
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Google I/O and the Pixel 3a | #PNWeekly 357

I was giving you a lot of credit for like actually analyzing the food listening yeah Frankie analyzing the food but also I remembered think you were fasting that day so I'm like of course you love this food but then again yeah this guy yes Ramadan Mubarak thank you hello everybody and welcome to the weekly brought to you by pocket now next day developers recorded on this day may 10th it is Friday this episode hopefully will be coming out a little bit later on this very day however we are back in our respective studios I have a couple of very special guests with me this week we're gonna be talking all about Google i/o but as you can see we're not using a Google service in order to record this podcast we're back on skype with OBS it went so well last week that we are continuing with it and I'm happy to have these two with me let's start off with the attendee of Google i/o TK Bay what's going on there how are you guys it's been a while I mean it's been a long time since I've seen you Josh of course and David it's been some time and I hope to be able to hang out with you very very soon doing good doing good keeping busy let's say yeah you think this you and I we actually hung out on the first day of i/o well yeah the day before i/o what well yeah well no no the morning no they had the day before exactly I we we start up in that morning he had actually we had a couple of meetings that day and then actually went with you if anyone saw my Instagram stories I went with you to the freakin registration only to not attend at all yeah I know I didn't have a QR code but I bet I I'm willing to bet that I could have talked to somebody and they would have been like are you ready they're just come in you're physically here you went through the whole walk around and yeah no it was and then you gave us a tour which is really even better than you know oh yeah we went walking around and we looked at all the statues which are in decay I don't know Kogan if you've ever seen by the way David Cogan the unlocker joining us this week uh by the way in front of a very beautifully put together set by the way me yeah yeah it's just Mike it's a corner of my room really my apartment I just really quickly put some lights up which is making it look nicer but these are all little trinkets that I don't know what to do with I know that's a good look I see I see - okay let me see if I can name off a few of these things there so you have your Android there you have literally just things that we get sense exactly is that a real succulent those - this one yeah no that's awesome because you and I talked a little bit earlier did you buy some succulents we talked about this yes I notoriously suck at keeping plants alive that includes succulents I kill them all yep so literally I have I bought more because they were on sale and I'm thinking like for six dollars even if I kill him you know yeah not that bad that's her bad no shying either one of them too much or too little I don't understand how they work and then I see both Qualcomm cups at the top there Qualcomm shrine up here which is weird I guess I'm assuming those are from the Maui trips yeah there was at the very last day they give you these to drink out of yeah no no but they look like yeah so they have that Maui mates yeah tiki mugs is exactly and then of course no one's talking about those snapchat specs no one does anyway so doesn't matter no neither their relics that's why they're that exact like if you see that Bay if you see that yellow line your yellow circle on the temples that means it was the very old one not even new yeah guys original yep so g OG yeah the next product yeah exactly alright so thank you so much guys for being on obviously we're gonna talk about Google i/o this week there were a lot of announcements first of all TK you were there live in the flesh actually why I'm the keynote happened and I kind of wanted to ask like you were saying that this was your first Mountain View amphitheater I oh yeah okay yeah definitely definitely and it's it's just it was an experience it was an amazing experience so last time I was there the the I guess the the way just the inside the entire experience was set more of a you know we didn't have stadium seating maybe that that's what made it so much better in the original back at the the original shirt well we're back in 2013 the last time I was there it was basically all you know chair is in a big conference room everybody was watching you had to kind of look up and look around but the stadium seating was just made it so much better and they actually installed a shade now I don't know if you guys like from what we heard they learned from last year because I was talking to Hyman I'm talking to some of the other guys and they're like oh yeah they put a shape there they included sunscreen and the little baggies they were giving out the people we were in paint last year yeah the last time I went was two years ago and I remember the Sun started to peak from behind the stage and slowly but surely we started to see tweets of people like I'm melting so I could definitely see that and but the weird thing again as you know Josh the weather was actually kind of cool we had overcast for a while so it was just perfect just you know it's like they overdid it for that weather kind of thing yeah it was complaining the day that I was there as I usually do about San Francisco I'm just not a big fan of the Bay Area but the as I a lien a maybe like a third of our audience but it was kind of cold up there with the Sun still blaring down but it's nice to see that they've made that shade but there's still that building right next the wall on the campus that they're constructing that looks like a weird like I don't know it looks like another theater that they're making it's an intact yeah no no Matt I I'm not even it just looks so big but we don't even get a chance to get close to it but yeah we passed it walking you see it when you're going in it just you know maybe future maybe by next year it looks almost done so most of the structure looks pretty much there yeah all right so we're gonna get your thoughts on the keynote in a little bit Cogan did you watch it live live streamed nope really oh you're you're presuming okay so why not that like what's uh why not because this is Google's huge announcement for the year and obviously it gave birth to the thing that was leaked all to hell but yeah but you know your thoughts on why like why didn't you watch Akeno I do interested in what Google had to say or why there's a few reasons well honestly I got I was just busy and like I was kind of running around and doing other things and so I was like you know I I did what I'm sure a lot of people do and I was like you know what I'll just watched or read the recap later and that's that's basically what I did and like I'm not I don't feel like I really miss too much like as you're talking about this thing is like kind of the biggest news there and we all knew everything about it before they even started talking um but yeah like that's and then of course I hadn't so like I was kind of just interested in kind of messing with it and not you know hearing all of the other things beforehand before I got to like play with it yeah I mean so the two of you so I'm not gonna give too much information away but the two of you were sent these phones right so yeah well mine after the oh yeah yeah you were at the actual yeah I was at the event and then yeah so there was a few I would say if you select it had access to them a few days before yeah well okay so what was funny was I flew back from Mountain View from Bay Area from San Jose and the moment I got home was one of the keynotes started so I'm kind of sitting here like I could have just been sitting in that audience and then 45 minutes into the actual keynote they were like pixel 3a available now so I just turned it off and went straight to Best Buy and what was funny was because of the leak that happened from Best Buy they were being very careful they were like is it today go look at