
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Awesome Hardware #0160-B: The Important Unanswered NVIDIA RTX Questions Go Unasked

yes and now and now we've been drinking so you got this fam everything's perfect you totes got this hi everyone welcome to awesome hardware live show we talked about technology we drink a few beers beers occasionally we use adult language so adult adult language warning and Jax extreme every Tuesday evening 5:30 p.m. Pacific time we usually split the show in half first half has already been streamed on Kyle's YouTube channel bit way so like that is in the description if you missed it second stream to my channel pulse Hardware we're streaming the whole thing to twitch dot TV / awesome hardware as well and we are a little messed up today because we just recently got back from traveling visited Europe few places in Europe and we are jet-lagged yeah I am more jet lag than Kyle I am feeling it though woods just had brings you up to speed yep so this is gonna be a relatively quick half and you'll bear with us that by next week we should be totally fine yeah next week will be much better so I I specifically in purposely chose stories to discuss today that require like minimal thoughts it's just basic straightforward information that I can just sort of feed to you kind of regurgitate done and you just kind of be like okay that's how it is so I'm gonna keep it straightforward today move through things and hopefully I will not pass out mid-show if you are not impressed no if you're impressed if you're pretty you should be impressed they're already just fawning over us you'd be very impressed with the show so far so of course you want to spend money on us if you want to do that go to pulsar burn at night you can buy stuff for my store shirts mugs pint glasses it's all super nice stuff we we gratefully thank you if you buy things from our stores you can also buy stuff from Kyle bit weight tech slash doors his and if you buy stuff during the show at the end of the show we will thank you for it by saying Joe Johnson and your name Johnson glorious that's how that works all right I think I think things are going right so far getting through it I'm feeling good so some tech news I do have some tech news to share whoo yeah we talked some tech news on cows apps like new new Intel processors yeah and video graphics cards and new video graphics cards that's that's what lots of people are talking about this is new Nvidia graphics cards but that stuff that we're starting with we're starting with AMD second gen rising pro hmm an Athlon pro these are supposedly announcement slides that have leaked this is published just today video cards dot-com since these are leaks they are not confirmed we're not sure if they're true or not but these are the actual things they appear to have watermarks of HD technology on them because they were sourced from PCE VA and HD technolog technology yeah websites that's right that's where video cards got this information from so if this is true then they are the people who leaked it but rising Pro stuff what's the deal with that very similar to the rise into stuff already you'd like the 2700 X and everything they just put the pro on the end makes it professional sometimes the frequencies are like a little bit lower there might be slight variations like the 2700 X Pro is a 95 watt TDP versus the 2700 X which is 105 watt TDP and it's like 200 megahertz slower but these these have these often have compatibility I believe with like the to the TPM trusted platform stuff it's it's their their their more advanced features often for security and use in an enterprise environments and that's why a lot of times they make these rising Pro processors they did the same thing with the first gens de they're a little bit more appropriate for your enterprise use for people integrate that way I think there's also some stuff with like the longevity of the platform that's promised with rising Pro cuz that's often a concern for people who are buying large you know hardware and large scale they want to make sure that they can get replacements for it do I have longer warranties I don't I don't know I mean I think the typical warranty is what three years for a processor so I don't know if the warranty itself is different like that would be um a selling point for approach it they're also releasing something called a risin Pro 200 GE 200 which is a dual core with SMT so four threads two cores four threads and it's got Vega three graphics built into it with a 3.2 gigahertz base clock and a 35 watt TDP so it's not a PU yes essentially it's a neighbor who I believe it's it's based on the right Raven Ridge first gen resin didn't get a pro based apu did they unless I missed it first gen risin didn't really have ap use I mean they had APU they had some ap use based on not even Xen yeah the presents stuff but think it was a bristol ridge whatever that was but yeah but yeah so some people might be interested in this the thing that I was most interested about this is is that there's some like maybe the introduction of these pro skews might might trickle down to well no because they're not announced here there's no pro AP use