
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Content Curation on YouTube and Social Media | #PNWeekly 352

there we go you just make sure the YouTube feed is working yep all right looking good everyone in the live chat thank you for your patience all right making sure everything is okay just real quick for the people who are kind of coming in right now without without naming any names just Anna bong and I actually a few minutes ago found out that one of our friends in the industry is kind of going through a rough time right now so we just want to send our send some hearts out to one of our friends kind of a family thing going on so I'll send that clip over to her in a little bit okay all right here we go the weekly is supported by the Oregon State University eCampus do you want to take the fast track to your career in computing you can earn your computer science degree 100% online from Oregon State and tap into unlimited career possibilities in any fields learn more at eCampus Oregon State edu slash now mm-hmm hello everybody and welcome to the weekly brought to you by pocket now and xda-developers on this day the I'm so bad what days 5th of April in 2019 all right so we do want to get on today we have our special guests that you probably saw last week in among and also known as Thunder e over at board network how's it going Thunder e I'm good I'm good good to be back here again hopefully I can help out and chime in mm all right so I think I have there you go one of our thank you for saying that in the live chats like I don't see JV is like sorry I had and I had a e clicked on there so it was just on him by the way that that podcast we did last week where hi Mae came on for the post show which by the way I mean if you end up watching this like you're always welcome to come on to the post show um the guy always has internet problems when he's inside when he's in Latin America so it gets a little rough but in any case um I accidentally had you clicked on the chat so when he was showing off the p30 no one side Wow Wow I'm an awesome host nice one nice speaking of being an awesome host I am Joshua Vergara what's going on everybody and this week we actually have I decided to change things up a little bit this week if you have been following the PocketNow daily based on what Jaime has been reporting every single day or have you been following the news all week it's actually been kind of a slow news week not too much has actually been announced compared to the last week of course but there have been a couple of leaks we may talk about that a little bit later but what I do want to talk about today is about probably the biggest story that did come out at the beginning of this week and I had to do with YouTube now I understand this is a product centric channel but it is a channel and it does live on a platform that we all know and love and that is YouTube however earlier this week and I want the live chat everyone in the live chat I want you all to talk about this so much like this is this is gonna be practically a Q&A session because I definitely want to have this conversation it's so interesting to me because okay so you've been on YouTube for how long ten years alright so ten years further for e any of my any of my fellow Asian YouTube fans out there he's been on YouTube as long as Timothy DeLaGhetto so that's awesome been on for quite a while so you've seen YouTube evolve over the last number of years and in the very beginning back when they weren't even really monetizing any of the videos like what did YouTube look like back then if you can go down memory lane it was a hodgepodge back then I started off with the website in 2007 called bored at work moved on from there and I remember my buddy warm Bowman from BtoB want calm gone on YouTube earlier I got on 2009 I didn't really do much with YouTube that's kind of like okay I can upload video but I didn't like I didn't have a camera you know using your smartphone was just not the way to go at that time oh yeah it was such a hot mess we didn't know in terms of titles or what to do if anyone can go and stretch my earliest video it's crap it is absolutely crap because I was just playing around work with a smartphone camera and I was doing some edits with it or I think a regular kind of a regular camera that I got from my cousin was a 720p camera and you know nobody knew I enjoy those days really the wild wild west because I have a total of 5050 videos something like that on YouTube and if you go through if you don't have to watch your videos just look at the thumbnails and look at whether thumbnails changed and custom thumbnails and even when custom thumbnails change our YouTube was YouTube was begging influences to go back and not begging but they were telling us a lot of times like make sure you change your thumbnails and already that time I had a thousand videos I was like I don't have the energy to go back and change the customs them ya know so I have at least I have these good thousand maybe even close to 2,000 videos that just don't have custom thumbnails and then there was the you know there's the you know taking SC SEO seriously I remember the days I miss the days where I would do a review on a case in just the case and that video would do well I'll get like 50,000 hits 70,000 hits now I didn't even try to do a case review or video like it's pointless but then that's the maturity of the network but I've also seen it grow in specialized from being like you through any wacky thing on YouTube to it becoming segments right you know we've got tech we've got lifestyle vlogging came logging went vlogging came back you know we we had fitness people we've got you know different segments YouTube where and I found really interesting I went to an event with Sony for the a 6400 a month ago and most of the people they were all like camera youtubers you know did not tech the camera you know and even the camera is tech which it was really cool to see and I'm like I don't know any of these people the only person I knew there were I just seen and Armando that in also you know yes I made I made new friends and I connected and I'm watching their content I'm like even though this is really close to my segment that YouTube that's a whole different world has gotten so huge and not only just in terms of like the content creation aspect but also just as the company itself so the the question that I wanted to pose on this on this podcast has to do with a huge story a huge deep dive that Bloomberg put out regarding the state of YouTube and why there might actually be a lot of content on YouTube that is considered for lack of a better term toxic now you've probably seen if any of you out there in the live chat or anybody watching right now are listening in the podcast applications might know that YouTube has been in the news a lot over the last even year maybe two years for a lot of different pieces of content that started to either be demonetized due to guidelines or they were being flagged by the algorithm because of the content that they that they provided because of potentially harmful information perhaps or in the most recent case there was actually uh there was a case where YouTube kids had a lot of content on there that was actually preying on children now we're not gonna get and that the only word that I'll use in that case is Momo