Fall trifecta: LG V40 ThinQ, Nokia 7.1, Surface Headphones | #PNWeekly 326
Fall trifecta: LG V40 ThinQ, Nokia 7.1, Surface Headphones | #PNWeekly 326
and on this episode of pocket now a wild
tailor Martin appears I thought about
that on the ride over
it's great to see you back man I will
give you your introduction in a second
hello everybody and welcome to episode
number 326 of the weekly brought to you
by pocket now and xda-developers on
Friday the 5th of October 2018 from LG
to Microsoft and a bit of Nokia as well
let's get talking about everything that
had to be and had to be announced this
week everything just had to be this week
so much stuff going on and if you can't
hear it in my voice already I am you're
slightly under the weather cross-country
podcaster it's Joshua Vergara what's
going on everybody have a cup of tea
here give me a second we just throw the
bag out while I let well jaime is not
here yet but let's go ahead and get some
words from Brandon minimun house this
week treated you since you didn't have
to travel anywhere solid and I have a
new microphone that's cardioid which we
learned is the shape of the sound field
it's kind of like a heart or a peach as
Joshua said but I'm gonna call it a
heart because it's more heart shaped so
hopefully I sound nice and crispy well I
think I didn't know what a heart looks
like Brandon oh man it's your first day
back man come on Oh credit credit where
credit's do I think the peach comment
actually came from Taylor Taylor Martin
rejoining pocket now our best damn
everyday carrier Taylor Martin have you
been I've been great I've been busy and
all set up you have by the way it's
great I spent my whole week fixing this
office still gonna paint but yeah it's
been so nice it feels good to be back to
in the next podcast we're gonna have to
talk about your beard because I have a
lot of questions about it I have nothing
to add alright and our our podcast
producer extraordinaire Jules Wong is in
the booth I am probably going to pull
him into the podcast once or twice given
certain circumstances because we're
talking about so many things this week
all right
we're hitting the ground running we were
in New York over the last number of days
Jaime and I were because there were
certain meetings that we can't talk
about as usual hashtag and
can we do that can we make that a
hashtag can we just like tease
everything and just go hashtag in da all
the time so we haven't we have that at
stuff and then right after it was an
evening event on the LGV 40 thing queue
yeah there you go there a the sneakers
are coming from Brandon over there
alright so LG's brand new device that
has 5 cameras counting 1 2 3 4 5 2 of
them on the front three of them on the
back and now there is a telephoto zoom
on the rear along with wide ankles not
only on the rear but also on the
front-facing camera so you can get more
people in your shot or if you're like me
and you're a bit of a vlogger it's gonna
look a little bit more like the kind of
lenses I would use as a vlogger perhaps
now there are a number of caveats with
this one but let's go ahead and jump
into it a little bit Jaime did do his
review already of it and with that in
mind I actually have his v40 at this
point because I'm gonna do some content
on it as well but let's go down the spec
sheet a little bit the snapdragon need
45 six point four inches OLED screen
it's a quad HD plus panel and six
gigabytes of RAM and 64 gigabytes of
on-board storage but it does have an
micro SD card slot talking about those
cameras we have a 12 megapixel 45 degree
F 2.4 so that's your wide angle you have
the normal angle one which is a 12
megapixel F 1.5 and then you have a 16
megapixel F 1.9 at o 45 is zoom sorry
about that whole 45 degree okay I'm
getting my numbers up I'm getting my
numbers mixed up 107 degree okay let me
start over 12 megapixel 45 degree 45 45
is room 45 millimeters see it's just a
millimeter here that's the reason why I
got a little bit way no 45 degree angle
of view that's the reason why it's that
okay in any case there's a telephoto a
regular sue there's a zoom a regular
tell i'm sick right now there's a zoom a
regular and a wide and then on the front
there's an 80 degree an 80 degree camera
and a 90 degree camera now this is one
of those hot takes i want to get from
you guys does 10 degrees more field of
view mean wide-angle to you guys these
um these cameras sound really good on
paper when when i'm a was here last week
it was like a day after he got the v40
and i was playing with it and i was
switching but
you know the wide angle of the regular
camera and the telephoto just back and
forth and the difference was so minored
I was expecting like you know with the
g7 and the other dual camera LG phones
when you go from regular to wide-angle
it's just dramatic but between these
three cameras they're so close it's kind
of disappointing on I think yeah Taylor
he had I thought well I was gonna say
that it's hard to know exactly what they
are in terms of millimeters because
focal length is how I think of these
cameras I haven't seen a lot of this
stuff and you guys are gonna have to
forgive me because I've been out of the
game for four years now so all of this
is very new to me I don't even I was
trying to remember what the last phone I
reviewed was and I think it was the
iPhone 6 plus whoa
yeah that's a throwback for sure it's
been awhile it was just caught it was
just cut off of Apple's support now
because what that the event they're like
seven eight nine ten I mean seven eight
ten tennis yeah so it's it's been a
while and I don't know how those field
of view or the angle of you translates
few millimeters yeah as far as focal
length goes so I'm to know if ten
degrees is a big difference but I think
as far as front cameras on a phone go
like I don't see why you would need to
why not let's make them all wide like
well that's a dream for for a
front-facing camera I remember one time
it was LG and I think also HTC that put
one camera on the front and what they
would just do was crop in if you want
its certain like fields of view the only
the only downside of that is with a wide
lens if you hold it really close to your
face it's gonna you know stretch your
nose out and make you yeah gonna distort
your head yeah it'll-it'll worth you
it'll warp e around a little bit there's
obviously distortion on the ends and the
thing is I remember when I was using the
v40 for the very little amount of time
that I have so far when I went to the
90-degree frame of view of field of view
I should say it did look better like
it's a lot of front facing cameras on
are to narrow their way to narrow their
made that they're there just for like
this just right here and just like area
yeah thank you as a little chest area
and up you know it's not you it's you
they're trying to make sure that your
face takes up as much of the frame as
possible but the thing is we're in the
vlogging generation now we want to be
able to share the rest of our
environments you wanna get any minute
Orioles in there right yeah exactly
that's right depressing
I've been mentioned I've been mentioned
it's all good I'm trying to get ready
but yeah the what I used to do with LG
phones with the white angle on the rear
is just hit record and then turn it
around like this that's what I that's
what I generally would do and it usually
worked really well even though you could
see a lot of my arm it was a great like
secondary vlogging camera by five
cameras I mean yeah Taylor like you said
you you've been certainly have Josh
froze a little bit oh well what's been
what's been your what's been your
thought on all that so far now we're up
to five total I missed about ninety
percent of what you asked
oh really did I love it freeze oh my bad
I was asking you Taylor um what are your
thoughts on how the camera game in
smartphones has been going like we're up
to five now yes so it's interesting
because the the time I've been away I've
put a lot of effort into video quality
