
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Awesome Hardware #0144-B: HTC Vive Pro, PUBG Mobile, Deleting Facebook

right now Maddie all right ding-ding my Dinkin is all power all about you know dear God at least at least we're letting people know what they're in for from the get-go yeah alright hello everyone and welcome to awesome hardware this is a live show we talk about technology and we stream live every Tuesday evening at 5:30 p.m. Pacific time to our YouTube channels and we stream to twitch so twitch TV / awesome hardware if you won't wanna watch the whole show it's and its entirety from from beginning to end with all of the outtakes and everything like that or if you just want to watch the respectable parts we streamed the first half of today's show which is episode 144 to cow's channel bit wit and that's like in the video's description you can click on that if you didn't watch it and that will at least explain to you how we got to where we are where we are is we've had a few beers and we've discussed like the NVIDIA GeForce Partner Program and a few other things like that those long Kyle's half of the show I was a pain that much attention we're gonna talk about my average I'm just kidding just game it's very very close scary bruise very important everything with Kyle said I'm I have the show we're gonna talk about the new HTC vive pro and other things too but a quick word of warning occasionally we do use adult language on the show so if you've got yemen's or folks who might be particular about hearing bad language from time to time dan their ears run children run yeah before we get you Cal said and in the meantime if you're of age and are drinking responsibly than of course feel free to join us and having a drink as we continue awesome hardware's 100 at forty four in this strike flow and I've noticed you mmm that's you and Chet I see you okay before we get into the show proper if you want to help support us check out our stores my store is pulsar Burnett and you can order lots of high-quality gear and merchandise it's got my logo on it or it's got awesome hardware logos on it awesome hardware stuff if you buy profits are split between me and Cal other than that I get all the money the beer set for example is very popular you get a bottle opener as well as a super nice Imperial pint glass which is much more fluid than your typical domestic pint glass super awesome you can also buy stuff from cattle store bibtex lash store yes it all comes from the same place and we made sure that all this stuff is real real nice yep know that quality desk mats have been selling very well oh yeah as well as the the all awesome hardware I got one of the sample shirts for the the Star Wars kind of base design it looks really really nice it's solid it's super nuts that's a design by by Brian okay mark so to Drew's participated he actually sent us some other stuff otherwise but he also participated in our in our design submission thing from last year yes so thanks to you guys if you guys happen to buy anything from you of our stores will yell Johnson at you at the end of the show indeed we will all right let's continue my half of the show with further news and as I've already teased the HTC vive pro in turn is finally available for pre-order sweet in fact you can pre-order it right now for the low low price of $500 which seems like pretty reasonable deal and until you realize that that price is only for the headset I'm sorry $800 $800 dollars is for the headset which is how much it was the original vive was for everything for everything now at the same time they have reduced the price of the current vive system to $500 hmm but the new headsets means the old headsets stuff in order to function so the new headset works with existing valet houses and controllers but that does mean that since there is no standalone version of the vive pro headset with vive light boxes and everything that you do need to buy both of them right now if you're starting from scratch if you've already got the vibe so this is more of an upgrade yes if you've already got the vibe you can you can upgrade to the viper lense at 300 bucks you're fine right if you don't have any of the vive stuff then you gotta buy both pretty much in order to get it working I don't think which is $1,300 which used to seem like a lot of money before GPU prices were what they are now now it's it's totally reasonable right interesting so only there's only been iterations done to the headset itself the controllers are still the same controllers it's all the same there are no 2.0 version light boxes are still the same okay so let's move up that's the new stuff with the headset and this this is we've we've talked about this a little bit before but sure so the to 200 LED displays in one for each eye are higher resolution 1400 by 1600 as compared to 1080 by 1200 on the current five so that's um that's a decent boost in resolution and especially when you consider how close those LED displays are to your eye and actually sort of it you get a little bit more bang for the buck when it comes to the enhanced resolution and additional pixels in that case means you'll also need a stronger PC too right that's true there are organ AMA changes with the headset as well it has built-in headphones now which is one of the things that was pretty popular with the oculus rift right the the vive had a headset jack on it right which allowed you to use your own headset which could have been nice depending on your situation and if you have a really nice that's it just plug in yeah but with cumbersome with the rift and maybe this was more of a like our in at least my interaction with the rift and a lot of situations was in a like a show floor environment where you had lots of people jumping in and out to try out a demo or something like that right in that case the rift made a lot of sense because you just pop it on and you've got the headphones that are right there right whereas with the vibe it's just a little bit more comfortable cumbersome unit to also add the headset on as well that was nobody thinks includes the headphones as part of it which seems to be a desired upgrade yeah also the head strap tightens with a dial now instead of velcro and that's actually pretty cool because the velcro straps on the original vibe we're pretty crappy and cumbersome I mean they were necessary in order to allow it to fit a wide variety of different sizes of domes but getting getting it strapped in properly was definitely not the easiest thing right and also the potential for like you know getting your hair cut the velcro that kind of um the vibe is still being aimed at high-end VR as still being geared as as a high-end VR solution so prices are still on the higher end you still need a high end gaming PC in order to pair it with there at least with the lot the announcements they've made just recently it doesn't seem like they are going the same route as like oculus cos oculus right now has $199 $200 oculus go mobile headset that they're launched launching in May HTC still seems content to pinpoint that higher end market people who have a gaming PC that's capable of pushing the games at the higher resolutions the tethered experience with the headset which is cumbersome because it's tethered but the flipside is high resolution you don't have to worry about battery life and that kind of thing so it's definitely still has its niche as far as people who are using it and who are interested in the games being developed on it right also the vibe apparently with HTC they typically they often target business uses and I don't know there's probably a wide array of different implementations there mm-hmm the article doesn't go into that much detail so I don't have any examples for you but um they seem to be doing enough business to get by so there you go yeah that's pretty much it the only other thing in the articles