I don't want to get into the details of the whole thing but essentially what Bloomberg said is that the executives over that YouTube potentially had ignored they had they had ignored or rather just decided not to address all of these issues because in paraphrasing their words essentially the growth of the platform was more important to them than curating the content now the reason why I want to bring this up is because we've heard that word a lot recently content creation content curation was actually a phrase that was used a lot by Apple in their event last week that humans were going to curate the content they were going to make sure that the content was actually catered to each user it was not going to be it was it was it was not going to be about an algorithm and AI based software based algorithm actually trying to control the content because there are ways of getting around an algorithm and that's the biggest problem that YouTube has right now so the question that I wanted to ask and the reason why I love have I love the fact that he is on here is because we are we have been on this platform for a long time and we're not trying to start up a conversation about drama on YouTube that's not the case here this is on a system executive level on a platform that we all use a lot you want to talk about devices YouTube is the most viewed network on any on practically any device especially mobile so the the question that I have here is that like you know you don't you don't get into any of the crazy content out on YouTube right you ever fall down like a YouTube hole I mean once in a while I end up in some of the conspiracy holes yeah it's weird like I will watch I mean watch like Joe Rogan and you will talk cover a topic and and I might either search that topic I'm like okay would hmm let me see about this guy this other guy that interviewed and then from there it's like okay stop like I'm not trying to go there and the algorithm has become really aggressive lately I just noticed it from the type of content i watch so on my feed I don't see you guys anymore I do get the notifications for you guys more promptly now as long as I have the notification bell so I get yours I get laughs I get David's I can pocket now I get those notifications quickly but but my feed you know I'm a big comic book I'm with anime guy if I watch two anime videos or watch I you know I usually do this I like to watch anime fights so once in a while it would just dawn on me to go and lately I've been watching a lot of either my hero academia fights or I will go back and watch NAR to Sasuke vs. moment she keyed and after that I get inundated I get one more suggestion about like a new anime channel I'm like oh this is cool this guy's like top 10 anime fights because usually they always show fights that I don't see so I'm like I let me check it out and next minute it's just an American law like after that and I'm like guys no then I stop and then you know when it's trending reaction time I used to do long-term reactions I've stopped I have another channel why do some do for big you know bigger movies Avengers and game trailer reaction came out I watched water I know the people that I yeah they're a couple people I usually go watch each other reactions I'm not subscribed to all of them but I know this channel so I'll just type it in but once I watch one especially when it comes to movie serie of stuff it's over it just gives me a bunch of people like you know newer youtubers who I don't know which is cool but I'm like you're pushing this too much and you know if if you know the algorithm can do that then there are ways for you to game the system I don't know specifically how but if you know the algorithm can you know is very aggressive in finding things that quote-unquote you like so if you can attach you're very insensitive video or you know what can what kind of video it is through SEO to those kind of videos then you know the algorithm will push those in anyway or at least some of that specially if your title this click bTW and not actually you know to the fact yeah yeah and that's that's basically what the whole idea is there was actually one portion in this story and I'll have it linked in the description that way everyone can kind of see that this is a way for us that's kind of share with you what kind of life we have as these content creators in the background and I always like to do these kind of deep dives into these sort of existential questions because YouTube themselves were actually given a suggestion where you could create a third tier of content so if content at all on YouTube was being flagged by the algorithm that it is harmful and that it's not something that they want to push then they're not going to push it it's not going to be part of the recommended tab it's not going to be in the suggestions in the sidebar and it still lives on the platform you can search for that content and find it if you wanted to but it wouldn't be part of suggested and what have you pushed at all but what the what the engineer over at YouTube said was actually while that might be a good suggestion it wouldn't take long for the people to actually figure out a way to get those videos past that layer of the algorithm and it's like that's that's the crazy part because like we have so we have networks like YouTube and later we're going to talk a little bit about social media as and the health of viewers and people who are on the on those platforms and of course there's so much stuff to sift through that the only way for a company to even try and control it is through automatic systems but now we're seeing that you know such things can be exploited I know exactly what you're talking about you where like I would watch content on YouTube I tend to watch a lot of their certain channels i watch like game grumps for gaming and i watch just getting news and the autoplay is such a powerful button to have because once you hit play on any one of those videos there are so many videos related to do that that it might be coming from that channel that are just all over the suggestion side and it's just gonna be an endless array of videos from there I've actually done that with the pocket not weekly when I was first coming on to the podcast I started listening to and watching the pocket not weekly and when I would turn it on it would always play yet another video but if you were to do the same thing here on pocket Mouse channel what would happen is any video you click on here it'll always go to a daily the reason why there's so many dailies there are so many so many dailies yeah yeah you're gonna have an autoplay of just incessant dailies all day so I'm a credit to you for that but but that's the way that the autoplay works in a way and so the question that I have here and I I do have a few messages in the live chat that are pertinent to this question and it's a question that I was asking you while we were getting ready for this podcast last night I was just kind of giving you a bit of a snapshot as to what I wanted to talk about today as Apple is having a as Apple is working to have people actually curate the content in places like Apple newsstand Apple News Plus Apple TV Plus Apple TV Apple channels there's so many things is the onus on the company itself to curate the content for the safety of its own viewers it's a mixed