
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

G'day, Huawei Mate 20 Pro! | #PNWeekly 328

the PocketNow weekly is brought to you by the National Security Agency are you worried by the next big cyberattack the National Security Agency plays a big role in protecting us from foreign cyber operations and you can help if you work in computer science networking programming or electrical engineering learn more about career at the National Security Agency today visit intelligence careers gov slash NSA that's intelligence careers gov slash NSA all right this is London and calling hello and welcome to episode three 2/8 of the weekly brought to you by pocket now and xda-developers recorded on Friday the 19th of October 2018 from Huawei to Huawei yeah that's what we're talking about today pretty clear that the May twenty minae ting the conversation but we'll also take a few visits to the Huawei watch GT the wali band reap throw and there's some other little tidbits along the way I'm Jules Wong your host for today Josh Vergara and Jaime Rivera still working on up in London that's where the Huawei Ben was this week I was about to say that Taylor Martin is off today but apparently he was able to rush in and take over our friend Mario Seraphin hello to you Taylor hello how's it going pretty cool pretty cool I heard that you had some wood chips and your beard that you have to get out yeah pause from from chopping up some trees in the woods to come podcast No well I'm very grateful for that making that transition from what to Wyatt yeah let's see if we get Brandon Minnemann in here hey man long time no see actually it's been a while and he is not audible at this point I don't know why it's because of these hangouts things that we clear up at the start of the show and then it's like oh hey we're out wearing the free show and then everything's okay and everyone says yes we're okay and then somehow when you turn on the switch for the show it just goes kaput there right now it works there you go Hey hello you are in living color in living vibrations to the years I would like the here you talk a little bit well here's the thing back in the day I would use a simple microphone and then you guys complain about my audio quality so I got this very fancy cardioid microphone which sometimes misbehaves it's kind of like the Ferrari that breaks down all the time I just wanted I just want a Toyota but I mean I wanted a Porsche instead right anyways we had another frequent fly around here and that is from Android police the best person to have his calls hello how's it going hope that didn't interfere in because in the freaking you know intro and now like I look stupid if it doesn't get kept in so please any at all when you said that to me I hope it did but it's good to be here I haven't been in a while that was a pixel ringtone which must mean you've a pixel three there right no actually that was probably the delivery notification for the pixel three I'm waiting for that's downstairs as we speak oh well you'll be distracted right I know exactly I mean you shouldn't really let it lie there in the pile because I've been to your apartment at work every single notification now everyone put your phone in the basket and turn it off okay for the whole 90 minutes it's just gonna be me turning up the alarm on this phone and then playing it into the mic so breaking the cast rule here every single podcast should probably set up a few rules right now let's talk about Huawei and only qua way for the next maybe 30 minutes does that sound good to you go we have no other choice that's what is happening this week right could you put on the doctor that's what you put on the packet that's what I put on the docket so let's go for it all right so obviously the big story here was that on Tuesday we had this whole smorgasbord from London Huawei and it's May 28th May 2000 vents and quite the scene here if I could pull up the screen and tell you about it so let's talk about the gap between these two phones because the May 20 m 823 it used to be only that we had a few differentiations between the two from what the what you paid for it and I believe it's always been a very minimal maybe 50 or 100 euros you had just like an extra camera on that P 20 crowd well people be proud that's what it is and then Kier things have kind of shift around so we have the 1080p screen on the May 20 it's at six and a half inches and then you have to mate 20 pros 6.4 inch which the size I mean it might not correspond to anything but you have that OLED display and you have that 2k resolution you have the typical memory disparaging differences with the four gigs six gigs of ram Hanabi 20 versus six gigs standard I believe there is an 8 gig option as well for the v20 Pro this year's kind of a little interesting here because there are a few things that have widened the gap so to speak so we have if I can forward down to the screen and the notches that are apparent on these phones unfortunately though the post here does not have front-facing photos of the phones but the mate 20 does have a dewdrop knotch as they say it's a very minimal notch it's only for the selfie camera and then you have them 820 Pro with its full-on face ID ish kind of thing with time flight centers or 3d sensors and it's that it goes the Holborn that you have battery charging which is different twenty-two and a half watts on the May twenty and forty Watts on the week twenty prowl and there was a couple of other things that kind of shed the difference here so you do have this triple camera on both devices but the maximum resolution akanda make 20 is 60 megapixels and then you have that freaking huge turrets of a 40 megapixel sensor on the new 20 pro so I was wondering do you buy the differences here I mean we're sorry talking about $7.99 and 849 between two is does that what do you feel about that difference I think it's too arty I think it's I think it's totally worth it I mean the it's like the mate 20 pro takes every feature every innovation that mattered in 2018 bigger batteries better cameras better screens faster charging and puts it all in one and I wish jaime was here because I've known Jaime for a very long time and he's never been this excited about a phone like ever use the freaking you know cracking clip like he just you know did the whole thing with you know release the Kraken and that was part of this video so it was quite an amazing tailor what do you think yeah I mean if you're gonna expend $800 on a phone to begin with and it's another 50 for something that's it's not just a slight margin better it's better in just about every single aspect why not no question well that there was even a made 20 this year right right well I don't know about that but I know that like if I work while way I would question why the may 20 was even made hmm and that ya know humans it's just a fifty dollar difference when he made a a more stinted version I guess and charged you know maybe a hundred and fifty less or 200 less I would understand maybe you wouldn't even be able to carry the may 20 name but for a $50 difference it just doesn't make a ton of sense did you just make up a word stunted stilted I was looking for I don't know I'm bad with words I've got it and it means to be economical or frugal about spending or providing something so yeah good job Taylor I mean it's also like the fact that there is a May 20 light out there which is completely like in a different category in itself it's like 