excellent hey everyone and welcome to
today's video this is my monthly builds
video I'm going to start doing this
every single month or at least that is
the plan so these are my may 2015 gaming
builds and i went with gaming builds
because those are kind of the most
popular builds when it comes to like
builds and stuff so just a couple notes
to kind of kick things off here first is
that I'm doing this monthly second is
that i'm going to be using pc part
picker in order to actually pick my
parts out you guys if you're not
familiar with vc part picker you you
should be if you're into building your
own computers so i'm going to post links
to pc part Picard down in this
description not only that though but i
also wanted this video to have a bit of
interaction with you guys and i want you
guys to be able to provide your feedback
and also have some influence on the
builds that i do each month so what I'm
also going to have going on here is a
straw poll I'm going to post that only
live chat right now and the idea is that
you guys can choose kind of the
parameters for the build going on next
month so that would be June but there's
some weird things since this is the
first episode of next month is June and
I'm going to be actually a computex at
the beginning of the month up next month
so I can't have you guys vote because
it's going to be a weird one for next
month because it'll be comput x time so
the straw poll that i just posted in
chat and that will also be in the
video's description that you guys can
vote if you're watching this in the
future you can just choose which of the
two builds i go over today you actually
want me to put together spoiler alert it
doesn't matter i wanted to do that but
it really doesn't matter i already have
the parts for one of these builds and I
guess it's instead of you guys actually
voting it's more just guessing but this
is what I'm going to be doing in the
future so you'll have more influence but
I'm I guess that kind of summarizes what
this is all about let's just let's just
press on ahead with our first build
which is actually an AMD build so let's
jump over to PC part picker I'm logged
in and I have some saved parts lists
over here so you can see I've got some
of the older ones I'd originally did
this back for the holiday builds right
right around black friday in 2014 so let
me jump to the first one here which is a
AMD base build seven hundred dollar
price point and these are both gaming
PC's another theme that I went for with
this particular with today's builds was
that they're both micro ATX and
micro-atx is a form factor that I kind
of like because it's a little bit
smaller but it's not like as limiting as
mini ITX and if you're building a simple
gaming PC and all you really need is
like you know a basic video card in
there not a ton of expansion I think
micro ATX is a great option so let's
just run down this i went with an AMD FX
6300 for the processor which is less
than 100 bucks depending where you buy
it of course six core am3+ I didn't want
to go with FM socket on this time around
just because I wanted the full fledged
not integrated graphics part three point
five gigahertz and I think it turbo is
also up to like 4.1 or 4.1 like that as
well you know it's got got your cash on
there and all that good stuff and it's a
true six core processor so this is the
foundation for lots of builds out there
to go along with it I picked out this
asrock motherboard this is a 970 em pro
3 micro ATX board and I believe there's
some pictures of it over on newegg yes
there are which is a pretty nice looking
bored here as you can maybe see it's all
black it's got four dimm slots which I
really wanted to have it's got your full
complement of six SATA ports as well say
to rev 36 gigabits per second port so
you can attach a bunch of SSDs to this
if you wanted to other than that you
also have these your expansion slots for
which are laid out a little bit
differently you actually have a buy one
slot at the top which i think is okay
because you can't drop a card on their
the second slot here is going to be our
graphics card goes that also leaves you
a fourth slot down at the bottom if you
wanted to do another expansion card in
the future or something like that but
only 65 bucks for this on newegg right
now so I think that's a pretty good deal
and one of the nice thing about PC park
pickers it will warn you if you have a
possible compatibility issues so this is
saying that AMD 970 chipset motherboards
might not be complete a bios update but
you should be okay with this one because
the 970 empro 3 only came out like
literally a month or two ago so they
should all be updated and they should
all be compatible to FX 6300
remember I just went with a basic eight
gig kit from g.skill nothing special or
fancy about this as you can tell from
the very small picture that I pulled up
this is just a really simple eight gig
kit ddr3 1600 which is all the speed
you'll need you're not gonna be running
integrated graphics off this or you find
