Android Power User: What is the Dalvik VM? What is the Dalvik Cache?
Android Power User: What is the Dalvik VM? What is the Dalvik Cache?
on our last episode of Android power
user we talked about JIT Androids
just-in-time compiler that takes
advantage of the dalvik cache that's
really powering all the apps that we run
on our smartphones and tablets but
what's dalvik what's a virtual machine
what does it have to do with cache
that's what we're going to talk about on
today's episode Android power user
dalvik is a word that gets thrown around
quite a bit when we're talking about
custom roms sometimes even when we're
talking about stock roms and
particularly when we're upgrading those
stock roms from one version of the OS to
the next kind of sounds a little bit
different I'll tell you why in just a
minute we have to understand a little
bit more about computer architecture to
understand what dalvik is what it does
and why we have it why it's a really
good thing so let's step away from our
smartphones and tablets for just a
minute and let's talk about computers
whether that's a desktop a laptop a
server really doesn't matter what we're
going to do is we're going to describe
how computers work I know this isn't the
computer power user this is Android
power user but stick with me computers
are made up of physical components that
might be your cd-rom drive or blu-ray
player it might be your video card or
your sound card any one of these things
today we've got a lot of stuff
integrated onto the motherboard so it
doesn't look like you've got a lot of
discrete components but you do each one
of those components needs a driver for
software to be able to talk to it that
driver essentially bridges the gap
between the software world asking for
stuff to be done when you type on the
keyboard or click on the mouse and the
physical world when you actually want it
to do something with that blu-ray player
or make some sound for example well the
physical world is all fine and dandy but
it's somewhat fragile things can get
broken you can have various different
parts of your operating system or
programs fighting over who has access to
a particular device and it's really not
all that cool when you think about it I
mean it's going off we like reality here
at pocket
but we can virtualize that that's where
the virtual and virtual machine comes
into play you see it's not a physical
machine it's a virtual machine it's a
computer that doesn't exist anywhere
except in software now why on earth
would you do that
there are lots and lots of reasons
perhaps we'll go into a lot more detail
in an upcoming episode of Android power
user but suffice it to say the top just
top couple reasons you do it
number one is security stuff that's
running inside a virtual machine pretty
much stays inside that virtual machine
so it protects the entire rest of the
ecosystem also stability you remember
back in the olden days when you were
surfing the web and your web browser
crashed and you had to reboot your
computer one bad website cause you to
have to reboot your entire computer not
cool nowadays it's a lot less likely
that that's going to happen it still
might because we're not using virtual
machines on our desktop computers yet
but if you can virtualize that great
that virtual machine goes down you'll
restart it and you're done you still
have your whole operating system and
everything that you were working on you
haven't lost anything but a little bit
of time so two advantages now that's not
exactly the way the dalvik VM works in
Android but it's just giving you kind of
an introduction to the way VMs work in
general so dalvik it sounds kind of
interesting the name where did it come
well dalvik is an open source project
written by let me get this right
Dan Bornstein according to one of his
journals he named it dalvik because he
has some ancestors who lived in a
fishing village in Iceland you guessed
it the name of that fishing village
dalvik and I'm probably pronouncing that
wrong so all of you who are watching
from Iceland I apologize doing the best
I can here so that's why it's named the
way it is so how does an Android app
work with the dalvik cache well I'm
going to read a little bit of this so I
don't get it completely wrong it's a
little bit complex but I think you'll
understand when I get through with it
when you write an app for Android you
write it in Java that Java is then
filed into bytecode from there it's
converted into a JVM compatible dot
class file now Java applications they
all run in a virtual machine it's the
JVM so dalvik is it is a JVM just not
the JVM that makes sense
so what happens next we take that dot
class file and we convert that into a
dalvik compatible Dex file that's a
dalvik executable for those of you
keeping track of the file extensions
here once that's done then they're
installed on your Android pretty simple
and then of course you open them and
they're executed on your Android inside
the dalvik VM sounds great but there's
one step missing there okay let's go
back just a minute why do we want to do
that extra step well the dalvik
executable format is quite a bit more
compact than the dot class file for the
JVM which means it takes up less space
on memory constrained devices it runs in
less memory space than regular dot class
files and it's usually a little bit more
processor friendly than some of those
dot class files are so that's del Vic in
the dalvik VM but what about that dalvik
cache we're always hearing about
specifically when you install a new ROM
on your phone we're talking custom roms
here primarily a lot of times the
instructions say that you should wipe
your cache well a lot of that is
referring to the dalvik cache so what is
that that takes us back to our JIT
episode that we watched last week if you
haven't watched that yet I'll have a
link at the end of this episode so you
can essentially what happens is these
are essentially uncompelled applications
well they have some compilation done to
them they're not just raw code sometimes
they are it's a little bit interesting
there doesn't it but they're not
compiled ready to run instead they have
to be loaded up into this JIT compiler
compiled on the fly and then run but
that takes time so
what do we do well we've got this nice
dalvik cache where we kind of preheat
things we optimize the apps so that they
can run faster on first execution and we
do that through something called if I
can find it here the dalvik VM it
inspects all of your apps and it creates
a tree of dependencies and once it's got
that done it stores it into your dalvik
cache that enables your apps to run more
efficiently they're optimized for the
environment of course the the different
apps that you have installed means that
your cache is going to be different than
everybody else's cash so there's not
just a single cache out there
everybody's cache is different so that's
all kinds of great but it does explain
why your phone takes a bit longer to
boot up the first time after you've
installed a new rom or updated your
existing rom it's rebuilding that cache
it's rebuilding that tree of
interdependencies because well things
have changed you've got a new rom on
your phone now so it rebuilds that cache
for you wiping the cache means you're
going to have a nice clean slate for all
of that new information to go into and
can prevent some problems so make sure
you wipe every time you install a new
rom all righty then so does this have
anything to do with Oh Dex and do text
files yes yes it does but we're going to
have to cover that on another episode of
the Android power user if you like
learning about this stuff please give
the video a big thumbs up if you want to
make sure you don't miss out on any of
our future videos and all the extra
learning that we're going to be doing
there make sure you hit the subscribe
button we'll have a link to that at the
end of the video as well if you've got
questions or comments would like to
contribute to the discussion if you're
watching this video on YouTube make sure
you click the link right down there to
go over to and leave your
comments on the article associated with
this video where i've got a nice little
summary of everything that we've talked
about here today if you're already on thank you go ahead and
leave those comments right down below
that's all the time we've got for today
I'm Joe Levi this is PocketNow
thanks for watching
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