that I wanted to point out is actually again related to oculus the competitor which is that they are also developing a fully tracked standalone device codenamed Santa Cruz so possible that oculus is sort of diverging its product stack into the aforementioned oculus go mobile which is less expensive 200 bucks right more mainstream but probably doesn't have that much capability when it comes to actual graphics processing horsepower and but but possibly oculus is also working on again attract solution which is one of the things with the HTC vive that made it a very superior experience and a lot of the reviewers from the standpoint of a lot of your viewers who just found that the range of motion you get with the light boxes and everything was what's pretty cool yeah and I tend to agree with so cool there's new stuff happening this year with the in the VR space let's move up that's no obvious a like it's it's it's kind of cool to see the are making headway but it also just goes to show that it's still far away far away off from becoming mainstream I feel like well that was always the the big dilemma barrier to entry with the original VR launches was the VR hardware itself as far as the headsets and everything was expensive and you needed at minimum probably a $1000 gaming PC right if but but more ideally at 1200 plus dollar gaming PC in order to actually push it right so it's a pretty significant investment yeah it's not like it like there's a lot fewer like families pardon me there's a lot fewer families who can say yes I'm gonna drop two thousand dollars on this gaming configuration for your Christmas present or whatever right versus the set is moving here is rearranging his bed and bumping the lights and stuff like that versus the experience that you get with like a game console where it's like oh here is a single one time you know 300 400 dollar investments that gets you the whole set effort yeah so there we go I'm sure there's more to come to that in the future he has at least reclaimed the large bed yes that's good we're making progress that's - but I have to dog beds is a smaller bed and there's a larger bedding the small bed theoretically the smaller bed should be for nori cuz she's a Corgi and she's smaller and she's tiny but of course she's a Corgi and she's like I'm just gonna take the big bed and she just pumps plops down and corgis assholes yeah yeah Hiro has reclaimed the big bed so he seems good job Hiro he seems content to a bed that fits you okay slightly less that there's there's a macabre element to this story which is uber has had its first fatal accidents and in fact the first fatal accident caused by a self-driving car at least in the United States as far as I'm aware no this was in Tempe Arizona no there was a death of the Tesla yeah but that was a test that was the operator of the Tesla operating the Tesla in a way that it wasn't intended to be out yeah he was being whereas this was an uber self-driving car but just working as intended that ran into someone and killed them in Tempe Arizona Sunday evening a woman was fatally struck after walking in front of an uber car traveling in self-driving mode well know it's important to point out though as a lot of these tests are going on that they are monitored by a person and yes there was a person behind the wheel behind the wheel uh-huh that the article like III said there was a person behind the wheel I'm not sure if that was in the driver's seat or in the front seat the article said front seat I feel like if you're in the front seat you might as well be in the driver's seat right in a position to take over if necessary yeah but obviously the situation was such that the person who was in control wasn't able to to take over for the AI and time to prevent their probably texting or watching a YouTube video I mean well I would hope I would hope that if you're hired by uber to be a ride-along in a self-driving car that you're taking your job seriously and paying attention to the road and taking notes and that kind of thing uber cuz that's your job you're new it's no no it's not the same as an uber driver as an uber driver who you are me thank you so maybe that was you but maybe that was the company's thing it was like let's just hire some Rando off the street who would be our average super average uber driver let's just pick a person the average uber driver and see what would happen if the average uber driver was Manning one of these vehicles because I mean how many times you've gotten to the uber gotten into an uber and been like yeah this could have been a really way better drink dude yes I have had sketchy uber dry maybe that was part of the experiment and it unfortunately ended up in someone dying like I don't know I would feel like in these Ardi situations where uber is trying to develop their technologies so they can have self-driving cars and I have to pay for those pesky drivers so they have to pay to drive cars so I would hope someone who's at least at a slightly higher level than just a random who got approved to be an uber driver but then but but then then that it's like okay then why then why weren't they able to steer the car away from hitting this person and that's a good question and a few people have already posted in chat and as because this has been covered by multiple different news outlets as far as the actual situation the actual specifics of what happened and whether it was a how dark it was and if the person and themselves was you know walking out into the street when they shouldn't have or anything like that I don't know those details yet they're not included in this article I don't know if they're going to be released there's the local police who is investigating this and there's still information that we don't know yet so right that's what's to be said there the reason we bring this up here on the show where we about technology is of course that self-driving cars are pretty it seems like importance and unavoidable technology it's gonna happen that's the point and probably what's gonna happen what self-driving technology becomes prevalence is it's gonna have a net positive results yeah on the amount of accidents and fatalities and injuries that occur so basically what you're saying is that we got to break a few eggs to make an omelet in the in in the form of a couple this is from MIT technology review so you guys can go to everyday people sucks but it's and and and you're right it's it's one of those situations where you like you knew as soon as they started putting artificial intelligence controlled vehicles on the road at some points based on the chaotic nature of our universe and the inability to predict everything and all outcomes something that's going to happen at some point right now the article seems to be indicating that the reaction to this because this happened in the pit in the past 24 to 48 hours and it doesn't seem like there's a huge backlash all of a sudden with people saying like these cars should be taken off the road and self-driving technology isn't the way and robots are can I kill us all or something like that that doesn't seem to be the reaction so all that is to say this happened maybe there will be more information coming out about it at some point in the future but hopefully as this technology progresses we will not see any backlash to it that's significant enough to prevent the progression of technology that's in the long run can it help us have an easier way to get from point A to point B right a cheaper way most likely as well yeah probably more fuel efficient and almost definitely safer yeah so competitively we will can bear this incident to how many people were killed by cars drive in the past 24 hours and it's probably a pretty start difference there of course you know there's other variables how many self-driving cars on the road and whatnot yes this is something to keep track of because