you don't have any heat spreaders or
anything like that but it's black PCB so
it's not going to look okay for this
build since I was going more for the
budget I did not really spend too much
time that's that's the other build I
didn't spend too much time like focusing
on like make sure everything looks
pretty for this for the other build I
did a little bit more of that but for
solid-state for storage drive for
storage we have a crucial be x 100 this
is a newer SSD look at that rating well
it's only two ratings but five stars and
this one is just a really good bang for
the buck so again you got a sub $100
this load come on newegg load supposed
to have fast loading times so yeah you
get you get what sub hundred dollars
what is the actual price point on this
yeah less than 100 bucks depending where
you buy it of course 250 gig SSD seder
rip three nice and fast and even though
this is a budget drive it's going to be
going just as fast as many of the other
SSDs that can get out there that are at
three so I like having an SSD I didn't
go with a with mechanical storage for
this one and that was specifically
because this was a budget build and when
you go in for a budget build and you're
looking at storage I think it's better
to invest in an SSD up front because
you'll get that speed out of it and
chances are if you're building your own
system that you can find a 500 gig 3.5
inch drive somewhere like lying around
like get one of those from your old
system or something reformat it
repurpose it and you'll be good to go
that or you know you can always add on a
you can add on a mechanical drive to
this if you want to up the storage
because you will want something besides
that 250 gig SSD here's the big daddy of
the bunch though which is this sapphire
radeon r9 290 and oh my gosh this is two
hundred forty bucks right now at newegg
and even you can add another ten dollar
promo code to it and there's a
twenty-dollar mail-in rebate now
originally I turned off the mail-in
rebates which is another cool feature
you can do
see part picker if you don't think
you'll ever turn them in so there's
actual list price is 270 for this but
then you get a twenty-dollar min rebate
card and then another ten dollars off
with a promo code that's going on right
now but r9 290 custom design cooler from
from sapphire which i think is very
important for a 290 or 290x I like the
aftermarket ones a lot better 3 fans
this is going to be a beast and when you
compare it to the other cards in the
range right now from AMD are from nvidia
i should say like a a butch you're
basically looking at a 960 or 9 64 gig I
would definitely go with an R 92 94 this
price especially the aftermarket one
from sapphire it's overclocked it's
either overclocked out of the boxer you
can't overclock it core clock is a
thousand but you should be able to
overclock this one very nicely as well
but uh I like that card I think that's
the bit that's the most pricey item in
this bill and that's pretty normal for a
gaming build is to spend a lot more on
the graphics card than you might other
things lastly for the case I went with
the cooler master silencio 352 I loved
this one because I have some experience
with it and I know it's a good case
here's somewhere where I spent a little
bit more money this is seventy bucks you
can actually get it for like 60 bucks I
think it's some of the other online
retailers but it's a silent case so it's
going to keep everything clad it's got
sound dampening it's got a couple fans
that are included the extra flow fans
which are nice and quiet so this is
going to get the job done it's not going
to be like flamboyantly stand out like
like over-the-top crazy looking or
anything like that and yes you could
save a little bit of money you could get
a 50 or 40 dollar case that will do the
job just fine but I like some of the
little added benefits you get with the
Silencio of 352 mainly that it will give
you a much quieter experience overall
than some of the bare-bones cases
finally we need a power supply of course
and for that i have this thermaltake
smart 650 watt but with a little bit
higher wattage I was originally gonna go
with like a 550 for this one but I with
a little bit more because it is in our
9290 in there which does draw a bit more
power this one 650 watt it's 80 plus
bronze certified so it's going to stay
nice and efficient and you can get it
for as little as 48 bucks at microcenter
granite that's what the mail in rebate
but an amazon you can actually get it
for 55 right now
plus five bucks shipping and handling so
nice solid power supply again 80 plus
bronze it's from thermaltake which is a
reputable company so you know it's going
to have good into your build quality and
all that good stuff and all that stuff
right now seven hundred dollars actually
it was less than seven hundred dollars
when I originally put all this together
but that is just kind of goes along with
building your own system is that these
prices are going to fluctuate so this