500 ish so I mean we're really talking about splitting up a layer cake here Ryan what do you think about this um I do think that the price difference is definitely worth the upgrade to the may 20 Pro for most people unfortunately I also kind of feel like it's the difference is gonna be in a material for a lot of us because this isn't coming to the US yet is it I think they hopefully announced availability for Asia and Europe right yeah UK the United Arab Emirates because of course the Dubai gets all the pretty stuff and yeah just Europe France Italy so well I would dig see in may 20 Pro doesn't really matter to me just get it on eBay yeah eBay I mean that's your only option work on eBay I mean Amazon has traditionally carried it about a few weeks out of its launch time so and of course you take the risk of you know carrier bans and whatnot not working fully with a TTS Network routing tables but I mean that's in order to have a statement piece if you really want that statement piece in your pocket and that I mean that's the perspective that you might be coming from right then this is what you might want um but in terms of just here kind of specs here I mean this is just so much to handle here and in there are some of the software features too that really make this up they've been really pushing AI with that tear in the 980 with seven anomie of chip many more transition transitioners transistors I should probably do too the hell and talking about transitioners but yeah they're using it for many different uses mostly in the camera with features like a eye detection for subjects they're able to record video with background but a black and white monochrome thing and then you have your subject you tap on the subject and it remains in color so that's one of the uses that they're putting into all that hard-wearing all of that you know computing are these phones really artificially intelligent like is that actual AI or is it just like programming that the text detects things based on you know being programmed with millions of images and detecting trees and cars yeah that's exactly what it is but we've we've decided that we call that a I know it sounds better I guess it's something that you can promote in this age where you have the head shoe in the way at all the bits um that's what the you know picture was with the qat at least but some yeah like there is just so many cycles now because of the you know the how much hardware is in there that can be used for this kind of thing I'm wondering what you think because we can't see anything about the quality of it but just like the fact the gumption that's you know Huawei is like pushing this out and perhaps you know they made him out I may not turn out but I'm what do you think of just getting out there I'll start with you Taylor nothing like the only thing I can even think of while looking at these specs is how in the hell is the camera 40 megapixel camera are they using some janky trick like I think it was Huawei who did it back in the past where it was 40 megapixels but it was like an 8 megapixel camera with almost like pixel shift technology yeah that's what it's doing it's actually it's actually 10 megapixels isn't it but it it bends them together to make a so it takes four yeah yeah well I was wondering about that haven't you sorry go ahead now I was just a saying that the p20 Prayer was marketed with the same 40 megatons and very good results according to our ad Lane so like we're kind of you know good day they they did this back in the day there was an app for iOS I cannot remember the name of it but it does it does the same thing and my Sony the a7 r3 also does it and it works really really well technically Google's doing it with the new zoom functionality on the pixel 3 and 3 Excel it uses a shift to try to interpolate it a sub pixel look resolution for that added zoom effect so it's so cool I love it it's the same technology they used to photograph the stars like NASA not like a normal person but but NASA because it takes a lot of technology to do that with a moving target but yeah I just wasn't sure if that's what was happening here I'm still so far out of the loop I've not caught up yet still four years behind guys yeah I mean you're getting there you're getting there somehow so yeah there's a lot of information to parse there's a lot of new phones so it is it's crazy I mean so let's go into the sensor I think it's an e tail the main xx has its ultra wide angle sensor at 17 millimeters I assuming that's a full-frame equivalent and it's 60 megapixels so you know they did the good idea of putting the most megapixels to the most area that you'll be able to see you have the standard 27 millimeter 12 megapixel thing going on and then you have the 2 times zoom which is 8 megapixels and that's your make 2020 bro with 8 megapixels you have that three times in now I'm not its optically stabilized so I think they're doing the right thing in terms of in the right hardware to where it needs to be because when you're going out that far you obviously need a little bit more stabilization to make sure it doesn't all go wacky the standard thing here is the 20 megapixel 16 million no that's an ultra wide-angle excuse me pardon me that's an ultra wide-angle try megapixel which is great it's there there's no monochrome sensor this time around like a is their longtime partner in this sort of thing in terms of imaging and they've always stood with that monochrome and color combination with dual cameras because that produced a lot more detail and they were able to hybrid create a hybrid image and that would give a little bit more pop a little bit more artful grooming as I would like to say for their images and then you have the phonemic megapixel standard thing which is just the bazooka you know you just shoot it out f-18 it's ultra bright it's nice there you go so you got everything you got everything what do you think about a little full photographers kit and one one phone it kind of is it's like you're using multiple lenses on the same device kind of like the LGP 40 shoot if I'm running gunning I usually take one lens but it's typically a zoom lens and it ranges from anywhere from 16 to 24 all the way up to 77 so this is roughly that in three different again right the cameras in the phone yeah it's quite versatile too you know it's just again one found so I mean what this I mean is this a practical replacement or would you still want that insurance of having a reliable you know dedicated camera at this point me I was gonna go for an actual camera yeah just because but I've gotten more into using my phone especially I don't have the lens with me but this is the cover for the moment lens I use this on my iPhone in the galaxy s 8 plus and this theoretically if this is as good or can provide as good of results as a moment lens then I think that's a valid valid alternative because these things are bulky and I hate carrying them and I don't always like I don't have that case on here I don't like having this case on my phone all the time to only use the lenses every you know every so that's your benchmark in terms of that you know not we need to put words this but apples to apples yeah I mean that's the closest comparison I guess you could have is its tossing a lens on your phone and most lenses for smartphones are trash these moment lenses you've got to spend 80 to 90 dollars actually the anamorphic is 130 so you've got to spend that purlins and how that's on