How To Hide App Images From Showing In Android Gallery
How To Hide App Images From Showing In Android Gallery
how's it going guys Davey here from in this video I'm going to show
you how to hide in apps images from
throwing up in your Android gallery so
I've already made a video showing you
how to hide your normal albums whether
they're pictures or videos by basically
putting a period in front of the album
name with the file manager the problem
is you can't do the same thing when it
comes to in apps images because for
example this folder right here has 562
images none of which are actually
showing up on my phone but they're
related to an app called gym rat I have
on my phone and if I rename it to dot
images the app itself won't be able to
read that file because it won't the
exact file name will have changed and
therefore none of these images will work
with that app that's definitely not
something I want but I also don't want
this folder to show up in my gallery so
what I'm going to do is go over to my
file explorer which is ES File Explorer
from Google Play for free
and go to the folder that has the album
itself so in this case it's images and
then what you're going to do is inside
of the folder that's showing up in your
gallery that you don't want there any
longer hit menu and then new and then
create a new file and then you're going
to name this file dot no media so period
no media and basically this tag tells
Android not to index this folder in your
Android gallery so you can see I've
created a dot no media file now your
phone or your file manager may not show
you this because it might have the
hidden files disabled so just make sure
that's enabled if you want to make sure
that you've actually made the folder
correct or the file correctly anyway
I'm go ahead and go to the home screen
and load up my gallery now if you have a
Android 2.3 or
before device this may be the only step
that you need to take and you know you'd
be done but in this case since I want
ICS with the Galaxy Nexus it's still
here so it seems that this happens more
so with the tablets with 3.0 and
obviously 4.0 phones and beyond so the
way you get rid of it on the Galaxy
Nexus is just go ahead and close out the
two apps
where's the I have to do with that file
and go do your settings and then from
here you're going to go to applications
and then go to all so what you're going
to want to do is clear the data out on
your gallery of file so here's gallery
so first I'm going to spore stop to make
sure that it's not running in the
background and then I'm just going to
hit clear data so this cleared out your
whole gallery so that way the next time
you open it it'll have two reindex your
whole phone so I'll hide back we're not
done yet we're going to clear out one
more thing which is called media storage
so here it is media storage same thing
for stop clear data and there you go now
the next step you want to take is
actually restarting your phone so I'm
gonna go ahead and power my phone off
and I'll just skip it to win the phone
powers back on to show you what to do
next okay so my phone has finished
rebooting I'm just gonna go ahead and
unlock it and go over to my gallery and
as you can see there's nothing here but
my Google+ photo so what you're going to
have to wait for is for your phone to
read next your whole device to find all
your images so right now it's not doing
anything and usually it's indicated by
having a little circle spinning right
over here and obviously that's not the
case so we're just gonna have to wait
now something I do to kind of speed it
up sometimes I'm not sure if this
actually helps or not is I launch the
camera maybe take even a picture and
then go back to the picture in your
gallery and go back to your albums and
and then hit menu and then refresh now
obviously it didn't work right here but
I don't know I feel like it helps it I'm
not too sure I'll just go ahead and skip
the video until the phone starts
refreshing the gallery okay so it's been
about a minute since I paused the video
and all of a sudden this is popped up
and it's starting to reindex all of my
pictures and I'm just going to go ahead
and skip one until it's done to show you
that that file or that album with the
app images no longer shows up okay so
it's been about two or three minutes
that I've let the phone just sit and
index my phone and as you can see the
little circle isn't spinning anymore and
there is no album here that has
dude that apps pictures and that's
pretty much it this day Volcom thank you
for watching the video and don't forget
to visit fumble comm for more cellphone
news reviews and how to's thank you
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