
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Galaxy Fold Delay and IFA GPC | #PNWeekly 355

hello everybody and welcome to the weekly brought to you by pocket now and xda-developers recorded on Saturday April 27 2019 okay so this episode is coming out a little bit later but if you followed a pocket mouse Twitter and also saw the post on YouTube then you would know that Jaime and myself our podcast team usually for these kinds of shows we were both traveling we were out in Spain for Aoife GPC which is their global press conference and it's a wonderful show it's different from Aoife proper run by the same people but we get into why the global press conference is pretty important because it gives you a peek behind the curtain when it comes to all the products that we talk about some of the market research and what not a lot of our tech friends were also here as well so it was obviously a good time and one of them joined us for this episode this is ISA Rodriguez of her gadget match coming on to the show the three of us talked about eva GPC I asked ISA what is in her pocket now and then we get into the galaxy fold and it's delays and we also talked a little bit about why it might have been delayed why we think that the galaxies fault is an important device and how smartphones are becoming fun again in any case that is what is coming up on the 350 fifth episode of the pocket now weekly let's go ahead and get into the episode alright so I want a bit of an explanation I'm sitting on the bed but I figured you know I could just stay in the center it's all good I want a bit of an explanation because this is the first time for both me and ISA what exactly this event is that we're here the word Eva yeah but it's something completely different so the global press conference has been there like medium for partners too so obviously there is Eva but Eva becomes more a press conference for everybody else okay it becomes a press conference for huawei for all the brands that are gonna show off their products and their global press conference which is what we're at here is their show where they do have partners but it's all about this is where the market trends are going and this is why Aoife is now to this and so they have different different products I keep on next they they have an automotive show they have up home appliances show and so if you go to Aoife you notice that that you could see refrigerators washing machines offices just as much as you see phones and so i guess that because of their connection to gfu which is the probably one of the most prestigious companies in charge of providing marketing market insights it's like if you notice they start with the stats and then they tell you where they're going and so it's literally this is where the market set this is what's grown this is what's not grown this is what's new and then comes the press conference which is like we're launching this to cater to that we're launching this to cater to that and so for me it's always useful to be here because if you notice we go to different we go to different events but these are all product oriented we're gonna do foldables we're gonna do wearables we're gonna do this we're gonna do that and this is the only show we participate in where you understand why okay where somebody explains to you why work we're moving into this did you notice how much smart speakers have grown mm-hmm how much wireless audio has grown every time those slides came up I was like yeah that makes perfect sense because actually once you start to smart up products of course the demand will go up but of course the actual product itself before he gets a goo Cola system before it gets Alexa I have to be good to begin with and so you notice for example how they're like how are you happy to see that and you notice how they dissect things where they're like sixty percent of the consumer market is smartphones and then this and then this and this and then they had a slide where was like one percent is portable speakers one percent is wireless audio but then they're like all right let me dissect that one percent and show you where it's at this is where the markets growing the smart speakers have grown 23 percent and they and and I like how they go to the point where they're like and they haven't just grown 23 percent but they've grown 23 percent in the most expensive sector meaning people are willing to invest in a higher quality audio for a smart speaker and you've noticed how you know Amazon echo speakers were terrible at the beginning now they're actually yeah good regardless have you paid for the $30 one or the $100 one you've noticed how I hate I hate to say but I just have to how air Potts launched and how wireless audio is now the main it's a huge she knows I how it's grown and you notice how much people are paying for it that's sure we were just joking about this about how people have air pods on and it's it's sort of a status symbol but now people coming home like someone you see someone with ear pods and they're all like other guys rich yeah coming out and saying well I used it and it was a great experience it's not necessarily this these are Apple products but it's a great experience overall it's a product that gives you that and what I find really interesting is that like week we came here she wasn't sure how much you could actually cover being from the lifestyle side right yeah as it turns out even EPC this is more free and so this is actually the first show that's actually not necessarily for us like last year we had Sennheiser well Sennheiser is a big partner but they have no products here we had Sennheiser there was the Porsche design lastly laptop yeah no that was in Lisbon the Porsche design plus Sennheiser and then last year we had the Huawei P 20 Pro was given even more insight here and it was like the first time that Huawei used this platform but Huawei's one of their major partners okay and then in the first the first GPC that I participated wasn't Hong Kong was it it was in honk okay they go everywhere by the way and you saw the pictures up there I was like oh my god I just I can't wait for them to like use Japan yes cuz nobody makes a show in Japan but who makes it well there are some but we just never get invited to them they're very insulated in that sense Japan is a very special market it's very unique so I feel like that's one main reason but it's so weird ever flying back this June but ya know GPC is more there's more of the show before the show okay and the show that explains where the markets going and why they are evolving into this and think about it Aoife has been around for nearly almost a hundred years and there was this guy he was been coming to the this show it's been working it for 47 plus he yes as a photographer and so think about it think about it how is it that a show like before CES there was already Eva before MWC there was all well Mobile World Congress was just the reason thing like this is literally the oldest show and now you understand why they've lasted so long yeah