top of them you know thousand-dollar phone if you will really want it right Brandon go ahead how far do you think we are from a phone being able to take a picture that is as good as the best DSLR or do you think that I'm only long way why do you say that because you don't have true depth of field and something that's turned me off really bad lately is is the pho depth of field that you get the profile or portrait portrait so that to me looks fake I can spot it as soon as I see it because there's no variation to the depth of field it's there's something in focus and everything else is out of focus and that's not how it works depth of field is the further you are the more out of focus you are right yeah it graduates it's it's physics on a phone it's like almost photoshopping the background like blurring it you know yeah and it just looks fake to me so they're trying to fake that if they can get that to look better and use that depth information to gradiate maybe but it's still faking it but the real thing is is your sensor size I mean the sensor size on my a 7r3 it's like a dinner plate I mean it's so Kate Winslet's Earth sensor it's huge whereas these the sensors are very very very small thank you guys Orphanage like really small and that that's always going to affect your your light intake more than anything and your depth of field that's one thing that will always hinder the true depth of field is this in size yep I want to get to you a couple of emissions obviously the headphone jack has been out for at least a month and generation now so you know it can you play it all you want there is a it's a benefit that's just an interesting to know about the audio and that's one of the speakers is actually tucked inside the or at least encased around the USB C port at the bottom because I as opposed to like having it chewed out you know just like farting out literally so there's that and then there's the expandable storage situation and like you have one of the deadly sentence you know no headphone jack and that's for these tech enthusiasts that have you know all really been invested in these uh you know sorts of expandability and when you have the headphone jack on you really shouldn't be touching that microSD slot and for these people and yet we're talking about a new nm card which is it fits inside and nanometer not an enemy nano SIM slot it's like the same exact shape so Huawei doesn't have to carve out a specific shape for the micro SD card anymore but at this point they have not really they have not released the cards so you can't expand that 128 gigabytes which I mean if that's our base for most people know like in flat alright cuz you know what do people do with 128 gigs on their phone like I have I think I 128 gig iPhone and I have 6,000 pictures in like 200 videos and I'm still like 50% I still have 50% of my storage need to have your whole lossless audio library with you to listen to on your cheap earbuds yeah so you're like they've fooled is Sony here in terms of you know proprietary memory cards out there you know PSPs and whatnot and every single console has a new proprietary card and you know this this has no practical advantage over an SD card because just getting the same practical transfer speeds not a megabyte negative 90 megabytes per second which you know it's about the same as a good high-capacity micro SD card so like why now what what is going on here what do you think I always play is a I'll start with you bruh I think they're trying to pull Sony like you said I mean this is completely unnecessary you know always so big that they're like hmm how can we make more money oh we can come out with a proprietary memory format and not license it to anyone so SanDisk know anyone else that makes memory no and you have to come to us to buy huawei nano SD card which like you know micro SD cards are so small I mean they're the size of your thumbnail I mean but this is even smaller it's so you don't even have to carve out like the extra spot in the sub tray no thanks I mean if I've already got micro SD cards from all of my other devices I don't need a new four memory format sorry while we just gonna just gonna buy oh and then they know they know you're gonna say that so then then people are like alright I'll just get the higher capacity model you see what we're doing here we're inching up that price no matter what I mean it's always been that advantage having that as a ufs a presumably using ufs 2.1 but that's already a fastened of thing it's much preferable to us the emmc anyways ya know what you think well asset because I actually am not super familiar with the details what was announced is it verifiably a proprietary format they're not licensing it to anyone else it's not an open standard so let's see here it's a proprietary memory card that they have not really like the event was kind of closed off so we don't have like direct quotes here because getting it from you know you know secondhand word but there that's like we're not getting any licensing details at all okay it's technically not even an SD card which I think belongs to SanDisk it's just called nm card it's not nm SD card so that would suggest that's entirely secure digital yeah my crest tears are the SC Association is in charge of that and it has a bunch of licensees and members and performance right yeah I'll say it is there a picture if I did anywhere that I can see yeah yeah let me pull it up here on this just show you that boom right there look at that 15 years ago they're talking about oh hey micro SD believe of the future now this is the wave of the future it's 45% smaller and it's red but microwave it's red so small I lose them yep to a point where you know diminishing returns like how much space are your going to recoup on this yeah they're gonna make them so small you need tweezers to install and then don't you already mean tweezers like place the freaking nano sim down without having it pop out of the tray for some reason like you know its fingers and I can do it oh good for you I guess maybe yeah there was one interesting other tidbit that I feel to mention while we were back on the 20-week Pony Prairie I believe in the may 20 Pro housing and that's the in display fingerprints on Syria but this one's a little different this one's more it detects pressure it's nuanced on that level so I suppose you have that extra layer of not necessarily biometric because that's already that's that's what sound you're hearing but kind of a user factor X Factor kind of thing in terms of security I believe the number is 4,000 pressure levels detected but in terms of adding that on as a layer of complexity I mean Jaime Rivera posted in this video on heads up hands on on this thing and he found it not to be that reliable even though it's I believe it was pre-production software or Hardware just pre-production everything but what do you think of that added factor in terms of security and I'll start with you right um well I had heard there was a little bit faster than previous solutions some of these in display if fingerprint readers are pretty slow but my understanding is that no matter what the resolution you get the effective resolution for the fingerprint is lower on these in display readers unless they're of the ultrasonic variety I might have that mixed up but if this is one of the ultrasonic ones I don't know security may be fine I don't know enough of the details about precisely the solution that they're using here if it's