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RX 590 Gameplay Testing at 1080p & 1440p!

what's up guys how's it going welcome back to Pauls hardware today's video is going to be a little discussion and some gameplay with this new graphics card from AMD this is the AMD Radeon rx 590 it actually launched yesterday and I'm a little late to get a video up on this but I am going to just plug this in and test some games today gonna try a gaming at 14:40 as well as 1080 before that of course will take it out of the box and give you a closer look but more to the point since I'm a little late on this I've had the luxury of watching several other reviews and reading several other rid reviews on this particular product and I can give you a bit of a summary right now the RX 590 is sort of like an overclocked rx 580 and an RX 580 is sort of like an overclocked R X 480 we're still using the same base GPU architecture that AMD originally came out when they first launched Polaris based GPUs and it's been updated and refined a little bit and we also have a 12 nanometer manufacturing process now rather than the old 14 nanometer manufacturing process which means they can run it a bit higher frequency and they've also upped the TDP so they jumped from 185 watt typical board power to 225 watts with the RX 590 we also have higher frequencies out of the box so just by comparison the RX 4 80s originally had about around 1100 to 1200 megahertz clock speed ranges the 5 80s would be more in the 1300 to 1400 megahertz range and now we have these cards which are getting into the 1500s and even low 1600 megahertz ranges which is nice higher clock speed should improve overall performance but higher clock speeds also potentially means more power draws so hence the increased typical board power for the 590 versus the 580 so if the upshot is that we now have a new mid-range graphics card in the RX 590 to compete with the likes of the rx 580 or maybe in videos gtx 1066 gig then why is the response to this launch bin sort of mediocre well i think that was down to the price which is $279 recommended MSRP from AMD which just seems a little bit on the high side even if it were dropped down to maybe $250 you'd be getting a little bit more bang for your buck down in this price range a difference of 20 or 30 bucks actually makes a decent difference so it's to say that if you already have an RX 588 gig it's not gonna be worth its upgrade to this card also if you're already rocking an nvidia gtx 1066 gig probably not going to make that much difference either if there is something that might impact your decision it would be one if you're just looking for a graphics card in a two hundred three hundred dollar range in that case it's definitely a contender and then also you might take a look at the game bundle that AMD has paired with this actually if you buy an RX 590 or a vega 56 or 64 you will get this blockbuster launch bundle which includes Resident Evil 2 the division 2 and Devil May Cry 5 all of which are triple-a titles all of which sell for 60 bucks each if you're interested in those games that's a very valuable add-on package there that's good through February 9th 2019 so it's not like it's going to go away in the next couple weeks and that's something that I hadn't heard mentioned a lot when it comes to the initial reviews of this card so something to consider - if you're potentially interested also if you're potentially interested you might be interested in some gameplay so that's what we're gonna do next let's get that testbed system set up all right guys we're actually starting to do some gameplay now we're starting with shadow of the Tomb Raider the newest in the Tomb Raider series and just so you guys know I'm using the fastest computer ever which has a 9900 K so that's our CPU that we're working with and that's just running it stuck so about 5 gigahertz max on a single core right now we're at 2560 by 1440 but I'm also going to test at 1080 in just a minute we're in DirectX 12 mode and then we also have the settings just set to high basic is off so the top left corner you should be able to see frames per second in green you can also see the GPU memory usage as a percentage as well as overall total current fan speed and then we've got the CPU performance metrics the 9900 K as well as the GPU performance metrics with the RX 590 guess I just gotta hold II and I'll jump to my death nice no she's very strong to Terrell hole through the rock eggs yeah she's buff pausing all right guys we're trying to move pretty quickly from game to game here and just give you a little taste of each one an idea of the performance so right now we're not quite hitting 60 frames per second which is kind of where I want to be we are seeing some tarrying we're getting right around the 50 FPS range so I'm just gonna switch over to 1080 and we'll see how we do there I'm 90 hi I'm Laura you get XP points what