like the 2400 GE and stuff so I don't know what the deals according to the slides the announcement for these is September 6th which is in two days and the sales of them are expected on September 18th which is in a couple weeks okay of course it's all probably lies probably lies links to the Articles we're talking about today are in the description if you want to look at the slides themselves that's published on video cards next up though more more AMD stuff 7 nanometre is the process note that they're working on with their next gen stuff both on the on the CPU side and the GPU side with Xen 2 on the CPU side and not the follow up to Vega for GPU architecture which they've done some demonstrations of seven nanometer hardware they published this on their just on the AMD website so just it's just them being like seven nanometer we're done with it we're going forward with it and apparently they're promising it still in 2018 they they are planning to launch a 7 nanometre GPU in late 2018 which is good news I mean that's what that's really like we've really liked seeing what AMD competition has done and the CPU side the past year and a half or so I think since rise and lunched it'd be great to see some of that on the GPU side as well because especially after that Nvidia Nvidia seems to have no need to compete with itself by pricing its new GPUs competitively with itself it's just pricing them and a new tier yeah higher up so maybe some competition from na'vi might affect that but you know this still remains a lot still remains to be seen you know it's possible that this year's 7 nanometre release would be on Vega still or do you think that I don't think so I mean I I think I think whatever this is gonna be is gonna be Navi yeah I mean a release according is that what it says here yet it says second generation Zen 2 CPU core and our new Navi GPU architecture so it's that we've already tapped out multiple 7 nanometre products at tsmc including our first 17 GPU planned to live so later this year and our first seven nanometers server CPU their server CPU that we plan to launch in 2019 I wonder I mean yeah there's obviously the question of how this is going to compare compete with you know the high-end Nvidia offerings mainly the RT X card 30 X 20 atti 28th 2017 2060 I don't know does AMD have what it takes to compete at that level because I mean even if they don't I mean it would suck if they don't because then you only have one option really at the high end and then what we would probably see is sort of like what we're seeing now where AMD is kind of dominating the or they're tackling the entry level and mid-range market for 1080p and you know to some degree 1440p gamers offering decent prices and I think free sync is also pretty appealing to a lot of gamers cousin get monitors for cheap well I don't know if there are any further rumors as far as how like like I'm I'm very curious as to what they're doing for memory because yes there's a lot of that's gonna affect the pricing a lot of speculation was a lot of stuff was holding Vega back was the fact that they went with AJ in memory and and yields for that or veil ability of that price for that yeah NVIDIA has you know they're next gen stuff he's using GD r 6 so I'd be curious to see if AMD has changed up some stuff if they're going with memory that's more readily available or maybe more practical in some ways you know a lot a lot of a lot of that store mains to be seen but hopefully this will represent some competition other than that you know it's all speculation but it's cool that they're committing that they're gonna have something out later this year cuz it's already September so yeah that's in the next 3-4 months at the latest yeah so that's that's that's all right anything further than that no some Zen - so Zen - CPUs will probably be faster and have better overclocking maybe yeah there's also speculation that and they might up the core count on the mainstream platform to equal the seats and 10 or 12 core CPUs to compete there it'd be really cool to see better instructions per clock and higher frequencies you know what sendto so hopefully all that stuff will happen all right there was a case launch today the be quite silent base 601 and I have linked in the description the bit tech dotnet review of it there's some mainly so I can show you some pictures and stuff the the solid base 600 that's pretty popular case I don't know exactly what the differences are with the 601 they said they said we'd say a far better looking you still get the choice of black orange or silver highlights they're just in a few accent areas around the sides there's a look at the i/o there's the Explorer we - the freshmen' does have tempered glass now I would expect the disks like the previous version they would have a sign solid side panel and a see-through and and a windowed version because I know the original array 600 only had the acrylic it's got the cool side panels that kind of wrap around the top and pop off sound dampening still got those orange grommets inside some perforations and the power supply shad so you can mount pumps and stuff and you know they do have a window there's a windowed version and