one of the optical ones my understanding is that they are pretty low resolution they don't work too great they're not super reliable and in which case it could be concerning you know it could be one of the things that they might be compensating or goran petrovic says and it is optical but demonstrated yeah there have been demonstrated you know improvements in terms of just getting everyone over to the ultrasonic side and perhaps some other things going on including increases in resolution it's early days still we don't know early days but you know the production cycles or just you know quicker during the early days to so hopefully you know there's some resolution on that in terms of adding pressure to the whole mix of things branding how's that going to make it better is it going to be like a separate factor and like do you have to be consistent you know medium pressure press er in order to get access to the phone like what da like you can't just you know if you're sleeping you can't just someone else can't just smush your finger on there and then have it like I think that it could add some tech Atilla t so that you can more easily know like how much pressure to put so if you do like a medium pressure you get a little bit of a buzz and you know oh I did it because some people you know capacitive screens require slate it's such a light touch that you might be inclined to just like kind of peck it a little bit but this way if there's some pressure sensitivity you can really get your finger in there for it to read your the notches and the edges a little bit better because the current solutions are terrible like vivo necks I mean it just basically doesn't work and all the other in display finger it's just way too early like Ryan said I'm gonna throw a curve ball to you Taylor so listen closely so if you already have this in displayed fingerprint sensor and then you have I'm gonna make 24 now this you know face ID system with the whole kit and kaboodle going on there what do you think and this you know is is this going to compromise okay maybe I'll choose one over the other and if the quality is as such as we've heard about from Jaime what do you think might happen in terms of preferences I mean just having used fingerprint sensors and face I mean I have an iPhone which I use a lot and the Samsung it the face I'm like what that works really well I'm not necessarily as concerned about the actual security of it I don't have anything too sensitive on my phone you might I don't know but I mean though the only thing is in practice whichever one works faster and more reliably I'm gonna use I don't care if it's a fingerprint face unlock whatever a thing that kills me and nobody's addressing this no one is that the the trusted networks and the trusted locations and all those things do they even exist because that was my favorite ever motorola did that so well like if i have my watch on and it's within the vicinity of a phone i don't have to unlock my phone that was an android feature right i think there's built-in android it it was originally most devices is on android yeah yeah it was originally motorola google purchase motorola they acquired some of those features and then they were like buy moto we don't need you anymore and those features were done so well and now it's like they they don't even work like you can add a trusted network my phone automatically connects to the network when I walk in the door and I still have to unlock my phone there have been a ton of complaints that none of the trusted stuff works anymore right now right yet so why not just fix that please I don't care about my face unlocking the phone or my thumbprint I'll put in a pin code but if I'm at home just let it stay unlocked understand that so that's it I don't care do something it's literally she might be just you know know as oh I'm just doing their own thing because I and I know a lot of you do stay at home a lot I'm at home and Brandon you're at your office a lot but I am at home eighty percent of the time I still have to unlock my phone it's so frustrating like jenna is crying after more friends you up here anybody within eight hours of me please be my friend I mean I'll fly down do that like six bucks it's like six bucks you know you get your Raisinets and your soda it's great you have to drive a tractor to it so it's a driving tractors only you southerners god I'll be drinking them alright anyways um just a couple more things before we get to some of more of the conversation that we want to have and I'll talk about the may 20 X here because of course gaming is such a big deal these days so course and Holly wants to know I mean it's sub-brand honor which is supposedly more youth focused is already you know tailoring all their stuff to that audience with the honor play and other things and then this okay you know we're just gonna toss it out for our mean audience I guess because you like the game too apparently we're talking about a 7.2 inch tablet I'll say it again 7.2 inch tablet and it doesn't matter I don't care how like yeah the aspect ratio or anything that gets to a point where it's like okay now you're just you're reaching beyond my you know my last knuckle here and I don't know how this is gonna be not a two-hand device all the time so that's just my quick take on that you have a five thousand milliamp hour of battery and full HD screen and then you have vapor cooling vapor chamber cooling which the chamber expands to roughly you know a large portion of the device so you have that similarity with the razor film - it also has that and then there is one other factor here that I try to I'm trying to remember here I believe it's a graphene graphene film which I'm not familiar in terms of how that actually gives lights perhaps it's just insulation thing so there you go is this kind of is the right tack to take in terms of the gaming where do they have the formula right here I'll start off with you Brandon I'm having deja vu because um I did a video about the honor note 10 which is very similar to this phone it's slightly smaller screen it's 7 inches it's got the five thousand milliamp hour battery and you know you know we live in the future and like a 7-inch phone with a tall aspect screen and small bezels is not that bad and so like 7.2 is pretty much the same thing it's really not that bad it's totally a two-handed phone unless you're like Michael Jordan or something and how big is that X Z ultra tailor that you keep I don't know I was taunting you with it it's hilarious because that's all it's all it's like 6.4 inches which back in the day was like incredibly big but the bezels on this thing are like an inch on either side so really it's the same size as this new phone yeah probably it's you know it's felt so ridiculous it's not that bad with the problem with that is that's a that's a wider a shorter aspect ratio like 16 by 9 so it's truly you know very wide and very tall instead of just very tall but I want to I want to just be honest about something regarding this phone I think it's awesome and I think the gaming movement is awesome these gaming phones with extra extra power better cooling bigger screens but guys I think I missed the boat on this one I don't I don't game on my phone like in the beginning I did you know when new games came out that were awesome like the Monument Valley was awesome and Titor of course all right do you guys do you just sell it do you guys game on your phone I have especially