open tickets today and I'm looking at them like it's today guys it's on the stage yeah I was like Google execs literally got on stage 20 minutes ago and said available today and the best part was that I called Verizon I called t-mobile first I knew Best Buy had it everyone knew Best Buy had it but yeah behind the glass case exactly so I called Verizon first I called t-mobile next and they both said like we don't have any of them I'm like that how like it literally said it's available to date how do you not have any of them in stock no they were like I don't know corporate just didn't send us in yeah I'm like this is really weird so I why I went to Best Buy but there were a lot of other announcements that were obviously announced on stage we were talking about a lot of ecosystem stuff so Android queue is something that we'll talk about a little bit I do want to get a quick question off to the two of you let's have a little bit of fun at the beginning of this cast what do you guys think and Drake he was gonna stand for I haven't even thought about that Thomas you got to be a sweet right yeah I don't know too many sweets to start with cube well quick was the only one but that's a brand yeah they did that with KitKat they'll never do that again because they probably didn't pay for that and there was a partnership and also the boat also spelled Nesquik now right isn't it like yeah and I think it's called clear I don't know actually in Hong Kong there is actually a candy bar called quick ah and it's an orange flavor version of a KitKat so interesting but I I still feel like that's a brand like that oh yeah and plus it kind of looks like KitKat again because it's great that the candy itself is a so that's why I was like I'm not sure there's like the queue well I was I can't put you I was trying to put you as an investigator TK because I honest I asked I talked to a whole bunch of people nobody they look they look at me and they say huh yeah however one Android Oh was coming out it was so obvious because in the in the lunch area there were just Oreos everywhere so I was like what can what else could it be call come on yeah this year laughr electron if I mentioned putting that name but but basically la croix was everywhere so there was nothing but I just I literally felt like I went to dare hit to their headquarters it was like literally like massive buckets in them as you're walking around you almost hit them if you don't look for them so but there was there was no no direct indicator of what it could be as far as the desert because I here's no pie here quinoa I hear quiche none of them sound right yeah so it I'm honestly at this so here here is something I I did hear from somebody saying that they when they look at the letter Q the way Q is drawn it kind of looks like two numbers right so it looks like a tight like a tent right so it kind of looks like a zero with a na with the one through it so the question would be is is it possible that we may be deviating from it but I don't know I can't figure out what Q I don't know if they just call it ten I'm gonna be so mad like don't feel like Android OS 10 yeah Android ten and they're all yeah like and we just call it AI phone no it's getting good yeah well before we get into like Android and the pixel three is going to be the anchor of this show it'll be the last half of it are there any reactions that you had to the ecosystem stuff we had Google Nest I actually just installed the nest by the way so I'm actually totally into this but Google nest or okay so Google nest hub is that what they decided to call that nest there's the nest hub and then there's the nest hub max oh god max okay yeah so what is it with this do you have any like smart-home stuff like what what what do you guys use I'm still away from Amazon I don't use anything from Amazon still I I have actually 90% I would say Google based services I have to elect to Amazon I just almost set her name I have to Amazon assistants these don't save name no they're both sitting even changed my keyword on mine to be the other one and I can't say that one but the short answer is I have two of them but I keep them in the office but around the house smart displays Google I basically I'm very much invested in the Google ecosystem mmm all right so the the home hub my yeah the nest hub the bigger one would definitely be something to complement it like I say in the living room or so home Google max Google home huh Google Google home hub right and now it's all gonna be nest nest Atomics nest hub and all that the naming conventions are just so ridiculous but but I'm when I'm wondering is they didn't say anything about renaming the existing like Google homes right as those are still called home home many home max so but they took that the smart displays which essentially is a Google home with a display so I'm not yeah it was a little bit confusing but yeah it looked really nice I had a chance to play with one so it was it's actually pretty good and limited functionality or what they could show us okay do you have a home hub or some sort of like smart display of Kogan didn't we all get the dude we all got the Lenovo actually I was looking at it and trying to remember what it's called it's the smart yeah the lenovo smart display no I have the Google one with the scroll the Home Hub the tiny one just called home oh right yeah yeah I have seen the words home hub and nest so many times I'm confused right but yeah it's just madly nest hub by the way there are all synonyms home nest hub so what the Frick well we're being redundant on the names of these products yeah wait so what is this now called TK did you say this now has a different name yeah that's what they change it from it from the home up to the nest hub now that's the nest home it sits under the nest umbrella of yeah so and then the big one is the next nest has part of the nest yeah well it's because the camera on the on the max is actually a nest cam yes which makes that I like so I like that a night and I like that yes yes I'm looking for security cameras from my family home and I feel like getting one of them I actually wanted to say like don't buy anything parents because we'll get this big one this max and then they were like but we want more than one camera as ago I can't help you there well cloud cam that's that's what we tell them to do after that oh yeah where you get like those those smart they make smart cameras they're like 30 bucks that's true I did find I did find those and you know what like as smarting up in office has been like my project over the last couple of weeks so for example like if I were to I have my smart display right here so if I were to I don't know if you'll be able to see it behind me uh boom there you go and then yeah yeah oh I'm not even showing it on camera here let me do one more time I had it on coke in the entire time but there you go but yeah so this holds the the smart home stuff is starting to become like very prevalent and with nest actually becoming part of the Google umbrella the the hub max TK you said that it actually looks pretty cool the camera yes the security camera I feel is really awesome but did the sound do anything for you because I remember the Google sound was fantastic really fantastic oh yes no no now of course it was in a controlled environment we were in a room the doors were closed everything is gonna sound great but the the overall sound experience comparing it to the home hub it's definitely I would say five times louder and just fuller as far as the sound they have two tweeters and a woofer in the back that gives them just more space for acoustics but it also has a bigger speakers on it so that's the overall just its take the home hub sorry the nest hub and and just literally three times bigger and used yeah I'm gonna keep me I made a whole bunch of mistakes in the video I think by the end of the video that I did I was I refer to as the home hub and a home of Max inadvertently just reverting back to the original names because google loves changing the names of their products for no reason no they came up to whoever was in charge when you know what was so