camera quality stills taking photos I've
upped my video game and the videographer
photographer niece says you know if you
should be a okay with just using a phone
for general purpose but the gearhead and
me is like man I don't like it I don't
like the the quality of the phones that
we've got and or the cameras and the
phones that we have and I'm not totally
blown away about anything anymore and
it's just because you know I just got a
full-frame camera and it's like
mind-blowing yeah spoiled yeah super
spoiled but at the same time you have
fun stuff like this
yep and I think this this is a better
option to me than having two three four
lenses in a phone or camera is built
into a phone the depth sensors are great
but if you take a look at like the
second camera on an iPhone the zoom lens
or camera on the iPhone is such lower
quality than the main camera
they generally are yeah yeah and that's
the problem is that it's cool but you're
sacrificing part of what makes having
really great cameras in a phone great
there is the argument of the TT yeah
there is that there's an argument that
people are making especially with this
phone that you want to have everything
built-in that way you have those options
and it is a bit of a shame though that
because for example moment that you just
mentioned them they do make lenses in
cases for the note 9 so you can put
those lenses on either one of you get
you can put those big lenses on either
one of the pieces of glass on the back
of this phone it'll be great if we're
able to take advantage of that with the
three different cameras on the back of
the LG I mean that's kind of cool
right and you can with with the iPhone
10 yea I'm assuming that newer ones you
can move the lens between the cameras
yeah exactly so I'm Wallace Lee but yea
I'm a big fan of moment as well that's
I may just cut in so there is I'm so
glad you're here Jaime you're gonna help
talk for about a lot of stuff because my
throat is killing me right now you don't
have oil of oregano not yet I have yet
to go grab some I have tea though I
apologize but I had issues with my
coffee machine and priorities you know
coffee when you guys asked me if I could
be on today I was like I gotta go oh my
God look at Taylor Martin with a fancy
microphone man good he's really matured
I know look at Brandon minimun with a
fancy mic like it this happened what's
oh my god I'm liking this pocket now a
lot alright I mean you you can give us
the most information on our main topic
right our our current topic right now
which is of course the LGV 40
you have my unit I do I was saying I
have the unit I haven't set it up yet I
plan on doing some cool stuff this
weekend you can look forward to a vlog
I'm looking forward to it but yes let's
talk about v40 yes um we were on the
cameras we haven't gone to the battery
yet so if you want to bring that up go
for it so here's the thing there are a
lot of things that LG does really well I
would say that better than other
companies for example their hardware
design ever since the g6 has been on
point there's there's something about
the v40 that's interesting it doesn't
feel like the b30 it's taller and
there's this like bevel in the screen
that makes it feel I don't know
it almost feels like all glass and no no
metal anywhere it feels really really
nice I felt that the weight distribution
was great I obviously I despised the the
software but then again as much as I
despise the approach to the user
interface it had great battery life for
me sorry I I tested it on AT&T had great
battery life I then swapped some cars to
t-mobile great battery life no problems
whatsoever it's an eight forty five so
the speeds are great as well but then
when we jump to the camera I don't know
two things number one the design of the
camera at the back I'm not I'm not a fan
of it not exactly it's so weird out of
all things you know for me honestly it
wasn't really like the design of the
camera hump but it was like where they
put the flash all the way to one end and
so it looks asymmetrical like why not
put the flash below the camera lenses
and then below that is the fingerprint
scanner and that would have looked
probably better balanced and then they
made some sacrifices that they didn't
really tell people and like the first
one if you notice there is no laser
autofocus you know LG has had laser
autofocus since the g3 ah yeah they
killed that and you can totally tell
when you're taking photos one of the
things that I like the most about LG
phones prior to the v40 is just that
like focusing was snappy immediate and
so you had the advantage of face
detection autofocus
lest the laser-focused and so it was on
point all the time not with the v40 and
so there are certain features that I
wouldn't consider gimmicks like for
example you've got three cameras and
it's got a mode where you're able to
take the three photos at the same time
and at the same time it'll also record a
video and so I find that to be genius
like all cameras at the same time it
takes a little it takes a little bit to
jump from one to the other but you get
to capture the moment without fumbling
with the controls I find that to be
fantastic you know the problem is you
know what the problem is that the last
shot the telephoto shot always comes out
yeah what was that you saying real quick
Taylor I was gonna ask if it if it shot
them all at once like all sensors are
firing in time no it's not all just not
I'm not all right so it's like a slow
HDR it's like a it's not just the slow
HDR but it's like when you're taking
have you ever seen night mode on the
Huawei p20 Pro it's okay so the moment
you hit the shutter the moment you hit
the shutter it starts it sounds like it
starts like a countdown and so it's like
shot one shot two shot three and so it's
I let the idea I just the
implementations not good which was odd
because I was it you that noticed Josh
that the units that they had on display
at the event
those could do Oh Danny was the one that
noticed that the in those units had
worked just fine but then in the units
that we had for review and I mean I had
the unit for about a week and a half
that the implementation was not good
there well that's that's LG's
song-and-dance every single time right
is pre-production software but then
they're so good about their
pre-production software and then their
production software sucks which had on
it is just the weirdest thing like when
the g5 launched their hardware on the on
the demo units was fabulous but then
when we got the final units that sucked
and then in a case of the g6 the heart
that my pre-production unit performed
far better than the final unit that I
got from from the carrier and so that
was just so weird and then the third
thing is in the case of the you know
just photography as it is um so I feel
that photography is of
overexposed I like the results they'll
get me wrong like LG really punches
saturation to the limit and the blend of
that Olin where they finally got the old
at right on this v40 like I had some
burning issues with the V 30 with the be
35 and what the V 30-plus not the B 30
no issues on this V 40 it was great but
the and the photos look great on the
phone but once she pulled them out to
the computer they're good it's just like
for example they're in their version of
night mode which is pixel binning and
you know grabbing a 16 megapixel shot
and turning it into four yeah it wasn't
fabulous like I I noticed nothing no
improvements between that sort of pixel
binning and what Samsung would do with
their galaxies on a typical photo
without the binning whereas if you look
at a p20 pro and they'd do that pixel
binning from 40 to 10 it is crazy great
yeah and so I feel that LG still needs
to work a little more but all these
again these are software issues these
are things that they can fix just the
hardware's there like the the slot the
size of the microns is there the focal
the focal length and the and the sorry
not the focal length but the like