because they have evolved into so many different things and I find that honestly fascinating I for me it's funny because we were with Michelle Michelle from xda-developers is also here and he was also like ya know I've like for me all these presentations about numbers are interesting I'm like dude I'm I'm geeking out over this because it helps me understand that for example right now for example as a publication do we cover smart speakers no no now I feel compelled to do so yeah do we cover wireless how do we do but not really it's not focused not focused now that I see how much growth there is in the market it's like this is what we need to cover you know what's also very surprising to me like it so they're talking about wireless speakers and wireless smart audio and even a robot vacuum yeah and the thing is no one really says that okay guys let's start covering your robot vacuums because it's a it's a thing because people are looking at smartwatches or you know all these other things people are saying that's the next hot thing yeah this data is actually saying otherwise yes and I'll give you and then you have the other side of the picture where it's like smart televisions and they're like right now the average price is 800 something euros and they're like excuse me smart TV companies you're not selling your stagnated and nearly on the Klein you know why because even from a German consumer which is a you know a high economic power in the world Germans are not willing to spend more than 600 and they showed the market and market statistics they showed and so unless companies are willing to compete in this market you're not your market is not gonna continue growing and so you know I just did my hour first ever TV video for Hisense that's right so now I'm like yes now I'm happy because for me um you know when I when we did the video back at CES I was you know they they are obviously reached out and everything they're like we would like for you to sponsor to come over and I'm like send me the specs and show me what's special about your product and I'll tell you if I'm interested and when I'm like okay you're gonna give me 4k with this this this this this and you're gonna price it at 399 Oh God I'm like I'm down yeah I'm down because I as a consumer like that immediately it's like the minute that that Google launched the Nexus 7 I remember that they started going through all the specs and everything and then it's $1.99 and I'm like what it became an impulsive buy and so for me at a 4k TV that this HDR has promotion and cost 399 it becomes an impulsive buy for me and it's also 50-inch it's a 50-inch TV market research people want bigger TV if you throw one larger TVs but they don't want to pay 100 euros for them can we can we talk a little bit about least speaking of the market research I want to talk a little bit about the trends that they had at this the final press conference I was here yeah because you had a lot of insight into the question that you asked yeah about how they were lumping together too many forms of media and there's this whole theme of trust it was in Sumer trust in institutions business yeah and they brought Edelman and they brought their Trust Barometer which is a famous publication that they do where they provide market insight over what was so fascinated the whole time I was fascinating but I was fascinating but at the same time I was not not infuriated it's not the word but I'm like okay this is not well done okay it's well done but they're okay they haven't evolved with certain things okay so media as a definition as a word is simply the propagation of information yes okay the problem is obviously we have social media and traditional media and so for example there there what was their premise is that what was it that media companies are the least trusted but the most popular it was what was it it was something like that something for that effect what I remember is that the trust in the media has been on a bit of a decline on a bit of a decline and the trend that I found very interesting is that in the developed world that's where most of the skepticism is most of the skepticism is and I'm like okay but then when when she reached the slide when she's talking about the fact that wait is but she's because I think she started noticing that people weren't too happy with the assessment talking to the media and she's she's like dear media people don't trust you and I'm like that's not true and to be perfectly honest I mean this is just me in my head I'm like if people don't trust us and we are journalists how is that our fault poverty Park democracy possible and they and then the number where the numbers were high were in the communist countries and I'm like wait a second now but then you know what I hated about that I was totally into it I was like oh that's kind of crazy because I feel like in developed countries there's a healthy skepticism or even on how even another healthy skepticism from people who have information and have the ability to get it that makes perfect sense to me for China and underdeveloped countries but then you guys had to bring up the whole thing if I get with their dictator because there was also this number where they go they seventy five percent of people are wary of fake news and like dude that number should be a hundred everyone should be discerning but here's the thing it's it's not until they reach the slide where they separated wait a second traditional media people trust you in a 65 percent the problem is social media and I'm like wait a second you're wrong but then again you're right you're right because we call it social media we shouldn't call it that it is a medium of sure it it it's a way to share information but it's not it's a it's a it's a user created for it's a platform it's it's literally like and so I I was I was trying to think of an analogy just to try to explain it to her I'm like okay if I post about our review on Instagram this is like me walking into a mall and putting a billboard there we don't sell anything yeah we're not trying to sell anything we're just telling you we're using a medium where people hang out at and we're showing you that we have something so you could probably come to our store but it's not that we're trying to sell you something whereas it's very different for a comedian who uses social media as his to show shows and take it propagate whatever is he's doing yeah so and so I'm like okay listen so you have to separate the difference between user created social media and and media which is designed to inform and I'm glad that and I'm glad that she you know when she responded to the question she's like you're right yeah you notice she was like she's operating within the standards of their statistics exactly their statistics are not wrong the problem is that were we're calling the social media and the word to a certain degree is well used because to a certain degree social media is that but there is a very huge difference between journalism and social I like wait a second you can't