
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

RTX Super GPU Launch, PCIE 6.0 Announced, 6 Exabytes of NAND Lost - Awesome Hardware #0192-A

sounds like it James Bond quote that would be a good one put on your clothes and I'll buy you an ice cream that's an actual it's an actual one it just sounds really creepy Sean Connery all right it sounds like he's with a child hi everyone and welcome to awesome Hardware live show we stream every Tuesday evening at 5:30 p.m. Pacific time talk about technology computers mostly gaming PC's the parts that go into them and and whether they're good or not since well we think about them very it's a very good show thank you for joining us if you're watching us live we stream to slash awesome hardware the entire show including like messy setup stuff at the beginning thanks twitch for helping us get the audio better than it wasn't when we originally started streaming with always do so I rented a little late as usual but thank you guys for being here quick word of warning we do occasionally use adult language on the show and we enjoy a beer or two or three so thank you thanks for joining us we're if you're joining us and shout out to wifey sauce forgetting the beers yeah we shut up to sell in chat are a good friend of moderator keeping things under control smog City Brewing Company coffee porter is what we are currently drinking it's just straight thick coffee Lavo really yeah it's amazing there's a lot of decent amount of coffee in there it's gonna keep me awake keep me awake job that makes we're good fine shut up anyway headphone users I'll put the mic closer to my station here we go groovy uh-oh yeah a quick plug for our stores if you guys want to help support the stuff we do is that um excuse me check out our stores pulsar Burnett is mine you can buy things they're shirts mugs pint glasses bottle openers and other stuff too like like thumb screw keycaps look at that get a thumb screw key cab oh thank you tur do you need one of those yes and adds on your escape keener where do you put it yeah it's something escape key that's a good board good option set up with everyone can find the can locate the escapee variously also a bit wait that tech slash store if you want to buy Kyle's merch it's also real nice it all comes from the same place don't be shy about ordering from both of our stores if you do place your orders at the same time they will ship together you get a little bit of a refund on your shipping cost and also if you buy the awesome hardware merch it doesn't matter which store you buy it from Thailand I both get your money either way and that's the goal yeah get get your money and you get a super awesome quality merchandise which you will cherish for I won't say forever because nothing lasts forever but for a good amount of time either they get longer perhaps then you might expect to cherish something like a shirt or a mother a pen glass alright let's go a long time too much on the on the stories ok the hell's going on news I don't know do some tech news where are we technology news that's what we're talking about it sounds super Paul of course it's very super very now I just want to point out that this in this drop this morning right here radio - apparently boom the the Nvidia drop for this week so we've known this week was going to be busy because AMD is launching not just CPUs but also GPUs that's on Sunday 7 7 but NVIDIA was like we're just gonna slip in lunch just buting's before that we're gonna call it the RT X super cards there's a 2060 and a 2070 super that reviews - one at 4:00 this morning and then there's also going to be a 2080 super which will be available I believe I'm July 23rd yeah so the short story of it if you haven't watched any of the reviews that went up is that they're faster it's like 2060 super is better than the 2060 big surprise 2070 super is better than a 2070 we assume the same will go for 2080 super that's the 2060 super is actually a decent bump up over the existing 2060 because you get eight gigs of GDD are six instead of six you'll also get more memory bandwidth so it's like 448 gigabytes per second instead of Bateman anyway I should look at my chart before a John's memory bus went from 190 to 286 yeah very nice went from 180 to do that so that's that's what's the I asked a video about that I was like is it the memory or what like what because they're aiming this current for 1440 gameplay and they said actually the the bus widths being wider is a bit more important than having eight gigs versus six of course there are some specific situations where you might need more than six but we're not calling that out quite yet yes an obvious seven seven so all that stuff watching seven seven anyway they aesthetically the card is is super shiny in the middle super shiny that's got a reflective thing there and they put the word super after certain after the name of the card on the backplate and everything yeah so when we check out the videos that went up on that if you want a little bit more details I have linked specifically in the description to gamers Nexus article as well as Hardware inboxed article gamers Nexus article is on the gamers Nexus website there's also a 27 minute video from Steve which I listened to on the way over here man he talks fast he's a fast talker sure does talk fast a sweet talker but doesn't list you