everything that's necessary is there
it's just they need to tune in their
software a little bit that's my opinion
they need a partnership much like what
Huawei has like why not just go for the
competitor like Zeiss or some yes yes
and and oh and one thing that I did like
wow like they finally figured out the
sharpening of their video I hated
sharpening on LG phones I remember there
was this one time where I did a trip to
the Vatican with a g7 because I was like
oh yeah this is like the perfect good no
with the beat 30 idea this is the
perfect video camera no when I see the
results like they were not on par with
an iPhone just nothing not even close
even with it doesn't it doesn't really
matter you've got all these amazing
manual controls and all these amaze all
this amazing hardware and those great
microphones if the resulting video that
just the codec and just the way
everything was delivered which was
crappy yeah for sure um okay so oh sorry
go ahead Bren I was gonna say Jess you
you you mentioned perhaps LG you should
partner with Zeiss to help improve the
processing and so forth and then of
course that brings to mind the Leica
ship with Huawei him you know and do you
guys know what that actually means like
what did like a do oh so we were at the
wall we were at the like Factory do you
want to do that Josh
sure yeah so we rent the like a factory
was an incredible experience the entire
campus looks like a camera in certain
ways and to resemble a camera camera
lens yes yeah and what they basically
told us was that while Leica does not
actually manufacture all of the bits and
pieces that go into the huawei phones
they worked really closely with Huawei
to tune them so all of like--is
expertise goes into that and then it
goes off to China and gets made by a
bunch of like people out there so the so
so Leica has has a real big hand in how
the quality of pictures comes out from
those cameras it may not be full it may
not be glass because like is all about
that glass it's it's not actually glass
in there obviously because I would make
it a little bit dangerous but they have
a hand in every little piece of the
tuning of those cameras so so maybe they
should partner with red because red is
really 11 coming they're not gonna make
a phone let's just face it like it's
just married you just get together well
but here's the thing like um you know
Sony's got their partnership with sites
when it comes to their cameras it that's
right sony has ice and then we've got
Nokia what's ice on phones you know we
saw that Nokia 7.1 that was just
recently announced and I'm glad that
that's back happening by the way I hate
the fact that there is nobody by the way
it is the Sony Xperia z3 for those of
you that hadn't seen it it arrived a
couple of days ago I hated these phones
I mean they the build the sensors are
made by Sony and yet their best work
like the best work from Sony sensors is
not on Sony phones it's in others the
biggest irony so hit me with these
companies but I'll give you an example
when it comes to what why do I like
photography from Huawei phones and this
doesn't include the p20 Pro actually I
think the beats when he Pro is like a
means to an end it's like they're
experimenting with new things and the
pits when he throw pros
step in that right direction so probably
the make 20 Pro will be the phone that
will deliver but like one thing that I
like about taking photos with Panasonic
cameras that are tuned by Leica is just
their the way they handle low-light it's
like a micro 4/3 sensor is not good for
low-light and then they do a way of
handling grain in like skin tone and
just you know products for I don't know
what it is but it looks really really
nice and the same goes with Huawei
phones previous to the p20 cuz I feel
that the p20 was just too oversaturated
whereas if you took a photo with the
mate 10 with the main 10 pro you would
notice this like interesting grain and
like taking photos at like a flower or
something like that and it looked really
good the other phone it does that with
no partnership whatsoever is the note 9
and there's like no big dimension any
differences in tuning well they did
mention that there were enhancements in
the algorithm and one thing that I
noticed with those note 9 photos was
that there's this grain that looks
really nice okay so other things about
the v40 that I want to make sure you
touch on I have one main question and
then we're gonna move on to LG's other
product which by the way Taylor if you
have a browser up I would say go ahead
and take a look at LG's other product
well before we talk about cuz I'm really
interested to hear with you or you just
me or do you sound in slow-mo Josh I
have to restart my mic sound like if
you're in slow mode dude alright so it's
so funny
keep coming great all right well you
guys talk real quick about the battery
well am I going to have a trouble with
that battery running out on me when I'm
trying to vlog all day the v40 no no I
was very satisfied with the battery life
on that phone zero problems whatsoever
like like I feel that LG gets that right
and I just find it so odd with the
amount of blow that they include in
their hardware in their software's sorry
I can't remember the last phone that I
used that didn't get me through the day
in battery life and that's great and I
know Jaime you're having problems with
the 10s and but layout of the tennis is
not delivering for me I it's this oh the
tennis I guess I love that Josh was like
I want to have my tennis max review
first that was like ride great cuz I
really don't want to trash this boat so
badly yeah but I just I feel so
disappointed at the 10s because you know
Apple like every s year the battery gets
worse and a lot of things get better and
sure photography is better but I just
got I feel that it's not an upgrade it's
like literally why don't they just
launch the tent for another year with a
different it's like a different color I
mean while you're at it why not just
launch the damn thing in red or
something like that probably that but
it's just it's the most disappointing
battery life on a phone right now that's
my opinion I've tried it with both
t-mobile and AT&T in different parts of
New York and it's the same stuff Wow
same stuff that's disappointing what do
you what are you rocking Taylor by the
way iPhone 10 and Galaxy s8 plus I
really just carried I felt in though ooh
how's it how's that life with the 10 oh
it's great yeah ever the only time I
actually started having problems with
the battery life on the tin was when I
started using tile trackers ooh
Bluetooth connection like I have a Keith
art bag with the title built in and a
wallet from Nomad but see that's such an
irony cuz I I had tile trackers
connected to my iPhone 10 and I was fine
I have no tile trackers connected to the
10s and it's terrible I don't know I
think it might be a lack of optimization
from some new tile trackers for me I
don't know sounding a little bit better
alright alright cool I had to restart
the the mic so one one couple last
things on the v40 the software I know
you already said that the software Jaime
is not great I mean LG just had
historically has not really had very
attractive software and III do tend to
agree are there any changes to it in the
v40 that anyone can actually look
forward to though same thing literally
the same the same unpolished version of
their user interface that looks like 20
a 2009 probably I don't know oh wow
yeah that's pretty far back and then how
about audio did you did you work with
audio hold on no no no so I'm actually
using the headphones that are bundled in
the box I'm sorry but I did not so it's
funny that they didn't do any B&O
partnership this year but yet you know
the quad DAC is there and it's just it's
fantastic yeah it's fantastic like that
that on its own like that quad deck for
you know from from the perspective of
listening to audio is fabulous and then
again like if if you ever forget out
