GTX 1060 vs the Ultrawide - 21:9 Overwatch, DOOM, GTA V
GTX 1060 vs the Ultrawide - 21:9 Overwatch, DOOM, GTA V
excellent what's up guys today's video
is going to be about testing the new gtx
1060 just launched by nvidia on a 21 by
9 aspect ratio monitor that's 21 by 9
aspect ratio and the resolutions i'm
going to be testing our 34 40 by 1440
which is the native resolution of my
Acer predator X today for monitor back
there also going to be testing at 2560
by 1080 where you can find more
affordable monitors at that lower
resolution but of course these are all
21 by 9 aspect ratio monitors also known
as ultra wide and a couple weeks ago
when the our X 480 from AMD launched I
did some testing with this card
specifically to see how it performs
using these types of monitors the
reasons are it's a pretty cool monitor
resolution and aspect ratio to game at
especially like a 34 inch 34 40 by 1440
but if you're looking for a wider more
immersive experience and you've
considered doing multi monitor
configurations in the past and ultra
wide is definitely a great option
because you don't have to spend the
money on three monitors you don't have
to deal with bezels in between the
monitors as you're setting them up and
especially if you get like a curve wrap
around one you can sit kind of in the
sweet spot with it and it's just a
fantastic experience it's a little bit
more immersive gives you a wider field
of view which could even potentially
give you an edge in some games let's
take a quick look at the Wikipedia page
on 21 by 9 aspect ratio this matches up
also with cinema scope so if you're into
watching cinema scope style movies if
you have access to that it's another
great reason to do that the anamorphic
format of 2.39 2 one and just to be very
specific since we're dealing with aspect
ratios and also fractions which could be
reduced it's not actually 21 by 9 it's
21 and 1/3 by 9 if it wasn't 21 2/3 by 9
it would be 7 by 3 which doesn't roll
off the tongue quite as easily anyway
here's a comparison so 4 by 3 content
natively looks like this it's just a
little bit wider than it is tall if you
move up to 16 by 9 it gets wider again
16 units wide by 9 units tall and then
21 by 9 is 21 units wide by 9 units tall
so you can see natively 4 by 3 looks
like this 16 by 9 looks like this 21 by
9 looks like this let's look at some
years here these are all listed on new
egg and being sold by new egg so you can
tell 21 by now monitors actually have a
pretty low entry price too so for 25
inch one you got an LG here 450 bucks
hundred 60 bucks
$190 a pretty decent range and then
these of course scale up as the size
goes up 29 inch you might also start to
see some 34 40 by 1440 monitors in there
with the 2560 by 1080 anyway though I
will link this search in the description
if you guys want to check it out as well
as some more monitors available on
Amazon the other thing you might
consider if you're looking at a 21 by 9
monitor is getting a free sync or AG
sync option I'm going to be using G sync
back here but the g-sync monitors are a
little bit more expensive free sync 29
inch 21 by 9 you can get for as little
as 300 to 350 dollars and 2560 by 1080
at 29 inches is a very good aspect ratio
and size if you jump up to 34 inch you
will find 2560 by 1080 as well as 34 40
by 1440 monitors in there just bear in
mind the 34 40 by 1440 ones do cost
quite a bit more these are all free sync
compatible so again if you're buying you
will need to use an AMD GPU for them to
work properly with this if you want G
sync and this aspect ratio it gets a bit
more expensive
there's only 34 for 40 by 1440 models
available that I could see my Acer
predator X 3 for is $1,200 which is
pretty expensive hey open box you can
get a little bit cheaper but if you want
G sync and this size and that aspect
ratio you kind of got to pay a little
bit of extra cash anyway
the card I'm using though for today's
benchmarks is the geforce gtx 1060 g1
gaming just launched and it works pretty
good i'll show you more of that in just
a second but first let's take a closer
look at the card so the first thing you
might notice is this is a pretty
substantial card for a gtx 1060 it is
long it's about 11 inches long total so
make sure you have enough room in your
case to fit the whole thing
other than that it's got a windforce 2x
cooling system so it's got two fans up
on top the benefit you get from the
increased size is that there's two huge
aluminum fin stacks in there with some
copper heat pipes transferring heat from
the GPU over to them you also get a nice
value-add of a backplate on here pretty
clean looking design with the gigabyte
logo on it it's also just all black with
just that white logo so that's pretty
nice there
some orange accents on the shroud itself
which are pretty minimal but if you're
not building an orange system chances
are these will be facing down and what
really showed too much or you know you
could paint over them if you really
wanted to go that route as far as video
outs they're pretty much standard for
the 1063 display ports one HDMI one DVID
and then they are introducing some RGB
LEDs on this card the gigabytes logo
lights up RGB the fan stop logo also
lights up with LED and a van stopp logo
of course will light up when the fans
aren't spinning which they'll do if the
card is at idle then they start spinning
up with the when the card hits about 50
or 60 degrees Celsius oh yeah and I also
did some overclocking on this card first
before I ran any of these benchmarks so
you're looking at some slightly juiced
numbers I tried to keep things
reasonable ended up dropping about 100
points onto the GPU at about 450 points
onto the memory so the GPU under full
load was running at about 2030 to 2050
memory was at 44 50 I figured this is a
pretty reasonable overclock that most
people should be able to hit even if
you're buying a base level 250 dollar
gtx 1060 gigabyte has provided a bit of
extra power for this card with an 8 pin
PCI Express graphics connector rather
than a 6 pin and that's about all I have
to say about this card physically let's
see how it performs all right a little
GTA 5 we're at 2560 by 1080 and just
just kind of roaming around in the open
world getting in the low 80s frame rate
I'm recording the screen directly with
the camera because as far as I know 21
by 9 capture cards do not exist yet and
I'm using the overlay either with
precision X or with the built in Vulcan
overlay in Doom so you guys can see the
