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Google Pixel XL vs. iPhone 7 Plus Speed Test

what's up guys David here and the speed test that has been eight years in the making is finally here as today we're putting the first ever phone by Google in the Google pixel egg cell up against the reigning speed test champ in the iPhone 7 plus taking a look at the spec sheet the pixel egg cell is packing the new Snapdragon 820 one chip with four gigabytes of RAM while the iPhone 7 plus comes with the a10 fusion chip with three gigabytes of RAM but again specs are just specs and that's why we do these speed tests but before we get into it I want to give a big shout-out to for sponsoring today's video so with Dollar Shave Club you don't need to choose between price and quality to get an amazing shave delivers high-quality razors right to your doorstep so now to deal with the hassle of going to your local drugstore and they do it for a third of the price with the greedy razor corporation charge just go to pick a razor that works for you and that's really all there is to it here's your chance to see why over three million members like me love Dollar Shave Club Dollar Shave Club is so confident the quality of all the products now you can get the first month of the club for free just space shipping after that is just a few bucks month no long-term commitments no hidden fees there's no reason not to do it get yours at slash buff that's slash buff alright let's get right into it all right you know the drill we'll kick things off by starting the stop watches on each phone where the google pixel XL and it's quick animations gets the step-over the iPhone 7 plus if only by a fraction of a second as it blows through the first row of system apps and is already halfway through the second row working on Photoshop makes but as you can see the iPhone 7 plus loads the heavier Photoshop makes that much faster and is already moving on to lapse it we're due to popular demand we've actually shortened the video being time lapse year from one that was 120 frames long to about a fifth of that at 25 frames so that way this one single task doesn't make all the difference in the speed test but either way the Google pixel Excel really struggled on processing that time-lapse allowing the iPhone 7 plus to pull a full app ahead in fact when I compared the pixel excel and lapse it to my 1 plus 3 it was actually slower despite having the newer Snapdragon 820 1 chip which due to being under clock unfortunately doesn't seem to offer any performance gains over the Snapdragon 820 like you'd expect so with the iPhone 7 plus loading subway surfers a full 6 seconds faster and loading flip dabbing a full 4 seconds faster it pulls ahead by about two and a half apps as it starts working on the last leg of this first lab finishing up with Spotify and moving on to ESPN so based off what we have seen so far it seems like when the Google pixel eye cell is faster and loading up an app like it was in Facebook and snapchat it's only faster by a split second at most but when the iPhone 7 plus is faster the difference is much more significant with it being anywhere from 2 seconds faster to 9 seconds faster all of which have added up to its lead with it finishing the first stop with a time of 1 minute and 24 seconds with the pixel Excel loading both ESPN and Netflix 2 seconds slower than the 7 plusted putting it even further behind as it works on loading both mobile and full versions of the Amazon website finishing the first lap 23 seconds later with the time of 1 minute and 47 seconds with its three gigabytes of RAM the iPhone 7 plus kept all the apps open in the background completing the speed test in 1 minute and 55 seconds as the Google pixel Excel is struggling a bit with it having to reload both Facebook and snapchat however it does have Photoshop makes and lapses open but unfortunately it doesn't keep subway surfers ready to go so this is going to cost it even more here in the speed test so we'll fast forward to see whether or not the pixel Excel keeps the other apps open which it does not so disappointing results here in the second lab you kind of wish that Google would have included 6 gigabytes of RAM instead of only 4 on their flagship smartphone especially when you consider that a phone like the oneplus 3 has 6 gigabytes of RAM despite being $300 cheaper but either way the Google picks completes the speed test with a time of 3 minutes and 5 seconds making the winner and still fumble style speed test ramp the iPhone 7 plus thank you guys for watching and as always I'll see you in the very next episode
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