compare Facebook to The Wall Street Journal how dare you I think it was but I'm glad that she was like you're right we have to to a certain degree work on separating these things because then it's not that people don't trust in journalism they don't trust in user-generated content that is a good way to discerning it for sure yeah I think that's a good way of putting it user-generated content especially if it's especially if it incorrectly reek recollection news yeah you know and I think that's the that should be the main thing because there was a whole section about fake news about news outlets having too much of a slant like that was that was that was a worthy data but then but then she made a very interesting point she's like you know what but the younger people are the less they trust on the social media the more discerning they are the and she she mentioned the very clear problem and it's true she was like the problem with separating these things is that generations that are older than you think that if it's on Facebook it's the law yeah yeah yes she's right you know pulling in from personal experience this was actually my final college paper it was traditional journalism versus online journal and it was it was a small paper I won best paper but the final conclusion that we had on that paper was that yes online platforms meaning journalists who work solely for websites as opposed to journalists to work for newspapers like even if there is a rise on online journalism there is still a big number who believe and who feel that when it's on paper it legitimizes the news and I think it requires more effort so it I think if you put that into the perspective it that's how it got muddled because now she's saying that social media is media you know I'm like you're telling me that the turn to the impression that the that the market has is social media why are you mixing it together yeah okay all right well that's fo GPC and I think I'm very I'm honestly impressed I didn't know what to expect coming here and I'm and we're here off of your recommendation so thank you and I I'm actually really impressed with the amount of insight that I've gained yeah from these meetings because the way that I would describe it to anybody out there who has been to a conference like let's say it's let's say it's comic-con and you want to go to the panel's where people are actually kind of speaking on stage about a thing that you're interested in yeah at CES at the actual Aoife or at MWC these are the kinds of talks that we don't normally go to this GPC is all of that it's all bad yesterday was like they call them power briefings too and I thought it was really funny because we actually because you were warning us like we're gonna get up each time yeah they're gonna keep you awake it's an ingenious methodology yeah which I thought was hilarious no be honest though from my point of view I was expecting a long boring day but are you super into what they talked about yes super into I know some smart kitchen appliances and things exactly I think listen there was this kid who came up to me in um and showstoppers and he was like you know I you know I study at MIT and I have this YouTube channel it's really an awesome kid and so it's like if the conversation was steering over how YouTube is growing and how it's not that he was second-guessing his career or anything but it's how common it is for people to drop out of college and not finish their careers over over this and I'm like no don't do that yeah the best thing you can do to be able to give purpose to your channel is to be educated the more education you provide to your content the more you're able to provide useful content to people and honestly for me I remember the first GPC that I did honestly at the beginning just like you I was a little confused but then when they started with the stats I'm like alright the problem is I'm a stats worm no I don't if this is useful tips some people are not that's fine for me it is because this helps me understand where the market is going where we need to push where if you notice the tendencies for smart speakers or smart or wireless audio are still not even close being a what a paradigm shifter or any or anything the sword a disruptor but at least we know that that's the market that's growing so it's now it's not what it's already popular yeah you have that you adopt that you have to be part of that growth yeah along with it yeah it's funny for me because I'm the opposite you give me Dave I'm like on numbers no that was my favorite oh I will not so for example when they did that that slide over how the price has grown yeah the 100% slide and then how it keeps like for me that made perfect sense but everybody was what's going on but my point is like despite me having a really high bar for information being given to me in terms of like numbers and charts and stuff like I was actually super into it like every time they say something I mean it oh my gosh I need this I need to take a photo of this piece it is something that I think I think he just needed tour a better analogy should have used the car and be like if a car costs $20,000 had to be at 30 years ago right now it costs this by the inflation it's not gonna really cost that you know and so that so 100% is that 20,000 and the 47,000 that it cost now that's the growth but then when you apply inflation it's nothing yeah it's literally actually gotten cheaper yeah if you apply inflation and stuff like that okay since we're we're not really crunched on time but we do have an event in a little bit so we're gonna make sure to be done within the next half hour yeah you said what is in your pocket now you could pick anything anything that you even use anything like any everyday product that you might use Wow okay so a little bit so I have been carrying around two phones so you know this I have the p30 and I have the honor of you 20 mm-hmm what did you get that of utonium by the way because we've been doing a lot more with it oh because I just got this okay so what's great about honor right now Wow no it's funny because um I was at the view 20 launch with you guys but I finally got my hands on the device because honor contacted me and they weren't like we're going full lifestyle on our lines okay we need a woman to try to create content I'm fantastic it is and that's why you see the teasers for the honor 20 yeah they've been telling me that it's a full-on lifestyle for interest so it's it's it's it's something that I'm excited about because every time a brand talks to me and says you know what this is what we need we don't either the traditional tech like we are going to you because it's a different perspective all together and I love it when they see that and when they appreciate that the same with the p30 I just I like this boy I I'm not you know everything yes true but it's also um I'm not a mate so people are starting to make this distinction more P series made series I've never liked them a series see that's the thing though you can't tell the difference it's