in pub G mobile dropped I was I was slaying noobs I played it on the computer so much and I was traveling I actually the day had dropped I was in San Francisco and I played it on my iPhone and my actually I cheated I played it on a 12 point 9 inch iPad pro it's nice it is yes yes but yeah I played it on my phone a lot and it's a lot of fun I think in order for gaming on a mobile device to really actually solidify or be solidified finally after what two decades you're gonna need something like the joy cons on a Nintendo switch something that slides on the side of your phone and lets you hold it like a gaming device and these mocha controllers and all the things like it it still kind of suck just losing them they suck well I mean funny that you mention through the Nintendo switch the speaker on deck I don't know whether or not it was a Richard you which is who is the CEO but the speaker mentioned the Nintendo switch in comparison with its battery which I feel like is totally unfair because you know there's a console dude there's it's not one-to-one here but you know five thousand milliamp hour battery versus the switches four thousand three hundred million power battery and then that's it you know that's that's the only thing that's really you know that was worth comparing between the two apparently so there was that I don't know if the comparisons totally disingenuous because the switch uses a nvidia tegra SOC right so it's a mobile device in a certain way Oh NVIDIA made a tablet whatever their gaming temple yeah the shield tablet yet I had that it worked really really well but really truly I think there needs to be a few changes that make I guess a few innovations one has to be a better controller system because touchscreen controls suck nobody likes playing with touchscreen controls yeah - you need a manufacturer on board a gaming company Sony Microsoft Nintendo which Nintendo is making mobile games but they really don't do well with making mobile games but the platform's there the switch runs really well it plays great games they are down scaled-down resolution versions of your standard console games I don't care I played Zelda I played it it's 75 80 hours and Zelda on my switch Wow and I mean that's Alex's put in like twice that but but I've played games I play games like broforce and Binding of Isaac all these games are available on mobile broforce isn't but Binding of Isaac is and it plays just as well on mobile and I think it's we're almost there but we need somebody to actually publish these and not just keep pushing them out and it kind of petering out because right now it's a disorganized thing like every publisher is in charge of publishing their own thing you know and what you get is this on the Nintendo switch you get a very specific experience if you play those games that work on the switch and on iOS it's a totally different ballgame because everybody's gonna it's a free-for-all so that and there was one more thing the streaming the steam link streaming you can stream PC games to your phone yeah that works well it actually works really well the problem is the screens are too small so something like this main to any else another screen that you can use that's basically what you're using it for if that's the case it doesn't have to be you know it doesn't have to have LTE radios it just needs to serve its purpose I guess um you were shaking your head Ryan when you were talking about knowest I was nodding my head vigorously I'm pretty sure yeah yeah totally everything he says now I was always talking about personal you know usage because that I think you said you might have said that you're not really a mobile gamer that you prefer to you know more that indoors yeah I do it more on PC than anything else but I agree with him I think that the best approach is or a good approach would be for major backing of a couple publishers or if a company like Sony or Nintendo would be like hey guys let's make a phone I would have there would be a great way to approach mobile gaming as opposed to the like he described the smattering mishmash of mediocre controls and sort of untargeted or loosely targeted developer focus like that would be a good idea I don't know what's gonna happen but if yeah it's only ones to approach steam would be a great way to make that happen yeah if that was to be like let's make a phone well or or just like well you could never really have an app store technically because you wouldn't be able to buy the games like on your iPhone and I think does Google regulate that now I don't know so if you buy yeah so if my phone can't be preloaded with an app store from another competitor if they've licensed a Google Play package but that's changing now with the II regulations although it's still going to be exclus if you licensing google play it's it's a whole thing I could go on about a fraction the mess but the point is I mean you could buy the games or show the games like in your steam account buy them from your computer and have them automatically download to your phone yeah you know it could be offered as a service like that with me make a few numbers or like the only ones that work in the Steam Play Store Steam games store whatever for your phone they would say have to be compatible with you know certain controllers like the steam controller or something you know that's really the only way I see mobile gaming actually being taken seriously I mean it's it is taken seriously because it's a multi-billion dollar industry every single year but it's also not taken seriously by the actual gaming yeah for to be of the same quality as console or PC gaming yeah what really matters in terms of you know just making sure that experience is on point I do want to wrap this but quickly just quick comment about that may 20 RS which is basically make 20 Pro except it has leather on it and costs 20 100 euros so and I read that are you thinking it was this week that virtue but actually yeah invitations in China for event so it's like okay great timing and that's pretty much all I have to contribute on this um do you have like just a few words on this I'll start with you the tailor it's ridiculous it's nothing but but just you know showing off that you have money if you own this it's just for the money and that's it and no one's going to know yeah no one cares I don't even like it give me some real I mean I got some real leather here like actual good like this is not good leather I don't like it I do a lot of leather working myself actually I made my camera strap I made all the sleeves for all of my computers I made my wallet and my key holder this is green corrected Chrome tan junk I'm a man you're something you guys are such leather snobs real leather right I think I should take you down to Taylor's place and you guys could just like talk about other for hours we could probably talk about leather for a while you can't smell it and if it doesn't do anything when you smell it then it's not good leather I love the smell of Horan's chrome Excel man mm-hmm geez you guys hover a phone-in Horine leather it's mine up by I'll rock that shit for years you guys take this offline okay what happened to you learn more I'm sorry I know bring it back all right I'm with that we're gonna get we're just gonna talk quickly about the watch GTE and the band three Pro but not before we get into some sponsors so we'll be right back this episode of the pocket net weekly is made possible with support from casada