that the specs and whatnot comparing the new cards to the old cards and I also derived a little bit more because it you know we all have limited time for testing and tests in different ways and stuff like that and I found some stuff from Steve's article for instance the graphics processing clusters they're listing 5 or 6 Steve goes into some details about his theories about how they're bending the GPUs but basically saying like for the 2070 super they're getting 28 like if you have a GPU diet it can't quite be a twenty eighty because some sm units are not quite up to par not fully functional and you have to turn them off then using those for 2070 super and so 2070 super closer to 2080 and a lot of tests and maybe people will be interested in that because the 2080 formerly was started at 700 bucks and I can get a 2070 super for 500 bucks the thing that I kind of most appreciate about this although it's slightly it's like it's a slight clarification is something that was already somewhat confusing which is the founders edition pricing you know unlike for the 2070 there was a $500 starting price but then the founders Edition was 600 bucks for the 2080 there was a $700 starting price within the founders edition was 800 formulas change for those yeah so that meant that you had like the sort of entry level like the budget option for for those cards but that was usually the most cut-down version of the cards and I think a lot of vendors felt more comfortable pricing their cards up 80 or 100 bucks kind of more in the founders edition range because the founders Edition existed there at that price being like look this is a legitimate price to sell that card for yeah bringing the founders Edition prices back down to the base level price that being 700 bucks when the 2080 super comes out and 500 bucks for the 20 70 super I think will help the overall prices of those cards and bring it down and maybe people will feel that they're not quite as overpriced as a lot of people felt they were in the past when they first launched yeah 2060 super is the one that does have a price increase because it's 400 bucks compared to the 2060 which will still be around for 350 dollars that memory improvement I think is well worth it so but yeah you do get the memory bump but now you do also have an hour a 20 a 60 class card a 60 song for $400 yeah eventually her back what was the what was the GTX 970 remember the popularity of the GTX no yeah I mean he was just 3.5 gigs like so for three twenty three three two three thirty and that was a 70 yeah series card so right just has been happening with Nvidia for many many years I've been sort of harping on this ever since they first lunch the Titan is a $1000 card in the bag no it's not a gaming card we look at it in all these gaming PC's it's not a gaming card and I feel like that was where they like NVIDIA does this really it's like a very smart game from a business perspective but it's where they kind of steadily inflates the costs mm-hmm they're the prices of their cards you know at different tiers and everything like that so you know you can look at it both ways sounds like in tow a little bit performance wise for 400 bucks I think it's gonna be a pretty competitive card and I'm sure it will pair up nicely against the knobby cards and that's really what Nvidia was after but this launch was just sort of reshuffling their stack so that so that Sunday when people do because if people can't if you did all your testing last week and you didn't know about the super cards oh yeah you're screwed like you can't just you know people next week aren't gonna be able yeah here's Navi and here is it compared to all the 2000 series cards but not the super ones right like that's not gonna count anymore and it kind of sucks done something a little but at the same time like Nvidia can do what they want yeah and if they've got the cards then they can launch them and make them available in in volume then ready and because the nonce among sea pebble isn't it's cutthroat and the non supervillain of these cards are being phased out correct yes so it's even more irrelevant look you won't even be able to buy those cards so like the benchmarks don't even matter that much more yeah so yeah and it's I feel like they're like this launch has been received to wait one like one of two ways where it's either like oh people are super excited because they're they're getting more performance for less money technically than what was seen it launched for the RT X cards and then the other people the other half the other school of thought is like well this is what NVIDIA should have launched these cards for in the first place and they're kind of dicking us around and shrouding this guising it as a deal when in reality you know they kind of were just they should have done this in the first place all along but I feel I feel like that's lazy so it's just capitalism like Nvidia so ahead of the game that their GPU game is so on point compared to AMD right now that they can afford to roll out really beefy products whatever prices they want and then they can easily just like slash prices as needed to to top the competition I mean I say top lightly because we haven't tested our X 5700 yet to see how that stacks up but it's nobody haven't Cal no we haven't and you obviously haven't either no I definitely haven't and even if