me meaning okay wait a second now I can I actually prefer the mate Series sorry I fell into notice that a lot of guys like the made series more because the p-series sounds or feels a little smaller more compact at least from me oh but not the p30 pro yeah 30 Pro is a tank yeah but that's the thing though this is a B 30 which is perfect for me I also got your literal you're literally carrying a mate 20 pro right there with a different chassis and a different screen you know got better colors yeah I get it but literally what you're carrying there is a mate's when he pro yes that's true but the May 20 pro is wider which is something I hate really about the same yeah you were using the mate 20 which is larger the meet ones that the May 20 Pro oddly was like the smaller they wanted it to be sleeker yeah that was what problem a 20 pro is so sleek it's well these are two good ones and I haven't seen you use the p30 quite a bit already I show you that you hide the notch oh no I hate the not do you have a do you have something in your pocket now that I have started using the Apple watch again after like four months or something yeah you know I so the only reason I carry an iPhone is two reasons social media I remember I got this tweet the other day they're like you're reviewing Android phones right UK why are you tweeting from an iPhone I sadly always have to carry an iPhone for our Instagram stories and for certain posts we always have to carry an iPhone I just don't use it as my primary phone because it's also my microphone an amplifier with the Sennheiser microphone that I use and so I actually try not to carry it around just because I might lose it I'm like screwed for the daily stuff like that I need lightning for it you have a very expensive microphone slash adapter and so you know I was like you know what it's time to revisit the Apple watch it's about time to do it and after the buzz and so I was like why not I'll start using it again and now I keep getting reminded of why Apple makes the ugliest were Schmidt worse from a material standpoint best SmartWatch in the freaking market this is the ugliest watch I would never recommend this watch from a materials perspective because it's glass and aluminum but it still is the best platform yeah the apps the apps we can get if we could get a Samsung gear s three with that running watch OS I would be down so I'm curious actually um and if so Josh for this cuz I do a lot of leg watch Smart Watch things and obviously I have different a different focus when I do write but one thing that I've notice is that when you try on different smartwatches they sorta run on very very different platforms and that annoys me because I'm not very patient like people from my demographic I see a pretty thing I want to use it but then setting up and trying to figure out how to go around it like what is going on smartwatches are still the worst yeah like smartwatches are not at the level of air pods where you could just pull them out of the case and your phone immediately detects it like go setting up a SmartWatch as a nightmare but I feel I feel that because of iOS is approach to notifications and their approach to applications apps on us on this Smart Watch are actually useful curious about setting up an Apple watch I'll give you an example if I use Spotify ah the moment I I so obviously I've been using ear pods for a week that I open my ear pods put them on the iPhone automatically the text i unlock I launch Spotify I press whatever app that I want and I will literally just put the phone in my pocket and I'll just start walking because immediately the Spotify application launches on the Apple watch control and I have full control from my watch and so you use the digital crown to raise the volume you swipe to the left to see your playlist you swipe to the right to see this long list and right there you can put if you want you know shuffle or write they're all in three panes missing you're missing okay so you know what the irony is like the first-ever platform that called on integration for Spotify was you know Samsung Tizen yeah their application still sucks it's terrible you know very much you know where OS did the same thing it's terrible I think the only SmartWatch I've actually seen you enjoy enough lately has been the watch GT but the reason why it actually looks good it's a good looking watch but its functionality is actually cutting out that watch it's such a beautiful watch but I'm like why are you creating another operating system there but the thing is it so minimal that it doesn't bother minimalistic that minimalism is fine it so long as it doesn't exceed itself if you get an Instagram notification and then a text message you can't tell the difference it'll use the same green bubble for everything so you don't know what you're getting and so it completely defeats the purpose of getting a notification getting notifications on my wrist to begin with you're using your Corona B yep I really really really wanted to love that Crona B you need a little more no it's not that oh it's just it's it's too archaic like for example if you use a one of the Skagen yarn or whatever if you use one of those you can actually tailor notifications more than on the krona B you either a you either tell it that you're getting whatsapp notifications but then if you've got five different contacts that are contacting you can't distinguish the difference between one in the other yeah and so you've got so many hand combinations but you can't really take advantage of them well well they do have the corner B lab thing where you can set magic words and it will only go out based upon those words so I have the word Issa as the magic word so it doesn't matter what happened if Issa messages me a messenger or a text or she calls me or any I need to start dating somebody with a unique name absolutely right because there are other people who have Issa in their name you imagine can you imagine me being in Latin America and having people name or not I'm not very discerning when it comes to functionalities because unlike you I like my notifications like I just enjoy them like if I get one I look at them whatever I'm still on my just don't like I don't like spending the time looking at my wrist that I would have used looking at my phone anyway I just unpacked my time management favorite book of all time from back in 2003 when I actually got my life back together I started reading chapter 1 and I am reminded of why I despise notifications to be fair I've been using the Fitbit versalife but only because they they let you put bitmoji watch faces so it's literally a mini me that changes at every single point there's a version of yourself like Vanna White Minnie bitmoji me in bed and pajamas to buy that for my daughter she's gonna love that series I need to buy that for my daughter she'd go crazy it's level of personalization that someone like her is really into which is why all the smart appliances and products that are that they've been talking about here right up for your ally