answer Apple has an easy task whatever they're talking about is easy and I'll tell you why they don't have the user base like YouTube or Facebook one they may have devices they don't have a user base it's two different things number two curating news content is actually easy because they set up steps that you have to be in legitimate news organization which is what Facebook needs to do as well all right so that also cuts out a lot of people in there right and if unless of course you know for whatever reason you know the New York Times or The Washington Post decides to go you know super crazy and writes crazy editorials other than that that curation for them is an easy process because they did a very good step of saying you know what you must be a recognized news organization and must fit this media and then we also are going to look at your history for you before you join so looking at the history they've got 300 magazines that's actually not hard because they can hire enough people to do that when it comes to Facebook or YouTube in particularly in our case it's very difficult because YouTube has how many billion videos I mean in hours for me for a minute yeah exactly it is insane the amount of hours and I've I've had this discussion when I served my own podcast and Sam and I used to have discussions like this YouTube fell on the ball because they switch strategies at some point when they try to make premium YouTube content and they've gone away from that YouTube fell when they didn't realize that they needed to take care of their creators that's what happens when you when you don't take care of your creators you you tend to have these kind of issues this is what stems up well Facebook on the other hand has issues with live-streaming because they don't have creators they just have everyone live streaming so there's no benefit so if you look at YouTube for instance YouTube instituted 10,000 you get revenue share right back Nadine was much harder to be a YouTube partner it was just difficult to get in there was it wasn't necessarily 10,000 threshold it was like it was view count and then also you know what watch time a little bit but Buchanon count numbers consistently a few other things but it was hard to get to be a partner so that that level is there but then they haven't created tiers within that level for us to make sense so the tiers are oh you know when you get a hundred thousand get a youtube silver button yeah and then you could wait to a million to get to the next one and then ten million that is I get it that's too far between in my mind and also I mean my look just to be honest and clear I used to have a YouTube partner partner manager he left YouTube and I haven't heard from anyone to say hey we are your new partner manager so I have no even though I have a direct access for YouTube I've got none really like zero they don't help me you to do anything to say even if you know they always tell you ask them they can't tell us the algorithm because they don't know but giving you incentives because if you're looking in this way if if I am creating videos even if I'm not doing anything sadistic I'm going but I'm going 10,000 is where I need to get into stammering and in revenue and then 100,000 is the first mark where you get the silver button and then to me you too should start doing a point system or a grading system where the things you do on the platform gain you points whether you can get assistance in certain things like a gamification of some of these services especially when you have free content creators YouTube ok YouTube can sit down and say look we provide the service space for you we've got a ton of servers out there we pay lots of money and then where we go we give you the content and you're taking 45% that's how much they take from our content in terms of cards so yeah yeah 45% that's huge it's not 55 so we're giving you a lot of money that you can use to actually incentivize us to make better content I've said this before if you to burn its you to go against Hollywood in terms of producing good content they didn't have to go the YouTube premium right they needed to spend time with the tiers of influences if you develop those tiers you develop your future movie makers or YouTube true but like how would that how would that take into account virality in terms of a channel that has no record that just happens to have a video that I might go viral simply because it does that system yeah but but see what it does is that when you okay when you have tears you have people in the system your algorithm doesn't spend time watching them it watches the rest mmm-hmm I see what you mean because I'm not gonna put up anything crazy to lose my money I'm getting from YouTube come on nuts you won't do that either there anyone who's making money anyone who's I mean yes you're making money but like right now is it still a mini Wild West what it's a tiered system where you know like a look I need to do these things hopefully I can build you know build my my channel brand get in the audience the fits and then YouTube will recognize okay all right I see this guy's doing all these things even if I'm doing it and it's not working then they can now go okay you're doing the right things but maybe you need to tweak it's easier for them to now come in and say you need to help they can help you but because of that then the algorithm can spend time look at any video that spikes up immediately and go what is this video from where oh this is not I mean like is it simple spike up video is just from bored at work okay alright Tech good yeah you know makes sense I supposed to spike video this guy has a thousand subscribers what is this hey Google pause so so in the case of people who are actually like consistent creators specially ones that are making money it's more it's adding in a certain layer of meritocracy here so if you have good merit then like you are like you're good but we're going to definitely pull like we're gonna let the the algorithm at least not we but the algorithm will police all other content you can see where that's coming from that's actually not that's not a bad idea actually everything is incentivized in this world look you know it from from grade school you know I mean look I mean I I don't know how it is here but when I was growing up when my kena my even though it's it's not a good thing to do with your kids but you used to have competition with which kids in the family got the best grades so because of that because of that like I mean you'll come from the Asian family I'm African family they all do that kind of stuff so I'm like you know what I need to get that Super Nintendo so yeah I'm sorry yeah I mean I'm gonna bust my boss my butt here so that's what needs to happen I'm not saying the people don't do that I'm saying that sometimes it becomes futile but when there's something tangible to get you know it makes a lot of sense look at Samsung pay that's the only service I can think of in terms of a company right now that the reason I like to use it whenever when I first came out was because Samsung pay had points the points you used to redeem stuff or enter into the giveaways and they still have it going on constantly now they have cash back before they had cash back the add point so even if you cared about cash backing away again cash back you're like oh but