by Lutron and today I want to talk to you about Cassandra Neutron smart lighting control brought to you by Lutron pioneers and smart home technology with the casino you can schedule your lights to come on at dusk so your family always comes back to a will let home cuz you know dimmers put the power of letting your home to your voice they work with Amazon Alexa Google assistant and Apple home pod speakers plus a lot of other smart home devices like security cameras thermostats and music systems from nest saunas and more you can say that cos theta is pretty well connected and you can trust that works because it's firmly Tron the company behind the first electronic dimmer with nearly 60 years of experience now I've been playing around with some switches the company has sent me and actually put one in the living room and it's nice to be able to not have to go to that little alcove in the dark to flip the switch because it's very Krantz you know I should be cleaning you know a little bit more often but just being able to call out to my speaker and I could say that to get to full brightness swelling preparing dinner or turn it down for when I'm watching American Psycho for the 15th time just saying it's not convenient get smart lighting and get the smart way with casino pilot Ron you can see a s ETA or head up Lutron comm for more information and sanibel iran welcome home to peace of mind and the pocket man weekly is also supported by one plus the one plus 60 is giving you the speed you need on october 30 and tickets to some big launch events in New York and New Delhi have sold out so if you can't make it in person you can catch the live stream starting at 11 a.m. Eastern 1,500 hours GMT head to / 1 + 60 for more information and stay tuned for the announcement and we are back alright so just a quick word from all yeah I want to keep the spirit of Joshua Vergara going on in at least one way so I want to do a check-in it's basically just you know tell me how you'd be Gleek spin or one thing that you really want to talk about um I hear that you have a red ribbon so I'll start with here um the thought third was going to be a conversation with Jaime but since he is not here as for the the little check-in that we do I got the I got my pixel three XL two days ago two days ago white is definitely the color to get because I hear that I mean the black looks really nice but I hear that the black is so fingerprinting that for one of the first times in phone history you cannot wipe the fingerprints off you have to wash the phone which is okay because it's you know water-resistant but you know as nice as the black looks just don't do it I mean and also you get all those micro scratches with the white you don't see it the fingerprints this might be covered with fingerprints I have no idea because it's white and my fingerprints are you know I guess they're whitish just you know the oily fingerprints so how do they leave a print you don't know anything about me Taylor my fingers aren't that smart let's like use each other of having small hands here that's that's where another debate um I want to get over to Brian see how he's doing this week pretty good gonna go see him over there they did it was that off air Gordon I think that was off air that was off there where we going to watch play yeah I'm gonna go see a boarder at the Brattle theater in Harvard Square hey hey yeah that's gonna be amusing Toronto International Film Festival Award winner so I guess can you make an endorsement here on the pocket our weekly I just you know in Norse movies or give it like two thumbs up or something like that I couldn't offer that's that's copyrighted by Roger Ebert whatever anyways uh let's say finish up with you Taylor what's going on this week what what were you doing with the the whole the sharpen the forest dam so there was a hurricane that rolled through here ah and we were clearing out trees last week and another tree fell and I was about seven feet around at the base and we had no way to move it so we've been out there and saw that it for hours and hours and finally got it cleared up I almost got thrown off a tractor so I see fun stuff well that that at least you and yours are safe and that you know getting things back to normal and I'm just gonna I'm just gonna throw this out there I've never even used a pixel phone ever whoa just throw that out there dropping things down anybody want to feel bad for me uh okay I can feel bad for you right now because Matthew in Greece apparently has called you a number sexual which I just found you know yeah it's not the first time I've been called a lumbersexual it sounds nice lumper sexuals don't actually like the outdoors I would live in the woods with no neighbors if I could we're going to lose our PG rating on this podcast if you guys keep this up pg-rated I think so we could not keep a PG rating when I was here before it's gonna be the same now sorry we gave up at Android police I drop f-bombs like every day between me and Michael Fisher every time I crushed a Segway there's an f-bomb you know well I mean last week's episode had any bomb just like trashing all over the pixel three and he was just I couldn't like I was not gonna bleep those enough so it's kind of happy I had the e that's fine II Thunder E has to eat that's fine let's get things back into order here just a quick moment for quality watch GT which comes in finishes although effectively it's just the band's one silicon one's leather and then the big thing though is where OS where is it not there you got this Huawei late OS which I'm not sure it's the one that they've been working on as a potential backup to Android but you know and maybe perhaps there were some influences from Tizen because you know sounds like Huawei got together for a little bit but from what Jaime has said white LS works a lot like where OS in terms of you know scrolling in terms of interface and it's mostly tailored towards health improved health metrics with more Hardware in it but I'm just wondering what the direction is here with this thing here and I'll straight with the had nothing to say it's not anger so I have no idea it's Android bully it's not like the West exactly I was going to say the same thing as Ryan except I was thinking about Samsung's recent watches with Tizen they're actually really really good that sort of hurt so fast the navigations brilliant in some ways it's significantly better than where OS actually and I think one of the reasons is because Samsung is controlling it end to end Apple style so it's optimized so you know while we making their own operating system could turn out really really well actually and for you Taylor I'm supposing that there's gonna be a lot of the same no comment here actually I shot a video this week about my everyday carry which will be uploaded I think tomorrow Brandon I'm not sure yes system are sorry yes guess I went to channel the the the best day of my year and I had some commentary about smart watches I've not worn one in about a year and a half two years and part of the reason is I hate the fact that if I look at my phone when I'm talking with someone they think I'm in a hurry or I'm wasted or wasting my time or something and I just hated that and I've completely stepped away from them I don't use them or wear them I've got to hear that hi Mae sent me there's one that's just really a fitness tracker AG shock and the other is the tip watch pro so I'll throw it back on I'll try it for a