interesting though about this key no like I just talked about the nest we're gonna talk about Android Kunis that game there wasn't a whole lot else though I feel like this was actually kind of a bear Google i/o and they even said at the beginning of that keynote like we're gonna try our best to keep this editor to ours and that's exactly what they did it was only an hour and 40 minutes so I was like huh there was a few things I mean some of the other things they covered in there were more under the hood that you know the Google transcribe option the you know some of the refinements to the Google assistant having more having it more run locally as opposed to on the web so those are more optimizations which is which we expect from them whenever they do you know software optimizations on Android but ya know a big big things would definitely be q3a and nest hub max mid nest products did you miss product did you uncover anything during the the sessions during like Adler like post keno did you uncover anything while you were running around the amphitheater in that place I will try so hard to look like a festival but it's so not it the way they explained it I mean right right and when you're walking around they make it feel like a second experience of I didn't so in we were able to uncover a few things so we got a chance to play around with the Android auto stuff that was just kind of done wasn't even mentioned but we knew we was coming and then I also went into the sandbox and in the sandbox we had access to a lot of devices that had like early builds of Android cue for devices that you may not even know like the may 20 pro running Android cue you know EMU yr9 on top of it we saw some and I posted that on Twitter I ran into a few demo devices running 5g they had a 5g station there that they were running them and there was a certain I'm gonna say 1 plus disguised device and I can say 1 plus only because there was a logo on the back of that hidden well very well hidden device on it and it was running you know 5g connection tests and then they had I think a Reno there so there was a lot of difference going on at MU i/o exactly and it was running 5g and and that makes me wonder which so we they wouldn't tell me what carrier they wouldn't let me run if to speak test and that the name of the other ones wife device maybe and then the the only thing we could do with the oneplus device was actually browsing YouTube it was locked it was the app that the I think YouTube app was pinned and you couldn't get out of it so it was mostly a demo of how fast you're able to switch or seek time and they turn on you know stats for geeks inside of YouTube and they let you see the basically the latency and how good the performance of the network is setting that never look at yeah it but it's actually does that talk they could prove that you're running you know a 5g connection as opposed to oh yeah actually we're any that so they yeah they had to show you the stats up so other than that but we couldn't really film most of it because it doesn't really you know it was mostly just experience kind of thing but it was exciting it was a lot of cool things going on I was only able to stay there for one day unfortunately so I I didn't get a chance to see all of the other things on day 2 Michelle our editor at XDA state yeah yeah yeah and also I got to stay with the XDA guys TK and Michelle and he had an entire house to themselves and it was funny because Tiki and I were gonna leave Michelle was gonna have an entire home to himself like exhume with the huge living room it was a massive place yeah I know I know it's a nice place yeah alright so Android q well we'll get into it into this for a little bit okay so I did a roll call with everybody with their pixel 3a so everyone here they have I think the both of you have both of them and I do Oh William just which one is that there's only the XL baby all three three eight okay so 3a right here and yours looks like it's that purple issue right it's purple-ish yeah have a purple-ish I have the white one oh yeah okay so I got the purplish as well in the XL mark okay is there any reason why you haven't do you do you normally not try the as the unlocker how come you don't have your android cube beta on yet well cuz i was as soon as i got this thing I've been filming it and I wanted to do my day in the life which I'm currently editing right now I gotcha like wanted to do it in the life using the phone like your average person would um but ya know as soon as those there's that video I'm gonna do the complete walkthrough next once those are done then I'll yeah for sure I'll be putting Q on it and messing around with it yeah this is beta 3 though right no that's right yeah so you haven't used any of the previous ones have you okay yeah its beta 3 but its first public okay I usually see I usually go for RC I usually wait for RC before I even touch any of the Android like early editions because normally something bad happens like I have a lot of people on my tweets right now saying that like Google pays not working Bank apps are not working and that's that's a big deal so that's one big problem oh I just remember I just said sweets there is one more thing I want to put some b-roll up of this but did you guys see sure Lynn's tweet about Android wear or where is no no no I'm gonna put it up on on screen right now look yeah go ahead go ahead and try to find it and basically you know did surely an oven gadget sherlyn low and Kris Velasco that both of them were there on behalf of Engadget and she said that during a fireside chat so try to find that one during a fireside chat with Android developers or whoever the Android team was at the time they asked about where OS and the responses were hilariously sad like the guys who were given that fireside chat basically said oh is there anybody here oh oh no we didn't hear anything about where OS and it doesn't look like there's anything going on with where OS right now here at Google IO is that a problem is there something we should know about where OS and then the person gave him the fireside chat basically said oh is there anybody here from the where OS team and nobody raised their hands and he leaned in and said does that answer your question I was like dang the throne shaded themselves a fat yeah I found it wait here hey go go read that off you guys see that oops wait about that does that work or not let me check no always tell on you okay I was trying to share my screen but it's not hold please oh here we go yeah you you you're showing your screen button tada easy now yeah I'm gonna put the b-roll up right now cuz using the slow this is just for its of TK exactly oh yeah it's it's it's ridiculous it's so but then of course like the follow-up to this tweet the in the thread is that somebody at the fireside chat said oh there's somewhere else then that's crazy why so yeah I I've been all over the place in terms of like well we're talking about what Google IO but I guess what I what I really want to ask at this point before we get to our mid break does this mean just like horrible things for smartwatches because Google just scooped up they have their nest integration they're calling their the products nest they even scooped up fossil for smartwatches but to not even have anything to say about smartwatches or Wireless in general like this how do you guys feel about the future of wearables if this is how little they gave it at a developer conference I mean for me with so many things going on honestly I actually forgot about where is it I'm not trying to that's my point and for the most part I haven't been using whereas I switched back to Tizen mostly because of just the the ecosystem in the battery life if nothing else but yeah it's it's interesting to see that they're not trying to put more focus on it that we haven't seen a lot of updates coming up and a lot of the delimitations and the new things that we talked about as far as you know with new where OS 2.0 and even 2.2 coming out to some certain devices it we haven't heard much it's been quiet ever since around CES really I mean it's been roughly about five months