
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

NVIDIA FINALLY Unlocks FreeSync, RAM Price to Drop 20%, Radeon VII Debate - Awesome Hardware #0174-B

okay let's do it hi Oh my lovely wife it's just Paul's hardware is now who just entered certain building okay we should be live like just about now you know momentarily yeah it looks like we're left hi everyone more or less welcome to awesome hardware this is a live show we talk about technology computers computer building PC gaming other related subjects as well as nonsense occasionally we discuss nonsense but we scream every Tuesday evening at 5:30 p.m. Pacific time to slash awesome hardware we're streaming live there right now and we're also streaming to my channel Paul's hardware this is the second half of episode number 174 of awesome hardware this live show we have been consistently doing except when there's holidays or CES 2019 that we just finished with actually we've been kind of on hiatus for a good month now yeah because of Christmas New Year's CES but we're back thank you guys for bearing with us thank you for watching us live we have lives you know yeah whether you're watching YouTube or or twitch we're glad you're here feels good to be back and we're glad to be back we spent the last week in Las Vegas and that was an experience too long it's always an experience it's a long time to spend in Las Vegas yeah but you know you've got CES to kind of distract you so you're not spending the entire time you know gambling at O'Kane and the hookers and yeah speak for yourself you're right actually there was no cocaine or hookers there was some gambling bit of drinking some delicious food a bit all that's covered in my final CES vlog which I posted earlier today I want to get home no gate also unless they say yes we did bit we turn it was nitwit with Kyle yeah celebrity edition I was pitted against Luke as well as Steve Luke from last tech tip Steve from gamers Nexus yeah just destroyed both of them just flat-out okay kind of proved wait for the full episode to launch on YouTube tomorrow maybe maybe you guys you just wait for tomorrow before you you decide but other than that's a quick plug at the beginning of our show for our stores if you guys want to help support us and get yourself some SuperDuper extra high quality merch check out the stores I have a limited edition black lightweight zipper hoodie limited edition this is the lightweight one by the way I was sort of I was sort of off earlier when I thought the one I'm wearing is not the lightweight one you know like me although they're both very nice I do have heavier hoodies also available down below that's the charcoal lightweight one this is I've got some pullover ones first of all I'm wearing this is the one this is the one I'm actually wearing right now this is the dark gray zipper hooded sweatshirt nice and everyone should buy at least at least two at least two but palter Burnett is where you can find my products and then you can also find products at big weight optic big bit wit duct tech slash store designed it as a tongue twister yeah my purpose is kind of kind of difficult to say there but sure it's mugs hoodies pint glasses all real nice merchandise we get we get good feedback on the merch because it's high-quality shout out to John if you're watching he's our merch guy and he he's the best he does a good job with that but thanks you guys for supporting us we're going to dive right back into some tech news I think yay wait let me do the lower thirds yeah okay oh wait no I changed take it where's your bottle opener where's the bottle opener that you can find on Paul's hungry done I changed the news lower thirds that's never supposed to happen what am i what am i doing 2020s been a month ready alright as announced and promised at CES just before CES I don't I don't know when they actually said this it was like Sunday Nvidia today has released their latest driver and the driver specifically is for 17.7 one for 17.7 one and this unlocks a precinct monitor support variable refresh rate for GeForce graphics cards for a very long time because free sync is an open standard and freesync monitors typically cost less and a lot of people were like you know Nvidia is a standard it's been used for notebooks for for various things they could turn it on at any point and a lot of people thought they just never were gonna do that because NVIDIA has g-sync monitors vsync monitors actually have a chip in them there's some other stuff that goes on under the hood but a lot of people like you know a video you should just turn this on nvidia has finally decided to do so now it's not without some caveats they do have a validated experience free sync monitor vetting process and this was what they sort of talked about when they did the announcement at CES to sort of indicate like not all free sync monitors are badass like jisuk monitors by the way jisuk monitors meet very strict and rigorous standards for testing and everything so nvidia went and tested something like four hundred of the currently available free sync monitors they validated twelve twelve of them Wow twelve out of four hundred were validated now just to be clear that doesn't mean that only those twelve monitors can be you can support you know free sync on with a Nvidia graphics card you can turn it on with any frame sync monitor and Eddie Nvidia graphics card I don't I don't think there is a I thought it was like ten series or max welling up is it max well enough okay I take that back because I didn't look at the history there was a is there a kind of limit maybe 900 series at 1000 series apologies for that but I mean the the 10 series is already from 2016 so it's not like that's I think it's 10 series enough 10 series enough right so for 10 series enough you can turn it on and you can go and activate it in the settings now if you happen to have one of these special 12 free sync monitors that also meet the g6 standards and