I did it wouldn't tell you because a man of honor but wait see yes all all true true points a couple more details from the articles that I just wanted to pull out I thought this was some stuff that was a little bit more than just kind of the benchmark numbers that have been thrown around when it comes to performance difference by the way you're looking in about attended to ten to fifteen percent performance bump more like a ten percent bump for the twenty seventy and about more closer to 15 percent from the 2060 of course it's going to vary depending on the games that you're testing in resolution and all that stuff but that's why it's best to check out multiple reviews and see what people experienced when they did the testing I know notice from the gamers Nexus review did some frequency tuning a 30-minute 3dmark burnin to test frequency over time and especially sustained frequency noted that the RT x 2070 super had a nearly perfectly flat line in their charts for frequency which means there's minimal frequency fluctuation which is a good thing i was running about 1890 1890 megahertz out of the box which is a pretty much the same frequency I saw so so good cards performing the same also the r-tx 2080 super which had limited information Nvidia did send out a spec sheet for it just like it they or two before launch so that information is available as far as full specs of the r-tx way a super 100 bucks is gonna be price July 23rd is apparently going to be the launch it's gonna have fifteen point five gigabits per second GD d are six memory Nvidia says it will be faster than the Titan XP which is it should be good also since I mentioned it but I haven't shown it yet hardware unbox did one of their typically Steve Steve did when it was typically very in-depth many many games tested reviews of the 20 60 and 20 70 also as the charts there with all their specs and I like his I really like it Steve's charts they're really good I like how he highlights so you can sort of see this this is like a microcosm that plays out in the stack you got the 2080 TI and the 2080 and then you got the 2070 below that 1080 TI is also going to be playing around in that same range this is battlefield 5 1440 DirectX 11 by the way below 2070 super yes in 2070 below that 2060 super below that as the 2060 which is right about around the same range of C 1080 and then you also have the Vega 56 and mega64 showing up here and there in there but honestly they get 56 and Vega at 64 I feel like are not as I mean they're still there they're still you can still get them and everything but I feel like nabis gonna really make Vega 56 and 64 even less relevance than they already are but that's coming on Sunday as far as the comparisons their power consumption our TX 2060 super is very efficient only 5% more power than the standard 2060 and just 2% or four watts more than the Radeon rx 590 so that's cool given that it destroys the rx 590 when it comes to performance 2070 super it uses 11% more power than the 2060 super so that is more it's understandable given that it's got a different GPU die and everything but it does use 20% less power than the Radeon set anyway articles into the description where you come back from talk a little bit more a little bit more about this later in the show but we'll come back to that moving on though PCI Express 6.0 6.06 6.0 why it's article is actually a couple weeks old but I wanted to bring this up because we like to talk about stuff coming in the future an antique article and and there it is we're just now getting 4.0 why don't you 6.0 is because because Kyle PCI the the pci-sig that's PCI a special interest group they Sigma they're embarrassed they they were embarrassed you know right wait what happened right way they were embarrassed by the amount of time that it took them to get to PCI Express 4.0 because we've got a 3.0 forever yeah like try to make up for lost time there's been times in the past when the these specific these core specs for that are used but then the computer get upgraded and I feel like at certain times you'll see rapid increase like like SATA remember when SATA first came out yet SATA revision 11.5 gigabit then revision 2 and then revision 3 I feel like 1 2 3 came within a relatively short timeframe yeah and then suddenly the SATA grab three six gigabit per second was just like the top the peak for a while like a while I could get a SATA SSD and it took a while to get anyway point being PCI Express a special interest group actually committed after Gen 4 when they were an initial but when they initially announced Gen 4 they said we are also going to be accelerating our development schedule so that they will be launching more revisions of PCI Express more quickly so that's why we've already talked about the PCI Express 5.0 that was just a few weeks back that they announced the some of the details for that doubling the bandwidth yet again from 4.0 to 5.0 and 6.0 will double the bandwidth yet again just cheese just kind of crazy don't we don't need it yes up to a so a by 16 slot will hit a hundred and twenty eight gigabytes per second holy Sh holy Toledo it's a lot of bandwidth what do you even do it without eight gigabytes per second anything faster SSDs they're expecting to finalize this standard in 2021 they're continuing to do this because they say hardware vendors continually demand