you know with the points I could get myself a Samsung TV like a 40-inch for my you know my second bedroom all right cool and it ended it promotes like I was saying before it promotes merit performance ie makes you a good user on the system yeah so that it's easier to pinpoint the bad users on the system okay I could see that I'm saying it's not going to be perfect but I think that would make a lot of sense it's at least a suggestion and I think the main problem was that the main problem from that Bloomberg article or deep dive was that while suggestions were being made to YouTube it wasn't as if they were actually enacting any of them so that's the big problem right now that's the whole that's whole thing right now and the reason why we're using YouTube is because we're using YouTube as the talking point right now is because that's where the biggest story came from but we're gonna get into the other social media in a second but I do want to get into the live chat a little bit Laura's Rae Jepsen I'm sorry I don't know how someone like YouTube or Facebook can possibly curate content it's just not possible people are responsible for their own content not the platform so yes personal responsibility I do agree with that that there are those creators who for the most part like be don't they don't they don't act up there on the they're on the platform and they make the platform money but they also make the platform enjoyable for all of the viewers there are still a majority what even though everyone might say that everyone in their mothers has a YouTube channel right now and it does feel that way I mean Frick I have two channels right but there are still buying larger majority of people who don't have channels who are just the viewers and it's it's for them like this these these services are for those people us creators like we're here because we love doing what we do but ultimately our content is for the people who would come and view it so I agree with that that there is some personal responsibility involved but as a here saying there has to be a way of incentivizing those people to remain good on the platform and then they can weed out the rest but here's here's a here's here's another sort of perspective on this YouTube should be a mess for those who want a mess good bad educational and everything now here's the part that I want you to respond to e if you can once YouTube gets all family-friendly it will die fast I kind of don't think that's the case here it's not like you're going down YouTube to watch porn for example like it like family-friendly can encompass so many different things you can curse on YouTube maybe not too much but you can curse on YouTube for example it doesn't have to be so PG or even G there's not gonna be G all the time no I I think who made that statement Oh that'll be Victor Victoria's is is is stating a a fear that the execs are are probably thinking that is an executive-level fear the fact that if we curtail it down because they made Sur the problems YouTube has always meet these harsh things when I'd pocalypse happened the first time they just went and clamped down and the law couriers were like what is going on like you're stifling us and not understanding that to me you have to build your system to match as it grows the problem is YouTube has not done that and they've let it expand into a monster that now they created another machine to drive this monster and the machine is having issues like literally if you think of it that way is that YouTube started as this hodgepodge and then it's it became something where people had a unifying area for you to view content but now they're having a hard time yeah with it and that's where their problem lies is that they're having a hard time dealing with content dealing with the ability to actually craft stuff like this and that's giving them this is giving them issues and I think that's where they need to make changes is that then to understand that look we have to craft a system that is sensible we have to connect with they don't connect with us so even if I get it for to me any platform if you really want people to fully buy in and curtail them you have to connect doesn't matter what it is whether it's a small business or something as large as YouTube or Facebook and the other social media is that you have to connect with them so that you will none of this none of the issues will end but when you can curtail it then it's easier for you to deal with a lot of things and I think that's where YouTube is having this issues that they've not spent time with that you know sorry I just saw a comment here from Adi and Nell says I do wanna yeah but yeah I I do want to switch gears actually like you know YouTube has been our main point of contention when it comes to this we are actually also talking about you know just sort of in in a microcosm we're also talking about digital wellness here because we are also talking about the fact that viewers might be on the platform so much and that's exactly what they want they want you to stay on the platform and that's true not only for YouTube but for Facebook Instagram Twitter we're gonna get into that in a second we don't have a mid role for this week so we don't really have an opportunity for a break but it's just a discussion that I found very interesting and and I wanted to make sure to have this with all of you so that we can get some of your some of your thoughts as well on it as far as actual product and device news that happened this week there wasn't really a whole lot there were leaks of the Opel Reno and I didn't want to get a hot take from you about that did you see this leak of the Opel Reno you mean the Google picks of four okay yeah that everyone's saying it's gonna be the that's how the pixel four will be is that it has a fin is there yeah I mean basically I mean the marques did a video almost laughed because they I felt like it's like my cast so use that as his basis the Reno looks pretty good no bezels it's got a 10x zoom according to the rumors and it's got this fin pop out I mean the fin pop art is fine it's it's a different way of doing I forget is it motorized to make it easy because if you if you if you pop most users won't pop it that's the thing yeah I think of me that way what I also want to add do is have you seen the renter's for the galaxy 80 90 no I haven't ah GSM Arina check it out the 890 has is from samsung 0 bezels also it has a slider that slides out and the rear camera rotates to what's to the front camera oh this was oh yeah this was just hours ago - yeah so that's that's also very interesting that you know Samsung is going that route with its its high-end mid tier with a and I think the A's rumored to have a 700 series processor which is very close to being 800 honestly it's yeah so they've got a video on there too as well for some of the renders it's it's something to just take a look at but I have to say this it's quite interesting it is it is for sure speaking of interesting I do I do want to start having a couple of recurring segments on the on the on the show especially when we have guests on but we can ask everybody and literally this is super like this is this is a very open forum type of question I want to start a recording segment here during our mid break of the podcast called what's in your pocket now and I want to I want