now that's the last time I think we talked about like 2.1 or even 2.2 yeah I mean I wonder there's two minds for this right either there's they're just like scared and I want to talk about it or there's maybe they're working on something and they're like let's back off until that's ready and like you know version three or whatever the heck will come out I hope so well so keep in mind that some of the things they showed us a data i/o were very much early earlier stages of things like the I went through a demo of the new assistant option where they talked about the better integration on the device where it runs at the bottom of you display and that was actually pretty much almost like a pre-recorded video very limited in functionality very early early and I would have left to see if they were thinking about doing a revamp I mean they revamped Android auto the entire UI for the most part it's going to be revamped more Android ST I would say you know like an app drawer Notification Center something that we normally don't have day tiles happened right before Google i/o so the idea of swiping left and right rather than cards god I always hated cards this is the worst idea for like something that supposed to be quick but yeah okay so Android cue Cogan I'm sorry we haven't had a whole lot for you to talk about in this particular segment pixel 3a though once we get enjoying the mumble we get back from the break though we're gonna talk pixel three I want to get your extended thoughts on this phone but yeah Android Q since TK and I are the ones who are actually using it some thoughts from you TK about Android Q coming from the XDA side of things like any anything that you want to sort of share any thoughts that you want to give because my my main hot take is I still hate full screen gestures but okay it's mostly what we did with Android clear at this point there's a lot of new things coming up as far as just the gesture overall they're I think they're still in the stages of figuring out I don't know as we remember this is not the final product so this isn't and you know we can't really criticize it to its fullest till they put this in a final version but they are at least allowing us to well they're trying to basically centralize or basically unify the ecosystem right they're pretty much trying to force almost all OMS to use one certain type of gestures which really makes me sad because I love one plus gestures that's just my thing and I actually even emui gestures are actually pretty decent which is basically that you you go backwards by going off the sides exactly and and what what the other thing that was really nice for in my opinion at least still is the fact that we got the the navigation buttons back that was something that we lost before so yeah so as Josh is showing you just have Swiper and then tried that 45 degree angle swipe from the bottom what do you mean 45 like from the corner yeah swipe up diagonal Oh what I didn't know that my bad I was just about to complain about like there's no way to get straight to a Google assistant you just taught me okay learn something every single day or you know yeah exactly okay no yeah nobody talked about it right so you for the most part and it's not even in the instructions when you're going through the option when you turn on gestures right you skip to the instructions none of them say go diagonal and suddenly you're launching the assistant but that's also so complicate like okay part of the reason why I hate fullscreen gestures is because there's so much room for error like so I know that I can hit a button and it will get me so recent apps I know that I can you know go here go there and that's the other reason why I don't actually don't really like the one plus gestures because it's to the sides of the middle which already sounds ridiculous to me by yeah to go backwards you have to go from like the 30% of this side or this side if you're from the middle you go home and it's like ah and even now like I have problems where where I'm trying to swipe up from somewhere and I end up going home like if I was on Reddit and I try to swipe up to scroll down the page I go home and like yes well because the actual bar at the bottom is actually a bar it's a very small portion of the display but it's an actual bar that's just very very thin so in reality you always have to remember to kind of start a little bit above but yeah you're inevitably you're going to initiate basically just let's put this our navigation has to happen in this zone right here so if you go too far to the right to farts that left you're going back if you go too far below you're going into your app drawer or to your recent apps or swipe they're swiping back and forth to the different apps like that's fine I can I can get using I like that actually yeah it's very nice and it's pretty smooth it makes way more sense than the stupid pill you know it I think the pill was more of a visual effect so that people knew where put their finger kind of thing but that you know PI and in the early versions of Q kinda got us used to that so as long as you're used to the pill effect that's when you minimize it so you don't know we're here where'd I put their finger when they had buttons what was wrong with that everyone's so obsessed with having so much screen hey remember the argument that you and I had Josh gestures versus buttons yeah I'm always protesters I'm always for buttons yeah okay I don't know if you ever saw that but hewan had us on for one of his debates and he had TKB on the side of gestures and I was on the side of buttons and I love we're talking about soft buttons it was actually you know hard you know like physical buttons we were talking about the key so yeah yeah of course so who won I don't think anyone really won like okay nobody I I was complaining at the end because it's so hard to get well you know yit he could just try to be like you know what Android went to gestures I won I just have to wait that's all well this money was a lot of people in the live chat already thought that I lost because my my exhibit a was the BlackBerry kita yeah you went for like real bone yeah exactly and then but then I I redeemed myself by saying T cage tell me what keyboard you're using and then I was when I was like tactile that's right it you gotta go from mechanical mechanical keepers all the way yeah it's but I love you travel set up to as well but you know it's it was it to me I think I feel like gestures I think are going to be the way mostly well actually there was other things that were talking about during the developer conference it was it that they - they're trying to actually start looking at the options of not just using air gestures so you notice how they did that would be nest right the whole there's functionality with air gestures on that everyone's getting an yeah so there's I mean if they reach up right here and change my nest like this because it's right there if I could do that then I'm down but no again so there are things that are good there that will start using gesture to interact with basically you know Things IOT stuff so there's going to be other things coming on and I feel like they feel like gestures on the screen is limiting air gestures are going to be the next thing so well my problem that though is alike air gestures look ridiculous rightly know especially when people are around you right yes this is like you're telling me they're doing IOT stuff with that fine because that's in the privacy of my own home like mm-hmm this looks ridiculous I don't care what you to my eye great like it's I don't try to have though like okay so you live in New York you live in New York obviously you're in Brooklyn Kogan what if you get on the subway and everyone is just like that they're just like everyone's sitting on the subway just mmm doing nothing you don't want that nobody in their right mind would do that well we had that it'll never have some point I forgot that there was at certain stage they they used to initiate that for skipping images they're using the front-facing camera there we've had that and we surpassed that and it did not take no fly away