use tempered glass oh and it's got it's got a tray drawer tray style thing for oh yeah breads and stuff top modular breasts nice that's cool something that means fans maybe or yes so their conclusion was that as as actually it's with some of their initial pictures the front does seem a little restricted when it comes to airflow yeah and it was a pretty some pretty dense filter filters that are also built in so it's not the best when it comes to cooling but it's super super quiet so they still gave gave it the recommended award right and that's that's that's pretty much the quick rundown of that again this this review is linked in the description if you guys want to check it out and don't put any hot water proceed Amazon Huell worth one trillion dollars winner was was briefly worth one trillion dollars earlier today they've stock traded as high as two thousand and fifty dollars and fifty cents per share which made made its market cap over a trillion which is the second US company to do that after Apple did did also pass one trillion earlier this year on August 2nd Wow so that's that's impressive not I mean eventually Amazon's gonna overtake Apple yes they're there are no means my mind because apples apples been public for 38 years Amazon's been public for 21 years and just also looking at recent trends they they are on pace to overtake Apple oh yeah here's here's a fun chart that you know shows that that is insane Reds yeah yeah the red ones God so um beast you think with all that you know they could pay their their warehouse employees a reasonable salary yeah we have heard about that how do we is that I mean that's maybe something they could look into you celebrate that one trillion dollar mark right did drop back down so they're not currently worth of Chile and they were just just shy of that then they can continue paying their employees so yeah I think obviously obviously in order to reach that I need this is great as much value as they can out of their warehouse workers the only way we've gotten where we are now paying our bathroom breaks might also be someone if they could celebrate um you know we're finally reached a trillion bathroom breaks for everyone today said back into Kent your business so we'll do it again when we hit two trillion all right just something to shoot for what we got T VGA so of course the RT X cards the Nvidia RT x cards are are all what people are talking about and stuff whether people are talking about them positively or talking about how they hate in video because how dare they charge such exorbitant prices for the technology bastards and ray tracing sucks but nevertheless and board partners such as EVGA are rolling out the third party designs which is kind of cool I mean in the past there's been a decent gap between when the actual GPU launches and when we actually see the signs like this so it's fun to see more of them from the get-go and provide more more potential options for people who don't like the founder just founders edition design that won't speak to performance because we don't know what the performance is yet when it comes cooling no but your EVGA Jacob tweeted picture earlier day of the new hybrid r-tx twenty eighty from EVGA this is sweet this is a picture of two-thirds of the card because who wants to see the rest of it yeah I don't know there's all these stupid looks like as you can see there are E's all over the fan blade the fan looks like it has chickenpox it kind of looks it's kinda gives me the heebie-jeebies just a little bit right like like tripping obeah like those little things crawling over my skin looks like a Luna's pod just a little bit but as you can see here there's liquid Oman liquid cooling solution and a grated there this is the hybrid series so features all-in-one cooling EVG is quite a quite a few all moan coolers recently I also have this this one here which is the hydro copper for the win three you know they have assumed custom water block designs the hydro copper for the one three that we're looking at right here which appears to be a wider design which is most likely going to be for a custom PCB especially designed PCB since it's wider and then there's also a we already saw that stupid hyper everyone who cares about that the hybrid copper XC which is a smaller design which I'm I'm speculating is for the reference design PCB for the twenty eighty and twenty atti see there in the corner hydro copper tile hydro copper hydro meaning liquid copper and copper meaningly conductive material that's being used to that's obviously they see a power of law enforcement like you'll never you'll never catch me copper right that's that's what EVGA is go for that one jet lag logic obviously they also have some other of their designs that we've already seen such as the triple triple fan design and this final this one this one blows this is a blower design haha described is a vanilla blower type model I'd like it vanilla blower and like a model that blows wouldn't we all this is like might this one actually cost the low MSRP price that Jensen 9999 for the 2008 ETA V $9.99 for the for this awful vanilla blower design yep not awful but I mean just I'd like to see cards actually