan paul bitcoin has plunged ahead of really wrong yeah don't even pulse coming to kinda look I know I can't down 47% from back in December when all the Bitcoin miners were all super excited look it's it's so bad that coin desk doesn't even one load for me and give me what the actual price is right now right now yes oh no I'm kind of nervous it's nervous it's it's literally pacing back and forth that's how nervous it is to show you what Bitcoin pricing is right now it dropped as low as ten thousand three hundred today last I checked as just oh just before the show started it rebounded just slightly was at 11,500 but that's down that's down pretty pretty significantly that's 25% drop over the last 24 hours down 47% from the high back in December of $19,500 in fact this is across the board for every major cryptocurrency right now has suffered double digit losses over the past 24 hours atheria down 28% yeah come on cash down 31% like going down 29% - down 24% Monero is down 30% it's just do we know do we know what causes these huge drops not specifically I mean there's there's varying factors if you want to talk about the drop in general right now it's probably due to a bit of a bubble I mean whether it's a bubble and how much of a bubble and all that kind of talk it is speculative and you know I don't know that much more than the next person but here the big climb that have made you know November December and the end of 2017 this is a bubble and this is people who don't know anything about cryptocurrency mining you just see something that's of value trading on Wall Street whatever okay it's a valuable thing and it's getting more valuable I should buy that and wait for it to be more valuable and then sell it so you had a bubble and then you have people selling stuff and that's how it goes now we can also blame Jay it's very possible to just blame Jay all J small J posts video earlier today he's dickhole very critical of cryptocurrency mining if market crashes and that's just what see Khun damaging that's we can just blame Jake stop it Jay that's another possibility there's lots of factors that influence the market we have to we have to we have to realize that at the core of everything whether you're talking about Bitcoin any other cryptocurrency or just the cash that you have in your wallet it's all just made up it only has any value because we agree that it has value that's true and so Bitcoin becomes more valuable when more people think it has more value it's like real money and then people start thinking maybe it's not as valuable as it was and then that starts losing value isn't the start stock market fund we should just we should all just like to be like Jay and just tell people what to think there's they there's a thing yeah that's a great business it's a great business mom we should give a mark two cents yeah that I mean I mean once that's enforced there are there are there is value to some degree in cryptocurrency III appreciate cryptocurrency because it's decentralized there's no World Bank or something some shady group of individuals who are somehow sanest reasonable hand and everything yeah granted there are Bitcoin influencers who have massive farms who in the past especially going back to like the 2013-2014 timeframe I've been accused of influencing the market to significant degrees like when it originally went from the couple hundred dollars all the way up to a thousand lots to be discussed there but nothing that we have the depths to go into further for today's show all this is to say that Bitcoin lost a lot of value today so if you have a lot of Bitcoin than you lost some money sorry I run that you show maybe it'll bounce back it's probably well there's articles going around today about some dude who's like hey that's gonna be worth a hundred K and maybe that will have this is not the did we mention this is not show where you should come to get financial advice no all right well you're not liable over on wucf tech we have a little bit of news about video cards video cards suck right now there's they're so expensive so expect like when I went to CES and video cards is like doubled in price across the board yeah I came back home and I was like everything what absolutely my brother-in-law asked me yesterday he's like hey I'm looking to build the workstation PC flight video I hang wrong sign is anything on my budgets like $1200 you know it's warning if you could like build me a parts list it was like sure so like I got home as like 8:00 9:00 p.m. and I was like just started good what on PC part picker it's really good right yeah yeah good job could you have Brandon don't you guys did awesome and I was like oh you know what for 1,200 bucks you can get a GTX 10-8 1070 I was like we could probably fit a 1070 in there and I look at the prices and I was like what happened yeah they're like 700 bucks and what the hell they were like almost the price of a 1080 TI yeah I couldn't believe it does the first time I checked GPU prices since before we left for Vegas which was like 10 days ago yeah we're literally not in its time were just right now like we're hoping like like some of the people who talked to at CES like EVGA said that they have a bunch more coming in so when new cards come in hopefully they'll be a different price or at least maybe a brief period of time where you can get them for a dime a sharpie or at least close to it but but yeah it's it's it's very challenging to be in a situation where you try to encourage people to build their own computer because right now your best option is to go to a boutique or a complete you buy a complete system because those you can still get the whole system's like it takes them longer to like increase in price and there's less because I already have a bunch yeah we gotta buy the whole system so boutique builders and full complete builds it's like the best option right now when it comes to value for your money other things you to say that anyway someone related just because it's a GPU is it 1050 Ti max Q this is a design that just leaked out just the fact that it exists was leaked in a change log for Linux when they have when they're updating their Linux display driver