do you like I'll show your character we've never played this I just use this roulette the benchmark thing yeah alright when we play the beginning part we're at benchmark I know everything Oh motion sensor yeah it's like parkour run to the jungle is they supposed to go this way I don't know I think you gotta shoot guys alright guys I think we should move on but just to sort of sum up we're getting around eighty to eighty-five frames per second maybe dipping below that a little bit depending on the environments and if there's a lot of foliage and stuff going on but definitely very playable at 1080 maybe a little bit tougher at 2560 by 1440 so you might want to turn down the game settings but let's move on alright guys moving on to some tough G little player unknowns battlegrounds I haven't doubled in this in a little while but to start off we are at 2560 by 1440 once again and we are at high settings yes all just the standard overall quality high settings across the board let's get started jump into a game and see what kind of performance we get you have a mic they can present chat I do not have a mic there's no mic connected to this computer on Emily the mics we're using interconnected to different oh yeah up there it's confusing when you get multiple computers being captured and like displayed over here even though it's not being run on that content I'm actually surprises pass 60 frames per second to be honest I think is Edition yeah now you're down to 60 frames so there you go yeah yeah it can fluctuate pretty significant sodium familiar with no frame reason to these buildings 270 we hit up we did lose a little clock speed there dropped from 1580 at 1525 I did it again are you know how to chat miss LOM had a tea now I can sit backwards he left them oh no you gotta buggy I said we got two buggies our team is actually pretty well set up right now no oh yes do the backpack reload forget to be one of those Dan came in we can't pick up a weapon I kind of like that as a future I mean I think it would make sense if some weapons drop that weapon you pick it up again the yeah it makes sense if some weapons are loaded in some work yeah and the guy was right he's like uh what were you guys playing I guess he is play this game for a while let me look up out of Chatham you got a helmet we would a police vest awesome team yeah control team you its jack I remember that yeah I'm gonna switch resolutions okay guys I'm gonna take a brief moment here my team is doing quite well we're getting mid-70s FPS dips sometimes but that's been fairly consistent which isn't too bad at all but I'm gonna jump over to 1920 by 1080 and we'll see if we get any more frames doing that when I just see a got did a simple process this chat I mean you could just look for like key bindings backpack yeah this is my answer it gave us a rush based game so texting drink and place equals judge so either use a Michael don't play the okay doesn't your answer there's just no sex chance I'll taste yet it Oh huh well there you go okay all right I want it kind of find on my answer you're way over there yeah it's tricking the player are we gonna die soon gained up Death Zone but we're done come the Chiefs go yeah I guess night oh supply job yeah what could go wrong there way up to there keep an eye up off someone's gonna try snappy huh keep calling me too it's a Molotov yeah I gotta quit the pan so you can serious fuck I'm on fire people are they help fairly try to shoot them okay stay frosty in a test pool are you get on a first-person view I kill someone No Oh dad how do I pick them up use No and I suck at this I'm sorry get out how do I pick up get up again fuck oh wow there you go f oh there we go sorry sorry okay like I said thought I'd know how to do this sorry as I say why your vise is dead you go there oh no default you got a shot I feel bad it's okay fuck I thought it's cuz when I first went up to my son I gonna press f it didn't light up I didn't seem like it I'm sorry I died after being no help to my team at all so let's move on next game on the list guys is called duty black ops for cops for so I'm gonna play the battle royale again because that appears to be fun sometimes I'm gonna start out at 2560 by 1440 once again and I'll switch to 1080 in just two minutes and as for details and textures we're very high and then high for most of the other stuff so there's a quick look at those same goes for shadow qualities let's get started and deploy how are they so far away there's a dude in a helicopter one of my one of my teammates is in a helicopter my whole team is in a helicopter I'm running with bandages they can't are they coming to get me Kenzie just chopped off with nukes of it and they're pretty far well they totally ditched her ass when I leave something bad when you're running through fields you guys speak to see in frames per second anything is I better pick me up because if not I'm