nvidia has as has given the green light for it'll turn out automatically if you don't then you just have to go into the settings right click on Windows desktop go to the Nvidia control panel to display go to setup g-sync check enable g-sync g-sync compatible box and select the active sync display they're gonna use and then check enable settings for this black box and click apply so you know go under your G's thing to your settings and you can do that there is also a follow up by Nvidia that if that setting is not available or if it's not working you might need to go to manage 3d settings click the global tab scroll down to monitor technology select G sync compatible in the drop-down and then click apply and then it should turn on so you got a couple options here for actually enabling that so having a g-sync validated Nvidia validated panel or free sync validated panel by by Nvidia just makes it easier for you to enable the feature it makes it easier so it's plug in place so if you have the driver and you have the panel it'll just turn on it just works which is how a g-sync panel typically works if you have a g-sync like like like this one back here and the Nvidia updated drivers it just recognizes is like a G's ik panel right the Nvidia graphics card cool do you think is on right that'll only happen with those 12 monitors a couple of extra steps if it's not if you have one of the other monitors you have to go and invalidate it yourself there are certain gray areas like there's some freesync monitors that have multiple multiple freesync ranges that you can that you have to go into the monitors settings like in the firmware and the like buttons on the monitor to change for that you have to let go and you have to go still change it on the monitor and then go update your refresh rate on the on your computer and stuff and you can still turn it on there are some downside so I mean if you have the cheapest of the cheap free sync cheapest free sync monitors with like the bare minimum of specifications you might encounter some of the negative side effects of this which is like black frames popping it from now and now and then now to help people combat this tearing and stuttering or to at least give you a better idea of like what's my free sync monitor gonna how is my free six minor you're gonna behave or I want to buy a new monitor and want to get a monitor that supports this right there is a thread going on in the nvidia subreddit but unfortunately it's already been turned into garbage where'd that go I don't link to it but I thought it was in the start like a part in the wind the nvidia subreddit had created a thread where people were starting to go and post lately I have this monitor and I tested it with this card and here was my experience so that I can sort of start to develop a bit of a compendium a sort of non official list for people who are in that gray area where you have a precinct monitor but you may or may not want to turn it on they had a shared Google Doc and that like I'd like it was editable by editing anyone so someone went in and like deleted all the stuff or somebody else went in and always one asshole posted a bunch of offensive stuff on it or something like that I'm not exactly sure what happens but anyway didn't have school that day this just the driver just became available today so we'll start to see people testing this with various monitors and it's it's good news all around to you and your options because I think this is both going to allow people to have a variable refresh rate gaming experience whereas before they couldn't afford it and this should also hopefully start to put some pressure on some of those really high priced g-sync monitors and maybe bring some of those prices down yeah because you know not everyone can spend a thousand bucks it also kills some of the argument of like well buying an AMD card because you can get it a free sink motor for a lot cheaper than a g-sync one you know it does and maybe in video was starting to see that yeah be more of an impact on people's buying decisions right it's always hard to say like what exactly the catalyst is that yeah causes these decisions to be made at the high levels that they need to be made at like this is probably Jensen's decision I'm just speculating sure Mike right it's probably his call on this maybe I don't know but anyway good news everyone download that driver especially if you have a free sync monitor and an Nvidia graphics card more good news this is this is this is what a great way to start off 2019 with two back-to-back good news stories yeah this one is about further potential price decline of and we were talking a lot about just tech prices in general especially in the last few months of 2018 because here in the US at least we have some some tariffs going on that are you know causing some issues but those have been delayed for various subcategories of products being imported and whatnot but the point being those have not impacted CPU component prices at least not as of yet probably due due to the delay in the deal between China and the US for that and on top of that we have some market forces just some natural market forces which has been building over the past year so that are causing this as well so this information is all according to DRAM exchange which is a division of trend force so fairly reliable they noted that DRAM prices had been stable you know they had dropped but were stable from November to December 2018 December being the end of the year and also post the like the holiday rush timeframe orders are less so that wasn't a significant amount for them to actually make a forward-looking prediction on but mainstream 8gig models modules were about $60 u.s. each protein during that time period November to December core gig modules were about you about $30 us and that's the monthly average in 2019 already just in the first couple weeks of January both eight gig and four gig modules have