you're probably gonna have people who have the reaction to this that is more negative and yeah I mean that's not an easy question that's not a that's not an easy answer to someone who's developing artificial intelligence algorithms for self-driving vehicle right yeah you're technically responsive because the cars driving along and there's there's like a there's like a baby you know that gonna baby carriage and an elderly woman or the you know there's like an old person and a baby and it's like the cars got to decide who it's gonna hit it's like you're driving at 60 miles per hour you have this much time to react I would hope the ly chooses the old person what is the artificial intelligence decide I hit them both because it's equal deal person the old person because they're old and they've already lived their will their life but how does it I mean I mean that is that is a serious deep ethical question that we should not be discussing at this point an awesome hardware because we've been drinking you're right so let's move on let's not tell all answers should come to a little point two drunk dudes deciding everything okay we're gonna separate please good car not corn car nut corner car nuts this is a French company which is why they don't have a you after the cue because their friend should they don't care we this French company car NASA has created this product called the qc1 it's a cryptocurrency mining computer which is also a space heater I do that you thought crypto was all about you know just wasting energy and stuff like that but now you can buy this unit which is not only pleasing you know look at that it's a it's a heater wallet mine's Korea so okay this is an extension of their q-rad computing here that was released in 2013 this unit can mine crypto seize and utilize the generated heat for heating your home so you might have a heater right now that like uses gas or electricity to generate heat that's costing you mind then you know making made for that energy you can generate the heat and also be mining crypto at the same time it makes perfect sense what GPUs are ok yes it has a passive cooling solution on the outside as you can see by the kind of radiator designed that you're seeing right there this very simplistic diagram which I that does not look like a power supply at all I don't think that counts then this picture of a finger when all these lights on it I'm not exactly sure what that does it's the future its LEDs lighting its future yes to it and this picture is probably the picture you want to look at it's got a passive cooling solution so basically the big old radiator on the outside my question it's a noiseless design it does not require any fans and it has no mechanical hard drives inside but what happens if you're really cold or no if you're really hot already but you also want to make extra money you have to stop mining but you really need the money or leave your house you could really use the money but you're already it's already like 90 degrees in your house it seems like it's the only way to make it less money is to turn the heater on it's gonna be less two less effective it might really be in the summer I guess apparently is what it comes so this is really gonna thrive them like you know a nerd yeah yeah it makes more sense in colder climates countries that have called the climates yes exactly Kyle okay all right that's trim get behind that the system actually includes a pair or two rx 580 graphics cards there's sapphire nature plus GPUs the entire unit has a hash rate of around 16 mega hash per second which is you know decent and it's got a couple different modes that can operate in the normal mode is creates 450 watts of heat and you can also turn on a booster mode that jacks set up by 200 watts for a total of 650 watts heat outputs it's capable of heating a 20 square meter room it is plug and play it says it takes only ten minutes to set up you plug it in you load up the app on your smart phone and you plug in your crypto wallet and then it starts mining it mines Bitcoin litecoin and aetherium and it costs only twenty nine hundred euros that's right just twenty nine hundred years that's like over three thousand us around three thousand five hundred and seventy five US dollars shit plus three hundred dollars for shipping bringing your total to just shy at four thousand dollars why not just build a fifteen hundred dollar mining rig and running 24/7 and then you'd have a here but look how elegant look at slick the elegance here I mean come on you're gonna pay triple the price look at this design is elegance worth triple price look at that finger just fingering doesn't come with the finger it's got this wood finish we get that finger and look at the look at the map it's the kind of phone apps like hey on January 12th you were making this much money look at how rich you are not January 30th you made this much money and today you made this bunch of money shit crashed in here's your here's all your money and cry and regret this trip time I know man if you order before March 20th they will deliver it before June 20th so so I guess if you're a lot of money speculating on investing in hardware for mining crypto you get like a good month plus of uncertainty while they're considering shipping this to you where the price of Bitcoin or other key crypto currencies may fluctuate in ways you could not possibly have imagined report with great o stuff to look forward to that's okay we let's move up alright pop G we're a beer player unknowns belgrad's there's two right there I've done player unknowns Bella grants has released a mobile version yes you can play Clarins unknowns battleground on your mobile Oh God now if you're looking at this intro here and you're like what are these strange characters that is cheney's this is actually being launched by 10 cents so this is a Chinese mobile version of pub G it is called exhilarating battlefield exhilarating oh my god Chinese the most Chinese they could ever do exhilarating incinerating battlefield exhilarating so much I need that on a shirt we try to find bad English shirts and they're usually pretty common finding one that's actually like printed decently and everything is very challenging I found one that I would have worn all the time but when I washed it it shrank like half the size it was just it was super tight on this they never could anyway point being exhilarating battlefield is super exciting everyone should play it this is a mobile version of pub G which exists specifically because 10 cent which is a big company in China they operate WeChat among other things they bought up the rights to publish pub G from mobile phones late last year sorry about the dogs barking right now everybody ignore the dogs dogs gonna count doggy emojis in chat close the door real quick oh yeah all the way yeah there we go okay perfect much better so 10 cent actually bought the rights to publish pub G on mobile phones late last year and this is the mobile version that they have launched it should be available outside of China at some point in the future but as of today it's only available for droid in Canada as a test lunch okay and imagine if you're in general if you're in China then then maybe you have access to it as well it is apparently mostly the same as the xbox Xbox version of pop G in terms of contents just the original single map is available but it does have some of the updates that that pop G has come up with over the past few months such as the ability to vault what it's creepy what is green what that's a Chinese thing no yeah no that's that's a Chinese thing yes that's a Chinese thing that's not because Chinese people's blood is green but because showing blood in China there's the censorship against it you can't show blood similar things just like like I was reading up a little bit but about to select the World of Warcraft version that went in into China and