was a 1050 and 1050 Ti max Q design this is a different because in the past nvidia has limited max q they've established a standard of performance so max q notebooks up till now have only included gtx ten 70s and gtx ten 80s but they're apparently working on a 1050 TI max q version which is probably going to mean that it's like really power efficient so like you're gonna get okay gaming performance because apparent it's a 1050 or 1050 Ti but like it really limited or minimal impact to battery life on a notebook which yes could you do this well for a notebook especially if you want a game let me go or something like that this is also probably going to compete with the keep you like G lineup of CPUs has recently announced that are gonna have rx Vega and then Marc's Vega mg/l chips to be specific and then W CCF's tech speculate so and I think this is based on the original article which came from video cards calm that the clock speeds are going to be in the fort 14 17 megahertz to 1450 megahertz so in the mid 14 hundredths and that translates to a theory a theoretical graphics performance of 2.18 teraflops and granted you cannot always directly compare teraflop numbers between different GP families but that should make it at least somewhat competitive with what's am DS rolling out so for you laptop users who like to game on the go and maybe looking for a nice reasonably powered laptop maybe that's a good apps report yeah hey laptops aren't really affected by the GPU of other GPU prices right through there you do we know if it's a 1050 TI like it's a full full desktop version of it or it's the mobile version right I mean like what they use what they do I would expect it to be roughly the same in part when it comes to CUDA cores and that kind of thing like that's what they said about the 1070 and 1080 thinks this is the full actual gtx 1070 yeah you know with the same amount of memory and everything like that the fact is they can't run at the same frequency they're gonna run three four hundreds slower right because the amount of power it's using the amount of heat that can be dissipated actually in a very small area and a laptop yeah so that's what I would expect probably the same same actual GPUs whether they're gonna package them actually on a substrate with the with the chip like I don't know if they if they're going that that way or that kind of thing that's a question that would be a good way to make a better implementation for a max Q classified laptop because you can fit everything in there in a smaller package but that's just speculation there so yeah yeah I think that least a 1050 Ti would be if they had a down clock it probably would be like they probably would have to down clock the 1050 Ti as much as like a 10 60 or 1070 right because it runs fairly cool party very power if has a desktop part yeah its power fishing too so you might actually be getting you know closer to the real desktop part with the 1050 TI then you would like a 1070 max Q for example yeah that's kind of me so much probably won't have have too much overclocking Headroom but it depends on the laptop I mean different manufacturers to make different laptops there's no better there's no set standard like NVIDIA has to cut has to approve and say yes this can be max Q but they have to be really thin but there's no exact specification for thinness right so case but you know you could have a situation where you have a better cooling unit and and and then it can run the GPU faster yeah something like that but maybe it's a little bit thicker yeah all right let's move on don't you guys use BitTorrent I use I use BitTorrent sync IRAs Ilya but this is for users to BitTorrent in general and very specifically if you use the transmission BitTorrent app it's like for downloading movies for yes downloading basically the car you aren't that you don't freely distributing content on the Internet you would she clearly is not copyrighted or anything like that's and definitely is not hacked programs or apps or anything like that but if you use BitTorrent you should be aware of a flaw that was recently made public in the BitTorrent specifically the transmission BitTorrent app but the article indicates that it might be something that that could possibly affect other software based on the BitTorrent protocol as well so this is critical weakness in the transmission app that allows websites to execute malicious code on some users computers the researcher who discovered this is named Tavis or Mandi he's with Google's Project zero vulnerability reporting team most recently made famous for their surfacing of Spectre and meltdown normally project zero with holds publication of such details for 90 days or until the developer has released a fix in this case however Orman DS private report to transmission included a patch that completely fixed the vulnerability so not only was he like hey guys there's a flaw in your software a security flaw but here's the patch to fix it but they and he ended up releasing the disclosing the vulnerability last Tuesday only 40 days after the initial report because transmission developers had yet to apply it so he gave them over a month he's like hey guys here's a security flaw here's the patch waited over a month forty days they did nothing so he's like alright I'm just gonna make this public because if someone else found out about it who was a you know maybe a black hat you know hacker or something like that and they can do something malicious it's also a way of pushing that company to be like now that's public so you better patch it and want to maintain customers and faith in your software and that kind of thing it's a proof of concept the proof of concept attack that our MIDI put together exploits a transmission function that allows users to control the BitTorrent app with their web browser and it uses a hacking technique known as domain name system rebinding the most immediate consequences are for transmissions users as already mentioned but the dangers of DNS rebinding are broadly applicable to people using a wide range of apps so if you're using BitTorrent software maybe check the forum's of that software see if there's any discussion