your microphone somewhere and you have
to go anywhere
you could use a V 40 as your microphone
as your dedicated microphone it is that
and then the boombox speakers it's
interesting if you notice the video it's
like listen it doesn't have dual firing
speakers but don't worry about it I mean
because it uses the body of the phone as
a residence chamber it sprinkles
bringing em just bringing it to
cardboard box with you everywhere
exactly like no or you know set it on a
wooden table and it sounds like like
like another product that's that good is
like the iPad pro the 12 inch iPad pro
sounds fantastic the new macbook the new
MacBook Pros they have great audio and
so this will this is pretty much the
phone that provides that audio and it
doesn't matter if you cover the speaker
it'll spill you could still hear clearly
what's coming out it's it's so fun I was
when using the g7 it's so fun to see
what you can turn into a speaker you can
literally hold it against a wall it will
vibrate the wall as to cause sound waves
it's just so cool that boombox exactly
exactly these are things that LG does
really well like from the perspective of
a creator I felt that the last thing
that was missing on that phone was you
know for them to fix their vivid their
video algorithm they fixed it the it's
it's just like for example there is no
stabilization at 4k at 60 things like
that that's hard to do though there is
optical there is optical stabilization
and so it doesn't look bad it's it's
just if you've got a gimbal using gimbal
what I use that would go for it but how
good does 4k 60 look so they here's the
thing it's gotta be like they're bitrate
is really good it's really good it's
it's so LG was the first company to
provide high
bit rate for for video recording and the
snapdragon 845 has the capability of
supporting it the the problem with LG
was again
they supported higher bitrate but then
the quality of the video there was like
there was color shifting like the load
when it when it starts getting becoming
low light like like if you're in a
gloomy day like this color will shift
horribly on any phone before this one
like the video on this phone is very
warm and very detailed I liked it I
really liked it's just the need
stabilization should you use gimbal you
know alright we have to we have to go to
our break in a second but I want to make
sure that we get a couple hot takes on
the LG watch w7 rogue link I don't to be
sure that we get this all right so
Taylor if you were looking at that photo
mechanical arms it is a timepiece but
then there's an OLED behind that quick
thoughts on that I think it's not sold
like I used to be the SmartWatch guy for
Pocket now like I was the one that was
like these things are great these are
gonna be amazing and everybody else out
like I have a feel that I could send you
right there dude I stopped wearing a
SmartWatch like a year and a half ago
and I've not ever looked back I've never
missed it well this is the most hybrid
of smartwatches we've ever seen you know
Withings but what things was just like
oh yeah I'm wearing one too so oh my god
so keep going teller and then I'll tell
you about the watch that I'm wearing so
if I were to wear one it would it would
have to be a hybrid again I think
personally for me but this style I'm not
doing it I'm not doing the style oh man
because I was I was I was so I was so
into it to be honest what do you think
Josh I mean you saw it more than I did
because I barely made it to the to the
ending of the demo area I think everyone
should just like calm down and just let
LG experiment like isn't this where LG
shines is when they try something kind
of radically new and the in the
interface looks great because they
changed it up so that it so that a sort
of goes around the the two mechanical
arms but I will admit that app
developers need to keep that in mind as
well they need to make sure they need to
know that things might be covering their
stuff I feel that it needs work but I
think it's a genius idea I'm so cool
it's I think it's a genius idea the
thing about a watch like
especially for me is the style and the
aesthetic of it and that's something
about watches that I think smart watches
have I've got really missed yeah oh my
god is a style thing it's it's very much
style so it's a blending of style and
tech which is not any kind of secret
it's not in use this isn't my style so
immediately I don't even care because
it's not something I would wear I wear
all black face watches and by in my
cursor let me let me tell you about some
things so I'll hold on hold on I mean I
do want to make sure we get to our break
because do it yeah Jules is itching to
read that ad and all right let's go
business support from casa de Bie Lutron
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smart dimmers work with almost any smart
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condominium Cocina works wonders for
example here's one thing I regret about
living in a small condominium I have a
whole bunch of stuff in between my
entryway and my living room light switch
so when I get through the door after her
say a night out there's a lot of
fumbling I've got stubbed toes multiple
stubbed toes and it's not a good look
mainly because it's dark but since I
have casa de baile Tron dimmers and
speakers from Amazon and Google I just
call either of them up tell them to turn
on the living room lights and boom
there's light
simple as that get smart lighting and
get it the smart way with Casa de baile
can search CAS ETA or head up Lutron
comm for more information can say that
by Lutron welcome home to peace of mind
all right cool thank you for that Jules
we are back and okay so we do have a bit
of a check-in
I'm a stepped-up for a second so while
Jaime is out I do want to ask one quick
thing Taylor since we have you back now
that you're back after like three four
years of being out of the game what is
something that's actually like truly
jazzed you recently in tech what's
something you're really looking forward
to looking at now that you're back with
pocket now I think it's gonna be nice to
step back into the world of Android
because I got the galaxy si plus was
okay I mean it was just another phone
for me and I've not really I've been
using phones as tools I think as the
general public normally does for the
last four years versus you know sitting
down and actually criticizing something
through and analyzing it and saying but
isn't that the best way to do it
isn't that the best way to do it because
for you it's a utilitarian approach this
is what people will actually do with the
product and what they won't do with the
product exactly my perspective has
changed so much because when I was here
before I was I was a 22 year old punk
who thought he knew what he was talking
about you know and you're still Punk but
yeah going back and looking at these
these advancements having been away for
so long because when I left one of the
reasons I left was because things were
starting to stagnate we were getting a
bunch of phones every single year and
very few new things were being
introduced and those things that were
being introduced were mainly really just
like snapdragon iterations one after
another and it was the the the the
changes between phones was so
incremental that i just got over it i
was so tired and yeah now having been
away for four years looking at how
things have improved
is really the only thing I'm super
interested in looking at and seeing well
apparently apparently this is apparently
this is right in line with something
that Brandon wanted to talk about here
on our check-in so I'm gonna go ahead
and let Brandon come on in so well what
thoughts did you have for today yeah
it's it's interesting Taylor mentions
how smartphones were becoming the same
and I actually think we're getting out
of this rut and Jaime and I were talking
about this lassie moment when he came to
visit for a long time phones were
becoming commoditized they were all