like some of the undead characters and showing like bones and stuff like that Wow there are certain restrictions on what you can show that's so interesting well you can and can't show in China they have established once it it's blue and cream mode so yeah so the plight is green it's still blood it's just green it's not red but so there's the mini-map for example will show icons that indicate the auditory clues around you such as footsteps and gunfire and that's to help improve the experience for people who are on mobile who might not have headphones plugged in or might not be able to turn the volume up and there are BOTS so that's their mouse that's a possibility as well his spots being included but it's interesting this is interesting because China was originally considering banning the game for being anti-communist or didn't align with their political values to some degree I remember China making a big stink about this game in particular I don't make any assumptions about what the Chinese government is doing but I will say that when something has a certain level of popularity and when there's something that's exciting enough to people even outside of the area where it's gained popularity you know if you have people in China who want to play pop G then there's probably enough push that people are interested in it they're gonna try to introduce it there in some way shape or form and Tencent is huge in China I mean they're one of the biggest companies in China so then purchasing it obviously they're gonna have the clout to launch it in such a way that is playable and gets around the censors and yeah whatever I'll say baby green blood yep exactly all right next up we've talked about net neutrality here on the live show from time to time because we consider it to be a pretty important thing that people should be somewhat concerned about if you use the internet and Ear want to have the ability to access the Internet at a reasonable price if you want to access the internet and be able to connect and access anything on the internet without having anything blocked net neutrality should be important to you net neutrality was basically shot down late last year in 2017 by the current FCC and since then there have been a slew of lawsuits that have been brought against the FCC seeking to overturn the net neutrality decision that was made those lawsuits were brought by more than three dozen entities including Democratic attorneys general from 22 different states consumer advocacy groups and tech companies such as Mozilla Vimeo and Etsy now since all of these lawsuits have been brats basically they have done a consolidation twelve different lawsuits against the FCC seeking to overturn the net neutrality repeal have been consolidated into one case at the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in the United States now on one side of this we have the internet service providers and the internet service providers are represented by the NCTA CTIA and US telecom NCTA is the internet and television Association CTIA is the wireless Association and US telecom is the broadband Association if you guys want to check out the ARS technica article that's linked in the video's description all of the articles by the way I'm talking about today are linked in this video's description you can read up a little bit more about this in particular about what each which companies each of these represents so for example the NCT a represents Comcast charter Cox and Altis CTIA represents AT&T Verizon Wireless t-mobile and Sprint u.s. telecom represent 18 theand Verizon Wireless telcos with copper and fiber networks and all three groups also represent a range of smaller Internet service providers so we are going to want to keep an eye on us because this is the backlash to the decision by the FCC to roll back net neutrality protections for the Internet in the United States and we're hoping that through this you know through the lawsuits they're brought forth or whatever that there might be some protection that's put into place for net neutrality and the u.s. personally there's I think there's two ways that it could go either the Internet is made more of a public utility in which case like I might still have just a single point of contact or access for my network connection but it's regulated in such a way that it is a reasonable connection speed and a reasonable price or yeah we go the free market rather and we let the free market decide how the connections should work in which case I should have a choice so if I have three different internet service providers to choose from then there's some competition going on there right and ideally I should be able to choose from one that provides me a reasonable combination of price for the service I get as well as connection speed and those ISPs would have to compete with each other yes to create the best possible service for the consumer yeah I hope you just I'm okay with I'm okay with either of those yeah what I don't want is what the ISPs want right now which is the ISPs get to do whatever they want and operate in such a way that they're treated as a free open market but yeah due to the restrictions of the ability to deliver Internet service connection and connectivity and rollout say for example fiber connections I only have one choice of Internet service provider to access right we need some solution to this that's in between and FCC and the United States at least has not been making decisions that are favorable to the consumer so we're gonna keep on top of this and hopefully because there's enough there's as many entities and individuals that are pushing for this then hopefully will eventually come to a positive results for the majority of US consumers don't this could take about a year to this side according to the article that's if it lasts as long as the previous case that upheld the net neutrality rules in 2016 so in 2015 was when Internet service providers were classified as title to common carriers and of course the Internet service providers put up a big stink about that and tried to challenge it and quote and everything like that in 2016 it was upheld so now the FCC after all they went through that the FCC in 2017 was like action all that stuff we've decided was probably crappy and let's just roll it back and change net neutrality now we're hoping that the courts will uphold the same decision they made in 2016 and overturn what the FCC is trying to do bouncing back and forth yeah okay enough with the politics or slightly politically good stuff Kyle's half of the show we talked about the GPP the GeForce Partner Program and we showed a few screenshots that have been taken from different retailers and whatnot on the Internet's and how they may be potentially are changing the way that they market advertise and label their graphics cards such to the extents that's perhaps geforce the nvidia geforce series of graphics cards might be the ones that maintain association with the gaming sub brands that many major graphics cards adam board manufacturers have created such as asus rog republic of gamers hmm gigabyte horas which they use for their gaming oriented products MSI gaming what is it as MSI call this baby games gaming stuff missing gaining so very creative game moves them if we continue with the assumption that was made on Kyle's half of the show that the company's the third party added board adding card manufacturers are going along with this then obviously we need to help out with a rebranding effort going along with the different companies who have been forced to abandon associating AMD Radeon graphics cards with some of their sub brands in particular here we're going to talk about asus rog simply because they're probably one of the more well-known ones so the sword fight question we're gonna argue about right did I even introduced this a sword fight I didn't wait third fight it's time