of this see if there's any updates just make sure make sure you patch and keep yourself safe keeping yourself safe cool this kind of dropped well or just before we went to Computex and there was lots of news in the past week about it but intel's specter and milton well specter and meltdown critical flaws in some fundamental functionality of the way CPUs work intel particularly susceptible to both spectra and meltdown and so they have been working on patches and when it comes to patches there's software patches so if you get a Windows if you've gotten a Windows Update in the past week there's a decent chance that was dealing with these vulnerabilities to some degree but there's also BIOS updates that will actually update the micro code and your CPU and in order to be completely safe from these you're gonna want to do both however the bios fixes that intel has released at least as of four days ago have been causing crashes on Broadwell and Haswell based systems so increased crashes it's not like apparently the system just doesn't work or whatever but intel has issued a statement confirming that bios patches for the update Buller for the spectre vulnerability are causing crashes on Broadwell and Haswell systems customers have reported higher system reboots this is a this safe way of saying crashes after applying the updates affecting Broadwell core i3 i5 and i7 5,000 series on the mobile side has well core i3 i5 and i7 they weren't specific about Broadwell Li and whether it's affected so potentially of course i7 6000 series of the desktop well desktop as well protect and then as mentions if you want to protect yourself from these you're gonna want to get a BIOS update you definitely want to get a BIOS update for whatever computers that you use soon I tried to do a quick bit of additional research right before we started but again I was limited on time today to see if there were further updates on this so definitely gonna want to keep talking I use a little bit more on this on Kyle's half as well but once you see that your motherboard manufacturer or your laptop manufacturer has issued an update an actual BIOS update I would just check and see make sure it's functioning properly because you obviously don't want to deal with a bunch of crashes like this especially if it's a system that you use for work or something like that but yeah hopefully within the next couple weeks we'll have both the software and the hardware side set up at least for meltdown Spectre has potentially more long term thanks did you download the Intel BIOS update and I haven't done any actual BIOS updates yet and that's the type of thing I'm I haven't had time just cuz was gonna say yes and also waiting to make sure the BIOS updates are stable because there's also the potential for them to affect performance depending on the use case of your computer and that kind of thing Intel didn't bundle their BIOS update in the Windows Update right no thanks I'm great it's separate like it's G if you go to their like an Intel website you'll have to get you know well Intel will distribute the best in Intel working on the fixes will work with their hardware partners like MSI gigabyte asu's to implement their to include the microcode update for the CPU as part of a BIOS update so you'll download the BIOS update from your motherboard manufacturers website or potentially if you have a laptop your laptop manufacturers what that website maybe put that on an external USB or something there's various ways to update your BIOS right update that that should patch your CPU micro code in order to make you I don't want to say immune but much less vulnerable than you would have been beforehand but obviously there's this is a work in progress all this stuff came out within the past week and a half to two weeks and there's lots of potential issues they're trying to do this in such a way to minimize to minimize impact on actual performance and that kind of thing as well so yeah hopefully we'll bring more to you on this next week and we'll sort of let you know our feel on the situation also once we've been able to started taking a deep breath and get past getting getting back from Vegas and Computex and everything I never feel like that like the holiday season is over until Computex is over yeah and then I feel like it means I need like a week to just recover and yeah anyway alright yeah jellyfish Ram jellyfish jelly Ram jellyfish oh I was like why are we ran ting about jellyfish then well I'm now Thank You Lera fine I can rant about that alright done have you've clarified what the hell is jellyfish I'm gonna clarify at the beginning of this story that it should not be called jellyfish Ram Oh a data if you're watching need to change the name of this should be see jellies sea jellies sea jellies yes why sea jellies because as I learned very recently from one of my sisters who brought this up for no apparent reason see a jellyfish is sort of a misnomer because a jellyfish is not really a fish it's not fish shape it's not the same type of organism as a fish it's not in the same class or whatever same thing with sea stars or starfish starfish or no sea stars cuz it's a star that's not a fish it's a sea star so sea jelly is more accurate and appropriate than palm fish it makes sense and ya know I was I was initially very hesitant to agree to this as well myself it's like no it's a jellyfish I've learned jellyfish I grew up with that is what my might but once it was explained to me as a car yeah that can fish it looks like it's like a it's like a flying saucer with tentacles on the bottom or something like that right there yes there's no it's not nothing fish about you know dorsal fin that's kind of fishy gills right Skeptical bet anyway what is xpg the xpg series is it has a jellyfish project a data and this is it alright so obviously it's got our GB LEDs on it we should clarify that right from the beginning there are still RGB LEDs on this but China in an attempt to perhaps to differentiate themselves or just try something a little bit new ad to have this concept memory this concept DRAM they were showing it off at CES and this article's from an antic they went over and checked it