while but really it's gonna take a lot of convincing to move the needle for me for a SmartWatch again I think you'll like the tick watch Pro because it's kind of like a real watch kind of like a SmartWatch yeah and the thing is when I wore my Apple watch I ended up wearing it with Do Not Disturb on all the time so it it was really just a watch just too much at that point yeah well I wanted to take this opportunity to kind of pivot and talk about where West is in general because it's been we've seen its design changes over the past several months and you know what the name change and now there was more simplified just home based gestures and you know getting all the notifications in one screen and even then like we've seen a steady drop off in terms of the traditional Multi multi multi level tech manufacturers adaptive wear or less and still we've got a lot of the traditional watchmakers like wear a fossil excuse me muscle group with its multiple brands here I'm wondering what this move means in terms of like is while we able to or school able to grow from this our is this some another stumbling block for the company I'm so I'm so excited about non tech companies making watches like the the Skagen watch the fossa watch maybe less and then there's this new Montblanc watch which is so cool it's a thousand bucks but it is so nice and it's first watch with the way 3100 platform it is yes it's it's gonna be awesome if I mean it's so so expensive but like it actually looks like a real watch so I'm so excited about these non tech companies making quashes in there watching silo but can you imagine a Rolex and put the way go as a be gangsta I don't know if I could see that yeah I mean you know it's not gonna really routine but it's always been the case with these kind of very things and circuitry inside of it like if it's not a quartz watch inside then it's not really in a retain its value once the screen is darkened forever so that's you know something that's you have to be worried about but I mean where OS is still kind of this burgeoning thing that it's not it's still in this box whereas Apple has just run away Fitbit has just run away just taking over and making sure that I feel like you know it's more utilitarian that's more if they've been targeting the fitness crowd for a long time it's just now they are kind of expanding on that software based on the features that you can do cellular has really helped out on that and you know they're now they're kind of I'm not sure if it's just direct marketing or if it's word of mouth but there's some influence in terms of hey this is not just the thing for you know running buffs but this is the thing for me and I can use in my daily life so yeah alright mr. pebble bring that couple I'm really really like I was so stirred for the the Pebble watch that actually didn't come out was the time of to yeah yeah I was actually going through my Kickstarter the other day and I saw the return for that and I'm like you know pebble was the best I gave up using Android wear even though we cover Android I think it's terrible I think it's a terrible operating system with a really bad interface but I don't like it I was I was actually scrolling through the TIC watch and just trying to go through one notification to the next like oh my god right high-bay didn't I guess he didn't wipe the watch he didn't disconnect it from his phone so when I got there there were just hundreds of notifications and I was just I wasn't reading them because you can't really see anything but I was just scrolling through just trying to go one by one and I would swipe and it would jump to the bottom and I was like okay I'll go back up and it jumped all the way to the top I could never get to the middle notifications it's where it's terrible it's terrible so yeah I I personally am looking for something sort of similar to what Jaime got which was the he got the garment watch but I that I got for him because like he couldn't get to the meeting yeah so the ones I would be looking at most would be something from like Casio because I wear a Pathfinder a Phe 240 for my outdoor watch to wear one night where I am working something that's just barely a SmartWatch like just mostly not is what 384 something that will track my steps just because I don't wanna have to wear that and a Fitbit so something that'll track my steps and maybe won't buzz you know from time to time if I want it to but not I don't need GPS I don't need a touch interface really I don't I just want like two or three features otherwise why even have a phone you know like I won't either a watch that doubles as a phone I just don't have to have a phone or I want you want to be alpha which has itself you know wraparound screen or do you want the Withings the new within some steal a charm something yeah so either that or some futuristic SmartWatch that doesn't exist that's all I'm saying yeah what's that device that turns a dumb watch into a smart watch by putting like a Bluetooth disc under you know and then it vibrates I ain't heard about that I don't remember but I think I might be doing what you're talking about but I'm not sure so well I mean there's just another complicating factor for where less I guess and meantime while we goes its own way so it goes the walk way anyways nice I think the band 3 Pro I mean I've tested it before and I think was the band to like in 2015 and you know did I write I feel like with the improved sensors on here they're using infrared to help out it in terms of heart heart metrics at the moment I sleep tracking they're gonna get decent results the OLED the color OLED is a nice addition in yeah that's pretty much all I have to say about that I'm not sure about the rest to you because maybe you haven't tried the moon maybe you don't care but it's nothing that's worthy upgrade I guess laughs all right I think it's about time that we look forward to next week and the week after that too why not so we have show me with two events in China I believe Joshua is gonna be there because of course torture is something that is not really condoned so they're just gonna fly them over and it's each this month has been a wreck on us it's just been tiring and so we have a me mix three and a black shark to lecture I being chummy is gaming brand they're already coming out with a second edition device and it's only been a few months since the first one and that's the one that's gonna have like RGB chroma and like radiated lights and and then we may explore use just like oh we're going to do the Apple find X thing have a sliding deck with the cameras and also push the bezels all the way out and I guess so there's that and then the week after one plus sixty happening on October 30th in New York and then this week or I think yesterday even we just had the announcement from Apple that oh hey we're gonna be in New York - on October 30th in New York across the East River so of course this is gonna you know really and they have iPad pro they have max come in a MacBook Air I believe maybe the air power wireless charging pad that has gone pretty much unmentioned for the past year plus at this point Apple what's going on come on step it up so I'm wandering out of the all these events including the ones from the past you know just this whole month what has been the most um you know what has most appeal to you or what is real most appealing to you and I shall start off with right uh well the only one that really applies to me is one plus