for survey right here I think most people infer that a day I'm just bringing back up your screen because somehow I I don't know it just got silly yeah paste the link into chat I can post this into twitch chat there we go I'm doing it into YouTube that's on twitch at under that won't work though oh you're right according to according to sell oh yeah Jesus it didn't used to be like this like a month ago it's also like maybe I might need to assign you as a modern moderator on my channel that should be us but do not have maybe just logged into the any pipe being we're gonna help a Seuss decide if the Asus Republic of gamers the ROG brand can only be used for nvidia gpus now what should their AMD brand be called and i haven't you quite a few solutions here okay before the new asus which you can be associated brand going along with their theme are for public of gamers we have the commonwealth of competitors the COC we have the federation of fanatics i have the anarcho-syndicalist commune of aspirants yes that's pretty good the district of disputants i know does that work for you the DoD or the special special economic zone of rivals and these all of course have associated shorthand to go along with them because of course IRG it becomes become so so synonymous so what do you what do you think here obviously we're gonna we're gonna feed this over to Welsh a sous and obviously they're gonna implement this choose one of these options there's no other choice but to go along with this but how's the oven and or any of these but I'm trying to find you stream because I want to bring up chat it's like you like pace shit why isn't it why don't you just go to the the show dock where it's because I thought this would be quicker and it's not cuz I don't know tight there you go there's a bitch there this but then like I don't like your chat window just became white it just turned white the whole chat window just went like like Frost is he gonna do gaming to what so regular YouTube just is broken is that no it's just white I don't mean white like I mean it was great at like everything was great at like it almost like it was like a crash like the window crap I know I'm weird I don't know I don't know why that's like that okay let me let me just answer the fucking question here federal federal financial competitors syndicalist I don't even pronounce that since it's a Monty Python reference the Calais commune of esperance I've told you we're in Marquis anarcho-syndicalist commune we take it in turns to act as a sort of executive officer for the week I think special economic zone of rival speak'st medieval decision of that operative officer has to be ratified as a special bi-weekly meeting in the case just purely internal affairs okay we're nervous of your jibber-jabber and you know your specifications here I think that special economic zone of rivals I just like the acronym that's our alliance I think that just does that's also my chain it my chain is shadow right because chain is all about the special economic zones I thought that of course right yes so that would make sense sure make perfect sense all right I so you're choosing and you're chosen choosing special economic zone of rivals that's all I'm gonna go with the combo of competitors I just feel I like the alliteration there ok cock cock is a good cock in the haste there all right shoot about here but everyone is looking results all right wait what happened should you delete oh you deleted the entire link and everything what it's fine don't worry about control seeing everything now what it's good let's see what there was a little sorry let's see people I was second though I mean talk a Sue's cock I mean I couldn't beat Commonwealth and competitors it's obviously did I never be sure therefore this zone right there it is hey if any of the the asus marketing people are watching kaká news you are welcome you are very welcome all right cock it up let's talk about something else okay let's talk about something all right we're not gonna we're not gonna we're not gonna dive into this rabbit hole all right we're just gonna show you that the rabbit hole exists because honestly I haven't looked at the newsfeed in the last 3-4 hours and I don't even know what's going on right now so all that is to say that there is some news in the past 24 48 hours that is tech related okay but that is also a sort of a quagmire of potential political discussion that we usually don't dive into here on the live show simply because I want to recognize a lot of people might be watching this show specifically to avoid about topics that might be associated with the current political situation but anyway all that it's to say there's a lot of stuff going on with Facebook right now and the verge specifically posted an article today about how to delete facebook for people who may or may not be not so happy with recent news about Facebook about how Facebook gathers data on the people who use Facebook and specifically how Facebook maybe makes that data available to third parties and how third parties might take that data and possibly use it for shady purposes yeah you know you want to say like to sell stuff to people like marketing purposes but even beyond may be used for stuff even even shittier than that so again don't want to dive into that necessarily but I did want to ask people in the audience watching today is it time to delete facebook as the article on the verge and it's always been a time to delete facebook specifically there is no reason there is very little reason to have a Facebook account these days because you can download your information because the leaders go to Reddit because what Facebook has become over the last five six years is just a watered-down version of Reddit where no one actually is posting about their own lives anymore on Facebook you can't just log onto Facebook and know what your distant friends are up to no it's just all recycled material and and shares of random articles that you probably don't care about that are just being plastered onto your feed and so you know like I thought that was cool about Facebook back in the day where it's like oh what's like so-and-so feel like you know we're not like super close best buds or whatever but thanks to social media I can still kind of know what he's up to and like maybe connect with them sometime and like there's none of that anymore it's just you know news articles and viral media it's really just viral media with you know videos that are just like little packaged little packaged things that are sent out and get millions of views and have you know monetary benefits for the affinity uploader and stuff but Facebook isn't what it was it's not a social media network as much as it was back in the day so apart from whatever political things are going on I don't like before all this shit happened I felt like Facebook was kind of useless to begin with so I'm gonna I'm gonna go with no we don't need Facebook in any regard yes that's reasonable and so like this news recently sort of has tied in with the line of thinking that I've gone along with with a lot of stuff and this is like this is you know I feel like it's important to separate the general from the specific great and I think there are general there are general ideas you can have about something and then there's specifics that you can deal with on a case-by-case basis so to speak generally speaking when something becomes really good and really popular it eventually gets to a point let's take for example like an individual business or something like like there's there's lots of websites social media platforms that have become very popular at a certain point whoever's in charge of that whoever is kind of the the brainchild behind the popularity behind whatever you know substance beneath the platform that causes people to feel like it's a compelling experience to engage with at some point that