what's up guys david earphone buff and
it's been a really really long time
since I've done one of these update
videos in fact last time I did one was
back all the way in May of 2012 when the
channel had just over 300 subscribers
and now that we've recently passed
200,000 subscribers with over 40 million
views I think it's safe to say that it's
about time that I'd touch base with you
guys a little bit so over the last few
months I've been looking for ways to
improve the channel and one of the
things that I came across that actually
disappointed me a bit was the fact that
in all of 2013 I only made 47 videos
which isn't necessarily bad but it's
nowhere near the level of production
that I personally expect that of myself
so I've been doing a lot of optimizing
behind the scenes to just make the whole
process of creating videos much more
efficient some of the things I've done
so far or buy a new computer in the Mac
Pro to replace this dell XPS here and i
also get all new audio and video
equipment to improve not only my
efficiency but also the actual quality
of the videos that you guys see and a
bunch of other things ranging from
special effects all the way to the way i
shave that i hope will at least double
the amount of phone book videos that hit
your sub boxes in 2014 now some of you
have noticed I no longer do the weekly
Q&A video series in I don't know exactly
when or even if I plan on doing those
again but at least for this video I
wanted to answer some of the channel
related questions you guys have been
asking me here on YouTube on facebook
and on twitter so one of the questions
that I've been getting asked a lot
lately is what monitor is that behind
you and technically I already answered
that earlier in this video but it's the
dell XPS 27 which isn't really a
dedicated monitor and instead is an
all-in-one computer but as soon as I get
my new Mac Pro and I'll probably end up
using it as only a monitor until I get a
4k display to replace it it's bigger
which that brings me to the next
question which is are you going to
switch to 4k in the future and the
answer to that is yes I will be
recording in 4 k's sometime the future
but at
know exactly when I'm pretty happy with
the video qualities I'm getting right
now in 1080p but as soon as I see a 4k
camera that I think it's worth it I'll
probably end up making the switch
whenever that is and the question that
you guys have been probably asking the
most both in person and online is how
did you get started making tech videos
on YouTube and it's a good question
actually something that I ask other
youtubers when I meet them because it's
always interesting to hear how they get
started and what I found is that with a
lot of the bigger youtubers they didn't
really plan on making a living off of
youtube when they first started and well
I'm not as established as some of them
my story really isn't any exception
basically when I was 18 years old I was
getting really into business and wanted
to be an entrepreneur and considering
that I had been obsessed with technology
my entire life it was only natural for
me to start a company selling
electronics which one okay for a while
until of course I eventually got brought
it on ironically enough a big order of
camera equipment which just completely
wiped me out and was effectively the end
of that company after that I went out
and got a job at one of the four major
carriers here in the United States and
worked there for about two years before
I left and eventually started a company
that sold cell phone accessories and in
the process of trying to build up that
cell phone accessory business I decided
to make a cell phone blog called phone
book com to help promote the accessory
business and well long story short after
making a few blog post and a bunch of
videos here on YouTube I just fell in
love with it and with all the great
feedback I was getting from you guys
since just a few months after the last
video update I did I decided to ditch
the accessory business and go with
fumble full time which is pretty much
where I am today so I wanted to take the
time to say thank you to you guys for
making it all possible it wasn't for
your support I wouldn't be able to do
what I love to do for a living and I
wouldn't have the opportunity to make
these awesome tech videos for you guys
so thank you to each and every one of
you 214,000 + foam buffs and i want to
show you just a token of my appreciation
with an exclusive giveaway
where you guys will get a much higher
chance of winning compared to your
typical giveaway because this time I'll
be giving away hundreds of dollars worth
of google play itunes in even windows
store gift cards so right now all you
gotta do to enter or to at least know
about entering is follow me on twitter
at foam above which a link down to write
below and over the next week or so i'll
be running multiple giveaways on twitter
where you have a chance to win either
ten fifteen twenty or twenty-five
dollars towards your favorite app store
i'll let you know exactly how you can
participate in each giveaway on twitter
itself so follow me there at bond buff
but otherwise if you feel like
supporting the channel give this video a
thumbs up and as always i'll catch you
guys in the very next video thank you
for watching
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