every single time you wants to look at a picture I'm sorry they just look ridiculous that's it's the promise to czar like it's not worth it doesn't actually make things faster right like because the only time we've ever really used air gestures and sure like maybe there's something I haven't thought of that it would be cool for billing it's always to do something that I could easily do instead of this it doesn't this is not have to get closer to it yeah this are you right if only I could do from here four inches yeah for in terms of distance anyway sorry that's my I definitely think it's a the the approach they did with the nest the nest of max sorry I gotta slow myself there any more about that the interface was mostly the only thing they were able to demo for us right now was essentially a pause and play but it worked there was a couple of things they had facial recognition on the head on the home max I'm just gonna refer to it as the max from that's right yeah so they initiated profile recognition on the max as well as personalized items so you no longer have to have your let's say if you have a family obviously and you have multiple people in the living room but you don't want your personal calendar events and all of that stuff to show up on it you set it up by a profile so any time you're in front of it it recognizes you and it puts a picture on the top right and at that point your personal information is there and the moment you step away and it stopped seeing you all of that goes away it just goes like a default mode and that was genius and the the gestures for the most part is asically you just you put your hand as long as you're centered in front of it and there's good lighting you put your hand in front of it it pauses you put it again it starts again it's great if you're in the kitchen you're cooking your hands are dirty you're playing with the kids you don't want to have to go over there or scream and it's like you know say the hey command and it was definitely very less busy work out of the three of us TK is the only one who can actually attest to that experience right wait so so wait what how far away does it work like he was about a bet say maybe a foot and a half his hand was about a foot a half away and it was actually he was overall really good it worked right away he just lit was about maybe a half a second and it recognized and it paused the music and then he just looked again puts his hand and it does the exact same thing no no flippin gestures yet mostly just it recognizing a hand in front of it and I think it just looks at the shape as long as it look like something that's similar because the camera didn't look like it was using any other technology other than just being a camera it was a wide-angle lens or anything no no no as a single sensor no but they did have you extra tricks there as well so they use a wide-angle lens but they crop it in the in the sensor so that a simulate a movement kind of like how we saw it on the Facebook what is it called the Facebook can be either portal where you know the entire thing moves well this one what it does it just changes focus so it moves within the frame simulating it but it worked you know overall I'm very very impressed with the way they did it it's it looks like a it's a much better product than what we saw with the original smart displays how about the how about the stop thing then they do that where you do both there making it now so that you don't have to be saying hey gee or okay yeah so much which continues conversation yeah exactly which at which I'm personally appreciated of only because I'm always around my parents when they try to use our Google home and they're actually trying to have a conversation with it like to ask it a question it answers and they go thank you and I'm like you're saying thank you to an inanimate object also you need to say okay gee thank you wake it up again to tell it again but that's the thing we've had for a long time in well continues conversation I was I didn't have to I don't have to say that yeah at all to Amazon I can you can facilities like the blue light on it just stays lit when you're done talking and that indicates to you that you can keep asking and eventually fades off so if you keep asking it'll just keep going it's not obviously as good as Google when it comes to like context awareness I was gonna say there's the data and like that's not really you know Amazon I can't do that but but it does have that like more natural way of talking so like I'm happy it's finally coming to to Google because that's it's just now I'm so used to doing that with Amazon that I do it so we've had continuous conversation on Google for for a while but it's mostly been no I actually I want to say it's been on the Google home I actually did a video asking at 107 questions like a road oh yeah yeah it continuous asking 107 questions I had my son onto that one because I wanted to see how how far can I go right I mean it's like you can have maybe one or two three maybe but as long as you didn't go into a yes or no or a specific like a something that was more than a yes or no I take that back it's more if you ask it like so yeah to answer you something that's a little bit long it for some reason loss thing but as long as you kept short questions and commands like you can combine things we've had it for some time and but is that just for asking questions or you could also say like a G turn on that light yep you could do that on top of you and let's say you wanted to play music you can tell it to play the song set the volume and then turn on it go to tell it to turn the lights on in this room turn off the lights and that saying okay G without having saying it as those are is now new no because I've not been able to do that on mine maybe I just haven't what what the new thing about it was that now it's computationally being done on device yeah Oh gone faster that's what yeah and that's what they demoed on it the girl was on like spit firing questions one after another and I'm like wow and at the end she showed us she was on Wi-Fi yeah so it was like but like the way that they presented on stage I like that a lot because it was showing what you were saying beside the pill which oh the transcribe function yeah which I thought was great because like you'd be able to see in real-time contextually based upon what app you're in how your voice and how what you're saying actually applies to what you're trying to do which made perfect sense to me I loved it that part of the keynotes by the only part that I really enjoyed because I want to use that I personally do like I've been hearing a lot of people recently like complain about I when I was picking up this pixel 3a and we're gonna get to our mid break in a second one when I was picking up the pixel 3a there was actually somebody talking to a Best Buy Mobile like like sales person and was like what's this button over here on the side like I never use it should i and the guy goes that's big speed never use it and and she's like is it like Siri is it like Siri and he was and the guy was like yeah it's like Siri in that you shouldn't use it if you're usually like just using just use Google and I was like damn like okay but you know what I fit that description I've never used Siri I'd never use Bigsby it's always about Google assistants so when they were saying those things on stage I was like let's do it Google assistant you know let's do it this episode of the weekly is brought to you by the brave browser available now for all platforms including Android iOS Windows and Mac the brave browser is up to 8 times faster than Chrome yeah it is based on chromium so all of your plugins work it blocks ads out of the box and if you opt in to brave rewards you can earn free b80 cryptocurrency by allowing the browser to show you occasional high quality non intrusive ads so I've been using brave browser for a long time by now I actually have it on all of my computers I did a video on pocket now regarding why I like the brave browser and it really comes down to this one scream where it tells you all of the ads and all of the trackers that