person steps back steps aside they sell the company that company becomes a commodity and then suddenly it dives into this area of like oh now we have a board of directors and we have a stock you know it's it's a public company now and we have stock that's bought and sold and we have stockholders and our obligation is the people who own the stock to make the stock value go up and up and up and at that point it just invariably invariably becomes shitty like it goes downhill things become crappy now Facebook is actually slightly more of a unique situation because Zuckerberg has actually maintained such a level of control over it so maybe this isn't even actually the best example of what I'm talking about right now but I'm kind of tired of things getting popular to the point where everyone uses them and then becoming shitty like great you know there's a bunch of people that use this yeah and now we've we've sold it like the people in charge of it have sold it and now it's owned by the corporation and now it's just about making as much money out of that thing as you possibly can and then just become shitty and in a situation that's true and in a situation where something's ubiquitous or you or entrenched then you have a situation where the people in charge of that start taking advantage of the people who are using the platform and again this is very general the way I'm talking about this but it's frustrating because any time it's it's it sucks that anytime you get really excited about something or enthusiastic about something like Star Wars let's take Star Wars as an example Disney has bought Star Wars and they're milking the crap out of it oh so much merchandise and everything and and you want to look at the movies and be like well as long as they're staying true to the you know the the fundamental values of the movies or you know as long as they have some larger message that they're displaying or something like that then that makes it all okay and you know I don't know like I guess it depends a few whether or not you like or you like the last Jedi all this is to say I hate when things become corporatized and suddenly it goes from being something cool that everyone was into and enjoyed it through just being cool how much money can we milk out of the people who are using this platform right and in my opinion that's kind of our Facebook has come at this point it has gotten to at this point I mean they have to have been there and even beyond wild even beyond milking money out of people how big they are it's like manipulating people by manipulating their opinions and stuff beyond that yeah anyway I don't want to go too much beyond that because again that's really true there is a very yeah I don't go beyond that but here we go let's at least see what people think about this particular thing we have it's really close that's very close pretty close not a lot of boats but we still have 40% saying yes time to deletes we have no 36% but we do have 24% same they already deleted I did try to make that as somewhat viable yeah third option right so we'll just these but there does seem to be a more than half the people I would presume from this result at least for my viewers who are right can't over Facebook at this point and I don't blame you one bit yeah all right really quickly I was gonna do a last segment which was just how much the video cards cost right now oh geez we did this we've done this before this is just the the Newegg website I am literally just going directly to components video cards and video devices desktop graphics cards now we're gonna see how much they cost right now what do we want look what are the bait what's Vegas what our Vegas costing Ben Vegas 800 dollars shipped from and sold by Newegg Oh radio radio but you got 56 that's like a GTX 1074 $800 yeah wow that's that's more than double the price of what it should be so alright these are these are in stock that's just depressing why would you end on this note turn this is no just leave the show leave shitty inside Tran reality check is only 350 to 400 dollars more than what it should cost roughly double roughly double fuck don't do that let's get a PC part picker it actually hurts I know it's so feelsbadman see what PC part picker has to say what are we looking at what do you want to look at 70s let's look at 10 70s it's all bad what's it say 50 TI hey Dad come on look at that okay 489 okay almost 150 dollars is it inside bandits MSRP it is that of stuff like a blower style design that's gonna get anyone sees about it stuff oh my god but but look if it's not in stock at Amazon for for an Ag you can buy it from we cannot away from right can we get the msi can we get the other side for 535 from Amazon 1070 this is a stock sweet $71 look at the action at ten seventy five hundred and thirty dollars so it's like the mini version I know ITF zero ITX model I mean it kind of murders super reasonable kind of matters I have half a cooler on the same GPU as any other 1070 okay okay let's look at 1080p eyes you gotta go high and what are your options for the eye and son of a bitch ball I'm doing this all to us 9:15 all right 9:15 for the really baseline MSI 1080 TI armor 915 at new egg it's in stock look at that look at that oh my god no wow for a 1080i with that's only should be about close to 250 250 260 dollars more than it should be hostile painful that's a whole but it's important it's important to reality check these things because you know as as reviewers you know you don't always have to go and look at the what what's available Natalie right yeah so yeah I mean I'm just letting you guys know right now any any PC build that I do from for the next few months is is gonna be featuring a GPU that I already have on hand you won't see any new GPU models or whatever that have come out in the last few months on my channel because i'm not spending i have $100 on a gtx 1070 or whatever nor is any adam board partner mind you going to send me a card for that price when they can sell it for that price just to be featured on the channel so you're stuck with what i have currently i got an e-mail full disclaimer i got an email from a company i can't even remember x-ray servers i got an email from this company called x-ray servers basically saying hey we have all these graphics cards do you want to advertise them for us and they sent me a list of graphics cards and prices that were all 200 to 400 dollars overpriced based on MSRP and they were kind of like hey n do you want you know if you want we can send you graphics cards or whatever and i was like what kind of shitty person would i have to be to go and like advertise yeah these horrendously overpriced or graphics cards from this company i've never heard of called x-ray service when i know that it's the significant impact on the graphics card pricing going on right now is companies that are going directly to distributors to buy in bulk hmm that's why there's no graphics cards available it's not because people are going and buying five or ten graphics cards at Fry's or Newegg or something like that it's because Ingram Micro Bray and other district other massive money changers like there are selling lots of thousands plus graphics cards yeah to people who are building crypto mining farms right it's a whole that's new branch of business that's where it's coming from that is I'm like I'm like look smoking notes I'm still I'm still at the point where I'm like I'm not gonna I'm not gonna hate anyone anyone for trying to make money and if there's a viable way to make money I don't blame people for going down that road whatever but I'm not gonna promote it yeah I'm not gonna pretend like it's awesome I'm certainly not gonna be like hey look at this awesome deal on this gtx 1070 for only $700 when it was $900 last night I'm gonna pretend like that's a deal right like that's absurd or whatever it's not good at the wrong tree