Apple Watch sells out, Galaxy S6 stores, Moto 360 sale & more - Pocketnow Daily
Apple Watch sells out, Galaxy S6 stores, Moto 360 sale & more - Pocketnow Daily
Apple watch free orders go live and sell
out just as quickly as they started
Sampson rethinks how you should buy your
Galaxy s6 and if you ever wanted to buy
a moto 360 now is the time I'm hi Mary
vente and why is it that I feel relief
over not buying an eleven hundred dollar
watch that I didn't need this is parking
out daily the official news should I
have to do with Microsoft as the company
has just launched its a second preview
for Windows 10 / phones and the good
thing is we get support for new
smartphones like the Lumia 925 movie 929
the Lumia 1020 520 etc elections from
shipper the full list devices like the
Lumia 930 are still not getting into the
fun for reasons we don't understand
could be because the processor or
something but yeah you're getting the
Spartan browser on this update so it
would be need to try just the disclaimer
the first the preview was terrible now
it's not about Samsung as the company is
rethinking the way you should try out
your galaxy s6 if you're interested and
you're in any of the markets that are in
the links of the description which are
very small there's only one store in the
whole United States it's starting in
Germany by the way the UK is not even
included but they've got this s carpet
which has some benefits first of all you
get to try out the phone first then if
you like it you get by right there so
you get an early scoop but even more
interesting you can bring your old phone
and who whichever executive serves you
there is in charge of passing everything
from your old phone to your new one
which is really great again the problem
is the availability now about nokia and
that's actually the company that's still
in filming will not talking about the
mobile division that microsoft acquired
this company still owns the here maps
division which some people like very few
actually but some people like and it
seems that the company plans to sell
this division we're not sure to which
company they plan to sell it to but
apparently it seems that nokia is
looking for a bitter mainly because they
want to focus on cellular networks which
is the big reason why no pistol exists
they do a lot of that so we'll see how
that goes and i think they'll be much of
a loss
you've ever wanted to buy yourself a
moto 360 which I highly recommend
because of its looks not the operating
system but because of its looks up now's
the time as a retailer's like Best Buy
and Amazonas dropping the price
substantially after the pre-orders of
the Apple watch obviously you cannot get
a moto 360 for 180 bucks with the
horween leather and if you want this
metallic band that I have here you'll
pay 220 bucks which is a significant
drop from 300 something dollars that i
paid for it this is again a great time
and given the fact that the Apple watch
is not highly reviewed it could be a
good alternative mainly because it's
going to be hard to get and finally for
the expected news of the day yes the
Apple watch lance for pre-orders
yesterday and it sold out right in a few
hours selling out means that you'll have
to wait if you still want to buy it just
a few hours after users that were
getting from the 24th of April to the
eighth of May were then getting two
weeks and now users are getting six
weeks some are getting July some are
getting June which is extremely crazy
for a product that is being launched so
late and that you'll probably get a
revamped for in September at least
announcement though Apple could play its
cards differently just like it did with
the first generation iphone where you
had to wait or it could be like the
first generation ipad where you didn't
you got a new ipad 11 months later and
given the bad reviews of the Apple watch
so far it would make a lot of sense but
it leads me to the question of the day
after all the pandemonium of pre-orders
or so they say does this make you want
to buy an Apple watch now because in my
case the main reason why I didn't pull
the trigger in the end was because I'm
like my god I have to wait till June for
the watch that I want and the next apple
watch will be announced in
september-october probably end of the
year does it make any sense with the
rumors of Android we're being supported
by iOS I'm gonna wait leave us a comment
down below what do you think brendi know
the drill if you want to get the news
earlier before this video was filmed
make sure you follow us on fucking out
our comment subscribe to our YouTube
channel as well you can follow me on
Twitter hi mandir squad early beta
please give this video a thumbs up if
you liked what you saw I am trying
that'll be better thank you very much
for watching we will see you next week
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