Android Power User: How to Flash an Image with Fastboot
Android Power User: How to Flash an Image with Fastboot
hey guys in our last episode of Android
power user we talked about how to flash
roms using Raw manager which is by far
the easiest way you can get or is it
there's another way that you can do it
it involves a PC whether that's Linux
Windows or Mac and you can do it through
fastboot there are a few things you've
got to have setup we'll call those
prerequisites but the process isn't very
difficult and if you spend a lot of time
on a desktop computer it may actually be
a little bit easier than flashing with
ROM manager just how easy is it so we're
going to talk about on today's episode
of the Android power user so the first
thing you're going to need to fastboot
flash an image onto your device of
course is a device in this case my Nexus
7 you're then going to want to reboot it
in fastboot mode and you can see I'm
already there because that red text says
fastboot mode you're going to need to
hook it up to your computer with a micro
USB cable or whatever cable connects
from your device to your computer you're
also going to need the Android SDK which
is what you can see right here in front
of us I've gone ahead and done this now
we want to make sure that we can see the
device so how do we do that
fastboot space devices by remember has
well and you can see we've got a serial
number we're good to go the device is
being seen by the operating system we
can now talk to it now you're probably
not going to flash a custom ROM like
CyanogenMod this way but you might flash
a data image or a system image or
whatnot so that's what we're going to do
I'm going to go ahead and run a
directory here on everything that is dot
IMG and I do have a system IMG file so
let's go ahead and flash that before you
do any of this you'll want to make sure
you've backed up anything that you
aren't comfortable with you know losing
so do that very first of all but I'm
ready to just to wipe this so let's go
ahead and do it now it should be should
be noted right now this isn't really
going to wipe it's just going to
so before you do this you may want to
wipe everything in fact I'm going to
show you something here in just a minute
that you'll like but let's finish this
we're going to fastboot flash system and
we're going to flash the system dot IMG
so the first part you're calling
fastboot yourtongue fastboot two flash
something particularly the system
partition and we're going to flash it
with this file go ahead and hit enter it
sends that over tells you how much it is
and puts it over on the device now the
the nexus 7 at this point is just
showing me the same thing that it's
always shown me just that that fastboot
screen so there's really no status to be
seen on it that's going to take a minute
so let me show you what I was going to
show you and that is over here this is
the the image file or the stock image
file that comes for the Nagasaki which
is the Nexus 7 that I have I've gone
ahead and opened this up a little bit
let me navigate back here so I've got
this Nagasaki I've gone ahead and
unpacked it and I've got this flash all
flash all SH flash based on SH and then
this compressed file if we come over
here and look inside this flash all it's
a really big long icky thing but you can
see it's going through defining some
paths and it's erasing everything before
it flash boots anything so just to let
you know it's it's not flashing anything
but until it erases it so I'm probably
you know breaking my device but hey
that's all kinds of fun I'd rather do it
than have you do it so there we go now
it said that it went ahead and
transferred over took about one minute
56 seconds and that was ok basically
just transferred the file to the device
and now it is writing system that's
going to take probably another couple
minutes and then we can boot up so at
this point I can reboot and the easiest
way to do that is fastboot space
reboot and I'm done now I don't want to
do this here because I've just borked my
device by only flashing the system I
haven't flashed data or in
and I really don't want to leave it in
this state but that's how you would go
through flashing an image file I highly
recommend that you use the prepackaged
stuff this flash all which will do
everything for you as long as you're
getting your image from a reputable
source in this case I downloaded it
directly from Google so we know it's
good and by Google I mean you know that
Android section not the search engine ok
just to keep that in mind so there you
go if you can try and do all this
through a ROM manager like ROM manager
but if you need to get in and do it
through fastboot with a couple of things
a couple of notes you can go ahead and
do that so teaching you how to boot and
flash boot and flash all kinds of cool
stuff with flash boot for the Android
guy weekly and pocket now I'm Joe Levi
thanks for watching
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