sixty the others are either not going to end up deploying in the United States or they're not Android products I'm interested in seeing the new Macs I probably too early for Apple to be releasing an AR empowered MacBook as was previously rumored to be in development earlier this year that'll probably be something we see in the coming years but nonetheless I like seeing the way that their hardware develops I use a Mac on the go generally even though I'm not a very big fan of the company's behavior towards developers or to consumers it's just the easiest and the best to go with but so I though I have some personal interest in that I'm really just focusing on the one +62 you brim I'm going to steal yours right every time you know I'll use a pixel to and then leaves a note 9 then I'll use the iPhone 10s and then I'll go back to the 1 plus 6 and every time I go back to the 1 plus 6 I'm like holy crap this phone is so fast yeah and so it's just it's so good it's so fast and then the camera doesn't suck which it you know has in the past on someone + phones so I'm so excited for the 60 it sounds like it's gonna be really really really great ant how about you Taylor be probably a toss-up between the oneplus 60 or the they make 20 Perot if if I could get my hands on the mate 20 pro only because I'm so interested in the cameras I'd like to actually try that out but I've not had a new Android phone since the si+ and this thing has been dormant for like the last two three months I'd like to try android now especially either in its pixel form like pure unadulterated Android or oneplus because I'm not used I'm not used to one plus ever not one I got out of the game like right when oneplus was coming into it so scarring up and you had that like investigative piece back before you left you know figuring out a pose connection to one plus and all that stuff like everyone was trying to figure that out so yeah that was that was a good job and then and now it's the one plus 60 which is amazing all right to wrap it up and finally we have I film ten are coming out today pre-orders launching today with shipments coming out next week I'm gonna give Brandon minimum the opportunity to mic drop and ask him if he only had to use three words to describe it what would they be three words colors are popular colors are popular that's true you said three words I have none I have to go I have to pick up my little girl to bus stop and I don't get exciting so I drop commenced mine yes yes see you next week alright how about you Taylor the one that's using the iPhone 10 right now what's the iPhone 10 are to you in three words what it do I don't really I don't really know what it is I don't know how it's differentiated because I was traveling when the announcement hit so I've never even read up on it after that apparently once coming my way but I'm not really blown away with any of the new changes so a little teasing your coverage on it and you're gonna find out soon enough so hey look at that looking forward to that and Ryan Hager the the person that covers Android and only Android and you know I mean it's totally the wrong but I want to get something that was off your base for a second so three words man Apple's winning strategy I think the XR is gonna totally kill it to getting the full iPhone experience the same flagship level esos a diminished resolution screen which everybody seems to point out as some huge defect but people deal with it with the oneplus 6 it's not that big of a deal and it's cheap you get all of the high-end experience for much cheaper price you get the fun colors I think that the XR is gonna be a runaway success I mean they are expecting somewhere around like two-thirds of all new model sales going to the 10r I wouldn't be surprised at all if it wasn't more yeah and it's like David wrote an op-ed that he was of the opinion this was gonna totally destroy Google's pixel sales and I agree with the XR you get the full camera experience you get if you're not really into the Android ecosystem on see what you'd buy pixel man well there's no there's no depth sensor though right so wondering oh yeah yeah yeah so there's it's only one camera but yeah but you know let's you know I mean you still have the face idea anyways and that's good and then whatever key things portrait mode sucks so yeah it's not that big of a loss in my mind you're still getting the primary shooter you're getting most of the same experience well I mean there's only one way to find data and we're looking forward to getting our shipments in so stay tuned for our review stay tuned for taylor martin and stay tuned them for ryan hagar uh what's going on at android police right now what do you think because i want to be able to give you less of dues here um well we've been covering a couple of the I mean pixels pickle threes they've been being delivered over the last few days so we've been covering as is always the case issues start cropping up Google's quality control and they're questionable design decisions have been a thing for years and years and years and it's it's a thing again as everyone expected so we're going through figuring out what's wrong with the current crop pixels do you think it's just the noise generated that's like the most headline catching or because like there are there been a lot of other issues regarding galaxies you know it was like you know is the most popular smartphone only end in the world and doesn't seem like we're getting as many call-outs you're definitely right we're just in a position to hear more about it when it's the pixels the people who buy pixels or people who are picky they're people who are really into Android they're picky about what they want and software and what drives them to the Google experience but it also means when something's wrong they're more vocal about it and due to our position we're more likely to hear it yeah I don't doubt that other phones have as many or more problems we just we end up hearing mostly about pixel issues yeah well hopefully more that feedback feedback is public and therefore perhaps Google might be able to attend to them quicker so that we can only hope but that no we should probably have this yeah that is it for now the wiggly is just as much a conversation as it is a show so make sure you make your voices heard either in the comment sections or by emailing us podcast at you can also tag the cast on Twitter Brandon minimun is that Brandon mini man we have Ryan Haggard here he is are ye h AG er Taylor Martin is that Casper tech that tech is Tek and I'm at point jewels Park Adele's on target now on Twitter it's it's at pocket nil on Twitter I should say it's also on Facebook too I mean there's one and then there's Google+ which again be there for long so there you go we're also on YouTube in English and espanol where you can find more news on the pocket no daily and pocket now IV area every weekday we're also on for all your mobile tech needs it certainly appreciate your feedback through Google Apple stitcher pocket cast or wherever you happen to be streaming us because without you it wouldn't have been able to make show for your eyes and ears for 328 weeks straight thanks for your company let's hope that Joshua gets back in here that's up that highway gets back in here and everyone else Taylor to Brandon me perhaps Ryan well none of you on at some point soon too so that's gonna be great let's all meet again soon
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