Google's Android M, iOS Proactive, LG Nexus comments & more - Pocketnow Daily Recap
Google's Android M, iOS Proactive, LG Nexus comments & more - Pocketnow Daily Recap
welcome back hymen always providing the
best videos along with morning coffee
and thanks but that someone say coffee
anyone else realized that I'm has an
Apple watch Apple watch that's not like
I'm if you imagine if I bed Morgan
Freeman had a rap battle I'd love to say
that that's right it's that time of the
week I am high never even on this is
pocket now and this is the pocket now
daily recap the last week so on Monday
asked you what name would you get
Android M as we had an android app code
name in addition to an update policy we
have fourteen hundred and sixty-seven
comments thanks a lot guys out of which
one of them says android Michael Fisher
and yeah I'll vote for that an emphasis
Let It Be Android McDonald so at least
now they can deliver the update faster
Game Boy Marcus says android eminem's as
they dip with KitKat making another deal
with Mars and that could be the case of
Google is not necessarily using pastries
anymore so hey the sky's the limit but
on Tuesday ask you what specific
features when you look for and Nexus
devices as we have rumors that we are
getting an LG Nexus and we've been
covering that for weeks we have 116
comments out of which tie go says it
would be very happy with waterproof
larger battery and better camera I agree
with all your points waterproof
specifically that would be cool and
Derrek Lee says I would like a screen
smaller than 6 inches that was my main
turnoff for the Nexus 6 and turn off
sounded like something else but I agree
Brandon says how about a new Nexus 5
with premium materials 52 5.3 inch quad
HD display 2.5 p glass Snapdragon 808 to
keep the cost down besides it doesn't
take much to run stock thirty-two
hundred million Bauer at battery a mole
and what did I miss you didn't miss
anything just the free price tag on ones
they asked you how important is google
now for you as rumors are that iOS 9 is
bringing something called proactive
which sounds like a medication but is
actually a new version of iOS 9 that
competes with google now we have 741
comments out of which Gibran says iphone
already has google now it's called
google now and yes it is but it's not as
cool or as you
full as it is for Android or at least as
integrated and that's a problem lauren
says just another thing Apple will be
borrowing from Android let's see if this
goes the same way as widgets went on iOS
nowhere and you have a good point which
is can be pretty much useless on iOS but
then again they also stall on Android
dude yes and SG says Google now makes
Android for me its major selling point
and I have to agree with you google now
is probably one of my favorite features
but it's not the same for every country
that is something that will needs to fix
but yeah it is one thing that could make
iOS better if they figured it out on
Thursday ask you what was your favorite
android and feature as a google i/o had
just happened then we got everything
announced we have 332 comments out of
which one of them says fingerprint
scanner and android pay i have to agree
with you i love fingerprint scanners
they're probably one of the things that
I look for most in a phone and the fact
that it's now integrated to the core OS
was definitely a big winner and why says
google photos is fantastic probably one
of my favorite announcements at i/o and
that was also one of my favorite
features in it it's extremely cool very
useful and free manera co says at
permission something really need it
since most of us do not want to let my
apt track us or have personal
information a lot of commenters didn't
really agree with you particularly but
then again it's because the feature
already existed to a certain degree the
problem for me is that for example in
Google now if you don't allow it to
track you it won't give you all the
information that it's so cool for so you
know it seems as if Google still tries
to find a way to get you to given
permission and that's really a problem
and finally on Friday I asked you if you
care about what screen multitasking as
we were expecting it on Android M and
it's there but it's hidden we have 30
min 71 comments out of which acid Oh
says some people don't like split screen
and that's great just give us an opinion
or just give us an option sorry allow
split screen yes or no and yeah that's
the way it should be you should be given
an option to split your display or not
and the problem is that since it's not
built into the core OS right now not all
apps work with it and not all apps are
optimized to work well with it when it
comes to samsung code master Simon Says
yes I wish I had split-screen
multitasking fee
cheers on my one plus one it has a big
screen 5.5 inches so I do feel that it
would be useful so I could do some
serious multitasking I also wish for
someone handed mode and yeah whenever
you have a large display of phablets I
feel that it should be a standard i
agree with you definitely and finally
robert banish says i have a note for and
i have never used two eps at the same
time it makes them small and hard to
operate Samson has done this better
particularly on the note for note edge
actually applications work well and it
can be really cool if you're navigating
and want to do something else but again
the problem is and the main thing that
we want is to have this work across the
whole operating system that would be
cool that's it for the pocket out daily
recap thank you very much for watching a
couple tips if you want your comments
the featured number one keep them short
number too sick to the point number
three try to get some thumbs up and up
to spot them a lot easier you can also
follow us on social media so structure
youtube channel as well you can follow
me on twitter i underscore any better
please give this video a thumbs up if
you liked what you saw i am high never a
better thank you very much for watching
we'll see you next week
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