build should be about in the seven
hundred dollar range going forward and
again you can click on the link in the
description to check out the PC park
picker build and I think anyone going
with the system like this you're going
to have a really good experience for
only 700 bucks now a couple other things
about these builds I'm not including the
peripherals monitor keyboard and mouse
so you will need that sort of thing
preferably you can carry that over from
an old system and I'm not including an
operating system as well if you need to
get up and running and off the ground
you can go with Windows 10 the preview
edition right now which you can install
for free however you will need an
operating system at some point in the
future as well that's kind of kind of be
the theme for all of these builds are
just going to be the hardware but so be
it that's that's build one which is
seven hundred dollar a and B build and
at this point before we move on to build
two I do have a sponsor for today's
video so i would like to pause briefly
to recognize them that is Linda calm and
if you guys didn't already know Linda
calm is an online learning platform with
over 3,000 on-demand video courses to
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calm / Paul I have already been using
some of their tutorials to learn new
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Linda sorts the available courses based
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done it before you can locate videos
that you can still jump into and
understand easily as always though you
can try out any of the courses that are
available on lynda.com by clicking the
sponsor link in this video's description
or visiting Linda calm / Paul that is
always also a great way to say thank you
to lynda.com for supporting Paul's
hardware as well as other YouTube
channels out there because they do do a
lot of support for us and they keep us
running and able to do videos like the
one I'm doing right now okay enough
the sponsor spot let's move on to the
second build which is a little bit more
expensive it's also an intel and nvidia
build and let's just jump right over oh
wait i'm still in the may build let's go
with this one all right here's the may
twelve hundred dollar bills this is a 46
90 k which is kind of like your III
wanna say bang for the buck because he
like it's still somewhat expensive or
going to pay over two hundred bucks for
a 46 90 k but you can't overclock it and
i think that's one of the biggest
benefits and if you're considering
anything and the likes a hundred fifty
to two hundred dollar range when you're
looking at intel processors i would say
just save a little bit more get that
case Q because then you can jump into
overclocking you can get a lot more
performance out of the processor so
anyway that that's what we're starting
with cpu eyes is at 46 90 k and it's
available microcenter if you live near
microcenter go pick one up in store 190
bucks there but you can see price range
here is all in the kind of low to 225 to
230 dollar range for a let's do
motherboard NEX actually for motherboard
since this is a micro ATX build again
I'm going with dual micro ATX builds
today we have this msi z97 mdash g43 LGA
1150 of course the 97 chipset and a cool
board from msi here I like this board
black and blue color scheme overall and
that is important which shall come back
to when we get to the case Madea micro
ATX it's got integrated graphics of
course thanks to the igpu on the Intel
processor you got a couple expansion
slots here for PCI Express so you can
drop in of course your graphics card or
if not you can you can also get a bit of
expansion there you got your full
complement of 6 SATA ports as well and
just a nice solid little bored they have
a gaming series version of this as well
which is a bit more expensive and it
does also red and black this one's only
111 dollars at newegg though right now
so you're going to save a little bit of
money there by not going with the gaming
series and it still does everything you
want and it's still going to overclock
just as good as a gaming series board so
there's that one the z97 mg 43 and then
I also wanted to do an aftermarket
cooler on this one now the default for
an aftermarket cooler if you want
bang for your buck is almost always
going to be your your cooler master
hyper 212 plus or hyper 212 evo is what
they've upgraded to now that's about 30
bucks for another ten dollars this is
kind of going along with the theme of
this build which is like I wanted bang
for your buck I wanted a lot of
performance in there but I'm willing to
spend a little bit more on this bill to
give you something like like a nicer
looking system because I do have a
windowed side panel case so for that
reason and with this enermax cooler
which is the ETS t40 BK which comes with
a blue LED fan but also a nice black
finish overall it's only about 10 bucks
more than a hyper 212 and these are very
good coolers too so I think it looks a
