Galaxy Note 6 rumors, iPad Pro differences & more - Pocketnow Daily
Galaxy Note 6 rumors, iPad Pro differences & more - Pocketnow Daily
rumours of the samsung galaxy note 6
have begun in this time with earlier
dates HTC sends out confirmation for
when we can expect the HTC 10 event and
it seems to the 9.7 inch iPad pro has
more differences with its larger sibling
than we thought I'm high metal iveta and
after years this is the first time I'm
recording the pocket out daily without
being able to see myself through a
remote viewfinder bear with me here this
is pocket out daily the official news
today begin with deals as you know that
Apple announced at the Apple watch is
now dropping its price tag a hundred
dollars well Best Buy and Target thought
they take this a step further but
depending on which model for example if
you get the the regular Apple watch
you'll also get an additional hundred
dollars off on these stores though if
you want to go for the sports variant of
the deals are only fifty dollars off so
it's a good deal and those would be
interested in getting the surface pro 4
you might as well get the doc as well
it's a hundred dollars off if you bite
at the Microsoft Store bundled with the
surface pro core for those of you that
were interested in the LG g5 friends we
get more details on the pricing of these
accessories it seems that products like
for example the camp plus will retail
for seventy dollars which is not bad for
what you're getting and even better are
the spare batteries those are apparently
going to retail for thirty-five dollars
and in some cases 30 which is crazy it's
really affordable but then in the case
of the hi-fi audio deck that'll cost you
one hundred and sixty dollars and if you
want the VR headset we still don't have
defendant pricing on that but apparently
it's going to be either two hundred
dollars or above and it kind of makes
sense since this is totally unique let's
see when we get more details and
official documentation and for those of
you that thought that the 9.7 inch iPad
pro was going to bring absolutely
everything you get on the 12 point nine
inch model that's actually not true
we've got some benchmarks that are
already proving two things number one
that it's underclocked when compared to
the 12 point nine inch model and two
that you get half the ram instead of
getting four gigs of ram you get two
gigs of ram which could definitely make
a ton of difference when multitasking
how many applications remain and RAM
still we
no that Apple plays a lot here and it
makes sense you're powering a lot less
pixels but then again we can't wait to
get our review units to let you know how
they compare now we have a lot of high
hopes for the HTC 10 the company has
done an amazing job of teasing what to
expect and well we now get confirmation
that the event is happening on April 12
but this is not your typical event
that's gonna be a virtual event meaning
there is no press event that will be
attending to nor anybody it's just gonna
be something virtual than anybody can
join in to which is okay it's cool we
just hope that obviously the product
delivers on its promise it doesn't
really matter if the event is amazing or
now we just want a product that actually
lives up to the HTC that we've known for
years stay tuned for that and finally
the very hot news they have to do with
the Samsung Galaxy Note six believe it
or not it seems that the product will be
early this year and remember we covered
a ton of rumors of a ton of variants of
the galaxy s7 and eventually we'll learn
that these variants are apparently the
different products in the lineup that
samsung will be announcing and it seems
to the Galaxy Note six will be available
in an event in June for possible launch
in July which is rather odd usually we
get this product at Aoife in September
and we wonder exactly why Samsung plants
do this so early but hey it leads me to
the question of the day if these rumors
do gain traction would you hold off from
getting the galaxy s7 or galaxy s7 edge
just to wait for the note 6 in my case I
would I can't wait to see what this note
6 is gonna be like but leave us a
comment down below we'd love to know
your opinion friends you know the way it
goes if you want to get these news
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the Grabbit high memory better please
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thank you very much for watching we will
see you tomorrow
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