I was a kid like I got turn off lights
right like if I was in like a basement
or something a traffic light and I run
upstairs that's and you feel something
chasing you what's up guys david here
and you may have heard about the moto z
where you could connect a projector to
the phone with this modular design well
today we're not looking at something
like that we're looking at a more ghetto
solution in the smartphone projector 2.0
this is something that I found while
browsing Amazon again and uh it looks
pretty cool apparently according to the
box you plug in your phone and out comes
an image first thing I want to comments
on why is it why is there whiskey right
here I feel like I'm missing something
now that right there is this looks like
little dials for the different focal
lengths you got the projector hole
itself to this turn no other side more
little fake dials it's a fancy cardboard
box that looks like it's a real
projector okay there you go so inside
we've got a bag with all our goodies
it's all cardboard this is cool this is
cool so it said ready to go it's not
ready to go why does this always
freaking happen to me without breaking
it oh okay there's a lot of steps to
this I got to download an app too you
guys don't know what I'm doing in here
global rotation and then we do reversed
landscape cool took me like frickin 20
minutes to set this thing up and
figuring out how to set it up but I
think we're ready got a sticky pad that
came in the box right here got the lens
installed and now in theory with the app
on here in Reverse landscape should be
able to put this on closed
right yeah turn off the lights trough
all right first attempt they don't work
obviously we're doing something wrong
so you know what what if we uh burden
just backwards in fact I think that
makes sense
hopefully that's it's only one way to
find out and that is testing it attempt
number two all right J you want to kill
the lights
actually you know what hand me a piece
of paper and hold on to pull onto this
I've always wanted to be a projector
screen oh there you go okay you know
what here turn the lights on okay so one
thing we just found out is the box
actually pulls back and forth so you can
make the image bigger and smaller
depending on where you put it but I
think there's I think that the room here
is not dark enough it's actually the
eight-time outside we have windows liver
the light is leaking in so we're gonna
go to the darkest room known in this
office and that's the bathroom where
there's no windows just for the sake of
seeing if this thing will work all right
so two guys in a bathroom right now kind
of awkward but the sake of showing you
guys this go ahead and play Bob's
Burgers and so you might how do you see
that but it works it's unclear like
right there I can see it pretty clearly
here but it's not the brightest at all
all right so we're back from the
bathroom break and as you guys saw it
does actually work it's not the best
it is really dim in fact we had to turn
the camera settings all the way up just
for you guys to be able to see it
me and Jay were able to see it okay but
again it was really really then we're in
a pitch-black room and we're using the
s7 which has one of the brightest
screens out there I don't think I bought
it that's you guys call if you guys want
to check it out I'll put a link for you
down below in the description but uh if
you guys like videos like this give it a
big thumbs up to show your support
and uh as always I'll see you in the
very next episode
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