already dropped below those lows so for instance eight gig modules now are going for around $55 for an 8 gig DIMM and this is again averages and we're talking about bulk pricing by suppliers and OEMs so this isn't necessarily like I should exactly look for that price at retail yeah but it's sort of a an indicator for the overall market the suppliers and OEMs in the DRAM market say that due to high inventory weak demand and a pessimistic economic outlook for the medium to long term prices will Leslie dropped 10% month the month in January so I'm looking at those 55 dollar 8gig dims about a five five or six dollar drop and that trend they're looking to continue looking to continue in February and March so overall in the first quarter which is January February March about a 20% drop is what they're anticipating and that is up from their estimates I guess last month of about 15% so about 5% more reduction in price and demand prices dear I'm being a vital component of computers and one that has caused like your your budget builds to sort of potentially balloon out of like proportion when it comes to pricing cuz like ah I could go with a four gig dim and just get by with the bare minimum right but that's that's such a crappy situation to be in yeah Oh like eight gigs all right that's passable but then I gotta buy two four gig dims right like you really want 16 gigs cuz then you can go with a cake dims and give yourself more expandability option if you're going with the system that has four dimm slots and everything right so again just good news if you're buying memory now or if you're buying memory next month it sounds like the prices are low and they're gonna continue to get lower so especially if you were looking at memory over the past two years sigh of relief there well that's finally turnaround moving on YouTube has just changed how to navigate videos in its mobile app this is what may be more of a concern for Kyle and I than all of you guys with them you have my attention if you use the YouTube mobile app on your smartphone you might be interested to know that apparently 70% of YouTube views are now taking place on mobile devices that's insane that's a lot that's more than two-thirds that's not seen more than desktop yeah so lots of people watching YouTube on their on their smartphones and this change is going to going to affect iOS devices this week when yeah it's rolling out this week to iOS users and this is how it works watching a movie watching a video ok and you're bored you have a short attention span because you've been trained to do that by like apps that cater to that like this YouTube app and it's aside so I just wait just no just swipe no YouTube has become tinder tinder then you just get swiped get swipe left swipe left next video get swipe left is exactly know where it's that easy it's the same way if your oh that's tuned vertical mode scroll and scroll into the comments or whatever just swipe to the side I mean it increases watch time and that's genius it's a genius move on YouTube smart can maybe for YouTube does it help us though no absolutely no does it help us unless we're the one who's who's getting skipped to I spotted people stay on a few reactions to this comes from your average consumer another tech youtuber and he's he calls it a retention killer I saw a few people pointing at this as a retention killer I mean definitely like hi I'm this person and thanks for watching swipe like what intro with five words I'm bored swipe dude seriously so anyway it's just it's just catering this is just catering to like the short attention spans that we already have and it's gonna make them even shorter which means that people are gonna have to be like creators gonna have to be stepping up their games in like the first five 10 seconds of their videos to like create these like ridiculous over-the-top grabbers you know because that's what that's what we're headed towards you're gonna have to have an amazing five-second intro in all your videos or you get a fraction of the revenue that you've been making in the last ten years see if somebody swiped off of this video while you were saying that because yeah because it was actually interesting oh no it's not real not like me me enough you know and they're not the weren't enough memes in that 30 sec real the three millisecond time span I will say that for some reason with this brought to my mind and this is kind of random but like when I was at CES I only saw a lioness once this year and I didn't actually get a chance to say hi cuz he was across the room doing it video sure it was a the Corsair booth and I just watched him for like a minute he was recording a video and he had this thing I don't even know what he had he's just holding this thing and he was so like animated like this movements around and everything was talking to the camera you're like I would just watch him as like I was like that's intentional I know that's intentional cuz we haven't always moved and acted that way like is that is that what's required now I need to flail my body around if you take if you take that video or maybe a recent video of Linus's and you put it next to like a video like a recent vlog of like Logan Paul's you'll notice that they move and articulate their bodies in a way that is not human or natural but yet it's kind of like watching a slow-motion car crash where for some reason yours you're gonna see him where this shit goes let's see we're the ship sails too cuz I like I've never seen anyone move like this before I feel like Linus is very good at like okay the whole thumbnail thing like he had adopted these new types of thumbnails that were unlike anything that was done in the tech space but had been existing for months if not years in other pockets of YouTube like on vlogging channels and you know commentary social commentary channels he's very good at picking up on these these tropes and the and these trends and applying it to what he