has blocked I don't know what's going on in the internet right now that I have over 400,000 ads blocked but that's the number I have so brave browser must be doing a pretty good job in any case you can head over to slash brave for more information now we can get into it I'm sure a lot of people are wanting to know more and more about this crazy I'm gonna call it a crazy device that was just announced by Google everyone's talking about the pixel three a and A three Axl what I call the three axle and the it is a reacts well actually if you really yeah exactly so Cogan since we haven't heard from you too much in the first segment I want to get your extended thoughts about like how you feel about this phone you're doing a day in the life today so I'm sure you have a lot of thoughts on it yeah I like this phone I I'm my biggest thing just to like cut to the chase right like is I feel like this has the good things of the pixel three and some of the bad things but I'm Way more forgiving of the bad things and I'm way more excited about the good things because it's half the price hmm like I'm having a hard time and maybe you guys tell me like I don't know I've only literally had a day with it so hear me out but and like film the entire day but like I I don't really know who I would recommend to like if you were thinking about getting a pixel like a three I would probably tell you to get the 3a and not the three and I don't know and maybe you guys tell me again why you would tell somebody get the three instead of three except for gaming that's the only thing because the processor is not it's like the frame rates are not gonna be the same Oh doesn't that using day-to-day stuff like it seems very similar if not the same a little slightly lang here but not bad like I wouldn't yeah and then I can give you a couple of tips on to why some of that lag is in there but yeah Josh do you want to try that one first do you want me to well I will say this like I do think that okay for $400 there is it's gosh it's so hard to not recommend this phone to pretty much anybody so she sends the majority the vast majority of the people and correct me if I'm wrong for the three of us that are in this podcast the vast majority of the people that we have in our lives don't actually need to be spending much on the phone because they're not gonna do the gaming they're not going to do the they're not videographers or filmmakers or photographers on the level that we are where we require all of these crazy things and phones sometimes you just want a phone that works and most people still have like some of the peripherals that most flagships are starting to sort of put by the wayside like a headphone jack and like it's it's it's great to see a back-to-basics approach I remember when all of the leaks were coming out for the pixel 3a I was scoffing the entire time I think it was last week that I actually said like do we need another pixel and everyone was like by now we have a $400 phone that actually gets so many things right and I treated the other day that I think that this phone is a great palate cleanser also I noticed that no one caught that I spelled palate wrong but it's a total powder room yeah now they now I'm gonna get to eat or everybody yeah but yeah I think it's a total palate cleanser because not not to get into any of the stuff that's still under embargo obviously I just want to say that right now it's such an in such an exciting time for phones but it's also very overwhelming so I I'm happy to have a phone that is just like here you go like just use me just use me I got you covered it's all good like if you don't if you don't ask too much of me I will give you everything you need like that's how I feel about the pixel 3 and I love it I absolutely love that about it gaming you're right Kogan and I think TK you're going to talk a little bit about the performance aspect my favorite games lag on this phone and it does it keep me from playing them no you can still play these games no problem it's just if you didn't already have a phone that was so good at performing oh so good at performance for those games you wouldn't notice it's just a little bit more of a pause that is inconceivable to most people unless you have a flagship right next to it so yeah ok no uh the some of the some of the some of the things that you know a tribute to the slightly slower performance is the fact that we also have emmc type storage in here we're not using ufs the same as other devices there's there's quite a bit of compromises that we're done a lot of us so what I've also a lot of what I thought about it after I saw the phone the first couple of days and i realistically started looking at it I know we inadvertently want to compare it to the three and the three XL right because those are the two that kind of shared the same name but I feel like this is a different category this is more because they didn't read it because I'm gonna say you know we didn't really compromise it's not downgrading it started off with the 670 it's a new category we don't have an actual presence to it this is just it's similar in name because they just didn't want to invent a new name in the middle of the year because we'll still see the fours and we'll see the DD for Excel for where do I have date for what they have to offer for four hundred bucks or four seventy depending on the model it definitely is the device that most people will if they get will be very happy with it if you are used to having a Ferrari and you drive a regular car you're gonna feel things are slower but if you're driving your car and your car is just basically like a Honda or you know your normal Toyota Honda and so on there's nothing wrong with them and getting into this car will definitely feel very comfortable and pleasantly surprised as far as performance and camera because I think that's the little hidden thing a lot of us when you recommend to people they say how does the audio how does it play it has stereo speakers it has a headphone jack it does have you know a very good camera not as many microphones but you know in the in the comparison and the US market right now we don't have another option this is actually its own category so where do you by the way that whole car analogy Cogan can't really relate it's a subway guy it's like going on the bullet train in the train to the El train so huge we we've been you know I feel like we've been lucky enough to be able to you know enjoy and use the the me obviously the higher performance vehicles and/or the higher performance devices and it is easy for us to compare but the reality is this is its own category it's not a nexus it's it's not it's an our standard pixel but it's Google's approach to say look we're gonna give you some of the best software's that we can but I'm not a better price point that you can get into and if you want more and you want some of those extra perks we have the higher end so my question still is who's this for no no no like I understand that I'd like to call us a new category I don't if I totally agree with that like it's in a mid tier like all the other mid-range is a way better job at software and camera right pure yet that's a killer in that category as far as I'm concerned what like what about you know like if I still don't know if somebody was like I'm gonna get a pixel three I might be like you're only getting that cuz you want the camera right yeah all right here save Jeff four hundred dollars like I don't write like unless they're gonna Kane that's the only thing I said any other time that you'd be like you should get the three and not the three that's what I want so where do you where do I land on like Google because the way that I I just out of this right now but it feels like Google's trying to redeem the sins of the pixel three like let's call them sins let's just say what it is because there are cues in this phone there's no knotch that's a headphone jack what else is there and I actually don't agree with many people out there who say that the build of this thing is cheap yes it's plastic but once upon a time $800 phones were all plastic so like yeah get off your high