hey guys it's Brandon minimun from
pocketnow.com Google has released a
version of its search for Windows Phone
7 let's take a look at it
so when you're in Windows Phone 7 and
you want to search for something the
best fastest easiest way to do so is by
hitting the search button here in the
bottom right corner every Windows Phone
7 device has it and you're brought to
the Bing application and this has a
beautiful wallpaper in the background it
synchronizes with whatever you see on
bing.com for the day it also has a nice
landscape view and it also shows you the
information relating to this wallpaper
with these little tips here and we can
search for whatever we want its location
away or it knows where I am it even has
a little microphone so I can speak to it
if I don't feel like typing let's search
for pizza and see what we find the big
application pulls in results from all
sorts of places so we've local results
here so it's showing me near me where
the nearest pizza places are we can tap
on the map it'll take you into Bing Maps
or you can tap on one of these entries
here and you're taken to another screen
where you can look at reviews places
nearby and back to the about screen
really cool experience from here you can
also check out any news that is
happening relating to pizza if you're
really really interested in pizza to the
right you get web locations or web
information so it's doing a search for
pizza this jumps into Wikipedia or Pizza
Hut and back to local now this Google
application is far inferior to that
experience which makes us wonder why
they ever came out with it so if we
scroll down to the bottom hit the G get
a big G splash screen and here we are it
knows my location just like the Bing
application so far so good so we can
type pizza we can't do voice recognition
here we can only type so I actually
already typed pizza let's go there and
so it's gonna do a search for pizza and
guess what it brings you it brings you
Google results but it's just bringing
you the Google web page it seems like
Google spent about five minutes making
this application because it's not
immersive at all and of course naturally
clicking on any of these links is going
to open Internet Explorer which is kind
of funny so you're jumping into a Google
application just to do a Google search
so you can jump out again in
Internet Explorer maybe it's a fast way
to do it faster way to do a Google
search and maybe you really value that
but it really serves no other purpose we
can dial down into images but again this
is all stuff you could do just by going
straight to Internet Explorer and going
to google.com there's really not much
else to this app that's it
so the Google app for Windows Phone 7 if
you really really really like Google and
you don't mind having an application
that actually adds more steps to your
search process
then it's a good choice it's free but if
you know what I waste your time it's
probably not worth your your efforts to
even download it on your phone if you
like this video please give it a thumbs
up and thanks for watching
that's it for now
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