does in the tech space and so it seems foreign to all of us because I feel like even though we're in the tech space it's kind of ironic that we're sort of a step behind as well when it comes to what the algorithm favors and I feel like Linus has always been sort of first and foremost on that forefront of seeing what audience members what viewers are attracted to so it it's really kind of interesting I know exactly what you're talking about this sort of over the top contort it looks like he's in Silent Hill one of those nurses like you know exactly but hey I mean I'm fascinated chat sorry about speaking there cow cows imitating - and you know what that leads to I'm China that's my my you know my New Year's resolution not that I've said anything about a New Year's resolution I want to pay attention to chat that's important to tell you things they let you know things they do all right very helpful let me god gamers Nexus involved in an insane scandal leaking coming out early you know breaking all kinds of NDA's with a Radeon seven benchmark oh boy obviously a huge gamble here traversing this being it's being reported over unready gamers Nexus exposed now here's here's what this actually is this is this is actually as a post from Steve this is this is the original post Radeon 7 leaked a Costa Rican youtuber with the help of gamers Nexus did a benchmark CES 2019 without AMD noticing in their own showroom obviously this video has been removed thread has also been locked and as responded to by Steve so came across this this is all happened within the past 24 hours or so so just to just clarify here there was a youtuber he was from Costa Rica keep posted a video from CES his name is Michael Quezada he's a spanish-language youtuber from Costa Rica he made a video very not serious very joking now I made sort of a joking video of from CES talking about killer robots and I was kind of nervous that some people might not realize that I was joking despite what I hoped was a very obvious joke how did you kids hide your wife so I put a big block text disclaimer at the beginning that this video should not be taken seriously just to be safe just to be on the safe side Michael apparently did not do that do that his video I know it's sad that I had to do that I took away from some of the humor I would have rather not but I also don't want to deal with anyone coming back of course especially some of the vendors I went to who like her robots do not kill people that's why like the ones I went up to where I actually asked what it takes to kill a man he's walked away he fuck you he went from I'm happy to be talking to you and discussing my products to I'm never speaking to you again in an instant you were no dead oh my gosh there must be some sort of a faux pas or something above it amongst the robotic robotics manufacturing community it's time he got that that day sorry again for the clipping I know one of these guys sorry I turned us down sorry for the people I'm peeking point being when you make a joke it's sometimes helpful even though it attracts from the joke to just be clear with some sort of disclaimer our friend Michael apparently didn't do that and to his in his defense he was talking about a bunch of stuff at the Andy booth like he said he saw the security guard and he waited for six hours at the AMD booth studying the security guard and his routine so he could later infiltrate and get access to the Radeon seven PC so he could run benchmarks on it which is clearly a joke when you understand that in context and I would understand that as a joke as well what this is is a language barrier type of thing where Michael English maybe not being his first language so so hold on okay Michael's video is not the video that started to blow up I looked at his video it had about it has 70,000 views or so so it's I think it's you know it's done okay sure but there was another video so somebody took Michaels video ripped it and uploaded it on their own I'm just like this guy in gamers Nexus with things with the AMD Radeon seven benchmarks and that's what got posted to to read it so that day I started picking up some steam I see people like oh my gosh did did gamers Nexus actually go in and sneak into the Andy booth and run these benchmarks this whole delete them out and post them in breach of NDA and all that kind of stuff the answer is no it was a it was someone else 32 video who Rio did Michael casados video right with a very different and misleading English headline right that other people started to pull up and I guess at some point he did make some fake charts or something in the video so now we're like looking at those and be like oh you're very handsome good I mean I'm glad you know at least spine all the way yeah so that's that's how it went but we wanted to let you guys know this because gamers Nexus obvious obviously friends of the show you know yeah they to our knowledge they would never engage in this sort of nefarious activity and Steve of course posts and Steve is active on reddit if Steven ever did anything like this he'd be the first to admit that he did it yeah he put he'd never hide anything ever anymore or 5 point he'd take credit to this he take full credit if he did anything like this he goes over the entire we were in the AMD suite to meet with the CPU and GPU teams I spoke with him in a side room on my video to team to b-roll we showed a news video in front of the AMD demo system anyway Steve is very clear about your actual activities in the Andes basically he did it so Steve so Steve has everything's true think it's actually Brady on seven occasions an engine a CIO asked the audience ask the audience so we're going to pull you guys on some very substantive topics here since we just talked about the Radeon seven let's start with that okay so I'm gonna post a strawpoll link and chat here can you guys can can click on that and you can you can vote on it but basically we're down seven you know we