about the same and the there was really
very little change but this year
something changed we're getting actually
some movement some innovation triple
cameras AI big screen to body ratios
face unlock in screen finger fingerprint
sensors why what yeah that's actually
kind of a little bit of an innovation
because you're getting a bigger screen
in this in a same size footprint and the
reason that phones are becoming a little
bit D commoditized is because companies
are now incentivized again to do
research and development because their
margins have increased as phone prices
have tipped to $1,000 and above and it
sucks for us but at the same time these
companies now are able to put more money
into research and development and come
out with innovative features which we're
seeing we've seen this year I think what
do you guys think yeah I think I think
it's great like we we've hit we've hit a
point in time where manufacturers had to
like sit down and brainstorm like every
single day because they're like what the
heck are we gonna do with this next one
like I don't get it now we have things
like three cameras on the back with
different configurations we have
freaking mechanical arms on top of an
OLED screen I mean like who thought that
would be a great idea but once I looked
at it I was like this is just different
enough to make me love it you know I
mean like this is just I just want I
want that reaction because like in the
world of entertainment
if the reaction is may it's like no
reaction at all basically then you
failed people either have to hate or
love your stuff and even if I were to
put on that watch and people were like
oh that's like so ugly like why would
you even do that I'm like yeah I did
though I did so yeah I don't know I have
a feeling and yeah we were having this
conversation with Brandon Oh
what what has made the seer special and
I I have to admit it's the thing that I
hate the most about the mark the
smartphone market right now and it's
that phones are getting more expensive
sadly if you if you know there are only
two companies that make money out of
smartphones and that is Apple and
Samsung that's it there are the only two
companies that make money and then the
rest of the companies are actually
selling they're focusing on the mid to
low end because that's where they can
make more margin
whereas Apple has the advantage for that
they can make money out of their app
stores and that they are in charge of
the services and they own these things
and so they have different ways to
differentiate the way that they make
money not just focused on hardware but
obviously because Apple has you know
Apple has raised that tier of price it's
allowed companies to be like alright
fine we're not going to necessarily
charge as much as Apple but this means
that if we're pretty much doing the same
thing and charging a little more we
could get a little more margin and
therefore you know we can get into
making other product launches and I feel
it it's just jump-started the market I
I'm not saying that it's the best thing
to happen to the industry I don't think
but I feel that it's been what's been
responsible to jumpstart the market
because what we've seen this year was
not what we saw last year or the year
like we're seeing phones like crazy
right now like my schedule is horrible
yeah just with all the products that
we're getting at them you know I'm not
complaining it's like what Joe Levi used
to say it's a great time to be alive you
know it's it's great to see the industry
flourish the way it has and I like the
companies are going back to the roots
like Akbari like this we're gonna remain
true to what we were you know like Nokia
we're gonna remain true to what we were
we're not gonna try to reinvent the
wheel and this is what we're good at and
stuff like that and yeah you know I I
feel that there is I'm not I don't feel
that it's heading in the right direction
I'm just glad that it's jump-started the
market again yeah before we know that's
right my answer just a little bit and
say that if there is a single product
that I'd like to try and tell ya it's
probably black period yes I can send you
one no problem I got my start in the
know done I'll send you a key to I have
one there
that's where I started was blackberry
and I did I did not want to give up
blackberry even when Android came around
webOS iOS I was just like no blackberry
OS is life and oh my god when we're all
that going in the box do it when we're
all that when we're all that CES
together you're just gonna hear clearly
clackety it's gonna be me and Taylor and
Michael Fisher oh oh yeah oh yeah the
mr. blackberry not be mr. Mobile is what
I call alright uh before we get into all
of the Microsoft stuff so quick teaser I
do want to make sure Jaime you had other
quick thought on your SmartWatch there
oh so you can give us that real quick
and then we gotta get into our Microsoft
stuff so jewels jewels was awesome
enough to hook me up he went to a Garmin
event that I couldn't participate on and
he was nice enough to hook me up with
the SmartWatch of my dreams I have
always always wanted a Garmin Phoenix
always ever since I saw the first one I
have been I'm like I'm not willing to
pay $100 for a watch but this would be
it I have wanted a Garmin Phoenix for so
long it's just Garmin as you know bear
in mind from the Aviation days like
Garmin is Garmin this is what powers
it's either a garment or a Honeywell to
power the GPS is on airplanes so yeah
I've trusted Garmin this is like the
gold standard for Fitness watches guess
what the problem is battery I've know
it's a it's a two week battery life it
leaked and literally see where you are
on a map and like there's so much
advancement in this watch and then when
I started to try to do this oh wait it
doesn't have a touch oh wait you're
liberated Jaime you liberated right oh
wait the screen doesn't know when I
raise it it I actually have to press a
button to turn the light on and the
screen is not it's not a bright enough
for me to be able to see it without
pressing the button they've got to do
something because I was like I was like
I guess I have become so spoiled by the
stupid little things that smartwatches
do now that I'm having a really hard
time remembering what the og
generation the smartwatches was like I'm
not saying this is bad
I'm just saying wow we've come a long
way since the first time I saw the
Garmin Phoenix three smartwatches back
then were cracked and so you know it was
like the first generation of Android
where Apple had not like Samsung was
doing their first watches and they were
terrible like the pebble was like my
first ever it was like B watch back then
and so I was like okay that the pebble
compared to this is is okay they're
comparable there's no touchscreen but
the screen is like this and the battery
life and so I was like okay so who's
like the perfect Fitness watch but now
smartwatches have evolved so much in
just a few years that now I find this to
be archaic oh let's not say that I think
there's there's there's something to be
said about being not only minimalist but
there was a great quote that I listened
to you last week that kind of ties into
this power used to be measured by how
much people could do now power is being
measured by how if I won't pay attention
to yeah but what we pay attention to
because we are distracted by so many
things and and what we are given like we
have power in our lives based upon what
we know to ignore so if if that watch is
gonna be a huge distraction for you
because all of those features are in
there then more power to you because now
it is something it's a tool it's not
it's not a distraction it's a tool no
for me the problem is that it's got five
buttons for example and I forget what
each button is for you'll get there it's
fine you know it's that that
minimalistic concept has to apply to
everything one thing what did I like
about the pebble three buttons sample
sound and control up-down and control it