oh my gosh so for context they just announced this app which will allow you to wash you take a picture of you yeah you think you literally take a photo of your dirty laundry and then it washes it's from candy and when they said that when they said that Joshua looked at me and said like you need this yeah so what I realized is okay before we get into our main topic what I realized about all of that is smart appliances or smart products are more for the people who don't already know how to do it without that functionality yeah I blew my mind I was like holy crap like that's that's that's the reason why you being there was so good because I realize you are the demographic of a house where I can walk in and it's like okay half of the time in my life I feel like I'm a pretend adult and like I am an adult but like sometimes there are practical things that I have no idea how to do I'm like oh you're supposed to do that and people laugh in my face and I'm like but no one teaches me that no one says that like that's not that's not really you know you remind me of me when I got my first house oh my god I walk I walk in the next day there was the storm was a dead animal in the in the in the yard because of the story exactly I look at it and I'm like it's crazy I'm I'm I feel like okay just get this my Google search is basically how to put on little manicure how to cook chicken or well yogurt keep my house yet I have no idea and then Google comes like what call your boyfriend it's also it's also different I guess with when you're the how do I explain this for example smart fridges people are always saying who needs a fridge that will talk to you and I'm the first one do i I oh my gosh I want it the very first overseas event I covered for gadget Matt showed me what the Samsung family hub is and I want it every year like might I know I made it if I have a family hub in my kitchen well you can always like my you know I'm gonna consider a fridge smart the moment that I put things into it it knows what they are and it controls temperature depending on what it is I thought he was gonna say when you put your stuff in the fridge so for me I don't need for my fridge to talk to here to show me Twitter I need for it to be smart I need for it to know that if I'm loading my beer ah that's where things have to be the coldest but then it shouldn't over it shouldn't over freeze my meat and it shouldn't over freeze that okay and if I if I in and if I put vegetables that's what I need products to be smart about like for example that smart sensor that they had here oh yeah like there's the sensor that detects if you're not cooking it the text that there's no activity and it detects that the temperatures just like playing around there and if there's Bluetooth connectivity with the stove it'll turn it off yeah note that that for me example that really is useful I don't see here's the thing I don't need another appliance in my house to distract me I need appliances in my house help me focus that's what I need I need a refrigerator that helps that helps me not have to worry about where I put the damn vegetables I need a stove that helps me to remember that I forgot to turn it off I don't know I'm probably like for example you have a smoke detector smoke detectors for the longest of time have been smart about one thing that I hate which is the first thing they'll do is turn on the sprinklers I don't bring clothes I want you to turn off whatever's on yeah that's true you know that okay okay that's smart but I'm also probably the same person who will sit in the kitchen and start talking to my fridge and it talks back and it's it's just something that I always dreamed all right well the fridges are not really things you can fit in your pocket so let's get back to things that you could fit in your box that we could fit into our Vargas before we had to send back exactly I was really hoping that you were going to have it with you about the couch right of course I did try the thing is are you the only person who didn't break it a little bag of dust got in the middle I don't know that I didn't break it because like it fell off my hands once actually there's a pocket out daily episode where it fell off the couch just hear the funk and I'm like damn it but sadly yes Samsung they reached out you know it was a 10-day loaner we knew that we had so I you know I fight I find it sad when I started seeing so many there were certain publications that were becoming how do you call the when they're overly dramatic about things a tional is sensationalist about o reviewers were required to send them like yes you signed the document that said and so it's hilarious when we're preparing the the daily script and sam reaches out to me and he's like we're gonna include this and this and I'm like no take that off that's not the facts the facts are that we were told that we had to send them back to n days anyways so we knew that it was just a loner who I was I was hoping you would have it but I knew that was not good we knew that it was alone Samsung knew that I was gonna come here to Spain and so they they knew that and I and I told them like listen I have to travel so I won't be able to send it back to you on the date where my 10 days are over I will pack it up and ship it back to you as soon as I'm back which is Sunday that was the first call then the second call is like feedback then the third call is can we go pick it up and you know what I don't blame them because I don't you come here with that fault you know all of us want you to be with her exactly I would be the only person with a galaxy phone so I get it I understand the liability would have gone through them exactly no so I totally understand the reason why I you know I like that Marquez did another video over talking about it I think that John was it John Rhett injure who did it did it as well no it was Michael Michael Fisher did another video um listen I know that just like in the case of antenna gate and then Ben gate and then so many other cases and then the exploding batteries I know that right now the hot topic is does it Bend did it explode yeah do your phone calls why is it breaking and I know that people want me to be sensationalist about the product and complain about it but I am one of the few people that's had it I am one of the feet I am one of the many people who did not believe in it I am even surprised that I got invited because the Sam said like I'm looking at you say no no no I'm surprised that I was invited because I you know I we had conversations with PR and they were like you really don't like foldables do because this was like M the bees yeah no this was CES and they were like and there and I'm like why well all your dailies and your news you're always like it's always a solution in search of a problem you don't need a foldable the problem is the moment that I grabbed the mate X yeah that changed everything that changed everything for me I was like crap i I nobody needs this but it is so cool it is so damn cool okay he's just bossing there