more speed you can see this this is the this is their chart showing you how much better they're getting so if you look at the older generations of PCI Express and doubling the bandwidth every three years mmm-hmm there they're increasing that so by 2021 they'll be up here to 256 by 16 for Jen's 628 by 16 for Jenna 5 and we're currently right here that's plugged in 20 years this feels like it's 2018 that this should be later because it's 2019 anyway does this necessarily mean that next-gen motherboards will have PCI agent 5 on them know like finalizing the spec and then having hardware based on it there's there's generally a decent amount of gap okay so they just did that for 5.0 and we're probably still a year two out from having 5.0 based we might see some stuff in 2020 right it's hard to say I could see Intel trying to jump on 5.0 to be like look you know you need one of the graphic rising 3,000 serious things of a sport point out we have 5.0 port before any 5.0 devices are available yes another reason for them to update the standard is that other major interconnect standards are built off of PCI Express such as CCI X and Intel CX l Gen 6 will remain backwards compatible with all the other generations so that's kind of nice you can still drop a Gen 1 device into a Gen 6 slot once it comes out but and the article goes into much more detail on this so I encourage you to read it if you were interested they're actually going to be doing a pretty amount of drastic change under the hood for how they actually handle the signaling because the something they've been doing going from gen 3 to Gen 4 is they have to have really specific short trace lengths so that they can tighten the signal requirements in order to go from what they are now to Gen 5 and then Gen 6 they're gonna switch from nrz or non-return-to-zero technology that's been used since PCI Express was introduced and they're going to pulse amplitude modulation four or pam-4 as you kind of see here the comparison nrz basically it can carry a it's got two States it can carry a 0 or 1 pulse amplitude modulation allows it to carry up to four states so that's cool it doubles the number of electrical States a single transmission can hold so rather than that zero-one high-low signaling uses the four signal levels and so that can encode four possible to bit patterns and that will be how they they wedge more data into the same slot and the same configuration because you know I guess they're not anticipating any drastic change from typical motherboard layouts with px and spacing between the CPU and all that nice cool but so good to know that's in the works imagine just imagine the s is that like crazy SSD that you get that would go 128 gigabytes a second that's probably maybe next year's see that's that's that's the maximum theoretical bandwidth so it would probably go more like from 100 gigabytes a second not much that there's a measly little bit 100 gigs account for some overhead everything 16 K yeah 16 K anything 32k alright another bit of news here this is kind of sad news I'm hoping that this isn't significantly impactful now they're an antique article here but Toshiba and WD had a power outage that's their shared NAND facility now I'm not alright well let's let's talk about the suck about what happened first and Toshiba and WD have they just disclosed on Friday then back on June 15 so we're talking three weeks or so ago there was a power outage of these shared facilities production at facilities has been partially halted as of like now they're expecting to resume operations by mid July it was a 13 minute power outage so just 13 minutes and an impactor impacted wafers that were processed and impacted the facilities and an impact impacted their production equipment the incident will reduce their NAND flash wafer supply in q3 by approximately six exabytes of data which is believed to be about half of the company's quarterly supply of NAND so a 13 minute power outage and half of their supply for a quarter just gone what 13 13 minutes and this is a significant the facility for Nant production the where is it and it's in the Yochai you'll watch I yo-yo Chi Ichi probably oka Ichi why aren't I using a UPS yeah that's not gonna be Mike that like the yoga eat your province in Japan know this by now is where this is located the yoga Ichi Operations campus which is jointly run by Toshiba and WD produces 35 percent of global man output in terms of revenue yeah five production facilities there and as well as an R&D center doesn't mean storage prices are going to skyrocket this is what we're kind of concerned about we're not really sure the article speculates that maybe but hopefully not but you know this could also be one of those things where I go no we have to raise the prices of our products oh darn aw shucks too bad that's the only way we can skirt around this yeah sorry our hands are tied fifteen twenty percent it's an aerial are you out of the facility there but yeah I mean like like you mentioned Kyle you think they have a UPS or something like backup generators right sort of a fail-safe triple redundant thing to make sure you think we're done didn't see we doing and just go out look at a no-brainer 4wd and and Toshiba yeah look how is the house is possible should have rate end rate end that freaking power setup like like a boss but that's how it works