out if you look at this video look there's liquid you can see the launch yeah there's liquid inside shimmery it's actually touching the modules yeah they're using a sealed clear plastic case around the memory chips and then they're filling it with a non conductive liquid in this case 3m Novak floor inert which is a synthetic chemical that's created by 3m it's it's liquid at room temperature but can eventually change state into gas and rise I'm guessing it probably a lower temperature than the normal water this is perhaps 3m the same ones that make the adhesive yeah they make adhesives and chemicals and all that kind of stuff very very very trustworthy company interesting uh but yeah so when when when you have a phase change when you change from liquid to gas there it requires a lot of energy so the energy being the heat that's generated by the memory modules transferred in the liquid changes to phase and then it cools down there has to be some sort of dissipation I'm not sure how it dissipates through the plastic is shown in the video there whatever but whatever cools then goes back to liquid and and you have almost like almost like a little vapor chamber to some is inside of the module that's it that was kind of disappointed in the video because smoking has the video just just briefly shows this demo unit with the with the water on it there was the liquid in there but I'm not seeing it in action right there's this picture up here with lights on it but yeah I'm not sure if it's actually functionally functionable working or whatever but I guess it's one of those kind of proof of concepts the concept idea is that a data is actually produced this phase change actually helped performance at all or thermals is it just for sure I mean the idea is to cool it more effectively so I would hope that if they're going this far to create this that they're seeing some sort of results that indicate that it's it's viable but but who knows maybe it's just one of those random CES things where they're like hey we made jellyfish shrimp why do you need to cool your memory anyway for 99.9% of scenario because then you can overclock it more that's that's usually the reason the fluid they're using inside this apparently there was there so there was sort of Beckman when mineral oil cooled species we're starting to become something that people were aware of as a thing they started to look like well what other liquids could we use as long as as long as it's a non-conductive liquid you could put it in a PC so they actually have been attempts in the past to use the same liquid so like completely cool PC or whatever but it's expensive in fact it has probably become more expensive according to the article three hundred dollars per gallon was what it used to cost and we're not sure if that's Imperial or metric by the way but adata says that it is now about $100 per liter which would be a little bit more than what it costs back in a day but there's not much required to put into each memory module but obviously if if if it's that expensive it would potentially increase the cost it costs some also is a problem that they're not completely full so if you put it vertically in a case like the top module might not beginning yeah cooled so obviously you're there's some kinks to work out but although it is in the early stages of development the a data x PG C jelly ram it's very very exciting I don't know or maybe not or perhaps it's not exciting enough it seems weird I want a full liquid cooling loops though that I mean it'd be cool if your liquid cooling because they match them they make memory that you know you can put a little the they put some side pins on and like a unified block at the top serve the heat and you can do a water cooling loop through it or whatever it would be interesting to have something where like the liquid in your loop actually goes through the memory the memory like you like alongside like if there's a gene 1/4 inch fitting on either side of yeah of the module well you have to put it in a block of four and have to like ten of them but then it would like split out into four and like go through it I mean that would that would be cool looking at least that's that at least sounds a bit more like this you have radiators now cooling that liquid mm-hmm right instead of just some like invisible vapor chamber thing about there I'm I'm hoping I'm hoping a d2 goes through with that memory is already expensive enough we don't need to make it more expensive slower named fancy modules that might - all right let's talk about the FCC a little bit's the the fight for net neutrality is far from over more more actually on that neutrality and Kyle's half of the show but real quickly as predicted we we specifically said that they were gonna try to do this they have a plan to tell you that you have ok Brant broadband and they're gonna tell you that based on the fact that they're lowering the standards for what broadband is and what qualifies as broadband the article here from ARS technica specifically calls out this mobile only challenge and this is a response to the FCC's potential proposed message measures which is to tell people to try just going on try going mobile only only use the data on your cell phone never connect to Wi-Fi and see how you do whether you have a data cap whether you're satisfied with the speeds whether you have anything of reasonable size to possibly download or not see if you're ok with the FCC telling you that hey as long as you've got a mobile connection as long as you're covered by your 4G or whatever that's ok we don't need to worry about compelling Internet service providers to roll out broadband in your area fiber or cable or anything that's of a reasonable bandwidth the standard that they're talking about is 10 megabit down and 1 megabit up they may soon to declare that's America's broadband deployment problem is solved as long as everyone has access to either fast home internet or cell your cellulite or big keyword or cellular internet service with speeds of at least 10 megabits per second the current policy the one that's in that that's that they're going by now is that you should have access to both mobile data