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How To Delete Scrapbook Photos From Android Gallery

what's up guys david from phonebook calm and in this video i'm gonna show you how to get rid of an annoying problem that I had on my Galaxy Nexus after I installed Google+ and I'm sure a lot of you guys have it on your phones after you saw Google+ and that's the empty scrapbooks or scrapbook photos album that shows up in your gallery I mean no matter what I do I can't get it off my phone I try to delete it highlight it doesn't give me an option to delete it so definitely you get annoying and I'll show you how to get rid of it you do have to do it through the internet so I'm just going to go ahead and jump on my computer to show you how to do it but you could do on your phone as well alright so the first thing you'll want to do is open up your web browser and then from here go to Picasa Web so it's Picasa Web hit enter and you're going to be taken to your web Oh so of course you're not logged in do that I already logged in so I'll go ahead and show you how to delete the album so what you're gonna do is I found scrapbook photos right here in my list of album I'm gonna go ahead and click on it and I'm gonna hit actions right over here and then hit delete albums do albums are you sure I say yes and it's gone so I'll go ahead and show you on my phone to see if it actually disappeared there alright so now that you've done that on your computer go ahead and go to your gallery and you can see mine still shows up the scrapbook photos but I'm just going to hit menu and then refresh and there you go it disappeared and it's gone for good so hopefully this work for you to this day perform of calm thank you for watching the video and don't forget to visit phonebook comm for more cellphone news reviews and how to's thank you
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