running away from the collapsing field thing Oh can't go in the car ah well we're dying now coming that's cool I'm a helicopter made up to the chopper guys Oh frame rate it was pretty solid well over the 70 up in the 70s I will say with the chopper and lots of movement going on right now we're getting we're dropping down a bit but when we're on the ground it's a little bit higher than now are we is he flying yes yeah okay picks your bone I'm just flying along the edge of the zone oh there you go you can see let's go you can see like the bullets not again yeah keep our first person resume it yeah I might hope well I have ammo this time around well I guess that is the downside hey yeah I don't feel bad being blown on by a rocket at least it's actually pretty cool I guess we're expecting extra bone right now to get a little bit more gameplay footage and maybe see someone play who's better at this game than I am we'd have a nice jump in frame rate going from 2560 by 1440 to 1920 by 1080 so it is a way that you can get more frames or if you're playing unlike in 1920 by 1080 freesync monitor this is probably a good example of kind of what you might expect but I think that's probably about all the time we have for this game and we should probably move on jumping into overwatch next we got the new update with Ashe the newest DPS hero available real quickly again gonna start but at 2560 by 1440 and then I'll let you guys know when I switch to 1080 other than that we're using the ultra presets and I have turned off the frame rate cap so let's jump into a game and say yeah we do so you could defend that statute we have to keep them from getting up there further this is just a choke point there's no friendly fire right no I have bubbles though I can vocal people so when they die in front of me seems like that a purple bubble huh let's to see the counter in the middle of the screen yeah 94 93 that's my charge whenever I put a bubble on me or somebody else if it absorbs damage it increases my church oh I shouldn't so keeping my charge maxed is very helpful for my offensive abilities because it greatly increases my damage output can you see you inducing that say get a fast pace King it can be yeah but frame rate of a giddy I'm not even paying attention to any of this 189 80 frames per second that's that's quick again it's it's solid no I wanted that's good timing in a bubble that that dragon you just shot out should it totally killed me this is where they're actually trying to go right now yeah yeah this is the capture point they're trying to get to so they need to get there and stand there until it turns over and becomes there's ice and then after that it turns into an escort right now we're actually pretty well here okay dragon thank you wait up oh yes yeah yep be careful chill do you master but if I come master we went and on Blizzard world we're solidly getting in the 80 frames per second range at 2560 by 1440 with our RX 590 pretty solid let's strain it around and I'm gonna switch to 1080 oh we can do 120 see what the old gato thinks of that yo gato has no problem with that Thank You El Gato brigita so what's that was a mission on this we got to get up there and there's a oh that's a great great idea Alpha Al Pacino okay keen oh that's such a cool name for a character no I kick your ass ball yeah I mean just cuz I'm a healer doesn't mean I can't beat it you shooting me you shooting me no nobody shoot get a people huh I can heal - hey gotta go what come on fired it's why I like her cuz she has a shield - so she's she's a little tanky for a battle plan for a support character yeah she has no movement abilities it's one or the other yeah Wow there's a turret oh look your turret can't hit here difficut I'll just stand here and capture Hey oh I almost killed her Oh just update frame rate we're getting a close to hundred frames per second maybe just a little bit under na this is nineties way if it's any to use yeah oh yeah shielded Bob we won look like what a great way to end my overwatch gameplay we got one more game left to play that's fortnight love it or hate it we're gonna try it all right guys our last game is fortnight for better for worse and just to take a look at settings 2560 by 1440 once again to start maxed out the 3d resolution so we're rendering it the same resolution that we're displaying at unlimited framerate I've gotten with the high default vsync is off and that's pretty much all so let's get er let's get started oh yeah teams yeah wait how do you think the bus driver Paul is not faking the bus driver guys does she do that in the comments to meets he goes one was your name on this skip Oh Paul Pollack yeah it's pretty straightforward Paul did not think the bus driver can I believe he's just I'm sorry I don't know how to think the bus driver can't like how I don't know pick up a dude in table G it's the shiny bits over here Plus halo there's the chess