clearly yeah see it for now I'm promoting impressive AMD APU yeah I mean I make it and if I make any build you include a graphics card it's gonna be like hey here's this build it's probably whatever priced for most practical people bittering people are still you know somewhat interested and and to see what's available on everything so yeah there we go that's that's where I'm at yeah alright I'm right there with you man cool I'm glad you agree I hope you guys appreciate that to some degree and I like I sympathize anyone who doesn't have something to work with right now yeah no shit but for anyone who does have something functional right now like don't don't spend absurd amounts of money and overpraise stuff right now there's no system beat you not that's not the way to do it alright we're gonna end the show as we always do with some shoutouts to those with purchased stuff from our stores it looks like I have five or six orders to give some Johnson shoutouts to here Guido guru said og from Massachusetts Thank You Guido for the oh you got the Star Wars shirts that's an awesome hardware shirt so that's a that's actually for both of us noise Thank You Guido yeah welcome James from Nashville mousepad thank you very much that's my only order oh no I wouldn't rich from Maryland thank you so much rich got the key cap and they stainless steel bottle opener Jerry Johnson - Jared pick it up an awesome hardware Star Wars Heather Navy t-shirt Johnson sir to you Jared Zac from California thank you very much Zak get the oh the 15 ounce mug zero here's the first one well I've got there anyway Paul Cory mug that is a nice mug that design that graphic really works well in a mug I will say so like a larger sized mug like a normal-sized mugs you feel like you know this mug is not really giving me the amount of liquid that I actually wanted big mug you like oh yeah that's okay this is a stirred medic disturb your order sir oh you got the the Star Wars Star Wars shirt that's a good one and Heather Navy really good wanker James swim in it you're gonna enjoy that shirt it's one of my favorites on the store you're gonna wear it forever and Max is oh wait we have we have donation comments also quickly run down those did you do donation comments in your half I did you did oh yeah I remember I remember right where we cut off um I remember I remember the up Shepherd maybe he deleted all of them so maybe we were mid we wrap up shit so 10 bucks from top Shepherd did you know I have a tech CH or a tech channel it's a simple silicon learn about how to build an ass product reviews and that show on the weekend a few months out of the year I hope to see you there ok guys go fall pup Shepard on youtube if you're interested you know simple silicon Yelp up Shepard no pup humans might be not-safe-for-work Papa Q up q50 Danish Krone up I don't know what that is KKK some foreign currency that we very much appreciate even though we might not fully understand the currencies of Denmark Norway Sweden and Iceland are all called Cronin ah that's Danish kroner Oh oh my god that's all we need to know and you just summed it all up in one beautiful donation thank you so much about the queue yeah Wow the more you know Mike easy $5.00 can I cut a molex connector off of a fan if I haven't plugged into a pin it has both connector and the molex is ugly thank you you guys Rock can I cut a molex connector off of a fan have it plugged into oh I think I know what you're talking about my game you're probably talking about one of the fans it has two connectors on it it's it's got one plug that goes down to a little three pin yeah yeah and it's got a daisy chain connector that's a molex plug that hangs off of it it's just giving you options yes and you cut off the option you can snip that off just make sure that you snip it down at the base so that none of the you don't have any loose wires hang and that cross with each other right and yeah you can remove that yes and no big deal absolutely cool dust a H 1991 $10 no common thing tech junkyard $4.99 I have an i7 48 20k with a GTX 980 do you think I still have more throughthe have three more years to play main title games at 144 Hertz 1080p or update or should an update I think you have a pretty solid configuration right there yeah especially given pricing right now um it's an upgrade is it's gonna be pretty pretty expensive for you so yeah I actually think you have a pretty solid situation oh yeah nice especially at 1080 you might not be able to hit 144 FPS and all the games you're playing but I mean as long as you're above sixty it's it's usually a pretty solid experience and yeah I think you're I think you're good where you're at yep thank you and juice wire five Canadians cave her down now what about lenses also would GoPros be good for a webcam for four player co-op streams would GoPros be good for a webcam I don't know if GoPros do a clean HDMI out I have not had that experience directly if they do then yes if they don't then no the logitech what c920 it's the one that we stand behind yeah we use a logitech c920 pretty regular it was a really nice 1080 resolution it's not gonna be the sharpest image but if you're just looking to like capture the person playing the game so you can take their you know their their mug and put it right in super small Susie super high anyway that's totally fine it's like 60 70 bucks yeah and they're very cost effective so that's the way I would go there now that does use a little bit of your CPU power whatever to handle the webcam so um there are other solutions that are external that might be a better option if you're going for higher end but beyond that I would say something like a raise ripsaw and an external camera with an HDMI out it's clean but that's gonna be a lot more expensive solution for you yeah okay I concur dusty once again 1991 five dollars first rig after watching your channels that's arisin five overclocked to 3.9 gigahertz cooler master master cooler pro 120 AO gigabyte a/b 350mm coarser LED 3200 16 gigabytes gtx 1066 gigabyte thoughts you put a rise in 5 GT x 1066 gigabyte i think you're good there cooler master is very salt level 120 yeah Alex all I do I like your setup you have fast memory which is nice it's nice to pair up with the resin 5 CPU I'm not sure which resin 5 CPU that you have but I would like to point out that overclocking and Rison can be a hit or miss situation depending on the CPU you have and the max frequency that you're able to achieve because sometimes the single the one or two core overclock that rising CPUs can hit will get a higher frequency than what you can hit if you're doing it all core overclock to like 3.9 gigahertz yes so if you have a CPU that by default with the xfr frequency can go to 4 gigahertz 4.1 gigahertz then it might be worth it for you to just maintain stock frequencies because we get a higher frequency on that one or two cores which would be a better situation for you for gaming right but that's not universal it depends on their chip chip and again which original CPU and whatnot but 3.9 is definitely a solid overclock anyway so you've got a nice configuration Thank You dusty Xue Zhang with the $10 today good evening guys trying to keep up the awesome show by the way from last week Paul you are usually right but my name is pronounced just like sue sue sue sue Jean so chow and Cal actually pronounced my last name correctly it's because I'm Asian this guy's your my people he's got the Asian boom same like we're all the same fan like I'll see you at Thanksgiving biatch hey I'm glad I was pretty close that's pretty good which is which I'm happy but yeah thank you sue very much for your donation for watching the show waffle fur $5 donation said the Ziva gamers X gamers Nexus just crush ltte cruz 3d mark scores well congrats it favors Nexus fuck yeah they were trying to I knew they were gonna they're trying to shoot out of the water