and fast home Internet services such as fiber cable at least 25 megabits per second why not both which is significantly faster than 10 megabits per second and very key difference if you're talking about streaming like 4k video different difference from 10 to 25 is significant may give these per second yeah if you hope you have anything that has reasonable reasonable density and especially if you're doing anything else on your home network that also requires network traffic 25 megabits per second down and 3 megabits per second up is the current standard I'd like to see that uplink increased yeah but never mind that they're talking about decreasing those of the faders the new notice suggests 10 megabits per second download speeds and 1 megabits per second upload speeds is significant sufficient and you only need a wireless connection in order to do that because you know like if you want to we're gonna hop on and play some video games right let me just tell it on my phone real quick cuz that's super convenient and fast when I get home why he's lost now you're gonna like fire up you know a big bag of popcorn turn the lights down and we're gonna watch Gangs of New York on our phone yeah that's what everyone looks for just at the end of the night so you guys I don't know how how much this this media campaign is gonna catch on mobile only or it every bit feel free to give you give it a shot trying to find mobile only all for a day I shouldn't try this I have really good mobile mobile plan it's unlimited yeah well unlimited 4G and it and there's no throttling once you get past a certain point so you're lucky that's actually a decent plan yeah but I am lucky but not everyone has that yep all right moving on last news story before we move on to some questions is WPA 3 her a WPA 3 whooping talking about improving Wi-Fi security by rolling out this new standard the Wi-Fi Alliance is the governing body who handles this sort of thing sounds like a fun Wi-Fi Alliance yeah the Wi-Fi Alliance I have to come back soon to come back the evil Wi-Fi the Imperial Wi-Fi and imperial Wi-Fi scum scum anyway that's which I assume involves this lady here there's just text just text in this story come on ZDNet give me a give me an image besides your crappy autoplay video around bitches anyway though uh so Apple Microsoft Qualcomm and other industry leaders part of the Wi-Fi Alliance Alliance announced on Monday the next generation wireless network security standard WPA three which will replace wpa2 it's almost two decades old now crazy I'm talking about I remember back when back in the day when people had WEP or WPA one whip encryption B I know you switch to wpa2 but it's it's showing its age now being being about twenty years old and it's gonna help but that they have key improvements for at WPA three though but you're aiming to solve some common security problems with current standard open Wi-Fi networks being one of them they've become much much much more common whether you're over at the your local Starbucks or friend's house Wi-Fi or at airport or whatever because wpa2 doesn't have an individualized data encryption and WPA three will that means that the encryption that are that the data is between your device and whatever router that you're connected to that has WPA three will be encrypted from from your device to that router and then it's sent off over the Internet based on that it's free anyone anyone can access it no hopefully you have hopefully you have encryption from end to end as well but just from your device to the router that's a big improvement that will help a lot of people from spying on wireless data in public network scenarios this is also going to protect against brute force dictionary attacks which is useful it's also going to block an attacker after too many failed password guesses so people actually trying to hack into your router that kind of thing that's useful and it's listing that's not specific here but it says there's a newer kind handshake to securely allow new devices with appreciate password onto the network the wpa2 had a four way handshake that it used for that WPA three does not say but because a secret secret it's still I mean I guess it's got it's either secret or was just too technical for those eating that article to go into but point being more secure WPA three yes everyone needs to buy new rotors I wonder how soon that they're gonna be launching routers with that I don't know they nested today so it expects products to be available sometime this year I don't know yeah usually I don't know if you look at this is less of a security thing and more of a bandwidth thing but like if you're looking like 802 that'll live in you know AC to like a X like those product those standards usually companies have devices already coming out based on the standards before the standards are even finalized might be different with the security protocol though I'm not not really sure but there it is WPA 3 suite everyone by new readers alright that is all I've got for today for my story a little bit more to talk about on Cal saps the show I'm just going to wrap things up with a bit of Q&A so if you guys have had questions Oh actually we've had some questions posted in chat so we're gonna go over those thanks to all of you guys who have done some donations let's do it much obliged Scott wick also thanks to sell for think so for being our moderator and gathering Scott dollars missed awesome hardware ladies and I hope your holidays were great and let's make 2018 great and make lots of memories or money monies Paul finished the HTPC yes Scott's new year's resolution for Paul hey will that's already automatic sorry in progress it's in the chain I'm working on it right now with my feet gonna fire it off and all your faces thanks Scott Tom's brems mitts I've read that name a thousand times and it still trips me up every time I say it's like a really short tongue twister 15 or we didn't thrown out if you know original Crona finally back how are you both after CES am I the only one who thought the CES was a bit boring also what is your three top three moments from CES we are both tired after being back from CES know you're not the only