selling for those low quote-unquote prices that yeah we're also listed along with the with the founders edition designs right there we go that's all that's all have for news we're going to move on to the next segment which just a classic sword fight sword fight where's plow through this where we argue all right first question first question now this is a question obviously Kyle night we were off for a couple weeks we didn't do the show and it came at a very poor time a time when many of you were faced with a question that you really needed an answer to and probably could have used our wisdom so I apologize for not being able to address this earlier but we're gonna address it now we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna explain things for you and and you're gonna be able to make a decision for yourself at the end of this to finally maybe get some closure our TX on or off our TX on our TX off it's what's been on everyone's mind for the past two-plus weeks eating away at your soul the question the question tile on or off I'm gonna say our TX off be quite jacks off says Kyle it's the easy it's the easy answer I've kind of it's a cop-out answer because obviously say that with our TX off you'll be saving a significant amount of performance and performance at the end of the day is what graphics cards are really about primary focus and purpose of a graphics card is to perform well in three rendered situations and environments RTX sure it'll make your image look pretty and you'll look fancy and you'll have cutting-edge graphics during your gameplay but how much does that matter if it's taking your performance so much to the point or it's affecting your gameplay and now all of a sudden your gaming experience is less than ideal because let's face it graphics have never been the first and foremost important part of game it's the gameplay itself it's actually being able to play and engage with the game regardless of how it looks there are games that were built 20 years ago that that have performed better or have been more highly reviewed across the board than modern triple-a titles that look super sexy why because the gameplay is freaking awesome and you know I don't know you could turn our TX on you know have better shadows and reflections in battlefield 5 than all of the people that are slaughtering you to the nth degree because you cannot aim for shit at 20 frames a second 1440p with our TX I rest my case you all know / Kyle is obviously wrong the answer is our TX on because it's the future and if we want light to work the way light works then we need light to work the way light works it's great racing and it's not just ray tracing there's not just the RT Kyle it's not just RT ray tracing there's an X as well and X represents the future the X represents the unknown NEX represents the potential for all mankind to come together move forward and to really to to grasp tomorrow firmly and to just just give it a give it a shake give it a nice jiggle really feeling up once that's why our th should be on going that's what it comes down to okay all right that was great I was gonna say more than that but I really I just I felt like I should cut myself up it's probably for the best alright what do we what did people think RTX off or potentially in a superposition of both on and off until observed wow it's kind of staggering to see how many people are saying just screw or don't like our tanks great racing you know it's it's good it's not seeing a lot of opposition a lot of opposition to to initial adoption it was it's surprising until you plant a crisis I'm glad I turn the AC on that's I put the question AC off or a CIC on I think we both would have argued our on it's so much better absolutely just feel it right now all right we got one more question here because the pixel three XL you see this someone else left that pixel three XL in the back of a lift what yeah just just the pixels oh yes yeah I saw it Quinn his picture text about this see the nitrate bears yes Suzanne smiley face the NOx looks like a smiley face yeah like like big oh those Quinn's tweet okay I got you okay genius tweets looks like it's been used a little bit it's got the finger is there a Google rep maybe a Google employee reviewer was this intentional it's Austin Evans in the back of the car really sure but what it was supposed to happen though is that it's supposed to have my pixels I don't well I have mine mine's better right cuz here's this functional out my phone case pinched my beard that really hurt I really hurt I'm in pain pixel three will I get it no I will not because this phone still works until this phone stops working or until I deem it slow and obsolete I will continue using it I like this phone I have the pixel - I had a pixel one I'd probably upgrade to the pixel three rut right away because I think you know two years at the rate things are changing the rate smartphone tech is advancing like every two years is adequate especially for someone who's into tech obviously and will utilize a lot of these features Thank You Kyle for sure you don't wanna dance while you were gone bullshitting whatever you we're doing what I do best hey here's what it comes down