horse like that does nothing just feels really nice like it the only way that I know that the three feels better is if I have the two of them side-by-side that's exactly what happened to me yeah this my hell that I had both yeah it's when you draw the comparison is when you start having like well well look at it by itself take it as its own this is nice yeah yeah it's absolutely yeah and you know what I also said I made sure to get the smaller one because because honestly I've been always picking the big ones I have that 10 I have the iPhone 10s max I have the pixel three XL now Scott I'm kind of sick of big phones if I'm if I'm absolutely honest like I totally get that everyone wants like all of this screen that's why gestures are a thing that's why curved displays are a thing that's why notch lists phones or mechanical front-facing cameras or whatever you want to call like the reno like i get it those are all such beautiful phones but come on like if it's really hard for me to switch what account I'm using on Gmail it doesn't detract from the overall experience and that's that's just my thing maybe I got small hands I'm giving everyone on Twitter a bunch of fodder to make fun of media today maybe I got small hands but you know what like there are people out there with small hands alright so who cares but yeah I I personally am so happy with with with the experience that I've had so far like did either of you do camera comparisons just yet with the original pixel or with any other phones like where do you that okay so Cogan's yeah that's your bread and butter yeah exactly so what were some what were some what did you find out in that testing or any sneak peeks you can give us yeah exactly yeah so like I'm still literally like as soon as we're done here I'm running back to my office to finish editing this video um but like so far like it it's so we are missing the Google where they call it visual the visual core is not there yeah we it's not there but like putting that put this the photos from this side by side with the three and you'd have a hard time telling like this it's it's like 95% there and so like that's pretty again cool to me and again like further fuels this whole like I'm not sure why you'd get a pixel three but yeah I mean in and that's the same camera that's always kind of you know kind of eat down against all of the other cameras anyway right like and and yes it like over not over processes it does what it thinks a photo editor would do to the photo immediately and that's why a lot of us would look at it and straight out of the camera go this looks better to me um and they do a good job of that with their software yeah but like yeah I mean that's this one does the same thing as the regular pixel so like I don't know that's that's amazing for 400r Jesus do you miss having other lenses cuz that's another thing the pixel is like pretty squarely the only phone that has the one lens and is like we got this yes I do I like having multiple lenses because well because also people like us they're used to having multiple lenses on a real camera and we're like having a telephoto where I can actually like zoom in and out and not like you know pinch-to-zoom pixelated crap I do miss that yeah for sure but what I mean honestly if you take the photo with this it's still like the end of the day like the photo that comes out of this if you yes you have less framing options right but like the photo that comes out is still gonna look really damn good yes so as long as you can find any of the moment guys out in IO did you the Marlins go I did see it is usually around for these things I remember when the pixel 3 was announced they were giving away cases on this phone let's help you out you know like I love those guys but yeah I should maybe look into some omen lenses too because that's kind of cool yeah totally I don't know if yet for this but I do have a solution for that that I'm not gonna say here but I'll talk about some other time but in any case the yeah right so when lens also on the front so there were a number of tweets and Instagram posts saying that the wide-angle lens on the pixel 3 about the 3a because there's they don't have it here people kind of miss it and I get where that's coming from but like this is a level of attention to detail that I feel Google has been missing for a little while the fact that they don't have a wide-angle lens on the front but they made sure that this lens was right in the middle of the focal length of the two lenses yeah I was like two millimeters off of both super cool like III don't know why but that made me smile I was like cool I like that I was like you got me [Laughter] today any thoughts on the on the phone you have well you have both so like do you have do you have a preference between the larger one and the three a I so I personally like the the larger one for a couple of reasons the display but also the battery we there's a big difference between battery on both of these guys the three the small one I think you guys have is like 3000 milliamps and the other ones like 3,700 so it's yeah so to me I I I really find it very interesting how such a small bit difference can bump it up so high but the overall battery life has been really good we're running it with Android Q for the last you know actually as I got it out of the box I just put Q on it right away because the experience for me I wanted to see some of the new like the transcribe functionality some of the stuff that they talked about I and it's really nice I think overall for for what it offers I think it's a great phone that I have no problem recommending for the price point nothing against again like you guys were saying if you want the horsepower you have the three in the three XL but if you if you're just an average user kind of like a I would say like a Chromebook almost experience you don't need the full PC setup it definitely does a really good job I like it and and I like some of the new features it does run a little bit smoother on cue in my opinion at least then when it ran on pipe just what are they yeah someone's calling me I'm the host and I'm the one messing up today podcast man silence and things where is that I don't even know where that's coming from hold on yeah okay cool all right so it's funny um total tangent but yesterday when I was driving back home from my office there was an Amber Alert going off and I couldn't reach the phone in my trunk so it had that really really uh uncomfortable buzz going off for like a 20 minute drive it was bad all right sorry about that guys okay I want to add wait is that who just called you it was 800 number so I have to do with the AMBER Alert I thought maybe like the lost person finally called you gonna say the one less wrinkled I wanted to add to this though because we are we're all pretty much in agreement that this is this is a pretty compelling device especially at its price point Google is basically doing the Xiaomi thing and creating a phone and selling it at the cost because I would imagine that this phone is roughly 400 ollars to make maybe viously less than that but it's what my point is it's not a $700 phone with $400 specs so yeah but here's the thing I just mentioned Xiaomi I see a lot of people that were talking on my pixel 3a unboxing video saying like the problem with this phone is that it only really makes sense the West it's a 400 ala phone everyone's going to be recommending it in Canada in the US but here in like Southeast Asia in India we have so many phones that are even cheaper than this and so many phones that are just a little bit more expensive than this that provide way way more but they're just talking about specs like at the end of the day I mean this I think this because I had the same things in my comments to like this phone for $400 is gonna provide a killer software and camera right like that to me is you know it gives it like a little bit of a step up on the Yummy's of the world like I'm sorry years of support security that's right like and cue coming and like I don't know there's there I think this is now like the pixel for outside of the West in a way right like