How To Setup Joystick Center App To Use Gamepads (for Android)
How To Setup Joystick Center App To Use Gamepads (for Android)
hey guys Davey here from fumble comm and
it's gonna show you how to use the USP
slash bluetooth joy center app from
Google Play in order to map the games
that don't work natively with your game
pad for example the Xbox 360 controller
doesn't work with modern combat 3 over
here natively so I can actually use this
app to make it work so first thing you
need of course is the app itself and you
can download from Google Play you also
need the little plugin right over here
which is called droid to touch plug-in
and of course you can e Dru to access in
order to be able to make this work so
first thing you're going to do of course
is connect your controller to your phone
so I have my OTG cable right over here
got my phone just going to plug this guy
into it you can see the Xbox 360
controller is a flashing right now and
up here I got a little notification
saying USB connected your phone may or
may not do that I've Samsung Galaxy s3
so in this case it did now you can see
actually I didn't plug it in all the way
let me put this guy in all the way so we
can see again USB connector connected
this sketch is flashing normally um it's
not actually on when I open up the app
itself says no devices found us that
opened earlier if I hit search again
it's going to scan USPS
and this time it's going to ask for
permission to access this device that I
connected so I'm gonna hit OK and you
can see it says Xbox 360 controller I'm
going to tap on it and you have this
option right over here so anyway what
you're going to want to do first is up
at the top left where it says IME tap on
it and then select USB joy IME right
over here I selected that manic see the
flip has switched to on and then at the
right because you have root access you
could press this JT button and you see
it's going to ask for Super User
I already granted it so it didn't ask me
again and now what you're going to want
to do is where it says touch edit /m
just tap on this guy and program it to a
button on your gamepad so on the Xbox
360 controller I'm going to do d-pad
left and then I'm also going to do touch
edit / S or - s I'm gonna make it d-pad
right on my controller so that way uhm
this basically brings up
the menu to be able to edit the
touchscreen option so what you're going
to do from here is hit back and then
open up the game that you want to map
for so in this case going to be modern
combat 3 my hit resume and now basically
what I can do is I can actually tap the
left d-pad button and you see touch edit
mode is on
so basically anywhere I've touching the
screen now it's going to be programmed
so the way you actually do it now is
find out where what you want to program
for so you can see I already have the
two analog sticks enabled on this game
in particular because some games for
example when you go into the controllers
so let me go into opt-ins really quick
and controls it'll work you know using
this method with the screen tab where
the whole left side of the screen
controls your movement in the right side
controls the other side for this
particular game you have to do with the
virtual sticks it really depends on the
game so kind of test it out but let's go
ahead and figure out how to do it so
again you're going to press the the a
button that you set for the edit mode
says edit mode is on so I can see the
left analog stick right over here I'm
going to press and hold on it right here
and I'm going to move this around and
you can see now a little joystick showed
up and I can actually move it around to
control the that area of the screen now
if I want to do the right side same
thing we're present hold right on it and
I'm going to move the right side I'm
going to hold it for a couple of seconds
until it comes on so I'm just going to
like hold this the joystick on the right
side up I want to press and hold on here
and there you go now you can see my
joystick is working the little grenade
button I'm gonna press it I want that to
be lb so I'm gonna hold lb on my
controller and press on a grenade button
press and hold it for a couple of
seconds now you can see that little
button showed up over there now okay
someone just came in and shot me but uh
I threw contato myself so anyway now I
want to do the zoom button right over
here so I'm going to do the left trigger
for that so i'ma press and hold left
trigger and then I'm gonna hold the zoom
button and there you go you see now
that's programmed the Run button I'm
going to make that a so I'm gonna press
and hold a press and hold on here and
been set so the next thing I'll do is
the Crouch button here at the bottom
left I want that to be lb so actually I
make that be regular be some will hold B
and then on my phone I'm going to press
a hold right here at the very left
corner and now you can see that it's
been set almost everything has been set
so the reload button is up here I want
that to be X I'm gonna press and hold X
press and hold the gun button up here
and now that's set and then the start
button is up here so I want that to be
start so I'm going to press and hold my
start button my controller and then this
area of the screen like that and then to
get out of edit mode by the way if you
like for example if you get in the Start
menu press this again it automatically
stays when you get out of it hit resume
and you can press it again now to
continue editing so right here's the
another button so you know what that's
good for now it's going to show you how
it works now so you can see now I can
actually control I'm actually using my
controller to control the game on before
nothing would work and now it's working
I can program the shoot button so I
can't shoot so obviously I want to do
that I'm gonna present press this edit
button again the shoot button is right
here as you can see so I'm gonna press
and hold the right trigger and then
press and hold on here really quick and
there you go it's programmed
press the left pad again and now I can
go around and start shooting people zoom
in you know I can do just about
everything I throw a grenade we're
pressing lb reload by pressing R B or is
it X Y program X px anyway you guys get
the idea the sensitivity is kind of slow
so you might want to go back into the
game and go to options and then go to
controls and then sensitivity and
increase it from here but anyway that's
pretty much how you do it and this would
apply for any game we just it's really
easy to do once you get the hang of it
I'm really what you have to do is make
sure that when you go into the actual
joystick app once you've downloaded the
plug-in installed it is make sure I am
me IME is on make sure that this JT
button is on and hit the back button to
get out of it and then open up the app
and make sure you've programmed a button
on your phone or on your gamepad to
actually bring up the Edit menu so you
you see online the to edit menu are edit
buttons have been programmed for left
and right you'll have to do one really
obviously I did just the left one but I
like to do both just in case one of them
doesn't work with alright so once you're
done setting up your controllers and it
works fine you want to go back into the
joystick or a joy Center app and
actually export your your settings
because it's only going to work for that
one game and obviously you're not going
to want it to be exactly the same for
every gaming program so what you're
going to do is once you're in here
you're going to tap this little export
button right over here and then export
so right now I'm going to turn the IME
off really quick because I won't be able
to type the name I want so it says you
know if this is the full name right here
but I'm going to type in mc3 so that way
I know is for modern combat 3 and I hate
autocorrect mc3 done hit export and
there you go exporting data now it's
same so now when I do another game and I
edit the controls for that I won't have
to worry about it interfering with this
one so anyway it's it for me in this
video hopefully that helps you out
really awesome to be able to use my
controller to play games like modern
warfare or modern combat it's like one
or ever but also works for asphalt 6
which doesn't have native support these
three games over here have native
support for the export controls
obviously you wouldn't need to do it for
those games unless you wanted custom
controls which you do that as well so
anyway that's it from me in this video
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