hey guys it's brandon minuman from
pocketnow.com and in this video we're
going to talk about the all-important
internet experience on the HTC hd2 we
now have pinch to zoom in opera mobile
and it really works quite well and with
the Snapdragon processor things are
quite fast uncharacteristically fast of
windows mobile so let's start off let's
go to the internet tab and spend a
second there and as we talked about in
previous videos when you save a favorite
to this screen you'll get a little
thumbnail which is really fantastic so
let's start off by launching the browser
you're going to see help pretty darn
fast it comes up this is using opera
mobile 9.7 not 9.5 so they've added some
features to this here we are on google
but it's not very fancy let's go to
pocket now that common and take a look
at sort of how fast things load better
yet I'm just going to go through my
favorites that makes a lot more sense
doesn't it and here it comes right now
we're over a Wi-Fi network coming
through extremely fast actually we're
probably going to be under 10 seconds
and and there comes it was about 10
seconds of course we have the screen
rotation which is extremely fast and
let's look at that pinch to zoom here we
go it works great and it reads the
column so that you can see the text very
nicely in the column let's move around
on the screen kind of quickly and see if
we get any checkerboard pattern so far
we don't maybe a little bit over there
that was one of the problems with a lot
of devices running Opera Mobile is that
they have the checkerboard pattern but
because we're running with such a fast
processor you really don't get that that
much in this browser of course you can
still do the double tap to zoom in if
you want to resize a column that way or
as I mentioned a second ago you can do
the pinch to zoom to do the same thing
okay so let's go to another website and
see how it looks let's go to say amazon
okay that was about four seconds
extremely fast and we can browse around
the web page as if it were a desktop
page let's go click on something let's
click on looks like i already did let's
see what we're taking now okay we are on
the kindle page now comes they're very
very fast i want to go somewhere else
let's go to all departments here we are
already of course it's just a text page
let's go to their laptops and netbooks
page I'm just flying through these pages
it's an extremely fast browser the
fastest i've seen on windows mobile
perhaps faster than the iphone we're
going to do a comparison of the speed
test in just a minute let's go to one
more webpage something a little bit more
complex let's go to engadget because
they have a really long page and let's
see how this device does there and we're
going to go back into portrait because
engadget is more so formatted for
portrait screen and again the screen
rotation when you tilt it enough just
wrap it fast i know it's hard to see
that but it's very very fast okay here
we are Engadget's already loaded no
flash support in Opera Mobile 99.7 still
we're actually going to demonstrate
skyfire in just a sec so here we are an
engadget and we can flick quite easily
scroll in with a little pinch and zoom
and we do get a little bit of
checkerboard when we try to go extremely
fast but it's it's definitely much
better than than other devices out there
and let's just click on a headline so
we're taken to another story to zoom in
a little bit there it goes
all right here we are and let's go to
landscape fullscreen browsing full
desktop fidelity this is beautiful and
it's it's it's really great to see on a
windows mobile device just a fantastic
web browsing experience okay before we
do a speedtest with the iphone and we're
also going to do it with another windows
mobile device let's take a look at
skyfire because this device will only
run on edge in the united states so
skyfire having that extra speed is
really a really good thing to have so
let's go to the start menu and go all
the way what a little choppy here and
let's get down to sky fire and it loads
skyfire extremely fast and let's just
take a look how this will render pages
let's go this time to New York Times
calm okay it's kind of awkward typing
like this New York Times calm and go
looks didn't actually it go there we go
and it'll probably come up in about five
seconds knowing sky fire
okay there was a little bit longer than
I thought of course skyfire won't do
landscape because it's not really a
native program but here you can see
skyfire performs extremely well we can't
pinch to zoom unfortunately because
again this is not a native application
but we can zoom in through this little
you know plus button here and here we
are and it's not as smooth as opera
mobile flick scrolling wise but it's
definitely tolerable and if you're
running this over edge you're going to