there's how this so taking half half of their name product production for which is six exabytes that's from Toshiba by the way that doesn't include WD so when you include WD they say it could be as high as nine exabytes total data loss as far as what would have been produced otherwise combine that together is consider that it accounts for 35% of global nan production and we're looking at 1/6 or 16.5 percent of global nan supply in q3 not being there so like the article said like we've seen in the past with commodities in the PC industry this has the potential to be used as a reason and could be completely legitimate or it could just be used as a reason to inflate prices I try not speculate too much tinfoil hat inconsiderate there here we come but let's just say if you see a good price on an SSD right now maybe you should pull that trigger maybe you should buy it rather than waiting for for Black Friday yeah again don't take my advice for anything like that but you know I wonder if someone just like tripped on a power cord yeah it's like oops just like in the cafeteria like what their food tray yeah well or it could just be all conspiracy I think it's a conspiracy I think so alright one more news story here that is from oh oh oh wow oh my god oh my god well oh geez all right well thank you honey this look at this way to beasts I feel like I'm a Greek scholar here too artichoke that is a seared frigging artichoke this is only behind super this is like on a pewter slab or something like yeah well this I'm even know we had this we want plates okay give me a plate yes every to do them oh wow I love that thank you for the oh my god okay she scooped out the the horny part the spiky part horny what horny is trouble with spiky was the word as hmm I mean it makes me morning what kind of chokes urine to but that's funny I know like we were talking about her jokes a day or two ago and yeah that I was like we should make artichokes your - you were just casually talking about artichokes like that was a yeah topic this you're watching them not a food stuff cuz cuz Diana's been watching a lot of YouTube because she sitting with the baby a lot yeah get her started yummy way food videos I'm getting distracted listen back to this sorry I gotta try this I know I want to finish talking so I can eat that alright so if you guys remember so renamed they're announcements about Navi and stuff and they should showed some demos on stage one of the things they showed was a PCIe 4.0 bandwidth test that was rather than five 3dmark that actually is not available to people at the time that they showed the tests but it is available now so 3dmark is now released this test it is called the 3dmark pci express feature test this is what it looks like although honestly you guys are probably seeing something that's very pixelated and stuff that's kind of interesting and fancy we this is testing the bandwidth available to your GPU over your computer's PCI Express interface which means that if you use it in a way that AMD used it which is to compare a PCI Express gen3 card to a PCI Express Gen 4 card like their Navi cards are that you will be like wow yes there's much better there's a lot of bandwidth things that doesn't necessarily immediately mean that cards are gonna perform in that same range which is why a lot of people criticize them for including that test right they weren't necessarily false in any of the things they said about it but you can you could possibly point to it being perhaps displayed in it in a somewhat disingenuous way yes especially for people who didn't quite understand what it was doing it's very extreme scenario this test aims to make bed with the limiting factor in the test by uploading a large amount of vertex and texture data to the GPU for each frame the results of the test is the average bandwidth achieved currently available in 3dmark Advanced Edition and 3 mark professional excuse me professional Edition and there's a sale going along with it until July 9th 3dmark advanced edition is 85 percent off 4 dollars and 49 cents from Steam or you can go directly to the UL benchmarks website do you have advanced edition yeah at least I don't know about you you got a upgrade if you wanna do like x by extreme and stuff like that hey I'm gonna pay up you shit yeah that is a good deal if she applied you that might be good for your Navi testing you can do this PCI Express well no no bandwidth and that's good yeah compare it to a 20 atti and be like look how much better that's a 57 X didn't real-world performance compared to this 2080 yeah all right yay for news we're gonna do a quick sword fight segment now we're gonna switch to Kyle's half which is basically gonna be us playing games yeah looking forward to it sword fight though sorry fight have been a little while Kyle and I are going to take up opposing sides but betwixt and arguments and the sword fight today is going to be surrounding the NVIDIA super GPU launch we since the questions are quite similar to each other are going to look at both of the questions first and then we will debate and then we will debate about them right sure pretty straight I'm a master debater yes yes I'm not only I'm wicked these in chat right now believe cells also sell yes is also there thank you very much stuff for you Lincoln those chairs first question so the launch in general we've