we know what we know so far from from what we saw at CES you guys know what we talked about on Kyle's half of the show where we talked about it most likely being a Radeon instinct derived GPU since it has 16 gigs of HBM - and sort of a configuration that doesn't make a lot of practical sense for a mainstream consumer graphics card also the now rumors that we have that there's only going to be something like 5,000 units produced very limited run we're not gonna see a Dan board partner versions of the cards so it seems like a specialty GPU right that said what do you guys think of it cuz specialty GPU were not it's providing a higher-end gaming graphics card from AMD to provide a little bit more competition from Nvidia when it comes to like the RT X 2070 and 2080 they're not trying to say it's gonna compete with the 2080 ti but it's competitively priced against the 2080 and that 16 gigs of HP m2 might be a compelling sort of value add to someone who wants to game and also do GPU compute stuff at the same time or it's not somebody post in chat on cutting back on Cal's half of the show like there are games where especially games that you can do add-ons with like high-res texture packs and stuff like exactly you actually can make use of that you're that much memory so some some more nichkhun scenarios that that might be useful for so that's true wanted to ask the audience yeah and see what you guys think of this now Kyle and I are gonna go sort of we should are we arguing percentage of like you know like like I say 55% say yes it's you know yes I did so choose a percentage okay before Carol and I make our choices though and to give you guys a little bit more time to the second quarter vote on this we will also move on and and quickly go over the second question which is a follow-up to CES hopefully guys we're able to watch a decent amount of our CES coverage before you got sick of it because CES coverage is being spammed by many many different tech tubers a lot of stuff but what was missing from CES that's that's our second question I have a few options here I should have put a a like not listed or something and I know none of the above but you guys you guys can both find which one they're closest to you got a few options gaming monitors I saw a bunch of gaming monitors I was looking at a bunch of us like a lot of these have really good stats I still saw some people afterwards saying like you know they didn't have one that really hit all the points like the the higher higher level HDR compatibility as well as the high refresh rate as well as the really high resolution like a 4k or some of one of the fancier ultra wide ones true we didn't see anything from Navi Intel was like oh we're still launching 10 nanometre this year I promise we're on track and quick there Jen risings robots that kind of thing yeah let's know what you think of that okay but Kyle let's uh let's go back to that first one okay and see what you think Raizel seven yes I'm gonna say give me a sec I'm gonna say most people are gonna say no it's just a stopgap until Navi best to pass on this one and I'm gonna speculate that it's around 55% 55% you say yes 55% yes say no I'm gonna say maybe well what am I saying 56% say yes okay is that you gotta do it quickly because now that I've said it it's on stream people are gonna start voting accordingly they're gonna they're gonna skew the results you gotta you gotta take quickly otherwise it's gonna be alright so I just I'm just gonna choose yes I'm gonna say yes there's a higher percentage than no okay you know isn't quite the same as you saying the exact percentage for no but but sure just wasn't we didn't predetermine this so it's true place by ear and see what the results are okay too early Wow too early way to ruin and then and then most people say no we got about a little over a third saying no yeah only about 11% say they're excited to buy one which honestly if I was a m.div I go that's fine we only made 5,000 yeah can't sell them to everyone it's all we need so 25 we got 25 votes from the awesome Margaery how quickly they go through this but I applaud those of you who are you know reserving judgment that's important if there is a get away for the review so there's a subtext of like a moral or a lesson to this whole thing it's a yes we should not make snap judgments especially about a graphics card that we really haven't seen any actual performance testing of other than the numbers that have Andy provided us with which well we can hope are accurate must be vetted in the long run but then again do you really want to die and have your life flash before your eyes without being rendered by a Radeon seven graphics card is that a reference to the ray tracing are you're tracing quote I'm just saying that I'm just saying maybe Paul you should just buy it well I'm gonna see if they send me one first they send me one for free then maybe I'll buy one all right final question that you guys can also vote on before we go over the second question this one is just a straight up straight blood who had the best CTS 2019 coverage now I feel bad because definitely seen it I probably could have included more hair I tried to go with people I saw or who were there with me or like when I did a CES search on YouTube the videos that came up and everything so I know there's some missing here yeah absolutely but but you got all the important I think I got I think I got oh yeah the most of the ones that I feel like you guys would probably see you got the one who some people carry about so feel free and I think Kyle for this one you know can we argue or no we're just gonna vote for what percentage you and I each individually okay Wow I'm gonna say no you can't not yet okay oh yeah sure nice we have to give people time okay we can't taint there you're right opinions you're right here the opinion of our team give him a sec give him a taint sec you're right guida BPS did have some excellent coverage he I