was and back it's genius and I hate that
the tailor actually met the CEO if
Evelyn had no clue who he was
interviewing moment when he got to see
the pebble the pebble steel I mean I
knew who I was interviewing I was just
cringy all right guys all right before
we go too far into this let's get back
into our main topics for today all right
so I will not be able to talk too much
about this but I was told by our friends
and Ne Win jet that this is stuff that I
have to like be getting into a little
bit more because I I'm working on and
I'll use the word archaic MSI laptop I
have a sixth gen Intel processor in here
which is just not what I need if I want
to get into like 4k video editing and
all that stuff
but with all that in mind computing is
going to be stepping forward a little
bit with Microsoft's new surface pro six
and surface laptop two with a gen Intel
cores which oh man I want to get in on
this I mean are you were there correct
so let's get some info on these two in
particular before we move forward the
good part of the bad part let's start
with the good all right so the good part
is yes definitely the surface pro
continues to be my favorite lineup I
just love their versatility everybody
was like no the surface laptop was my
favorite but the designs didn't change
and that's not necessarily bad I
wouldn't I wouldn't change the designs
as they were you know what I would
change the whole irony of USB a like USB
a in a 20-18 computer that's gonna
pretty much last for another year where
you have the surface go that's USB see
where they launched the surface hub does
what is the driver do the surface to do
that has USB see and that was another
part that was weird because that has USB
CD but it has last year's processors for
some reason I don't know why oh yeah
yeah the service studio has last year's
processors whereas the new servers book
sorry the the surface pro and the
surface laptop have the newer ones but
them those are you USB a it's like if
these departments don't talk to each
other and then they launch this pair of
like surface headphones which I don't
understand why they called them surface
but fine but those were really cool I
think that the probably the coolest part
of the event were those headphones
nobody was expecting them so they've got
this thing or they've got two dials on
the on the ear cups and so one dial
controls how much noise cancellation you
want and then the other one has control
for volume and everything and then
they've got touch controls and they
looked really good I didn't look so bad
what do you if the reason they call it
surface though because they have the
surface dial true it's vital and you got
basically the same interface on your
headphones right
right wait I mean what do you know about
the secret project for the mini portable
surface that sounds awesome doesn't it
what do you mean or any portable service
I haven't they're working on like a tiny
clamshell surface
oh I remember I remember that so that
there there's a lot of experimentation
that I've heard of it and you know one
of the things that I've gotten to know
about Microsoft since Satya Nadella took
over is they're taking hardware
I like their approach they're focusing
on just making products that feel you
know they just do what they're supposed
to do I threw me the Microsoft Surface
pro has been probably one of my favorite
computers because it just delivers on
what it says that it will do are using
right now you're not currently using the
MacBook Pro so the I don't have the
service with me right now but it still
is one of my favorites like for a lot of
reasons that thing has has the so it's
it's obviously a convertible by didn't
it have a dedicated graphics card as
well in the case of the surface pro no
you need a dedicated set the dedicated
graphics card comes comes on the surface
book or the book that's and so the book
and so the book has like the you know
the keyboard case and that there you go
that's the one discrete graphics which
is one thing they didn't update the
surface book did they do not they didn't
I you know it's just hilarious when I am
I worked very closely with Microsoft in
a project two years ago
and so they were like what computer do
you want and I you know I wanted that
surface book so badly and even the
people at Microsoft we're like now
new buggy no really yeah they didn't
recommend it and so I wondered that it's
just think about it there's a lot of
there's a lot of boldness in that design
and just the whole approach to having
the graphics card be separate and then
you know I think that it's genius but it
just needs work and they just haven't
been able to get it to the level that
they want is why it's still a little
early for that it's gonna be awesome
like five years is gonna be amazing
he's super lightweight there'll be huge
battery in the screen it'll be so cool
yeah and but the general consensus like
David Cogan like yesterday we had drinks
with Cogan with Michael Fisher and they
were like no the surface laptop I want
the surface laptop every
Theater everybody wants that computer
well because you're thinking of it from
the work perspective you know cuz it has
the graphics card we can edit on it and
whatnot I'm I was just about to say I'm
into that man I really want if only the
pixel books or the pixel whatever the
laptop was if only that came with this
yeah basically if only that came with a
dedicated card I would just I would just
put Windows on there and then because I
love the look that's the best-looking
laptop in my opinion you know you want
to know what I want on this keyboard ah
dear Google the caps lock key can we
just have it be a caps lock key why what
is it also it's uh what is it that you
press that button and a jump in and
launches your app controls and so far
lock you have to practically you have to
press alt show something like oh I'll
touch it that and so it's funny for
somebody that's been typing on a
keyboard since 1997 even even prime know
1992 like for me to get used to the fact
that that button is not a caps lock is
the most annoying thing ever
that's one it's rude to talk in all caps
anyway so you don't really need to use
that there are a couple of things that
drills jammed in with so both the pro
and the laptop apparently don't have
they have the same dam virtually the
same specs and no I oh yeah no I what
okay that's uh see this a thing dongle
life is getting into everything these
days it's what is this about no USB see
like it was and so here's the problem
they have a display port but I believe
that it's not thunderbolt capable and so
it's like that's the moment where I'm
like no I can't like what was the just
give me two USB C ports and make them
Thunderbolt three capable and will be
happy like we're not gonna lose our
friendship over that just do this oh
come on like I you you think I don't you
think I don't you think you're the only
guy that's updated mr. Martin like
really HDMI dude does yours it's just
like the peripherals are the one thing
that keep me from looking at this the
peripherals and and integrated graphics
like yeah yeah it's always
the point of contention because right
now I'm looking at for a laptop that has
at least a 1070 with an H and Intel Core
i just wanted want like cuz I know well
if I were to while we made book X Pro
buddy but does it that it doesn't have
dedicated though not a 1070 oh no it
doesn't have the graphics but you it is
compatible with EGP use I mean oh that's
true it's got the portability and then
you can connect the new GPU
yeah but then I have to put a huge like
thing in my bag like when you're like
when you're on the move you don't use
that and whenever you need to you know
it's you can leave you can leave it on
your check bag just leave it in the
hotel whenever you need to rather you
just come back and you know export like
for me the whole concept of EGP use it
made me seriously consider a 13-inch
MacBook Pro now that they're quad core
because like I don't need all that