now we've had our day 1 reviews I'm sure you've watched all the videos and read all the reviews cap yes what's the assessments of this launch 2060 super and 2070 super is a good lunch is it a bad lunch we're going to decide that so those are the two options right there we're not gonna argue quite yet okay like I said trying to move to this yep with some efficiency so your question to the second question which also Lincoln Chad right now wait hold on you know Travis man so good I know just got a talking stuff hmm oops oh so the super GPU name mm-hmm RTX 2060 super and 2070 slipper and the aesthetic choices combo question mm-hmm you could are bad on those because I believe you can have differing opinions on both of these questions yeah because as we've already kind of shown you that's why a 60 super right here by the wedding speaking of those super cards this stream is being powered by the 2070 super and I've sure cattle installed it in the system down here that we're streaming from that I did stuff words been fine I know right great it's funny that not go kart the car that was just in there before that we've been using for a long time was the Radeon seven know any people get gamers mech sisters Steve's video is that something about like the super cards like killing Radeon seven it's just kind of funny that yeah that I just had just so happened to swap that card out for a first you cuz life imitates art it does that's that's what I always say so my assessment of that anyway that's only sixty super if you guys haven't seen the close ups that you might be seeing the reflection right now they this design is extremely similar to the 2060 in 2070 but they this middle part here is now a reflective glass or polished chrome it's it's like a mirror finish basically a mirror and they laced yeah it's exactly that's super reflective then they took the word super and put it after the 2060 in green and in green with a bit of a bevel or an embossed or daenam edenia I have figured what that's called stamp looking the stampton yes it's it's recessed there yeah those are the aesthetics and then the name I thought it was interesting that in the past they've had like it they've had a twenty eighty and then the 28t I mmm-hmm they've done that before they had the twenty seven here that the ten seventy that was up for a while and then they got bored no we need to launch new graphics card we don't need to there's no competition it's just do 2010 72 yeah ten seventy TI better version of the 1070 so right you could you know you could say that that was that they they serve similar functions when it comes to the naming scheme anyway locale do you launch good or bad what do you think I'm gonna play what I think would be devil's advocate here and say that it's good better GPU same price and and actually I do think there's some weight to this because what we're I while I very much see another person's point that would say this this really screws over the people who originally bought you know in RTX 2070 2080 and now they're just kind of doing this like switcher at the same time you would have had to wait over like about a year you know one of these cards was initially launched like last year right so Union architects the r-tx cards you less than a year but still several several months in order to get this deal so so at Gamescom I went to get games come yeah that's right so technically if it's an early adopters type of privilege if you want something if you want to do technology sooner than everyone else you tend to pay a premium for it and this this is a well known trait of the industry and most people can you know accept this this fact so yeah well I think that there's some argument for for the other side says the student been the landscape initially I also see you know the value and paying a little bit more for something immediately for something now instead of waiting later for it to go on sale even if it's branded under a different name okay you're wrong okay first off Nvidia they're much dicks because obviously like there's no no changes to the manufacturing process of the architecture here with these new versions of the cards so clearly the original deep use that they launched from the r-tx series last year they GIMP them intentionally you know they made them crappier than they shouldn't be it should have been and anyone who's bought any of those cards in the interim unless you bought a 28 yet that's fine those are the smart people the ones who went and spent over $1,000 no graphics great then obviously it's kicking the balls it's a slap in the ass it's pulling the hair and generally it was getting kind of kinky but what men they should get around their customers just no nice to them so what we should have had was these cars it's launched a year ago a little less than a year ago and then they have no need to launch them again right now and call them super this is a stupid name that I'm getting I'm moving under the next question so that's my point I definitely don't agree with anything you said I'll stand by stand by my argument let's see people say wow people say as people very blurred wow that is like literally within technically I wouldn't buy two votes three votes of each other 40 40 but yeah that's really polarizing huh holy moly that's interesting so and twenty percent of people are willing to go broke for the 28th