to ask you that but in this case it's not about what's in his pocket it's about what's on your face and that has to do with the commenter in the live chat that you were laughing at a second ago yes no the kernel is not getting old I know the look a little funky these are the ow by North these are the smart glasses by falcão it's an engineering process so I actually get this pair of glasses the price drop from 1,000 to 600 you have to set up an appointment they have to scan your face and then after scanning your face they get you fitted for glasses now it's got clip-ons for shades as well you can get them you can get a prescription if you need a prescription it does have this this fingering controller right here that's how actually you control it and usually you put it either in your index or your you know this finger here when you forget when that ring finger well ring finger on the right hand side and that's how you control it then when you go to pet you when when they are ready they say it takes three to four weeks actually took mine two weeks when you get them ready you have to get an appointment to get it fitted again because it only has a very small area here on your screen where you can actually see so if my glass is a little lower it's not that clear I have to actually place them correctly and I can see it so as I'm looking at the screen I can see my date and time I can scroll through and a couple of using the ring to scroll through that having seen the ring discloses so sometimes like I use it on the subway today and I'm just staring straight ahead and I'm lucky that stuff it's cool though because if you just look slightly off you can't see it oh if I'm looking down now at the laptop I'm using my laptop here I can't see it but I look up I can see my messages I have to set up over where I can actually order an uber directly from here I can control my Spotify so they're adding new applications as it goes on and you know it's that kind of thing where we just see how how well it works but it's interesting it's actually easy to use with this because I'm just looking directly at the camera you know it's funny that little display it shows up in it shows up like to viewers and also to me as I'm looking at you it shows up as a little like red area so nice you can see the red area right yeah so it's like it looks like your pink eyes up there so yeah it's it's got this I'm gonna take them off here so usually I don't wear glasses this is know me yeah this is such a this such a new look for you yeah so this is how it looks this is it here you've got to the and if you guys can see that is the the camera projector that basically bounces on the screen there's an LED here this is a little speaker that you can get chime messages on the side there and yeah that's pretty much I need to get it cleaned out but it's nice so battery life is 16 to 18 18 hours okay some people said they've got and he said some people have gotten in it longer it lasts them like an extra day it all depends on how much messages you use I turned off my units YouTube notification on there because if now you just keep going the ring battery life is three days for the ring it's comes in a massive case I mean so this is the case oh boy yeah and then there's like a charging pin in the case the case also does three days on its own and then your clip-on for your sunglasses are also in here as well I know a lot of the viewers were probably thinking like what the heck is the price of that thing so the price is $600 if you add a few if you're getting prescriptions a little bit more but since I don't have a prescription for me it's 600 bucks yeah I wouldn't need that only a prescription for mine yeah I just use these ones so this is it with the clip ons here there you go and that would that would actually mask the red area so you know yeah but I think you can only see the red area if you're this close where my camera is and because you're looking at on a camera okay so my camera is literally here where my finger is I'm almost touching it okay so only so so only for us here on the YouTube side and II does not have pinkeye just saying you know okay guy so as the host obviously I'm going to have to be part of this as well and it's gonna be interesting because I have to pick a new item basically every week to show what is in my pocket now there's some things you can't talk about either exactly exactly though I will admit that ones in my backpack but what I have here would be the Xiaomi me9 which I've been using as my daily for the last couple of weeks I did actually just post up a video this week it's probably the only video that's going up yeah that was that fit was pretty nice though the quality was good it wasn't bad but the mics on here are like they're they're laughably bad in in when it comes to when it comes to recording video when I have it this close for like voice messages and for calling in all that it's super clear but it just doesn't have a good pickup from a distance so that's that's actually bit of a disappointment so I would say that this is not for vloggers if you know me from my from my channel I talk about how I talk about who what what type of users these phones are for this may not necessarily be for vloggers because the audio pickup it's just not that great but otherwise the phone has been pretty fantastic I have to admit everyone always has something to say about the Android operating systems on phones like LG's UI for example everyone has something to say by emui this is me UI me why it's gotten so good honestly it's it's fast it's easy to use I really enjoy it a lot me UI is I could use one on the daily and I have been recently so let me just give a just give a shout-out to Xiaomi so far the me 9 pretty good review coming out pretty soon all right so speaking of the stuff that is on our phones we do have I want to spend a little bit of time getting into the other the other sides of this discussion we're having about content curation but also about our attention where our attention is and obviously the buzzword that everybody is using these days is called digital wellness and you see a bunch of phones like the iPhone and Android on a system-level now has a digital wellness layer where you can see what apps you're using all the time where your attention is at all times in my case is usually on YouTube of course as we were talking but I also play a lot of games so it's like YouTube games camera and then music those are the four I would say Instagram is actually a fairly distant fifth and I'm gonna ask you where yours might be you don't have to look right now but just off the top of your head but there have been a couple of videos over the last couple of weeks that we're on YouTube obviously he's he Nystedt was talking about how he wanted to uninstall the applications on his smartphone because he is sick of having his attention dedicated to places like Twitter and Instagram and I don't know if anyone out there saw his video I mean millions did he's it's Casey Knight said after all but he talked about how he called it the attention loop and I thought it was a hilarious way for him to put it where he he wants to pay attention to one story so he goes on Twitter and he finds the tweet about it but I think it's curious about all of the follow ups that are happening on Twitter for so he reads all of that