one who thought CES was a little bit dry in terms of new product releases and such and top three moments from CES coming home yeah coming home was an a matter when I won like a hundred of em which I went like a hundred and something dollars playing blackjack oh nice yeah that's right that was there yeah that was like the last gambling I did all week by the way me too really I mean I think I'd like blader that night but I was like you were you were like on fire for it for Wow I was like gamble no no no but then yeah yes I'm some money gambling and oh I went to buck it all oh you did I went to market on the last day bacchanal is the number one buffet in hotel Bert no no number one buffet in Vegas that's a Caesar's Palace Hotel go there it's transcendental I don't know I think I was kind of getting over being sick all week and stuff so yeah it wasn't it wasn't the best to see yes yes yeah loudly I mean NZXT came out with a motherboard that was interesting yeah that was like I've been expected but apart from just a couple random surprises you know we're kind of in the middle of some big silicon launches I think so yeah not even you know not even motherboard vendors were really ready for like X 470 for example for the new second chin dries and chips I was expecting to see more of those after AMD made their announcement but yeah gigabyte was the only one who had one yep yeah all right subjects copy text why that's more grads studios $10 sup from Monroe Michigan I booked this a to you 70 PC with a 1080 TI because of your build with me video nice first PC I've ever built turned out great thanks Cal looking forward to new content from both you awesome sweet I'm glad you liked that build video that tutorial that helped you and good luck with your future PC I agree means with your current PC in future thanks $5 happy new guys my Tuesday evenings have been boring during your brief hiatus mmm glad you guys are back and doing well Cheers from El Jefe have a cheers right back to you we are yes you exist we're glad to be back speeding things started off in 2018 with a slow roll I got I got sort of a like just sad like I got sort of like a postpartum depression you know after we hadn't done awesome Hardware for so long oh really I missed that show I think someone came up to me was at CES like a fan random fan dude I love awesome Hardware all over there so when I watch it every week yeah we haven't done in like three weeks I'm like I miss it too crying on each others such as it's such a standard it is really the right janeck tariff issue of course air light node or late no plugged in power strips and everything but for some reason it's not working I don't know if it's a firmware thing or something cannot find a decent installation video please help of course they're lighting no I have not I don't even brush the lighting node at this point that's what hooks up to the ll series fans right the L RGB fans the lighting lighting node Pro whatever Wow yeah I mean it's all part of their RGB ecosystem watch my video on the ll series RGB fans that I posted a couple months back I briefly go into some detail about the lighting node Pro and how to hook it up and connect it all that's all I can really say until you know I come into your house and look at it myself but good luck pop mr. Shepherd oh five dollars I hope Kyle enjoyed my mug mail slash mail time mail is in someone with a leaner slash mail as in you know envelopes being sent to someone just time check to check in the mail slash meal time I have not checked my P o box yet I probably haven't checked it in like months which is really bad bad on me but I waited since before the last awesome hardware so yeah and now when I see that something's been sent from from you pub yep I will know that it's a mug thank you I'm sure it's a great mug can't wait to drink out of it Fred grant twenty dollars if Kyle has children if Kyle has changed in his pocket doesn't make it bitcoins haha see what you did there because you're uh yep bit Kyle - that would count Bitcoin sorry could not resist it yeah obviously I mean how could you not it was the best joke that I will ever hear in my life I think your cryptocurrency should be called bit one one I don't know it cuz it's a money it starts with wbw I don't know okay oh I thought you meant like one like wow like the like the Mexican guy's name no not like one bit one fun I'm like what are you uh what are you trying to save huh and about me my people you're not even why is the white man Mexican coming in here into my house calling music wad an Asian that you don't tell me what I am Mexican no I see so now you define me but based on my based on my culture yeah it's my people exactly all right thanks Fred frickin I'm Stephen Hill fifty dollars last evening Stephen Stephen I'm terrified if my 1080 ever dies on me with the current prices knocking on wood light breezy happy new year ended up getting a new pup I hope y'all are well hopefully it wasn't pup Shepard that'd be a totally different story but interesting you know congratulations on your new puppy and happy holidays I guess and I think Liv I think if your eternity has been fine up till now it'll still be fine yeah it's it takes a lot to you're in to really kill a functional graphics card that's true nowhere near relevant alright Andres Rivero good either ten dollars threader per second Jen comes in 2018 2019 will it run on the same threader for four boards available now Verizon has been confirmed to be compatible for rise in second gen what about threader be honest opinion please I think it will i I mean I would I would guess yes I give you if you if I had to just make a choice right now if we like all right choose yes it'll be compatible no it won't I would say yes if I was giving you a percentage I'd say 60 70 % yes that's so kind of R&D Oh again 60 70 % yes that'll matter to a final poll but still a decent chance that because it's it's it's means I mean it's high-end it's a high-end platform and to it that also might be derivative somewhat of where epic goes in their server line because it's the same soccer their server using that server to use so I'm sure that will have an impact on it they can do