graphics power when I'm mobile
I need the portability but then I want
to come back to the studio and I want to
hit export and just connect what I need
and you know deal with it
whenever I do yeah Jules is chiming in
over here it's like it has the MX 150
I'm like yeah but let me let me add
another layer that makes 450 it's like
exactly I wanted to add another layer to
that like I want to be able to do I want
to be able to do a video editing on it
as well but it'd be kind of cool if I
could fire up like you know shadow of
war on it and just play once in a while
you know I mean I'll tell you I'll tell
you this much like leave this much like
The Verge Senate and we and I'm gonna
say it like if I had to be if I was
asked what is the best laptop of the
year huawei mate book X Pro I mean III
can I can totally see why such a good
computer such a good computer like I
don't think I've ever been delighted by
a product so much simply because it's so
it's what the MacBook Air should have
always been no yeah it's it's a powerful
MacBook Air is literally what it is so
would you say okay so coming back to the
Microsoft stuff
would you say are you so you want the
pro but like what is it what but okay
you want the pro a lot of people like
the laptop and then of course the studio
we already talked about I don't know I
just want to do one more thing on the
headphones like how do we feel about all
of these tech companies kind of moving
it's the audio space it's their first
wearable like the drivers were like
top-notch I forgot the specs of them
what did it really sound good
they sounded fantastic dude really and
just that whole okay so the noise
cancelling thing is really cool because
like if you go from most noise
cancelling it's obviously you can't hear
around you but then as you move into
allowing ambient noise it'll actually at
some point start using the microphones
to feed it audio it's it's like very
seamless it is so cool that you know and
Jules is chiming in real quick just
saying that the Microsoft band was
technically the first wearable so
Microsoft band actually such a bad
product these right here actually have a
very similar feature it's not a dial but
oh you have that you have to mark 3's
and it actually amplifies the ambient
noise I think those are the mark twos
you have bad those are threes oh yes I
have those threes those are my favorite
dude they're awesome they're so good
they finally got the design right out I
don't look like a pizza face with
perfect okay so it was not let's go this
way then would you say that these
headphones at 350 are going to rival the
likes of the mark 2 we're talking about
the Sony noise canceling they have to
they need to make a name for themselves
in audio and that's the reason why I
feel that there was a missed opportunity
in branding than a surface products I
feel that they should have just come out
with a new lineup of something a
specific brand for wearables and use
that instead of calling them the
Microsoft service something because we
have to understand like the service has
been around for what six generations and
they're still not popular products
they're just not oh you don't see them
in the wild
no you don't see them in the wild it's
very hard to see them there no MacBooks
they're you know they don't have a name
for themselves and so you don't see the
MacBook Air pods you know you don't see
the MacBook Air or nuts if people are
looking to buy a laptop that's in a
fourteen fifteen sixteen hundred dollars
you're usually looking in the MacBook
realm they're not
a surface right right and and so that's
that side surface but it's a big ask for
something you know yeah for sure
all right Brennan last thought now we'll
move on yeah before we move on from
Microsoft I've read a headline the other
day which is just perfect and it
represents Microsoft very well and why
they they're starting to see some
success it was from the verge and it
says Microsoft is embracing Android as
the mobile version of Windows and I
totally agree with that and it's
headline but how was the article I mean
it just talks about you know the stuff
that they're doing to kind of go away
from it had words in it but like it's
really true instead of resisting and
trying to do Windows Mobile Windows
Phone it's like everything is an Android
phone so we're gonna make more so did
you guys see the dieter bone video about
the history of Android as on the verge
it was an awesome video because he's
like Android was never designed to
compete against iOS it was designed to
compete against Windows Mobile it is so
mmm that is so true and Google like even
the original version of Android that we
remember before the dream the dream
version which is literally what came out
a year later to compete with iOS which
was back then iPhone OS it literally the
whole concept was buttons the whole
concept was navigation through a d-pad
and everything which is literally the
way when those mobile works so it's that
is a that is a very genius article it's
true Android is literally a successor to
Windows Mobile yeah look at the the
original what was the the phone the g1
the g1 with the keyboard as the flames
when androids obviously come a long way
and you could say that it one on top of
on top of Windows Mobile in that case
but it does allow a lot of resurrections
to happen you were talking about
blackberry earlier Taylor we also have
Nokia they've already made a bit of
their comeback but now we were able to
take a look at their latest devices
again this is another phone that I did
not get to take a look at so Jaime's
gonna have to say little bit more about
our Nokia's here the 7.1
the number one thing that I find really
interesting I'm looking at the article
right now I love the fact that this is
going to be made for pre-order today via
Amazon B&H and Best Buy this one's
coming this it's coming man like it's
not just China it's not just the the
East it's coming here no I like that you
know when Nokia reached out about the
briefing and everything obviously we
start a relationship with them after
they did the move to its HMD yeah and I
like I love the team at hmd like they
are very professional it reminds me of
the old Nokia they're trying to bring
elements of nostalgia to the brand in
addition to bringing phones that are not
expensive and that are well done so they
don't complicate themselves we do end so
I love their pillars its design its
performance and it's the best of Google
so you don't deal with bloat at all it's
literally Android one as its intended
they're focusing mainly on design and so
this phone obviously yes a lot of people
in the comments were like yes but it has
a notch yes but it has a chin like every
phone does right now like can we just
move on from the topic of the knotch
like really like just fine you know just
continue buying just go buy our iPhone 8
it's still there I mean you only want to
phone without a notch do it's by that
thing I just want out Jaime that you
perpetuate the hate for the notch
because every time you mention it in the
daily you like roll your eyes or have a
negative reaction oh I perpetuate my
hate for the notch on the pixel because
that thing looks like that thing looks
like the size of Long Island like
question recording that has to do
whatever actually bothered anybody in in
real world views nobody that's the thing
it's just it don't
does the animated suffering Taylor do it
it's stubborn it does on the iPhone does
on the iPhone that Huawei 1 + + LG do it
best where if you go into full screen to
watch a video I'm sorry if you go into
you know watching a video in landscape
it'll obviously cut off whatever
portions because it's sixteen by nine
and this is nineteen by nine but then
when you zoom in what the phone does is
it'll create the effect of having bezels
and pretty much delete the existence of
the knotch
because that's one thing that I feel
that the iPhone does terribly if you
maximize the full screen the natural