think he worked harder than I did but all the smaller channels do I know well the big channels don't work they don't even anything I mean I still I still worked I just felt like Linus just shows up in flails as a habit I use after covering CES for as many years as I have I feel like that this year was the best example I've had of sort of you know scheduling things right and sort of having a flow from the meetings in different places and and setting meetings that are more contained in the same area so that you enough as much time traveling Tech yes City excuse me oh yeah I forgot to put tech yet city apologize yeah that's totally someone who I should have any other Brian I knew as I was going through there that I was like I think that all right so what was missing from CES though that's nice Dave question booth babes all the booth babes obviously there could be many more booth babes but I mean it's Vegas there's plenty of eye candy if you were to go and pay for it what do you think that was missing let's just we we use it one sure just just pick one just pick one I'm gonna say tech tubers dropping breaking stuff did not see any of that I saw all of everything else I feel like there was some stuff with us yeah I'm gonna say there Jen raisins just would have been nice just cuz oh you get your vote and I don't well I'm not gonna actually hit both their generations cows is breaking the drop and breaking stuff oh my god Wow oh good guess because there was a because there was all that all that all that height leading up to it the leaks quote-unquote supposedly cleaning up and they got blue balls or Jen rising pricing maybe a super blue I I had a I had some thoughts on that especially after discovering did you sorry I'm sorry sorry headphone user sorry had a moment of excitement body quieter um point being though especially after finding out that all of that information was bunk and not true I was like you know what I bet that was seated by not AMD I I bet that information came from a competitor sure because if there's one way to dampen enthusiasm about a product launching this at the bar high it would be to Lee promise stuff that's over promising that's being like well it's gonna have all this stuff and be really really inexpensive and then people eat that up and like oh so excited about it now and then it comes out and like maybe it has really good stats from what was before but what stats compared to what you were told exactly sleek like that's why I was like you know it's already been set so I mean I have no proof of that or exact English I've heard some some rumors here and there so I'm not going to much go too much further into that all I know is that if I was in a position where I wanted to dampen the enthusiasm for an AMD launched that's and and I didn't have anything else to combat it with with like you know what Intel's got this that's how you would drink that's probably the way to go because it sounds pretty Intel loominatee to me full well we'll see you never know we'll see and the worst things that have been done in the tech industry all right oh yeah final question who had the best CES 2019 Kevin I'm gonna say 5% for me five Kyle's getting 5% I think I deserve at least a five I'm gonna say a good fiber and so whoever is off by more has to pound the rest of their beer okay which I have two sips left do you have a lot more to lose than I do you say 11% a lot of percent for you for me it is your have the Street Fighter II to your game you're kidding to your fan base that's fair enough and you know I probably call all of the tech yes city you know votes probably went to me because he wasn't included there true so I got a very similar to him through his altar Oh - tech tips - today tips they did a very good coverage a huge team they do is it's it's very it's very thorough the tech link coverage as well Iman I only watched one or two of theirs but they had some nice compilations I mean as well as some stuff that you know wasn't the typical tech coverage about you know the case and vendors and the GPU vendors and everything true gamers Nexus with the solid 20% coming in strong there I don't know what address to that at 18 yeah you guys so very close we change her a content strategy to be fair our contest strategy was nowhere near you know what we were trying to do when I co-hosted fewer videos this year we went for less stress more fun seen it market which I do not regret it off yeah zero votes wait no Austin had no I'm sorry two votes they probably only produced a couple handful of videos that week I did see ApS like I saw Austin there and then when I was doing CES 2019 searches like our Marquez video popped up so yeah that's why I headed them there well okay no penalize my beer we're happy to be in the top five at least that's I wasn't expecting to get on the list at all the fact that I beat up Marquette is one of the top tech channels in the world I I feel very privileged yeah you should you should use that in your I'll gladly repeat when you're pitching like doing ad sales for this year I'd be no better is better than marques Brownlee alright number one guys that is gonna wrap it up for my half of awesome hardware hey so thank you all so much for watching and we'll be back again next week we're back to our regular schedule the week after next though we'll have to take another week of it why what I'm gonna be gone don't worry about it okay yeah but but we'll be back next week so don't worry about that shagging my Paul in the meantime we will be continuing the after party today so the link to the after party is in this video's description you know I should set it to public I don't think I said it to public you do that no but uh guys thanks for watching it comes up on any where it says somebody wants to do timestamps we'd love we very much love when you do that so thank you for that thanks for watching we'll be back soon goodbye in
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