lot nicer you don't get that kind of
unfinished copper and aluminum you get a
much cleaner look overall and and I've
worked these easy to a great job cooling
this 50 bucks at newegg but I think yeah
NCIX US has it for 40 bucks good deal
there and it's in stock that's very
important ok let's get rid of those and
let's move on to memory and storage
alright so for memory again I wanted to
give you a little bit more with this
build so instead of eight gigs we went
up to 16 gigs now you'll see builds
sometimes especially on PC Park picker
for some reason that that go with a
single stick like so they would have a
single 16 gig stick of memory instead of
two eight gig sticks or a single eight
gig stick instead of 24 gig sticks if I
thought that was kind of weird like you
got dual channel you're you're really
hurting your memory bandwidth by going
with a single state granted you leave
yourself more upgrade room in the future
so maybe something to consider there but
the matter the motherboard I've chosen
here has four dimm slots so no problem
with going with a two by eight gig kick
that'll give you 16 gigs and you can
even upgrade it in the future you got
two empty slots so you're not going to
be hurrying I went with the HyperX fury
memory here from Kingston or Kingston
HyperX line it's ddr3 1866 again with
memory like 1600 you're fine but I'll
often also search in the 1600 1866 even
2133 range because you'll find faster
memory sometimes discounted and if it's
available and that's roughly the same
price go for a little bit faster memory
but the HyperX fury line I really like
to look like they got black PCBs they
got nice low-profile black heat
and they look really cool so again go on
go a little bit more towards looks with
this build all right for storage again I
gotta have me an SSD in there so
probably all the builds that you'll see
me doing are going to have at least an
SSD at minimum and for this one I want
the kingston hyperx tonight Rex fury 240
gig SSD can you know keep it with a
Kingston theme here this one's a pretty
basic black and white color scheme on it
240 gigs say 23 i believe it's got a
fuzz on controller oh no this one has an
SF 2281 actually this is the wrong this
is the wrong SSD they have two furious
fury SSDs and since I know I'm going to
be building this one I think the one I'm
getting is actually the newer one that
has some red on there it's okay though
this is a good one too this one's only
95 bucks for a 240 gig it uses a
sandforce controller which does a good
job you'll find some faster SSDs out
there and then new version of the HyperX
fury one is a little bit faster so I
think for the final thing I'm probably
going to go with that one but this one
does a good job too and i'll see if i
can update this this link here actually
maybe pc part picker didn't have the new
fury on there because it is a very new
release i believe all right but there's
your SSD milian down i wanted to also
include some storage here some mass
storage so we got a WD black series two
terabyte 3.5 inch drive you can get this
as little as 115 bucks and if you're
using a mass storage mechanical drive
like this you'll often see the blue
driver drives the green drives that
people will go for and like again that's
cool enough that if you're loading games
you'll find a 7200 RPM Black Series
drive does give you a noticeable
appreciable bump in speed as load times
and that sort of thing compared to the
green drives or the blue drives which
use a lower spindle speed and the Black
Series drives also generally speaking
are slated to have longer life span and
I've always I've always liked the black
series so that's why with that one and
it's a two terabyte drive for a little
over a hundred bucks not too shabby at
all okay moving right along here we went
over storage oh wait I'm back to the I'm
back to the AMD build how did that
happen getting confused that's okay
alright uh we went over storage now
we're going to talk about the graphics
card for this one since we were going
within an Intel processor I'm lip
and Nvidia graphics card also it's a GTX
970 the three point five gigabytes issue
memory issue aside the 970 is still
fantastic excellent card it tears up
games like GTA 5 and all the newest
games so I think that is a great option
and here again rather than going with
the gaming series i went with the this
non-gaming series from msi it still has
an aftermarket cooler it's a little bit
simpler design but it is black and blue
and again I'm going with the color
scheme for this build so that's kind of
island with this it's also a bit cheaper
it's it's a good twenty thirty bucks
cheaper than the gaming series ones and
I think it looks perfectly fine it's
still it doesn't have a back plate but
it has a black PCB on the back if I can
pull that image up here yeah black PCB
on the back nice looking card and after
Mark coolers going to keep it quiet and
I like the gtx 970 so that's why I threw
that one in there and you how much is
that right now goodness as cheapest 305