single GPU scores on multiple things in 3d market believe and time spy and yeah and whatnot so yeah watch some friendly competition there sure I have some publications on that pride tomorrow yep or videos if they're live streaming right now excelente and good job proven that they're way better than the latest actives GG bitches Jason H $5 donation how does pairing an i-5 8400 with an MS GTX gaming X 1066 gigabyte sound that's great PS assuming so well 520 watts be enough Headroom totally looking for the best price to value sounds great and totally would be my answer yeah 520 what's your totally good with anything up to a ten seventy so 1066 gig should just be fine you saw an eighty four hundred is a solvable CPU can't overclock it but still got six cores and pairs nice it was a thank you Jason finally you guys probably hear this all the time but my favorite live stream you this is my favorite live stream and you guys are my favorite YouTube channels to keep it the great work thank you know thanks salute kids are you my favorite coming third love you my friend you love you so much keep you in my heart I agree yeah Baha truck guy at $5 donation says keep up the awesome work I have an r3 1200 overclocked to 4.1 gigahertz should upgrade wins n plus drops yes it's in a gaming rig that's a tough call to make right now since your overclock the 4.1 gigahertz that's a pretty solid overclock on an hour through 1200 1200 so yeah keep an eye on the the Zen plus when it launches its you've only got about a month left and what frequencies we're hitting right we're already expecting based on the early leaks and stuff that the top-end CPUs will be running it about 4.3 5 gigahertz mm-hmm on and on the top ends so that's not too much faster than a four point one gigahertz on your internet a 1200 and we're not expecting like a huge instructions per clock difference either Roo so you might just be fine with your I 3 1200 yeah I think it's gonna boil down to like quarry utilization if there are any games coming out later in 2018 that are gonna utilize more than 4 cores and 4 threads which is what you're limited at with the 1200 then maybe consider upgrading to something because I mean that's that is one of the benefits that I always talk about about the am 4 platform is that there's an upgrade path if you wanted to upgrade your CPU later down the line because you've realized some game that you really want to play this here is to be able to utilize those courses optimized to take advantage of multi-threaded workloads then fucking do it man apart from that if you're seeing solid performance as is then just stick with what you got and and wear it proudly but yeah I think you're I think you're in good shape either way thank you sir waffle fur but the $5 donation says will you be reviewing the vive pro it's really sent releasing on April 5th I do not have current plans to review the vive Pro mainly because I just paid taxes say no more and I just paid say no more and I'm about to pay for Tesla fire tesla powerwall solar installation but i can't wait for that video so I'm making videos on that but my my work I like working capital with like which to be like oh yes I I have not pre-ordered the vive pro or that I can't I mean I might have might get it in the future I have a 5 so it makes it a more easy drop-in right solution if you've already got the light boxes and everything but I have not prepared or one yet it's also thing we're like I would have wanted to be one of the first pre-orders so yeah right like be one of the first people who have it shipped and everything and I wasn't definitely not that yeah Shane Ellington donated $24.99 bio break oh okay no no comment so thank you Shane Scot Dilbeck 666 have a good night fellas Cheers cheers to you too Scott thank you for donation as always Viking with panda with five dollars Canadian says I run triple back and the blog and have been doing some benchmarking with Numa pinning and GP pasture VMs have you any experience with this the dogs are barking biking with Panda I I have not I have zero experience with that so if you're talking about GPGPU pasture VMs I would say hit up level one text because I believe Wendell has dense work with that of course that depends on what operating system you're working with of course he does a lot of work with Linux banking was painted with another $5 Canadian donation even while pinging the VM to a single new monody QEMU I still see oscillating latency in between benchmark runs though top topo Exe patches for SMT biking with panda again I am NOT in a capacity and a I can't help you I have not I can't offer you anything what's your donation but thank you for your donation I guess is what I should boil down to there teddy tech $5 donation says do you gentlemen accept beer or booze donations if so what is your favorite beer and/or alcohol of choice teddy tiger we're pretty open when it comes to what we're what we drink you know Pliny the Elder obviously his obvious is usually a great choice but if you're interested you can send us stuff to our Pio boxes we've had that done before mine I don't know what Kyle's is he's not here but mine is P o box for three to five Diamond Bar California nine one seven six five Paul's hardware we should send that to Thank You teddy I'm the doctor $9.99 says Kyle can we get rile the entire show sometime I don't know what Vilas asked him that when he comes back finally Cory Harden with the five dollar donation says just upgraded to a rise in seven 1700 Herrmann 4300 the difference is ridiculous lovers show any channels Cory that's awesome that is like when it comes to doing something and suddenly making things way better than they were before like that kind of upgrade is what I like to see and I'm I'm I'm ecstatic for you I share in your enthusiasm for what kind of an improvement jumping from an FX 4300 to a risin 717 1700 has made Kyle thank you for being back I'm back can we get the Ryle the entire show sometime can we get rile the entire show sometime oh he's referring to my latest floatplane video I hose as Kyle's identical twin brother right nah trial though it's actually Lyle a lot which is which happens to be the American tourists he says Rio he you know he can't pronounce his ELLs quite on point his name's actually Lyle that makes sense but to the average American here it sounds like rile but no you will not see the entire shows never does that would be too annoying you'll just have to wait for the video on YouTube no plans for that no plans alright that is all for my half of the show we have come much longer than we usually do thank you all so much for watching if you enjoyed today's show of course it's a thumbs up button before you exit and again links to the stories and whatnot that we talked about are down in the video's description and if you missed Kyle's half of the show like that is down there too if there's a kind soul who would like to put together timestamps for us please post those in the video comments section and when I find those I will hit the thumbs up button on them and I'll pin them they'll be super awesome 5 or 8 at which rate if you're watching us live and you'd like to do a twitch rate and go over to some person on Twitch who is very deserving and give them your love and tell them that we sent you go over to slash dis damn noob dis damn that's a really weird why is it put why is it pasted in the middle of my PC perfect your link why how did that happen that's weird that's very strange D is d a m n n e WB is is the actual link so everyone go over there and host them twitch raid - this damn noob tell them we sent you and thanks for watching this week's episode of awesome hardware thank you you all are awesome and we'll see you again next week we'll be back bye everyone more awesome content shit alright ready to shit out of this dude alright bye-bye
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