Android Guy Weekly: With All This Talk of ARM, Where is Intel?
Android Guy Weekly: With All This Talk of ARM, Where is Intel?
in our recent videos we've talked about
processors we focus mainly on arm-based
processors and processors that use the
arm is a their advantages disadvantages
and basically how they work well what
about Intel don't they make processors
as well that's what we're going to talk
about on today's episode of the android
guy weekly today's question comes to us
from pratik i assume he's in India I
hope he is because if so he's got kind
of an advantage over us in America and
other countries but I'll get to that in
just a minute he wants to know
specifically about Intel and why we
haven't seen many intel architecture
based androids well the answer to that
is relatively simple you see Intel is a
sisk based architecture all of their
chips and I know saying all is going to
get me in trouble but for the most part
their chips are all complex instruction
set computing or sisk now there are
several different kinds of sisk
processors that complicates things a
little bit more everything that we've
been talking about up to now has been
risk based processors reduced
instruction set computing now just a
little recap you can run things through
a processor faster if you've got a
simpler instruction set so if you reduce
that instruction set you get better
speeds unfortunately that means you've
got to do some reducing of the
instructions that you're sending through
the processor up front that's either
done on the fly or that's done by pre
compiling well if it's pretty compiling
that's not going to take the end-user
any more time but if it's done on the
fly obviously that's going to take up
some time as well and it really becomes
kind of a catch-22 intel sticking with
the sisk it's what they do best now can
we run android on a cyst based system
yeah we can unfortunately it does have
to be a
some compilation to run on the different
architecture in fact if we want to take
a page from history Microsoft was doing
this with Windows Mobile back before it
was called windows mobile there were
several different types of processors
that you can run on now they weren't
sisk versus risk they were risk versus
risk but they were different processors
they had different instruction sets
because of that all of your apps had to
be custom compiled to run on the
different architecture including the
operating system android has an
advantage over that yes you do have to
have a different compliation compilation
I think that last one was it of the
operating system that's not a problem
because you know it comes pre-installed
on your hardware so if you're going to
have Intel hardware you're going to have
a custom-built Android operating system
that runs on that but then we get back
to the question of apps will these apps
need to be recompiled to run on a cyst
architecture luckily with Android the
answer is no you don't have to do that
why because Android apps all run in
virtual machines now that means the vm
that they're running in has to be
recompiled to run in a different
architecture but once that virtual
machine is recompiled all of the old
apps will run in it just fine that's one
of the beauties of Java so we learned
about Java now I know we're not talking
java java oracle java sun java we're
talking google java and if you don't
know what I'm talking about just look up
the Oracle versus Google java lawsuit
it's a pain in the neck but that's one
of the advantages of that metaphor shall
we say so we don't get into any trouble
with some patent lawyers or a cool what
you do is you write once and you can run
anywhere but not quite anywhere we run
into another problem you see that vm
kept up with all the hardware advantages
that role are coming down the line you
see these systems on the chip come with
a built-in GPU and some other bells and
whistles those GPUs have a lot of power
they can really accelerate your graphics
but you have to be able to take
advantage of that in the traditional
desktop laptop code writing if you will
you write to a specific graphics driver
and since there are only two or three
out there in the desktop world you have
these people that are writing a game
let's say and they write it for AMD or
they write it for nvidia or they write
it for whom whomever right but they're
plugging in to specific ap is in the
graphics driver itself we don't want to
do that with mobile we don't want to do
that in this write once run anywhere
metaphor but people are doing that you
can and that kind of runs into problems
there's usually a fallback to say hey if
you're running one of these super
high-end GPUs great do this and its
accelerated and it's buttery smooth and
it looks nice the graphics are amazing
but if not fall back and you get basic
stuff which is a shame because some of
these processors have high-end GPUs
married with them they just don't have
custom written code in all those apps to
talk to them which is then further
complicated by switching over from a
risk to a sisk based architecture with
me so far okay so where are we at with
Intel well there are some districts of
Android that you can get that will run
on your desktop based android OS your
desktop OS you can run android right
there now I've got an x86 processor
which runs x64 instructions what does
that mean you can run 32-bit or 64-bit
apps or programs on my desktop computer
it's great well the whole I 86 platform
is kind of interesting and with mobile
processors particularly the intel atom
Intel didn't go that route there's a
different instruction set it's called I
32 guys correct me here with this one
okay it's essentially a mobile based
instruction set it's simpler it's 32 bit
it's not going to run your 64-bit stuff
unfortunately that means it's going to
be a little bit slower than if you had
that full band with a 64-bit pipe the
arm stuff to the best of my knowledge is
all 32-bit so we're still staying with
the can I say apples to apples really
you guys get mad at me for that anyway
it's still the same architecture just
different thoroughly confused okay are
there any phones or tablets out there
that can run this stuff that's what
pratik might be lucky if he's in India
and I think he probably is there is a
phone that you can get that is available
in India costs about four hundred and
twenty bucks us but it is an intel atom
based phone supposed to be really really
nice battery life is supposed to be
amazing it's called the Zillow x0 and
essentially it proves it can be done and
it can be done well we just haven't
quite seen an intel-based smartphone
over here in the states yet and I
suspect we'll probably start out with an
intel based tablet before we see an
intel-based smartphone that answer
everybody's questions I 86 I 6432 Intel
Atom Wow lots and lots of stuff now we
specifically didn't go into the atom
based architecture because there are
many of them different platforms you can
even run some Adam stuff inside a
desktop PC but special motherboard
special sockets special all that fun
stuff that's why it's best when it's a
system-on-a-chip which the later atom
based processors are there not just a
processor they're an entire SOC again
not going too much into that but know
that they've kind of crossed the bridge
from desktop laptop computing into
mobile computing by adding the whole
SOC architecture which they really
didn't have before if you've got some
comments that you want to add to the
discussion of the topic on this make
sure you leave some comments for us over
at for pocket now and the
android guy weekly i'm joe levi
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