to what said I don't know how many people saw me tweet my picture of this but this is my this is my pixel excel it looks like it took a bullet it looks like it seriously took a freaking bullet it's but it really took a battery it's in dire straits so this is what happened this is this is like 30 hours before I was supposed to leave on the trip to Germany and and other parts of Europe it's just just horrible timing so I had this battery pack this is a ten thousand something milliamp hour battery pack cut it for years it's fairly heavy I've had it for years but it's very trusty and it's got a 2 amp output so it does fast charging so that's cool but like I had it I was holding both of them like this and it was plugged in charging and I was distracted and it dropped thought of my hands somehow the phone landed and like this landed at the corner of it right on there just just like such bad luck that's my picks a little XL and hurts it hurts me it cuts me deep yeah I am not sure how bad the damage is I mean the screen is is rest was completely wrecked it was like still trying to be on and like zapping a little bit but like I'm still not positive how that went but I do have a replacement screen this is just arrived today so this is my project for tomorrow I'm going to be replacing the screen on that because people keep asking me about my solar panels and my follow-up video on that I've been screen capping just at various times the solar panel stuff on this so my videos that I've screen capped for my solar panel performance from the Tesla app which I've been saving on this are all on this phone and that and they're not back because it's it's an app I use and an that backed up like the pictures are the pictures get saved and it right so that's why I need to have rescue that phone that's nice so hopefully I really hope you're fine really up the screen replacement works um if you know to get an extra month of life out if nothing else but so anyway the question that we were gonna argue here is that should I get the pixel three cuz that's coming out now you've got the pixel to obviously so what do you think I I went first last time okay I'm gonna say yes I should I should get the pixel three should get it it's new it's a new thing to spend money on it my pixel excels most my favorite phone ever I did briefly get the pixel to excel before I realize is just Pat as a poor investment poor investment nobody should get the pixel to you want to skip you and go every other one it's like the Star Trek movies you're under something there I am I am it doesn't it still doesn't have a headphone jack right yeah didn't bring that back I just I'm sad about that I will be very sad about that oh I'm over it now I've gotten so used to so you've never been enough having it but I mean do you meant do you primarily use Bluetooth I do headphones now I have my Bose QuietComfort tubes or whatever quite pain to and that's the only time I use headphones is with those headphones and they're bluetooth I've just gotten so used to just using bluetooth it's one of those things you just get used to it you get used to not having it I guess my fear is that I would want to I would want to be charging the phone and also be using analog headphones with the with the headphone jack at the same time I honestly get it janky dongle only that's a great headphones with a with a jack now all the other ones are Bluetooth but yeah I get it the options options it's all about options okay well obviously know the nuts and that sucks it's not sucks because I mean hey is that really it seems like kind of like it's phrased here as kind of a joke but is this really a joke like can't this be taken like a serious as a serious option when a lot of people in the PC space are buying components strictly because they feature the right kind of RGB lighting they contain and is it not okay to say I'm not gonna buy this phone simply based on how the knotch looks like a semi winky cock-eyed emoji is perfectly in line all right we already do this constantly this is a real valid option that I'm siding with because Paul took the good option that I would have ordinarily cited with that is I rest my case I mainly wanted to see what people think each other or not I should get the pixel 3 XL so I said cock that's true oh oh it's very very close Wow we're within tuned we're within 2 votes so I think we'll have to give this a little bit more time yeah more time we'll come back to this in the future all right yay that's all for my prepared and stuff this is a heck to the yeah this is a poorly planned half of the show because of jet lag we're glad we're blaming things on jet lag all right Sal cut off the donations people in chat no more donations they will not be read or accounted for cut it up but we do appreciate that we do appreciate it and we're gonna read off the ones that you did ready to em b67 once again $13.30 jetlag donation funds Cheers we can help by at least three or four 5-hour energies with that that's true regain our strength always helpful Phillip Braddock you sir $10 are you two looking forward to read dead 2 coming out next month ooh yeah I beat the first one I fucking love that game fun fact I