eti super super duper well that's gonna be $5,000 car I mean 80s super duper is gonna be just it's gonna be a horn Hornswoggle II it's gonna be a real real a real it's gonna be an amazing product I say it will be good hi session a man decided choices you have first on the first one so I'm gonna um yeah pardon me guys I'm gonna try to finish that's great before I talk too much because people in chat were getting offended talking with my mouth full all right he's on your low I'm gonna say about the name in the aesthetic choices okay they're both stupid yep no no girl it's confusing if you've watched any of the reviews on this the number of times the reviewers have to say the word super over and over again because the name is so similar to the 2017 it you can't just say RPX 2017 mr used to be some you know the names of graphics cards are absurdly long as it is the full name of this graphics card is the nvidia geforce r-tx 2060 super bitch is that's like six words yeah just wait we just way too many words NVIDIA GeForce RT 2060 super that's five words but one of those numbers which counts more so the it's it's just it's just confusing for people and it also feels really like tacked on like another another thing that Steve mentioned in his article was he tried to talk to Nvidia and ask their where'd that Aenon came from and nobody could nobody to tell him nobody which I think that means it was Jenson's idea yeah right I think that yeah that's what it means sure which means I'm cause like if he ever sees this video he's bragging it mad and that I'm gonna be cut off from a video now Oh No so never mind I love the name it's great he said it he were just at my house but he fun speak on his behalf his words were his own sorry Jennsen that's true RTX is technically three words because it stands hard t x-ray trace tracing extreme extreme say that just works okay I'm gonna say that super is good you know okay so here's a thing the name super isn't great the way the card looks the shininess and the logo isn't great but at the end of the day they don't have to be they don't have to be great the name can suck the little logo can suck at the end of the day you're getting a product that performs a certain amount for a certain cost a certain price and if those two variables work for you everything else should be irrelevant okay we're getting too wrapped up in the cosmetics of things this is why manufacturers keep cramming RGB into every single product possible because everyone just focuses so much on the aesthetics of a product without giving any attention to actually how it performs or what a good value it might be or might not be so I feel like at the other day you know everyone has their preference everyone's got an opinion about this sort of thing but if you just look at the actual hardware the technology and and the pricing pricing points for each of these cards I feel like that's a very secondary petty thing to really focus on so I'm gonna say that and I think it does make sense something that is super if you have X and you have X super very obvious there's nothing confusing about the fact that this cards a little better are you okay clearly as looking at my fingers and has about to tell you that there might be some greasy fingerprints about 20 60 super wifey phase in this garlic she put garlic in it that is like cheating you know that's double-double cheating it's amazing okay alright that was my argument probably know Lee's hey so doesn't maybe mess up in my PC segment yeah that's super true great good point there we're good we're both liars never listen to me alright results bad bad Wow even even good didn't even beat the on the French people who didn't even want to make a decision holy crap which I could have steam coming you know I think the the worst part about it for me is that the reflectivities is a fingerprint magnet that reflects a piece in the middle yeah and as a reviewer it's terrible for b-roll like I was trying to get like a shot of it I was like oh my god every time any angle your ad there's something in the back of a the your in the angle or it's reflecting like the crap that's let's yeah and you're set the right horrible versus the set which which is you've cleaned 10 minutes and it would have been a little bit better had it been a bit more like diffused reflection like a bit smoky or foggy so it's not like that pure it's like a mirror they literally stat staple the mirror onto the card which i think is just it seems like an afterthought and honestly the the word super seems like an afterthought so which makes sense because they just sort of rushed this in response to AMD it's not like they've been thinking about this and really plotting it out and giving good on his thought to it for a long time all right well I hope this information and discussion has been super helpful for you guys we're super stoked that you joined us today for my half of Awesome hardware we're going to end this half on youtube if you're watching on twitch stick around we still get more coming at you mm-hmm and if you're watching on YouTube check them excuse me the video description you can find a link to callus 1/2 which will begin streaming on momentarily if you like to hit the thumbs up button we always appreciate that too we'll be right back good bye good bye
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