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How To Delete Web Browser History On Android

what's up guys this is david here from bumble calm and in this video i will show you how to clear out or delete your web browser history on your android phone so i've already opened up a web browser and what i'm going to do is actually go ahead and show you that I do have web history on this browser so you can see I've went to a bunch of websites today and I can actually clear this out so the way you do it is you back out of here and on Android 2.3 or below you're going to press the Menu key or otherwise on ICS and above you're going to hit this guy over here and mainly what you're going for is the browser settings from here you're going to be looking for privacy and security so just go ahead and tap on that and the main thing you want to clear out is the cache and the browser history so I'm just gonna hit clear cache and clear history now for the most part my history is wiped but there might be some other things you want to clear like your cookies and your form data form data being your Google searches or anything you've entered in such as your name or phone number on a website you could clear that out as well so clear that guy out let's go ahead and clear my cookies out as well and I'll back out of here and now I'll show you guys that the web history is no longer there because I wiped it out alright that's pretty much it for me in this video this is Dave conformal comm thanks for watching it and don't forget to visit bump up comm for more cellphone news reviews and how to's thank you
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