frame rates and I've sort of blown that
up and placed it in the bottom right
corner so you can guys guys can get a
better look at it
for settings amusing pretty much the
same setup that I use for benchmarking
which is no FXAA MSAA 8x2 pretty much
all the sliders set to high everything
else set to very high in here I do have
one or two things set to offer soft and
soft shadows and then high on the
ambient occlusion and tessellation
get out a fucking way
oh you big I can get you tickets
it's my good deed for the day save that
poor woman's life
I gotta get some knockout gas here
you'll never catch me coppers actually
they were never and really close to me
one star is almost gone cop pops up out
of nowhere
scopes me didn't I get 5o on my tail
like a bees uh not a Bears ass free
mates been doing good
originally I was in the mid to low 80s
and now it's getting up over 100 from
time to time
hey last I got the good night guess
that's everything we need
I'll put upward to the scores ready to
go scores ready nice all right sir
verdict for gta5 2560 by 1080 is between
80 to 100 frames per second at least
with the very high settings that I am
should be great for most monitors up to
100 Hertz and of course you can turn
some settings down if you need to get a
higher framerate for 120 or 140 for
ready to switch over though 234 40 by
all right so first glance at 34 40 by
1440 is a frame it's a little bit lower
than we might find exact Bowl it's in
the mid-50s so I'm actually going to
make a couple adjustments to some
settings here and see if we can get up
into a more acceptable range alright so
in order to improve the frame rate for
34:40 by 1440 I have done the following
basically switch to couplings high
texture and shader qualities also grass
quality down to normal since grass
quality can definitely have a huge
impact that's just about it I got me a
good 10 or 15 frames per second went
from the mid 50s up to the all it's been
about 70 to 80 depending on what I'm
sometimes in the 60s of course you guys
so with g-sync this should be OK for me
for now these guys you'll kill
got a make-out getaway get to the sewers
so this reminds me of Terminator 2 for
some reason
take it out of the cops
that's a gta5 you've been at 3440 by
1440 1060 still seems to be able to
handle it pretty well
it's got adjust a few settings to get
well above sixty frames per second
moving on to some doom starting off with
2560 by 1080 and I got the framerate
counter going out there oh geez and I'm
being attacked I try to do slightly
better doing this time around oh this is
a big guy isn't it danger all right
point is I'm getting and shucks 100
hundred frames per second give or take
up or down plus or minus something after
me I hear noises so scary when you hear
noises Elsa no idea where I'm supposed
to be going really
oh Jesus let's scare the shit out of me
like you okay before we jump up to 34 34
40 by 1440 I have just turned the
anti-aliasing mode to TSSAA a which I'm
told is the mode that you're supposed to
do in order to get to get the good
asynchronous compute stuff working feels
clunky er this is this looks wonderful
as weird stuff going on with this TSSA
that for yeah if it feels feels
and our frame rate seems to have dipped
a little bit oh good
okay hey where'd you come from
people just popping up out of nowhere a
bunch of weapon points that I should
probably use and now let's go ahead and
switch over to 30 for 40 by 1440
all right frame rate has definitely
dropped down we got a lot of red showing
up there because we're down below 60
frames per second it's no beauty so
before I even get very far at all oh
look there's another one of these
convenient yeah before I get a very far
at all I'm going to switch up some of
these settings well we got TSSAA on so
we're using asynchronous compute or some
of the synchronous compute features if
they have enabled here with the Vulcan
then other than that were set to high
graphics qualities the presets across
the board let's kill some stuff
nothing can go wrong
well that was fun demonic threat reduced
by 50% good
like it gives you the percentages what
overwatch its 2560 by 1080
damaged goods
I'm noticing that the frame rate is
dropping and showing like 14 fps at
times that seems to be a glitch that's
definitely not Oh get off me hey that
was bad timing but yeah I'm getting it
showing 14 frames per second at times
that's not actually happening when it's
at 100 or 95 or whatever in that range
that's what's actually that's what I'm
actually getting
yeah everyone was getting a very nice
frame rate at 2560 by 1080 at least in
the 95 to 105 FPS range switching it up
now to 30 for 40 by 1440 the humans who
live here are fools to trust the omni's
they will see answer just for starters
here 34 40 by 1440 getting in the mids
mid to upper 60s again the you might see
the counter dropping down to 1314 FPS
that is a glitch it is actually not
dropping that low framerate I can tell
is the shoe
okay I'm still at 34 40 by 1440 but I
have switched from epic to ultra
settings and did the restart already so
I'm going to see what this does to my
framerate again I do have a hundred
Hertz monitor so if I can get closer to
100 frames per second that would be nice
all right so when the FPS counter is
working it's going between 90 and maybe
a hundred two hundred and ten frames per
second I guess it's also dipping down to
the 80s sometimes as well oh I should be
healing anyway though definitely very
nice and playable and again that's an
ultra just one step down from epic
so those are my test guys and I hope if
you were looking at a 21 by 9 monitor
this has helped you make a bit of a
better decision I think the GTX 1060 is
a very viable option especially at 2560
by 1080 if you're going 34 40 by 1440
you might have to turn a few more
settings down to get playable frame
rates especially if you're going in the
plus 100 Hertz range but overall pretty
impressive the performance and I think
it's a great option if you're going 34
40 by 1440 you might consider something
a little bit higher end like a gtx 1070
or maybe one of the newer AMD cards
especially the newer ones that they're
supposed to launch very soon although I
know nothing about those but if you
enjoyed this video hit the thumbs up
button and let me know also down in a
description you can find links to stuff
like my store or you can buy shirts and
mugs and paint glasses and as always
thank you very much for watching my
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