something similar like what they're doing with rice and I rise in second gen you know mainstream is is that you know they'll have a new socket further high-end desktop platform that would still be compatible with old first-generation thread Ripper and you know vice versa but maybe you'll get a couple additional features with the newer platform you already mean that might might sort of incident or convince some people to switch over or to upgrade or to buy into X $4.99 or whatever they want to call it but AMD so far has been showing us that they are super open to they like the baccarat ability yeah which is good let's say very it's a good distinct distinction between them and Intel and it's one of the things that Intel gets people give Intel for and so it's definitely something that I am Dee is very smart in saying like hey we we offer backwards compatibility so hahaha yeah right thanks for the question though Haydon pesco 10 Australian I had two questions first I'm planning on getting an Acer xB 271 HU and also a high-end card like a 1080i should I get the 1080i now or wait for bolta get the tangs yeah well hold on a second monitor a graphics card first only money for one at the moment depends on what you have now I mean do you are you running integrated graphics cuz in the monitors kind of a waste or do you have something that could at least run you know reasonably well on on that panel xB to 7 is 27-inch what g-sync display with that 65 1441 65 well 144 hurts but it's overclocking up to 165 yeah so honestly right now is not a not the best time to buy a GPU especially in the high-end don't buy a high end GPU right now you're you're paying like 50 percent over MSRP or or more yeah or well more weight way more so I would hold off on that unless you absolutely need it right now but most people don't i if you had to if you're just like looking to scratch that itch then buy the monitor because the monitor pricing is probably not going to change much over the next few months yep and very least like the GPU pricing so high right now you would think that may be the only place for it to go is back at a certain point when supplied goes back up or something like that or demand goes down a little bit but yeah don't go buy a GPU right now do not do it automatic met five dollars hey man hey guys any idea when 10 80s will be less than $800 trying to build an AC PC gaming machine for my barracks room dude no no sorry we don't have that insider information yeah you did if you really need a graphics card for a build right now the best option we can recommend is to keep like start like follow your your favorite GPU manufacturers on Twitter and that kind of thing tweet them and ask them like when they have new shipments coming in because when when EVGA dumps 200 new graphics cards on newegg is when you'll have maybe a few hours to go in there and buy one at MSRP or maybe slightly above new Ike sometimes over prices cards but yeah it's we're all kind of in the same boat that you are cuz we're really we would like graphics cards prices to come down as well even though we don't necessarily need new graphics cards because we have some graphics cards we like to talk to you guys about graphics secure it's time to recommend in building computers and it's hard to say linking look here's this computer I built it's only two thousand dollars it has a GTX testes yeah right what no yeah that's crappy you don't like it we're gonna look on that board again one five Australian looking guys even if you don't like my suite designed for the baby oil t-shirt oh well like like we may have liked it maybe we just links for the room thing Willington print them is uh it's got to go beyond like it's true they've already gone daniel hood five dollars thank you for your hard work thank you for your support Thank You Daniel appreciate it didn't go on my $45.00 welcome back yes you guys like all your videos you uploading during CES eight plus plus I want to see some bloopers oh man every video is a blooper uh no I wasn't really planning on it and if I'm gonna go back did you do a a CES shelf lore video no wow nope neither died I just did I left I left literally boots I left a little early from CES on Thursday night and so I didn't go to the show floors went to the show floor once for like one hour oh yeah and I was like I have the rest of the day to potentially walk around see everything I was so spent I was just so tired I was like and I still had more stuff to shoot back at the hotel room like my voiceover stops okay I'll just watch the LG OLED tunnel on YouTube yeah I don't just see it as being Victor s 2210 New Zealand New Zealand New Zealand didn't I don't know what they're called in New Zealand Dollars New Zealand New Zealand Dollars New Zealand bucks is probably the official name Jesus America's internet sucks oh I thought you were gonna go all religious on us I'm from New Zealand haha figure that out and I have 1000 megabits per second down and 1000 megabits per second up unlimited for a hundred and ten dollars per month well there there are places in America where you can get that kind of service it's mainly where a Google Fiber was deployed and it's actually cheaper than what you're paying for oh yeah gigabit both ways oh yeah but you have to be lucky enough to be somewhere where Google fiber's to played and that's pretty limited right now we're like Kansas and yeah it's like Kansas in a couple other places I forget I don't live there so don't care thank you doctor thank you thank you five dollars tell your sister that jelly is made with fruit jelly fish are gelatinous so she has to call them see jell-o's see jell-o's that's that's the logic checks out that makes sense to me I'm I'm I'm okay with that yeah jellyfish and I also make some jelly jelly also makes them seem more delicious next time I see a see jello at the beach I'm just gonna go out just take a big ol bite us seen yellow hope it's cherry flavored it's alive literally that's Shane Pete $1 I am rocking the Z 95 I 5 4690k mostly for gaming when do you think I should upgrade I was thinking rising 2 or should I wait longer resin two might be a good potential I mean you got a decent setup right