haven't beat GTA 5 or even GTA 4 at all you got close but I've never bent the whole campaign it's just too fun to just dick around I never got the whole way through but I did beat the first Red Dead Redemption I beat GTA 5 on Xbox 360 that is it tall order sir that's crazy is that it goes back that far then eight like wow behold and it was still viable a year plus four for a head PC but yes Red Dead was one of my favorite games at the time still is can't wait I'm Michael Foreman for sure five dollars cute the good work guys what am I your part to come in and my new build is finally complete PS well an H 110 I fit in an s3 40 LOL i dont know LOL ugh 110 is a 280 right not to 40 grand which i think it will fit well it might depend on the mother at the front at the front I mean that's the only place you can fit a 240 enough Brad I think it will and that's 340 you you want to double check though because I know that the the Kraken X 62 will fit if you orient it right in in the s3 for cuz NZXT designed it to fit because it's their own cooler I am there okay so compatibility there works you just want to make sure that the clearance on the radiator and stuff is the same of thicknesses all the same C so that your rad doesn't run into the reservoir ball bar you know old reservoir bar the s340 we passed yeah you should be good without if that's not an issue Robert at five dollars while you were in a way while we while you were in a way I think he means while you were away yes about a swordfight mousepad is amazing Chet what do you think we'll see first cyberpunk 2077 released or Paul's htpc well that was a tough call right there assuming cyberpunk 2720 77 releases in the Year 2077 I would say it's probably about even that's about when it I like that that gets me plenty of time plenty of time see but also Robert you have a 5 star which seems to be a 5 star user review on our desk mats man you should all go buy a disk man or a mouse pad there's true they are very high quality I use one every day gareth blundell 5 give up your cap and forgot Matt Oh Matt Matt Lantry Matt Landry $5 hey Colin Powell of you guys looking to upgrade a 1080i but waiting for the price dropped more what do you think would be a good low price for a 1080i you get one for like 600 bucks that'd be 600 or be a good low price that'd be awesome you know and that $600 be great and then obviously yes as for right now I wouldn't expect it to drop any lower than that I mean look for prices right now because I'm into it they're supposed to be a lot of image out there so they might be suppose there there might be some deals coming up for holiday season but but yeah and I don't I'm not gonna expect it to drop too much unless an AMD really does like come out with navi and it's really good yeah vailable and all that true dad thank you very much mr. LaMotte next we got Gareth Blundell 5 hey guys I'm up late in the UK upgrading my rig that was inspired by Arctic the other I just have been drinking and having real trouble connecting fans piece that's drinking and building yeah just cause some conflict occasionally sometimes if you do the drink end builds then it helps to come back to it the next day and just just make sure everything was all the fans of the radio games like anything you do when you're inking yeah check it the next day sober give a little double check car MOS j7t $10 hey guys I have a 2700 x MSI X 470 gaming 16 gigs of course in memory at 3,400 Evo 970 256 boot drive and harddrive GPU dual XFX RX 5 80s 8 gigs in crossfire any upgrades I need for need for next year games next year's games I would consider a GPU upgrade at some point I mean 5 80s in crossfire is pretty nice but I feel like you're gonna see diminishing utility for the 2 way configuration yeah going forward so you know a more powerful single GPU might might be something to consider yeah oh yeah you got a real nice setup so I think you're cool for now everything else looks great tenor brush Auber $5 a brush a burr brush Ebert ok super good day service enunciation of it any info on the new bit with logo otherwise can Lyle and bucks the new r-tx cards love you both I was thinking about doing a drunken boxing for the r-tx review well yeah or a drunk review in general like I just love the benchmarks like clearly as one's better than this one like just like really completely plastered that could help you stand out I also like to get drinks sometime but the billet logo contest it did end maybe a week or two ago I've been in Europe for the last week or two as well so that's why that's that's been lagging but I haven't forgot about it wifey sauce and I will be sifting through the results or the entries sometime this week and we'll be reaching out to any of the designers who have come up with them some logos we'd like to work with and yes all the prizes and stuff will be carried out I'm actually thinking about upping the prize oh just a bit Loren's some more just for the walls or pedigrees no it's already sealed off just just you know for their efforts and stuff I just feel like you know graphic design work is good good graphic design work is hard to come by and it should be recognized appropriately but yes a new bitly