and then he finds himself using even more of his attention even though he only wanted to have two minutes of it taken out by the fact that he wanted to check on one news story and it's just this endless loop it's this absolute endless loop of attention being given to Instagram and Twitter and that one was Twitter but he also said Instagram has the same issue as well he talked a little bit about the algorithm on Instagram basically making it so that every post that you see is based upon the accounts that you frequent the most and that's why the discover tab in my case is all wrestling like it's WrestleMania week is WrestleMania weekend this weekend I've been I've been following WWE and my discover tab is literally all just wrestlers and wrestling clips and there are in just like on YouTube you have all of these users who are getting onto the platform and just creating content for Instagram that has to do with wrestling and these are not even official accounts for wrestlers or wrestling promotions these are just random like you've probably seen these right with your enemies stuff on Instagram there's like my Instagram is no mine's not a tomato mine is mine is all martial arts you know I put a lot of fitness and mootai stuff for my Instagram yeah so I'm looking at mine right here is I've got a lot of karate kumite there's some fitness individuals here I won't call it compensates fitness models and there's a lot but there's a lot of karate I follow jean-claude Van Damme I follow what's his name again I would Dolph Lundgren but yeah I'm looking some more Taekwondo there's this kick right there but even then if you look at home I just I did it did I oh okay I thought it was just a feed thing but yeah it looks I guess I did but like if you look at if you look at the discover tab in here you'll know you'll notice that while all of the content is geared towards the interest that you have told Instagram hey show me more of this and that's really how all these algorithms work a lot of those accounts are not even actual like official accounts for that kind of stuff oh no no they're not I mean that's that's the thing it's like it would be like jean-claude van Damme fans yeah yeah no go ahead he doesn't post that much you know like when they pose when he posed it comes up on my feed but my discovery tab is all the fan stuff from jean-claude van Damme oh yeah this isn't a kick wow that was that's too bright I just realize it's trying to show you an image and oh nice yeah so it's stuff like that that shows up on my feet yeah but this is this is exactly the kind of stuff that this is an it's just the law sorry gotta mess up my thought there this is exactly where algorithms can be exploited and this is if you want a great example of how algorithms can be exploited it's right there is the fact that you can create an account that just is a little bit in the realm of people's interests and then it can be anything else it could be whatever you want it to be and it could it could end up being very harmful in a way Kwame Coles they were supposed to make Instagram in chronological order and that never happened I hate seeing things from four days ago exactly the algorithm is trying to show you things that it thinks you or that it thinks are relevant to you and nothing is chronological anymore like a pretty much you we should we should have eye trackers to show how many times we look at the bottom of a post to see how long ago it was because like that's like the most common thing I do on Instagram is like when was that but you know so it's okay see nice dad we had this discussion yesterday II you to that Casey nice that was trying to uninstall these applications and to take his attention back but you were telling me yesterday that you think that that's actually a half measure it's okay it's a bit of a half measure I think it's one of those things where you know like I've this discussions and discussions I've had for a while I mean when I stopped my podcast we should talk about this a lot and like Sam is one of those people where he is not on Facebook that much anymore and he didn't dinner and and I think that's even a better approach if you're gonna cut off a piece of social media you might cut it off sure but you have to remind yourself why did you get there in the first place right what's the main reason there and then you decide how you want to use it so once I started spending time as an influencer I realize how is good to use social media and I decided anything I put up there is what I change everybody doesn't matter even if you Facebook sells it or whatever right that's just I've accepted that fact and I think that's 1/2 or 1/4 of what everybody needs to understand even if you're not an influencer instead whatever you put up with social media is not yours anymore it's for the world and the company itself it's freemium right then there's also the aspect of you can't dwell on those aspects oh there's one thing that we used to do and we still kind of do is that Sam was send me a story from he likes it he uses read it a lot so he was sending from reddit or whatever Soares and I used to send stories from Facebook like I was here on Facebook and then our really incentive but what we did what we did subscrie would share stories and I'd be like I don't think that's correct I saw the same article from here and this is missing or this is not there and we used to cross check ourselves and say hey look that's old I don't think that's correct news I don't think is factual because anytime we see something like now anytime we see something I look for for sources I just have to look for sources it's annoying as hell but that's just the way it is because without forget social media it's also it's it's something this has been happening over time it's not social media cause the social media is that asked access this is something we've been doing constant number how I spoke to you about what we are what we're experiencing is what celebrities have experienced forever it's just now the average man is experiencing it what I mean here is that your celebrities have oh you know people complain about social medias like you know I'm getting inundated with a lot of information people bugging me all this kind of stuff as a celebrity they've been doing this for a long time where people bug them about them paparazzi bug them the they are always the center of attention so when we get some famous Sochi you don't have to be influenced it to be actually famous you could just have a very rabid falling because of something you do right now and you become an e doesn't have to be super big you can have 45,000 and people are like on Instagram you're like oh my god man I love whenever he post pictures of this and blah blah blah blah and this is that we experience in some of that and now we realized that we're not a continent not exactly that experience is not built for the mass audience yeah thanks me it was always a certain set of people because we know whatever you share the story of a celebrity getting pissed and like I don't want to sign your autograph and pushes people away and stuff that you're like oh how I'm grateful in that person is like you know we're the ones who helped you get to this position now you're in that position and you're complaining about Facebook Instagram Twitter or the I mean the one thing I would say