because that is how I feel about talking fridges but so it is you know I have to like in the case of the recall for the note seven you know what it's like if you sold millions of a specific product the year prior for you to be willing to take the hit yeah of recalling a product completely just to be able to one protect your consumers obviously but second it's like we would rather lose money then lose users then to lose consumers and to lose the trust of the market trust I am happy I am happy and I you know I you know I even said it in the conversation with with uh cuz the Ergo my son he was like you know I think that the best thing that Samsung could have ever done was send you those that fold yeah I've been seeing a lot of tweets about that where people are saying Samsung owes a huge debt to all of us really yeah that would be able to test this device and actually put out into the public that like you know there's something wrong with this right now and then Samsung to have the wherewithal to say even though two weeks ago wasn't it that they were like yeah we see some problems we'll investigate but we're gonna go full steam we're gonna go full steam it and then not recall them but but you're absolutely right though there's some sensationalism involved and I'm really happy I mean that's part of the reason why you know we like working together like there's a certain amount of like honesty and honor involved so good on you in that case David Cogan when I had him on for a segment called spill the tea that I have on my Instagram Instagram TV at my IG TV yeah I had him come on to talk about the galaxy fold and coffee yeah he literally the guy is so extra data coconut i skogen he I was like don't steal my segment cuz you're doing my segment a little bit too good right now bro then anyway I had him come on in normally I used smartphones for but he used like his a7 in any case he he said that he was skeptical of many of the publication's and many of the people who had the fault saying that there's broke too when in reality probably what the case was was they were seeing some break and then they were like let's try to make them between between the time that Mark Garmin Marquez and and Todd Hazleton which is not taught it's his colleague at CNBC three galaxy folds broke three now I'll tell you that no three ah that's all that broke two of them because of user error yes one of them because it genuinely broke foo because of user error one because it genuinely broke I'm not gonna blame user error as well because our units did not have the do not remove the protective film yeah and one Marquez is like Oh what the hell like I remove the screen protector out of everyone plus phone the one when I get it so I totally understand Marquez I say user error because it was user inflicted but not because it's necessarily an error it's just what we call it yeah but in in the particular case of this device I'm like no like the rest of us didn't have any problems with it Oh Michael okay so my unit on the second day had like had like a weird tilt on the crease but it happened for like a day and then it went away yeah like it's like if it aligned itself over time you know here's the thing we have a problem and this is the reason why I like márquez's video if you haven't watched that it's a 15 minute video and it's so worth it he's Marcus is such a talented guy and I have so much admiration for him he's like listen I there's so much to love about this product that it starts with the fact that finally mobile technology is not boring anymore we've been talking about flat slabs for so long and this is the first unique product that we talked about and how much time yeah hundred percent now is a new form factor always oh my god if you asked me if I would recommend the first Apple watch the second never if you watch my videos I do not become in the third reveal was like if you went on a fantastic rant once on the weekly about the Apple watch I remember this yeah once they launched generation four I was caught yeah there you go I was hooked no first like I even tell people it's a first generation Apple product I didn't get the first generation air pods I got the Apple watch because I had to review it but like I didn't get the first generation iPhone I regret getting the first generation Jetta no MacBook Pro it was trash people complain over the keyboard of the second generation with the change listen I I know about the curse of the early adopter would I recommend that you buy the galaxy fold No yeah not because it's a bad product but because you're part of your part of that demographic that's gonna show the brand where they have to go from here where they have to correct and you can be both like let's put this way the the the tribalism on let's say Twitter or YouTube comments that say this thing is trash it's like it's this thing this thing is trash why did this ever happen bla bla bla I mean come on come on wait a second come on every single phone before 2007 had a plastic screen yeah every single one the iPhone well it was an lg device was the first one with a capacitive screen but the first one to actually use mainstream glass was Apple and they were horribly criticized so it's like how are you gonna use glass on a phone when that thing Falls it'll break the Nintendo switches plastic why because kids are using it they don't want to put up with having to replace good broken screen glass don't bend come on and that is than the other topic that I'm like glad you can't bend glass what do you want to like I was like can we try any other material that'll also blend like Plexiglas no flexi glass doesn't Bend it's a screw and it's supposed to be brittle so like that's the thing you could be both I think that it's gotten to a point now where because we live in such an opinionated medium so there's nothing wrong with looking wrong with that but the thing is the fact that we as you're let's say thought-leaders just split that way the fact that we hey okay was it Kol key opinion leaders [Laughter] the fact that we the fact that we can love or hate a product and that would influence whether or not you you purchase it that's fine but not everything is black or white so if we we can say don't we yeah we can say don't buy this product you should never buy this product not now not right now but we still love it guys let's talk about oneplus think about it oneplus one was okay oneplus two was a mess yes one plus three was like the first one where things started getting and then came to 3t and it's like okay they've matured yeah one the one plus five came out now but my first reviews i'm lucky that the first one plus device that i reviewed was the three t cuz i didn't put up with any of the past no but it's also what did you expect you know everyone everyone was so you it's so used to the way phones are you give them a new form factor no one knows how to use them or how screen protectors and folding phones work but it happens and i and i told them look cuz they asked me like i we want your honest opinion over what