How To Add Widgets To Your Home Screen (for Android)
How To Add Widgets To Your Home Screen (for Android)
how's it going guys its debut here from
bumble calm and in this video I'm gonna
show you how to add a widget to your
Android home screen so on previous
versions of Android before Ice Cream
Sandwich the way you would do is press
and hold on the home screen and that
you'd have an option to add a widget
from this little pop-up box but on Ice
Cream Sandwich Google changed it up a
little so now what you have to do is you
have to hit the little app launcher and
go over to the widgets tab and from here
you can choose whatever widget you want
to add so in this case let's say I
wanted to add bookmarks press and hold
on this guy and I'll just drag it onto
the home screen I want so in this case I
want to add it to this empty one so you
can drag it over from home screen to
home screen but I'm happy with it right
there and there you go I've added the
widget to my home screen and what screen
with Ice Cream Sandwich is it actually
gives you the ability to resize these
widgets or at least some of them so in
this case I could resize the bookmarks
widget so I do that by pressing and
holding on it and I let go it gets
highlighted by this little blue outline
and is indicating that I could actually
move it around now again you can't do
this with all widgets but just only the
ones that are actually made to be
resized this case bookmarks is one of
them and let's movie size like that once
you're done just tap on it and you are
done that's different me in this video
this day bump of calm thank you for
watching it and don't forget to visit
fumble comm for more cellphone news
reviews and how to's thank you
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