everybody should do or can't do is you step away you spend less so you do less on that platform because when you come back it also feels fresh you know like whatever I miss it sometimes it's not that fresh sometimes it is you know face couldn't remember I'm trying member a study that was done where they added a timer they'd like they gave they gave a time limit to I want to say teenagers or preteens about how long they could be on any one application and obviously this had to do with Twitter Instagram and social media and whatnot it incited anger so much from them because they wanted to stay on those platforms and like going back to the whole idea of or is the onus on the company like they their number one goal is to keep you on their platform and you know so yes there is personal responsibility involved I just want to bring up that I remember reading that that that I should I got to try to find that study again but it was it was one of those like small sample size stories but like basically it showed that they were upset anytime the timer went off and they couldn't use that app anymore and instead of like moving on to something that was more productive they were just upset that they couldn't use Facebook anymore who was in the study teens I think it was teens I want to say this younger younger folk look that's what parenting is all about I'm not prepared but I don't know my mom that I could tell me from playing my Super Nintendo it's the same thing I mean I didn't play during school year I'm not saying you have to stop kids no using social media during school year but you have to provide that sense of balance in their heads I mean I have to have younger cousins and I don't curtail their social media because I know their parents don't but they've you know they've spent time teaching them that look you can't spend time here because you still have to do certain things you have to make money you have to be able to get a career you have to be able to grow as an individual and those are the kind of things that are missing and again that's personal responsibility whether it's from the parents what is the individual or child whatever the case may be and I think understanding that aspect of social media that not no one is your friend let's just be honest everyone who follows me everyone who follows PocketNow everyone who follows Joshua you guys are not my friends and I'm not your friend and not in a bad way the fact that we don't know anything about each other to actually come into that true experience of what a friend is we are at the very most acquaintances that have a certain interest at hand and we work on that interest now once people realize that they know K fine yeah the people that connected you can build a friendship online there's nothing wrong with that it's very possible but we need we need to understand that there is that gap and yes there's also responsibility on the companies as well like they need to understand how the audience is once it could tell you know we talked about Facebook and and live-streaming and the fact that I mean I believe that that's something that they should only hand to creators and they should have added a level of meritocracy also Facebook also wasted a huge opportunity are not paying their their users but actually giving people on Facebook points you report something erroneous you get points you know if you see you know it when Facebook went public soon after they should have had a point system on Facebook well yeah you are you can enjoy Facebook the way it is but if you help the platform you get points which you can cash in four different things hey maybe an this headset maybe you know there are web you know they are the camera system maybe a game you know a lot of you know Facebook games like then used in your your dedicated time there makes a lot of sense again you you gamify it way makes sense for the user and then now when you're using their content and suddenly their content they also know that they've benefited from this yeah for sure at some point so I mean everyone in the live chats talking about those headphones behind you but I wanted to ask the live chat as we wind down the last five to ten minutes of this podcast I just wanted to see I want to I want to do a temperature check with all of our viewers and our listeners also let us know at hashtag pn weekly how much do you curate your own attention how much do you curate your own social media use I mean I know for myself I I only really find myself on social media platforms a whole lot really at night honestly it's basically after everything else is done but the problem that I have there is that since I'm scrolling through Instagram and watching IG stories incessantly it keeps me from sleeping so that's my number one problem with it but I want to really say like like I said in the YouTube section as far as like harmful content on all these platforms I don't engage in any of that stuff that's why it's hard for me to actually talk about it at length because I don't actually watch it I don't actually engage in it whatsoever I I fell on one prank channel on April Fool's Day because of Twitter and I want to unsee that I want those I want those five minutes back from my life because I can't believe I actually watched what I watched I don't even want to talk about it but that's what I mean it's like it doesn't it doesn't do anything from you but apparently those videos do definitely go viral they have millions of views and that's the problem we have here's whether or not these companies should be curating the content for the safety of their viewers so I guess as we wind down this podcast I guess I would ask you what what tips would you have for people to sort of get make themselves even safer on the Internet like we could talk about digital wellness but also talking about content on the internet what they can do to ensure that they're not either using of all their attention or putting their attention into things that might be ultimately harmful go out I mean I have to attest to this this is true I actually have spent more time in this office and in my home over the last two weeks working granted but it will but that also means that I'm susceptible to being on YouTube for hours and hours on end consuming content rather than creating it that's for people like me and Yui that's the big that's the big thing if we're consuming more than we're creating we have a big problem oh yeah we do I mean they have their bouts where I've consumed like a lot of entertainment anime you know comic book movie stuff and I'm like okay I need to make my video man God you know but sometimes it's just good to step out it's good to explore the the idea of or or listen I had a good period last week where I finished one of the audiobooks I was listening to which is the fifth book in the expanse series if you want a book series to read go read that is absolutely amazing and I just and it's been a while since I've done that I sat down on my couch here I've got a big TV I have shows I have to watch I spent two hours listening just just listening and it was a really good experience too and in let me step out away from what I into sometimes you need to the thing about any any form of entertainment is that too much again angel saying too much you know too much of any good thing is bad so find other avenues whether it's