right now you can get it on Amazon who
was prime cool very nice and then lastly
we have case and power supplies so
here's where actually this bill kind of
started off with with the case which is
the BitFenix Aegis 88 aegis Aegeus
whatever it's called you know what I
didn't do is I didn't switch back to
showing you guys what the heck I'm
talking about that's important alright
so let me show you the MSI graphics card
since I don't think I actually showed
you any of that all right there's the
MSI graphics card closer look again
black and blue and since I mentioned the
PCB let's go back to that too there's
the PCB nice looking PCB alright cool
beautiful moving right along though to
the BitFenix ages which isn't available
on newegg yet so I can't look at their
pretty pictures but here's the BitFenix
Aegis and it's available in a bunch of
different colors I have this case i'm
doing a bill I'm doing this build more
or less in this case and it's pretty
cool looking this is the blue one and
color schemes I think it's available in
red yellow blue white and black maybe
another 12 in there but it's got a big
old side panel window it's got a bunch
of stuff in there for like water cooling
and select some of these pictures they
have water cooling setups going on in
but a pretty cool looking case over at
all it's got glossy plastic on the front
which which some people are into more or
some some people are into less but it's
got this cool bitfenix logo on the front
which is actually like a little mini LED
display and you can put your own
pictures in there and that sort of thing
so that's kind of cool so that's the
case I'm going with it's a little bit on
the pricier side so this is one hundred
and twenty dollars right now right out
of the gate and there are there's a lot
of competition in this area especially
if you're going full size 80 X so this
is kind of one of my more like choices
due to aesthetics then else elsewise I
suppose so yes there are other cases are
available out there in this price range
that are comparable or even have some
better features depending on what case
you're looking at but I still like this
one and its new and it's got that nice
window and I'm going to do a build in it
so yeah color is also by the way red
white yellow black and blue and I got
the blue one because I was like I
haven't done a blue build in quite a
while to go along with that though Aegis
and and when I do the actual build I'm
going to be talking a lot about the case
in my experience with the building in it
and all that good stuff but let's go
back to power supply which just to kind
of go right along with that Aegis case
OOP there we go I went with the BitFenix
fury 550 watts which again there's no
good pictures as apparently except for
on em wave has em waves pictures though
they pull up over here stupid alright so
la that there's some pictures J actually
has a video on the 650 watt version of
this so you guys can check that over on
Jays two cents the cool thing about this
power supply is that it's semi modular
but it's also got sleeved cables like
all the way down the line so that's
pretty cool actually nicely sleeved
cables like with no heat shrink showing
or anything like that so I thought that
was cool and that's again a little bit
more of an aesthetic decision going on
with this build then otherwise but the
overall price which you guys can't see
cuz it's blocked off right now is 1200
nine dollars according to PC part picker
but that's of course subject to change
over time and those are my builds what
do you guys think I got the seven
hundred dollar AMD build I got
twelve hundred dollar Intel bills you
guys are food can feel free to vote on
my pc part picker everyone on my pc
perfect or my straw poll thingy down
there and vote but it doesn't matter
because i'm going to do the Intel build
anyway I've actually already got parts
on their way for that and everything but
also let us say a big shadow before I go
to all the people who have jumped into
twitch chat to watch me doing this live
this is really a spur-of-the-moment
decision this morning to actually do
this live so thanks to all y'all who
have jumped in there and hope you guys
have enjoyed these builds feel free to
post your own ideas for builds in the
video's description feel free to give me
some suggestions on how i might enhance
this particular series because again i
do want to do this every single month
and next month will be the beginning of
june i'll be at computex but i'm still
going to do something something in this
range I don't forget to like the video
of course don't forget to share it with
all your friends because all of your
friends probably you're interested in
builds to what else oh you can buy
shirts off of my store which is a store
all hardware net if you're interested
they look just like this one and I have
some new ones in the works as well
coming out soon thanks for watching this
video guys and we'll see you all next
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