now yeah where do six time decays very slowly gaming gaming a chip especially if you got it over collect a little bit although I heard z97 that platform is not getting support for all the specter meltdown updates really yes that's stupid yeah it's one of the bullet points in my article for my half the show well then we don't know you're you're being left behind we don't know if you guys are gonna be out of luck or if they're planning to go back that far and beyond we don't we don't really know but right now your system is vulnerable and there's no passion sight for you so maybe that's that's F that might impact maybe maybe that's enough to upgrade sooner than later but right now I wonder I would wonder if motherboard manufacturers individually would would be like would think you would do updates themselves maybe I'm not sure maybe but yeah that's definitely something to keep an eye on yeah overall that resin to when it does launch march/april timeframe this year it would probably be a decent upgrade for you because you could go from a quad core without hyper threading up to like a 6 or an 8 core with multi multi threading yeah march/april we rise in 7 right we'll be launching that first I don't know if they've they got any specifics as far as what what chips they'll launch in what order I mean if they do it in the same way that they launched the original Rison then yeah they would start with Rison 720 800 X and I think I got that slide I mean as a public slide they're like you can use this in your video but I remember like the timeline or whatever it was like risin 7 then rise in 5 then the rise in 5 AP used on the rise in 3 and then rise in 3p use that's also possible ocean like that hey I could I could just be not recalling that immediately right now or I've just leaked a bunch of NDA info and we'll never work with me I know until AMD everyone's signing off no no no commit tech industry seppuku all right leave me child put the $5 I've missed you Phoebe I've missed you a lot you guy missed our few weeks Oh TV was completely out of Luke I'm sorry Phoebe yeah we should have updated you personally I get it holiday ceas etc welcome back wait wait I don't even know how to read this last part here bees it's backwards odds backwards how did you pick up that so fast I'm Dyslexic you heard this Mexican okay thank you thank you very much TV for me it's been too long okay Thank You TV it's come full circle all right Christian t-50 dick no DKK was that democratic Congo Korea of Congo Korean coins with a K anyone it for any rate at any rate thanks for the 50 something 50 things considering upgrade Spanish damaged obviously Danish go for a Danish Danish considering upgrading to a 1050 ti however I'm not sure this would be an upgrade going from a GTX 670 to gigabyte Cheers 670 it would be it would definitely be an upgrade in power efficiency yeah you might see around the same performance so that wouldn't be huge I would say a 1066 gigabyte at least I mean triple that frame buffer because if you just yeah and 10 sixties yeah you know they're not super great mining cards I mean they're not like amazing mining cards so their price hasn't been affected quite as much as some of the higher understood they're still also dead they're still all sold out though so maybe you know again maybe not the best maybe not the best day that's times every time to buy and really it is it really is a bad time to upgrade it's like the absolute word I've never seen it this bad patience is virtue Su Su Sousa that's how you pronounce that name $5 Thank You Sousa if people want to go with the used market instead of paying inflated prices what cards should people be looking for that's like saying what kind of car should you drive get whatever card you think is gonna be able to run the games that you want to play at the frame rates and performance that you want to play them at oh ho Jesus $400 for a 1060 these are sold directly by new egg - new egg is just directly selling them at this price and it's a three gigabyte it's a three gigabyte 1060 going for four hundred what does amazon selling it for probably the same holy yet do not buy any GPUs right now our tender fees but 1050 Ti is being affected as much everything at from even tenders dude this literally happened like overnight well no it was well over you're gonna see I know but it just for me like it since we were at CES just came back and just walked on that's crazy alright but those are all the questions that you guys had for this half of the show 1054 135 dollars that's not that's that's 30 bucks more than it should be yeah it just doesn't seem as much because it's already of a low price to begin with but doesn't mean it hasn't inflated 750ti 180 they're usually around 150 yeah cray cray cray we have some Johnson shoutouts for y'all oh yeah let's see I've got one Johnson - Jed good old Jed CPU cooler shirt Thank You Jed Matt from Canada Matt from Canada I get the other mousepad thank you very much Anna Johnson team Matt Jed gets a double Johnson judo team Jess from Texas he also got the game desk mats like the big long one Davi daveed got a are David sorry BIOS flash shirt evolution shirt a swordfight shirt and a bit whit white logo Navy tri-blend shirt holy crapola Thomas from Texas got the thumbscrew gray logo oh the the pullover the hooded sweatshirt great frogs great for the Texas winter Bronson from Laguna Niguel California our own backyard evolutions shirt thank you very much sir and one last one from also from Dennis Denise Denise Denise uh I got the tri-blend t-shirt as well as a woman's a woman's t-shirt I can't forget those ladies y'all it is Denise all right okay so guys it's gonna wrap it up for my half of the show it has been roughly one hour it is not seven o'clock we're gonna have switched over to cows half so I'm gonna update my link in the description so check the link in the description to go over to cows half do it it's on bit wit true and we'll be right back so so thanks for watching hit the thumbs up button and if you're watching on twitch stay with us we'll continue to streams stay with us thank you someone on life support
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