go out you know the weather's getting better it's time to you know head to the beach or the park or you play sports you play some basketball some football soccer or whatever it is hang out with friends get to know your neighborhood it's even may sound silly you know there are things that happen find out what happens around you if you're gonna use it I love that one like when's the last time you actually knew your neighbors like you know I'm after you actually my building your building yeah so she's associated with the place that you have but like I know me like living in a home with my family I don't know anybody on my street like yeah by Mia but all these get to know your neighborhood right find out what's happening in the city right events some festivals the thing that's happening now in our culture is that it's something that's always been happening in New York it's spired around the country and it happens on the west coast is that a lot of cities are trying to do things to get people you know so there's a lot of festivals this might be like crappy craft beer festival there might be you know a convention there might be a small anime convention that it's like 20 bucks or ticket you go check it out I and remember hold you see a TV after that you from a show you're like oh wow I didn't know you guys came here you know like I thought you only went to the big cities but they do all this convention so there's a lot to see and do and for some places it's smaller than the others but just try and do something else because when you do that then you realize that oh and then you think that when you go back and check your timeline and you now speed through you're like oh I'm already back to where I was and it was only like 10 that's I have to say that is a depressing thing like I whenever I'm on Instagram and I see a photo I've seen already I'm like what am I doing here like I I've literally gone through everything everyone else has done since the last time I've been here from our live chat a few people talking Peter Aaden I think it's important to not get too distracted with some of the other content and be sure to step away if you ever feel like you end up spending time watching videos just as I described there was also a lot of people saying you know go ahead and get active we did get a one dollar super chat from Richard s I wish she added like a quick comment or a question on there so that way we could have like talked about that a little bit that's okay just in text says I spend more time on YouTube then Instagram then Facebook I'm kind of the same except I don't spend time on Facebook they're the reason why I wanted to bring this up and if Jaime was here he would tell you I don't know to what extent but he doesn't he's not on Facebook anymore like I don't know if he completely deleted as a counter anything like that but he's definitely not on Facebook anymore if he or I tried to talk to him on facebook Messenger we would never get a response let me actually see if his on Facebook yeah he might still have his account but what I'm saying is he definitely does not engage any more on unfazed accounts is still here okay so he doesn't engage here's the thing and I mean how do you know yeah his account is here his last cross post was from Instagram hmm oh so he's just it's just Auto posting from there yeah he's here okay um to add to what you were saying is I gonna go eat before we head out of here to anybody out there who might be going out to like there are there are a few people on the live chat also like go go date go exercise go to events all that stuff just like it you was saying there are those people who would be like yeah I gotta go there because I've got a great idea out of it but like here's the layer that I'll add to it if you're going to do other things other than be on your social media platforms especially if your creator this is something that I try to instill in my entire life I used to be a daily vlogger so I know what it's like to try and do stuff just so you have content it sucks to live that way so what I would say is in like go to something or do something because you enjoy it the content that you could get out of it comes second like you just happen to be at a thing you're enjoying that's when you take the photo you don't go there to take the photo because we've actually had that problem here you might have seen news stories about how we have a super bloom right now because it's springtime but they actually banned people from going to this large hilly area where all of these flowers were blooming because a lot of flowers got trampled because people were trying to take pictures like cool pictures off the path and in the flowers and they were just walking stepping all over that it was terrible Wow but yeah okay let's see anything else in there okay well okay I guess on this note we're gonna go ahead and it on here Eric Poojari says I'm half drunk already alright well on that note I hope everyone's enjoying their Friday's EMI should going to be seeing you in the flesh tomorrow so we're gonna be hanging out for the next few days yeah yeah we've got a we've got a video coming up at least a joint video in the sense mm-hmm we'll be doing together sorry so stay tuned for that that would be cool yeah all right cool well we're gonna go ahead and call it on that one let me go ahead and get into our outro that's it for the weekly our theme music is bloom by Minerva courtesy of a royalty-free license with our phox you could learn more in this episode's description follow our crew on Twitter he once you go and let the people know where they can find you yes you can find me on YouTube Twitter Instagram Facebook all on the board at work spelled with two O's and also on our website border were calm all right there we go for this chill ish podcast where we were just talking a little bit existentially about digital wellness social media and YouTube at large because that was the biggest story that I saw this past week but in any case I will be back next week I'm of course your host Josh or for Gaara I am found at JV tech t you know me I am JV I love tech and I'd love to drink me some tea I don't have any on me right now actually but in any case pocket now is at pocket now on twitter facebook instagram and youtube in english in espanol where you can find more views more news rather on the pod came out daily and parking i'll add audio every weekday catch up on what the weekly is talking about at slash podcast also make sure you make your voices heard by emailing us podcast at we'd certainly appreciate your feedback through reviews and ratings on Google Apple Spotify overcast and wherever you happen to be streaming us because without you we won't have been able to make this show for your eyes and ears for now seven years straight we're actually going to be seeing you out of San Francisco next week I can't talk about why just yet but a lot of us are going to be getting together so I don't know maybe we'll have a three or four person panel for next week's show but we're all going to be in the same place you can look forward to one of those live episodes and I'm gonna ask them what is in their pocket now but with that said I'm gonna go ahead and call on this one thank you so much again for watching and we will see you next week
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