cover part of the video I find that to
be stoop
but yeah going back to the 7.1 it's got
a notch it's you know it's a $350 phone
guys and I saw some comments where they
were like yeah but the poco phone and
this yeah I try to make a poco phone
work in the United States that's exactly
yeah it doesn't work only it works in
the United States where you won't get
full LTE you won't get a lot of things
and you know what I guarantee you if the
Pogo phone came to the US it will not be
priced $300 it wouldn't be a hard price
it would probably be 350 you probably
just like this exactly and so we've got
350 snap 966 not the newest processor
but again I just from my experience
using nokia nokia phones this is like
that utilitarian phone I'm like damn
this is like the phone that I want to
give as a gift to like my dad or or
probably one of my younger kids because
it's very well built very sturdy phone
they're focusing a lot on the optics of
the camera I like that they're back in
their relationship with SycE obviously I
need a phone and I need to test it
further to be able to see if the
photography is as good they've got
things like listen I could care less
about them both these but I find them to
be genius for Instagram stories because
I hate having to be like you know I
start filming myself and then I have to
flip the camera to show what I'm doing
but then if it's a both I feel I find
that to be cool is that a photo or video
also it's video it's Vinny okay it's in
the cart is like you there are some
phones in China that can do that but you
can't control like if it's 50/50 on the
screen like and this one you can control
it with seventy eight seventy thirty or
what these trailer looks so excited yes
you know modern outdoor dweller it
starts with modern you know that right
so both these as a term you're the
Millennial here not me
we need a video we need a video of
Taylor reacts epic picture that's what's
supposed to be called right turn I
didn't come up with the term don't look
at me I'm the old guy I'll I'm liking
this and you know the Nokia devices that
I did get too
at MWC that are not here in the US this
will be but those devices were sleek
they looked really awesome and I think
what a lot of people need to remember
about the Nokia 7.1 is that point 1 that
means Android 1 like so that point 1
means Y it means to me Android 1 because
I'm excited but but I like I like the
way they're naming things where it's not
like the iPhone tennis Maxx and then the
iPhone no it's like it's the 7 that's
the lineup and the original will be the
seven and then iteration the second
generation would be 7.1 the third
generation would be 7.2 okay that's know
on and so forth I find that to be cool
that's so much they need to find good
ways of naming their stuff I just love
that Android ones on here because I'm
really into checking that out honestly
because I have an Android one device
that I have yet to check out by its you
know to see it on a phone like this that
I'm excited for I'm jazzed about like
that's awesome because yeah just very
Spartan Android like you said those
pillars that Nokia is trying to put into
their phones like that's a great idea
that's it's awesome like like stick to
what you got okay so we were able to go
through all of those we do want to give
a couple of teasers
in our final thoughts section of this
there's a lot of stuff that's coming up
ahead so why don't we talk a little bit
about what we're excited about just for
a quick second next week Jaime I'm
seeing you again in new york in new york
in LA yeah and then in LA yeah so you're
coming yeah okay so next week on the
nine we should just go on all the
flights because we're doing New York LA
London yeah exactly
and then probably and then potentially
in New York again afterwards so we can't
say for what yet but so what we have
here is next week we'll talk about next
week in particular whatever comes after
that we got other podcast for it
whatever next week on the 9th pixel I'm
looking forward to whatever else is
gonna be coming out alongside the phone
if we see pixel buds to maybe they'd fix
a couple things there
if we see a new chromecast you know even
though someone already bought it from
Best Buy and you know that that event I
I have to say just
you know just putting it out into the
universe that's how grateful I am that I
even got an invite to go to that so I'm
really excited Jaime and I are gonna
work together at that event it's gonna
be awesome
looking forward to it yeah and then the
next day we fly right back to LA
everyone's coming to my hood for once
I'm so excited everyone's gonna be in LA
cuz no one visits me I was like really
come on and so a bunch of our buddies
are gonna be back and actually just to
give everyone a bit of a teaser we're
trying our best to plan out one of our
special monthly recordings where we have
a live video and we have our guests and
our friends on as well
so a lot of people are coming next week
for Razer and whatever Razer can do in a
second phone I don't know but bring it
on I want to see what you got because
the first phone the first phone made a
splash it maybe petered out a little bit
in the ultimate scheme of things but you
know what that got me paying attention
and I'm just looking forward to seeing
what they know they literally created
the concept of a gaming I just feel the
razer phone one but like you know I
think that it's it's a good point to
make that every first iteration is never
great and so I think that the Razer
phone was greater than the fact that it
was a first iteration and now you know
where we're getting there second gen so
let's see what we get yeah totally and
then we'll figure out Taylor which one
of these were going to send your way and
as you back you're gonna get that
blackberry though so we want to hear
your thoughts on the BlackBerry for sure
do it do what color do you want Taylor
like Italy know nothing about anything
he wants black alright alright then I'll
have to get you black I'll work on that
awesome and on that bombshell and on
Taylor Martin's return we're gonna go
ahead and call it for now the weekly is
just as much a conversation as it is a
show so make sure you make your voices
heard either in the comment sections or
by emailing us at podcasts ad Jules I
got it podcast at pocketnow.com you can
also tag the cast on Twitter with the
hashtag P and weekly I made a Vetta is
of course at high mate underscore Rivera
remember that underscore Brandon mini
man is at Brandon mini man
and the returning tailor Martin is found
at Casper Tech that's Tek at the end he
also has a couple of YouTube channels
himself mod and the best damn EDC tailor
I apologize I never got my EDC to you I
am so sorry we will work on it together
we'll get it done
Jules our podcast producer
extraordinaire is at Point Jules and I
can always be found at JV tech T you
know me by now I love tech and I love
drinking me some tea especially when I'm
straining my throat to its absolute
limits I also have one quick shameless
plug to give I did do not only an iPhone
review for Pocket now but you can also
check out my sort of spin on the review
process by checking out my review over
at youtube.com slash Josh or for Gaara
just search for love I loved your videos
fantastic rate oh thanks guys all right
pocket now is that pocket out on Twitter
Facebook Google+ and YouTube in English
and espanol where you can find more news
on the pocket now daily and parking out
add audio every single weekday we're
also on pocket now calm for all your
mobile tech needs we would love your
feedback through Google Apple stitch or
pocket cast or wherever you might be
streaming us because without you we
wouldn't have been able to make this
show for your eyes and ears for now 326
episode straight with that we're gonna
call it on this edition of the weekly
stay tuned the pixel 3 and the razor 2
are on their way and so are we to all of
those places so we'll see you next week
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