with the pop oh Jesus died that's what happens for we don't think the bus ridership so it is shoot him kill them kill them Roger Roger crawl into the water to hide no I died all right oh I suck it for tonight hey what difference between like this and watch game it's it's kind of the the story of like did you land on top of a weapon no did you encounter someone else who did yes on the plus side though I can watch this person and their buggy which apparently has a rocket engine on the back Wow Wow kids how far this game has come all right guys I've jumped over to 1920 by 1080 also in full-screen mode now please bear in mind the game before this was window full screen which might have a small impact on the framerate but it shouldn't be too significant in either case I think I'm gonna get much better fps and maybe I won't die as quickly and 1920 by 1080 but I was out it's getting angry huh yeah fan speeds at 77% Wow it's also ambient temperature in here has gotten warmer we've been dumping a lot of heat in the garage think about this mike is right next to like the computer you think it's gonna pick up noise maybe huh possibly all right uh well shit that's right though Joe you know how to get rid of that someone oh wow there's me though guess your net all right we're back in the bus there you go I thank the bus driver as everyone share that that is everyone just always gravitate towards the Luxor lights what do you think like a pin like the area were they gonna go when that's what you see oh yeah oh that's my teammates to my teammates put those down like how their teams can't see that makes some sense well that's good thinking fuck I got a gun yeah no excuse to take away what hassles Wow your team got slaughtered no it's like feel like we dropped down into a busy area over here this many of my team alive oh yes yes no he put up a wall how how smart he built a whole wall around me so he could revive me Thank You red blue red el 63 whitey get up son okay okay have a really nice sniper rifle there you go right there shit Ambo it's quite a reload time today so that's a pretty impractical weapon I had I feel like oh look at that told you it was their use yeah here here yeah here you can use it it's coming yeah and it's not aware of that at all and should I try to play again there is that let me try a game Jill's gonna try thanks guys I like that idea it makes things happen it's been saying a lot guys gonna watch this evade his game so that's good yeah sure I think I remember once what as long as I kill a guy I probably feel proud of myself yeah that sniper rifle was really nice but not in that situation kind of follow these guys here can't lava can't live there I'm following you far far far far far do doopy doopy doopy tip tomorrow as you start destroying things it'll pop up little dots on it no nice again no you know it's funny what's funny popular well the headset does have a mic how do you what you can adjust your weapons right if we guy you do that to do to do what you can adjust your weapons tab probably a more Iife rate venturi Wow this computers really hot huh yeah even you're warm this is something you're sitting right where the exhaust is fine yeah still this you know I feel the heat nup job nice is no longer shit am i seared knocked out but oh I throw a grenade at him so you did a better job to meet you and I guess that about wraps it up for for tonight as well just to recap we're getting in the low hundreds hundreds frames per seconds at 1080 1080 and then easily up above 70 at 2560 by 1440 not too bad so there you have it guys some gameplay footage with this new graphics card from AMD the Radeon rx 590 I personally am glad this card exists because I'd rather it be there than not but I also totally agree that it does seem a little bit overpriced at 280 bucks I think if just a bit of a price reduction not around the $250 range and I think AMD would really have a winner with this one and you have maybe a little bit more interest especially when you consider that if you wanted to pair this with the free sync monitor especially a 2560 by 1440 monitor like as demonstrating some gameplay with today of it's gonna cost you less you can get those for around 300 to 400 dollars whereas Nvidia options typically start around 500 bucks so that is something to consider along with of course that pretty cool game bundle that's offered as well anyway though I will post links to this card as well as some other ones down in the description below if you guys enjoyed this video definitely hit the thumbs up button and let me know what you think of the captured gameplay footage now that I have the entire captured PC up and running I am very happy that that is the case and I can capture high resolution than 1080 so I hope you guys have enjoyed that as well thanks again for watching this video though and we'll see you next time
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