want to use skyfire to get those faster
web page load times so let's do a
comparison between this device and the
iphone 3gs everyone's got to compare it
to the iphone 3gs so we'll do it here
right now okay so here we are with the
iphone 3gs and the hd2 both of them are
on the same Wi-Fi network and let's see
how fast they launch the web browser I
know the 3gs is going to be faster with
the initial lunch but let's see how it
does with the page load time so the tap
here and I'm going to actually tap the G
it's going to go right to google com and
so is opera mobile 9.7 let's do it okay
as suspected the the iphone was much
faster it looks like the hd2 wasn't too
far behind you really get a sense for
the the difference in screen size here
it's really quite fantastic let's go
into landscape real quick so you can get
a better sense for that okay so there we
go so let's go to a website and see
which device gets there first okay so
we're going to do TechnoBuffalo on both
of these and I'm going to speed the
camera up so that you don't have to sit
there and wait okay so ready set and go
Wow up it looked like the hd2 finished
but is it he had finished although it
still has yet finished it beat the
iphone 3gs that is great let's try it
again with another website or actually
let us looks like they're showing
different content here that's kind of
weird let's click on the same headline
and let's pinch to zoom pinch to zoom
all right ready set go and you really
really get to see how the massive screen
resolution of the hd2 has a much a great
effect on the viewing experience right
now the hd2 is kind of lagging although
I think I actually missed the link I
didn't actually hit it so let's do a
different test let's go to a different
website so here we are on the same site
and I kind of want to give you an idea
of the viewing experience because I
think you're going to find that the
viewing experience on the hd2 kills the
iphone so I'm just going to move around
at the same time can you get a lot more
on the screen everything looks actually
a little bit smaller here because you
don't get full screen there's still the
notification bar and this bar at the
bottom and we can go to the right
although this actually automatically
fits to the width but this stays zoomed
in a little bit and if we go to the
bottom of the page to gaming and we
pinch to zoom pinch to zoom and let's
tap on a link see which one gets there
looks like the hd2 actually won again so
let's move around a little bit we can
double tap here double tap here what
actually hit the device in the upper
left corner double tap here moves very
fast we can double tap again to zoom out
again and likewise on the iphone let's
get to another product and zoom in zoom
in zoom in and it looks like the hd2
zooms in faster now finally let's
compare the flick scrolling of a really
long website again we're going to go to
a tech website this time gizmodo and I'm
going to have to get to thee
alright so we've got gizmodo loaded on
both these devices take a look at the
screen rotation speed I'm going to tilt
the camera up just a little bit these
papers out of the way and let's see what
we have looks like the hd2 is faster
let's try this again iphone was faster
there and one more time I know it looks
about the same there's that screen
rotation on the iphone that kind of buys
it a little bit of time so let's get a
little bit closer and let's kind of
flick quickly down the page and see sort
of which device has it best so we try to
do this at the same time they have a
little different screen feels let's do
it really fast ok so the browsing
experience is very similar we're getting
a little bit more checkerboard on the
hd2 but I'm really enjoying having a
extremely full screen experience on here
compared to the iphone where you really
need to get in closer in order to to see
any text at all so you know it's really
hard to determine which browser is
better Safari on the iphone 3gs or upper
mobile 9.7 on the hd2 i'm going to say
that the hd2 browser is as good as the
iphones browser which is crazy to say
because for so long the iphone has had
the best web browser of any mobile
device page load times are sometimes
faster sometimes slower on the hd2
flipping down the page is sometimes
faster sometimes not I think the hd2
gets a lot of points for this gorgeous
full screen web experience on this
massive display but the iphone you can't
beat it in terms of loading speed and in
terms of jumping from site to site
really quickly so if web browsing is of
a concern for you know that the hd2 has
a really incredible web browsing
experience that absolutely rivals the
iphone and in some respects is even
better so that's it for the internet
test will be back soon with more
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