you feel about the fold and i'm like okay this is like me at the time when I moved from using BlackBerry's for four years and having to move to using a capacitive screen you have to understand we came from t9 to the blackberry huh t9 don't know 89 is coming from the texting capital of the world it's when you get text in front of a number no one has ever told me a cookie name yesterday we came from t9 to blackberry keyboards and so anything was better than t9 you when you were efficient with t9 like that was a point you have to really love that if she had more than one s in her name I think this is the reason why catch names like my lover baby came more pop calling her Samantha or something like that but listen so you know moving to the iPhone for me was a paradigm shift to even even before I was already using pocket pcs and we used the stylus and we typed at the time one letter at the time and so for me moving to the iPhone because I'm multilingual the beauty that I had with the BlackBerry is there was no text prediction so I literally had to know where I was typing I was forced to know which was awesome which was awesome and therefore it's like trying to remember phone numbers back in the day yeah try that now I forget my own phone number because I never call myself let me put this out there real quick like what I heard from a friend of mine back in college is if you memorize someone's number that means they're actually important to you yeah whatever so I'm gonna put that out there the point that I'm trying to make is in the case of foldables for me it was difficult because the galaxy fold is a very different approach to the to the main X the galaxy full destroy is a tablet that's trying to be a phone the made X is both okay it can be a phone and only a phone it can be a tablet and only it's how I am used to I did Xiao Meis 2 and so the biggest problem with the fold for me was getting used to you know having to consciously make the decision to open it to interact with it better because the keyboard on the small screen was just that was bad that was bad I actually started using swipe oh I have never used type before that I was forced just because my thumb's like and so that small screen is a SmartWatch is it's worse than a SmartWatch you know at least the SmartWatch understands that it's a SmartWatch and it just won't give you certain options because they just don't make sense the problem is Android doesn't understand that it's being shown in such a small screen that it's not usable and so SwiftKey for example because it swifty is not up optimized for the foldable paradigm it would split inside but then it would also split outside because it doesn't understand that I don't want it to split outside yeah and so there were I made a video where it's the interesting things about the Galaxy fold and it was that it's that transition period and so if it was one of my best friends that would come up to me and be like should I buy the Galaxy fold my answer would be no yeah no unless unless you're somebody like David Cogan you actually paid for it David Cogan actually put money down and he's waiting for his final unit well this is after he used it first yeah no was it and he and he's like I bought one and I'm like why well he's like whoa I knew we had to give it back and I actually liked it and so you know once you get used to it it's very hard to go back to a regular phone that's what I keep hearing III I wanna say that ah compared to you guys I'm pretty new in the tech space and this is something this is one lesson that I had to learn because prior to testing out phones I was a die-hard Apple fan like I I was that girl who had an iPhone and an iPad and my MacBook and I would not switch anything for the world and when I started reviewing Android phones it was so different to me and what was so scary was the learning curve because I hate that and what I loved about my iPhones was a fact that even without being a Becky without any knowledge at all it was so natural yeah but you know but you know why that is what Apple revolutionized is not necessarily how phones should be it's the fact that they made it the simplest form yes they he you know when Steve Jobs comes into the presentation he's like let's remove all these buttons and have just one with a giant screen back then 3.5 was giant compared to the 2.2 that we were using yep and so the problem is when you go over simplistic when it becomes so basic when you bring the idea to its most simplest form that anything else is going to feel like a step back once you get used to it yes so that that that was the lesson that I learned that it's like just because you're not used to something doesn't necessarily make it less better than what you know and especially in this industry where everything is changing yeah you actually welcome that change because that changed is the innovation that everyone's been asking for so it's it's just so weird to me because I personally was not as excited about the folding phone for various reasons such as if we're gonna fold the phone I wanted to fold smaller so that it will fit my pocket why get a bigger device and make it the normal yeah you know all these other feelings but at the same time I don't hate it or I don't want it to fail because I see where they're trying to go and it's exciting yeah like whether or not this phone is great this specific phone it's like that watch series one it's like it's like the first oh my god remember the first galaxy the the gear the first galaxy gear the one that wrapped around the first yeah no no before that or that the Samsung I forget that the name of it all the gear live the one would enter it for that even before that when Tizen came that first SmartWatch was terrible but that was the first ever SmartWatch yes it was even before Pebble hmm I forget the name of it yeah I'm afraid I forget the name of it but you know the point is it's a necessary foundation it is the only way products are gonna converge if you ask me which approach do I like more I prefer the made X just because it's less of a paradigm shift yeah it's less of a paradigm shift that feels like a note 9 you can use it as a phone whenever you want open it and you can use it as a tablet whenever you want I just would I I prefer that approach I just can't imagine the moment somebody drops that thing so do you think do you think Samsung is actually going to be able to add more measures to make sure that these breaks don't I believe so because the way the the protective film not just the protective film but also the bezel design I feel that that bezel should have cover the protective film I feel it should go inside the vessel and not allow users to access it because pessimistically I keep thinking that Samsung is just gonna put more warning labels on it no I think that the smartest thing if you if you see the tear down from I fix it that is actually like a sort of a sticker it's he pasted on top they should just make that you should cover the edges cover the edges okay then that way nobody can access