logo will be coming soon we have to look through the entries so thanks for hanging out up though Zaidan Zidan exciting typing claymore $5 what company would you recommend for good value per dollar on custom-built gaming computers I'm looking for slight overclocking in solid parts honestly I really liked the the NZXT BLD experience it literally just seemed like like a friend or someone I trusted like built a PC for me and sent it to me two days shipping was just fucking unbeatable for a custom build and and you get to sort of customize it yourself boot through the site you can even like to pick whatever games that you while you can pick up the three games and the sort of FPS from performance that you expect to get from those games and it'll sort of like help part out a system for you it's kind of a no-brainer so it'll give you sort of a recommendation for for an outfitted system but then from there you can even customize it further it's like you don't have to go with our recommendation they can give you that what they think is great and then you can swap it out however you like I haven't really had much personal experience with other boutique boutique manufacturers the only one I've had a direct experience with recently would be main gear and that's not who I recommend for good value per dollar they do have some entry-level systems that you that you can get a better deal on there like most of extreme but they tend to be relatively you know a good deal more expensive than you would spend if you were putting it together yourself yeah you could do really good work and you know if you if you want something that has like a long-term warranty and like you know I think it's 24/7 support and everything then then it's a good solution but my fila consumer that's a bit more of a balance between what you're spending versus what do you get then you know something like like like the NZXT might feel better but think he's I mean yep and then psych psych 10/10 for $10 Tanner Bruce uber Hannover shabu-shabu please say thank you it's reinforcing that name that name drop and then $5 Donna this is Tanner for Sharon so sage didn't say anything oh okay no kind of for Shepherd and the Tanner portion becoming it again Paul any plans to have your wife on the channel it was nice to have her appear yeah I'd like to get around but she I mean she has a full-time job and everything so she's not always like super stoked and jump and and then be on camera but yeah I'll I'll try to encourage her to to be in more videos and I'm sure as I continue to do work on the house and stuff there'll be more reason for that to happen so I'm sure you'll see here again righteous awesome all right let's Johnson's do some outs and shout outs for people who have ordered stuff from our stories then we will bid you all a fair fair add you and good evening and all that what do we got here all right Jacob Jacob Mel from Ohio get to Johnson gets like the day the gaming desk okay the daemon gets mad game he's gaming dust mattes Daman guess I'm fading fast CPU cooler gaming mouse pad goes to Jose Johnson to you sir Johnson Isaac Thank You Seth C from Minnesota yeah that's Minnesota hey got the gaming mouse pad and desk Mets it Johnson Nick Koopa got a CPU cooler Heather charcoal gray lightweight hoody limited edition hell yeah Johnson to you sir chase be from Georgia got the tribe blends thumbscrew t-shirt a Mitchell choice Amy M jobs have been evolution Heather dark gray t-shirt one of my faves thank you Amy Erin be from Texas got the pub glass and the stainless steel bottle opener excellence SC Johnson de cette Sullivan south one of years I know Seth you know at any rate Johnson teen SS Don Johnson force F do a little next t-shirt that's all I got that's all alright couple more here hey Zeus Martinez been with gray logo black tri-blend t-shirt yes you sir we've got one for Andrew stay positive tri-blend also one of my favs Johnson to child child child is a bit no Charles be CPU cooler Heather Navy t-shirt house we Charles you have good taste sir and finally Aaron be they would look words in a circle 20 outs tall boy Imperial pint glass you're from Nacogdoches Texas that's the name of a city not go Duchess that sounds like nachos it does it makes me that's very makes me more hungry than I already am shows so thank you guys so much for all your all your support and I'm in here I never hit tweet and their hits feed them haha well you know we still got ten seconds left of the street you want to do it now alright guys thank you so much and a huge share to sell everyone give a round of applause and chat to self processing moderator for just by others I'm not around putting those links in there so we did it and then we've got a raid twitch raid everyone go read the shit out of Casey Britt case letter K letter C bi t Casey Britt he's playing the battlefield 5 beta right now quite exciting everyone go cheer him on and Tom we sent you blow his effing mind that's gonna do it for now guys wonderful thanks for watching guys we'll see you next week boy you know and of course and our videos will be posting between now and then to bringing Elway memos
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