I think it's probably what they're going after because you're there as like as far as the West is concerned anywhere that has like subsidized phones like we all do this is $15 a month the real the real pixel pixel three is you know 22 seven right so like it's not pixel for us either because for you $7 you might as well get the high-end whatever like nobody ever buys the low tier phone in the United States right because it's so easy to get to the next tier it doesn't matter yeah you look an iPhone is $30 for the iPhone 10 right 10s right so I don't know I don't know if I agree with that I think I think this phone stands out on its own and $400 phone I think it competes with those other guys no CK no you you do you do a lot of work with like the the honors of the world in the huawei we all do just work with the law ways of the world when then unless you know I think about Huawei doesn't necessarily have a budget phone but Xiaomi there's one they do the honor and both honor and why we do have the budget line it's the kyod the best way to describe it's what we used to get here in the US the ex model like you know the 7x da the 6x and the 5x Alaska like the last few devices they released Huawei has a summer one I forgot the name of it but it's a similarly basically but that one's was in the mid Ranger that's more of a budget budget friendly like the 200 the sub $200 a category yeah I think I think what David has with the approach you're right you have to look at it from the sense of the it's kind of like the service plan right you're not just buying the car you're buying car how long can you get it keep it running not having the ability of getting the upgrade from you know PI to Q and the security updates and so on beyond the first year beyond the second year and going into the third year does kind of factor in the overall price of a phone if you're considering to keep it more than a year obviously you know you have to kind of look what you're trying to get is it a direct I would say it's not different I wouldn't say it's necessarily a shoe-in for outside markets like Asia and specifically in India because it's actually more expensive weird enough it's not four hundred the equivalent of that I think I saw him wearing one of my response was more expensive it's almost like important whatever I'm assuming it's somebody their taxes or so on but it actually cost more and that's why people are comparing it to the Xiaomi of all all things I see that in the comments and tweets I think I think the last one that I saw actually was in India it's the equivalent of 575 exactly yeah it was over 500 all over there to us for the 3/8 yeah yeah so it makes its its no it doesn't make sense right so for them it's it's a little bit harder it's still cheaper than if you had to go with the regular pixel but when you look at it from the overall experience and how much their pocket is having to take you know responsibility for yeah I can see why they'd have a hard time but it you have to use it you have to see the camera you have to use the and realize what you're getting for that in with the back up behind it and all the improvements because we will get more improvements I think there's also a new video mode time-lapse that's coming out to a specifically the 3a have it yeah yeah it just came and it's gonna well yeah other devices will have it soon but and I saw just that like I totally agree with you like I think that's that's something they have to think about also the software is better right like I'm sorry like Johnny specs amazing yeah really cool and it's like you know five something right that's cool but like I don't know like I'd still this camera is gonna do a better job period I don't care what Sony sensor you're using right like this is just out if you're just like out of the box taking a photo boom like this is still gonna do better than a lot of those and then also software wise like I would much then like any of those all right even wise gotten better like let me not say Mui but like some of those other ones I like there there you eyes are trash and on that you have a fair point like like they're a little probably more geared towards those specific tastes of other markets then say these are agreed totally yeah but like even like performance wise this is this is smooth compared you know I don't know I like stock Android we're gonna call this stock ender it's not but yeah beautiful launcher basically it's all yeah yeah I agree i I've come to really enjoy some of the other operating systems though but then again the ones that we really enjoy are starting to become more available so I mean I guess what I'm about to say it's kind of moot but like oxygen OS oxygen OS we tend to yeah oxygen that's where my favorite ones that's not pixel yeah I actually like that it's minimal I don't know million yeah I actually like me you I now I yeah I used to hate it too EMU I still not a fan oh just got better yeah that's true yeah angry no no all right go find a choice like this UI over that you might yeah for sure alright cool well it looks like we're all pretty much in agreement with when it comes to the pixel 3a all enjoying it so far but of course it's not the only phone that we're hearing a lot more of in these coming weeks can't talk about them but there's a lot coming like everyone we're all gonna be traveling one way or another in the next two three weeks so there's a lot happen okay yeah we're always increasing we're all going to the one plus event without right all three of us I'll be there you'll be there all right sweep so maybe yeah well yeah it's like a few days away it's crazy man in any case we are all going to see each other next week and hopefully we'll be able to get together to do a live not really alive but like a in-person podcast with everybody as we tend to do during these events in any case that we'll go ahead and do it for this edition of the weekly I'm gonna go ahead and let the two of you tell everybody where they can find you let's start with TK so pretty easy just look for a TK BAE vay on Yin you know YouTube Instagram and well of course on Twitter that's easy way eidetic co-developers all over the place they're always good to have you on today thank you and also great to have a the Kogan on let everybody know where they can find you as well yeah I'm at the unlocker with Annie missing in the word unlocker and on Twitter Facebook just all the socials really like just you just type that into any of them and generally I'll show up actually even if you spell it correctly yeah I was gonna say bring you up hopefully oh that's true yeah let's put in a quick I'm gonna put in a quick plug to hey when's your day in the live video coming out is gonna be today or is it gonna be yeah oh sorry it's really funny on the screen you look like you're looking at TK yeah I'm trying to get it up today I have a phone call in a little bit but hopefully hopefully tonight tonight if not early tomorrow morning that'll be from you more likely all right cool well make sure you check that out I'm sure Cogan will have a lot of great insights on the pixel 3a in that case but yeah look forward to even more about those phones and all of the phones that are gonna be coming out fairly soon there's so many things going on in any case you can find me all over social media at JV tech T you know me I'm JV I love tech and I love to drink me some tea pocket now is at pocket now on twitter facebook Instagram and YouTube in English in espanol where you can find more news on the pocket out daily and pocket now add audio every weekday catch up with what the weekly is talking about ed slash podcasts also make sure your voice is hurt make sure you make your voices heard by emailing us podcast at we would certainly appreciate your feedback through reviews and ratings on Google Apple Spotify overcast or wherever you might be streaming us because without you we would not be able to make this show every single week TK David Cogan thank you so much for coming on for this week's episode we will see you all next week in our next episode see you later guys you
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