obviously it's gonna make it's gonna make for an even more gigantic bezel but no because you already have that notch pretty much just make everything the thickness of the notch and that's it okay like I was saying and spill the tea you know when that second wave comes in with the new release date you know you put us in the mix I'm just saying you asked me what to use it to if you asked me what's gonna be more durable you know I can't say that it's gonna be the Galaxy fold because the the front and the back are glass they're gonna break as well yeah right whereas in the made ax the outside is plastic I can't imagine what happens to a plastic display when it falls on its face into concrete you get those divots I'm specific no take that take that out and bring your your your other phone just put them both together oh that's a litter that's literally how it feels it's it's literally a sandwich of hardware it is the thickest phone I've used in years also battery life for days right wasn't it great oh whoa okay so because that OLED is is thinner ah I am like wait a second this battery is smaller than the this battery is smaller than what's on the s10 is it or is it not no it's it's it's a little larger minor but like the battery life is is insane it's great because then they're two there's two batteries right there are two batteries but they're there in milliamps they're pretty much the size of a Vanessa ten plus and I don't get that battery life on my stem plus and so you know again the people the market doesn't need it the only way for any market to grow is thanks to early you stuff yeah thanks to early adopters and so I you know I I express it I I need to stop being so pessimistic well okay to your to to to defend that we have been in this industry for quite a while that you're a bit younger in the terms of this industry but we have been complaining throughout 2015 16 17 how phones seem to be stagnating there's not a whole lot of fun phones are fun again yeah you know we have job security to think about it is I don't know where the market is gonna go I do know that the only way to make tablets popular is to fit them into phones in any other way people really don't care about tablets that much you know I feel that it's a great idea it just I feel that the materials are not there there's so much more to learn but the only way they're gonna learn is if they do it and so I was the first person to mark the Galaxy Note now I can't live without it I was the first person to mock the iPhone when it came out no comment on that Harris III have passionate discussions over how much I hate the Apple watch and I'm wearing it yeah I can't believe I went to pick up a pair of air pods but I've been using them and I like know what I'm a was a contrarian before we have been the number one contrarian of foldable thundery you get you get a pass now you get a pass I have been the number one contrarian to foldables telling you I can't wait to get my unit back and you know okay I think that I think that should pretty much cover that yeah a lot to say about the galaxy fold the delays I did they say one they're gonna actually release them so AT&T said June 11th that's a while it is a while but think about it yeah they're all they were already in mass production when you're gonna do that's true they'll most likely throw all this bash to the trash and produce again you can't doctor the existing you know I don't think they would I think you know just like his smartphone companies do with with batches where they will create a specific batch and destroy it just to see how it ah fair yeah that's most likely what they're gonna do I mean there weren't many I mean in my briefing alone we were like nine people and there were four briefings so how many devices were out I heard that they were a hundred a total of a hundred units that's what I heard that's a that's two how much is that twenty thousand two hundred thousand dollars two hundred thousand dollars pretty much yeah wow that's a lot of money so no wonder they were so exclusive yeah yeah the unitary all right cool well I think I should pretty much do it we do have a thing going on pretty soon so we're gonna go watch because I have to go change yeah yeah so uh yeah that's coming from Aoife GPC like I said earlier I'll do the intro and outro at the end here on outside of this recording but I will make sure that Issa you can let them know where to find you all over the Internet oh I'm at CSIS said all over wait no what that just Instagram which is everything that yeah then you can follow her gadget match and visit her gosh match calm alright if you want to get a little bit of a bat-like behind-the-scenes look at some of the stuff she does do some vlogs also over on her channel on YouTube that's slash he said does so I may go ahead and hit go ahead and let them find me here I'm here every day or on Instagram a tiny little bit ah it's always a pleasure man alright and you know me I'm JV I love tech and I love to drink me some tea find me on Instagram and Twitter @ JV Tech tea you can also check out some other content over at slash Musharraf agarra we did not get to the Opel Reno but we did get a video out on it I was able to get a video out on it the two of us were there some of you guys had a lot of fun watching yeast in the background of that was a fun format for hands-on that wasn't the only clip everybody was so anyway that made it when I was in the editing I was looked at and I'm like I'm gonna leave it it's funny so that was a fun video but I did use that phone as my vlogging machine wallah in Zurich so you could see that over at my channel as well alright let's go ahead and get into the outro well on that note that is it for the weekly our theme music is bloom by Minerva courtesy of a royalty-free license with Argo Fox you can learn more in the episodes description you can follow the crew on Twitter you already heard the different handles for both Jaime and ISA and then myself I am at JV tech T you know me I love tech and I love to drink me some tea Pocky now is at pocket now on twitter facebook Instagram and YouTube in English and espanol where you can find more news on the pocket now daily in Pocket now add audio every weekday catch up on what the weekly is talking about at slash podcast also make sure you make your voices heard by emailing us podcast at we would certainly love your feedback through reviews and ratings on Google Apple Spotify overcast or wherever you happen to be streaming us because without you we would I've been able to make the show for your eyes and ears for now over seven years straight all right we'll see you in our next episode hopefully the jet lag is not going to mess us up too bad that's the other reason why this episode came out a little bit later I literally woke up past the noon hour after getting back from the trip so bear with us on that one but in our next episode we'll be back in our respective studios and we will look forward to seeing you then as well you
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