hey guys it's Brandon minimun from
pocketnow.com Android on the HTC hd2 has
made tremendous progress thanks to the
guys at xda-developers
let's run the Herot XE bootloader and
I'm going to show you how far it's come
it's a really remarkable let's get to it
alright and here we have the Nexus One
boot animation and it's gonna go into
Android 2.1 in just a minute
okay and here we are and this says
welcome to Nexus One we can skip this
wizard by doing four presses in all four
corners of the screen so here we are
this is Android 2.1 working very well
the Internet is actually working I'm
getting four bars on AT&T so I can use
the cellular data I can also use Wi-Fi I
can even make calls but most of the time
the speaker doesn't work so that kind of
makes it pointless so I can swipe to the
right it's updating the widgets I'm
gonna get on the Internet in a second so
that we can actually go to some websites
and the live wallpaper works perfectly
it's really amazing so let's go into the
phone application and I'm gonna dial a
number and I'm going to press call and
what you're going to see this going to
dial out but you're not going to hear
anything that's let's wait just a second
here okay so right now it's connected
and you can't hear anything if I put on
speaker nothing comes through so that's
one of the biggest falls but almost
everything else works so let's go over
to Wi-Fi and turn on the Wi-Fi radio and
then I'll connect to my wireless network
and the internet works and applications
work and it's really really close to
being done here so I'm gonna dive into
settings and connect to my Wi-Fi network
this is very much further than it was
last time we checked on the the the
status of Andrew it on the hd2 I'm gonna
type in my password here alright and I'm
connected I'm going to jump into the
well that's let's go to a web site we'll
just go you can see it's working we're
going to end gadget
and it works and click on a link see the
accelerometer works and it does very
nice very good a lot of these buttons
over here work too to action on Android
we can go into the market set up a
Google account let's go back home go
into the application tray look around at
some of these programs here the widgets
works so you can go to a blank screen
tap and hold add a variety of widgets
different clocks very impressive to see
Android working on it HT - almost so
well that you could use it on on a
regular basis that's not registering the
battery up here so it's it's close it's
not there but it has come a long long
way from where we saw it previously
I'll put a link up on pocketnow.com on
how to get the latest build of Android
2.1 for your HTC hd2 that's it for now
thanks for watching
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